PR 03/22/1965Page 1. RSC&BATi�1 t)OM�fI3SI0N I�STiNG NIINOTSS - MARCtl 22, 1965 � The March maeting of the B�scrsatib ���� SaagsteredActingaChafTmano�M� in the Jr, High lbachers' LounBe Y Membere Psesent: Sangster� Samps�. Jotmso+►. Graeff� Svasd Othera Preaent: Paul Srown. Bill Frantc of the Fridlay Little Leagueo MINp1gg pg 'rHg MBgTipG a+ F�BUA&Y 23, 1965: The minutes oE the meetiag of February 23, 1965 wers approved aa cometade BILL FSANK. FRIDLSY LITTI.S LBACa06: Th�e Little l.eague pro8rem has been ezPanded and �+ill utilise tw fisl8e, one on Sast Rivar 8oad and the N�1 field at ths Commons. Would like Lo inciude a progr� Por boys 13 - 15 ysars old but might have difficulty raiaing t� additional lunds needad for this program. Wonld also o�ad aa additioaal fisld !or thia gcoup Lo p1aY �• H+�+g f� °en'rh° would be willin►g to eoach snch tsams if tms Recreation Commiseion vould aponsor a baseball program for thia age groupo The Commissioa will coa►sidar such a progrea and notifq Mse Frank, BSPORT FBOM 17� PA&K COtfi'aTlSS: n The Comnittee withdrew ttiair req�st E�r a full tima Park Maintenance mane Yanl Brown has vorlced out a liat of projeeta for the Boy Scouts end ethsc groups intereated in Park aaintenance and coneervatia►. Boy 8cout 14�oop 319 ►�8 d�pB some werk in the Fridleq Parks. Constrnctia► oP the Beach House haa been approved and the Iow bid ot $14,160,00 has been acceptedo Membars of the Am8T1C8I1 LBgi.� diacnssed a spesd skating proBram with the Camittne. BSPORT FROM Tti6 3CHOOL SOA$D• '14ie Sodool Board appoiatsd Mne Joaoue Jo�on to ths Becraatia� Co�isaion to fill out the tarm ot Mno Valaris Nelaon ending Dece�Dar, 1965. District 14 mai.li eonstruct a ewissing pool in tUe Jr. iiigh School. Jr. HiBh addition vill be completed in L� fall oi 1966. BBPOBT BR�1 PAIIL BBOWli: The Playgrawd Program WS.11 Pollw the 1965 achedule aa bud�sted. Psogram will utiliae the SxA pnPPet Pi'oB='� and tha SBA Crafts program. The Day Camp will De run im m�junctioa xith the Playgrntmd Program ia or�r to dev�elop eathoaiasm for a full-tins Day Camp< Sa�sball aga raages ai.11 be raclatailicd as follaro: T- ball - 7� 8 ynar�. pee i/ee - 9& 10 yaars. Wb� - 11 8� 12 years. Juaiors - 13 - 15 paars. Svard moved t6at Panl Broun vork out the cost of a baseball progrma conducted at fa�r areas, Comon�. Bivervood. Rice Crealc a� Capitol ��8�s. =or ages /'1 7� 12 years and a Jmior '1V�i.light Prograa at the Co�►s far eonsideration — followiag the Joint Mnetfag, March 29, 1965. 3acondad by Sampsa►• Passed. n /� /'\ Page 2. &SCBSATION COlY�ff33I0N t�BTiNG MLNUTBS � MABCH 22. 1965 Begiatrati� datee Por all atimer programe r+ill ba MonBay - Priday, May 10 - 14; 3atusdaq. May 15; Monday - Fridaq, Maq 17 - 21. Adult softball regiatratian will ba Monday - Friday. April 26 -30, Dpn Meyer will not be returning as Beach Mraetor this evmm�r, lia has recommended eavaral qualifiad rsplacemeutso A oew Hnach Director will be aeoursd alon� with Plaqgrow�d Program persoaaal. Fridley Qwrus rngistration faes should be chan�led through Citq ttall. Paul Brown will check the legality oP vaiwr slips and for�laLe plans for the Pridley Fastivale ib wi.11 secure bids for ths beach sticbsre and shirts Eor tha Playgrwmd Leaders. MB&GBS Oi+ PARR (�4JL1TB8 AIIID RS(RSAIZON t�Ol�4�IISSION: Jack Dunphy hae sant letter of inquiry to Wyman Smith, City Attorney. concerning the legal aepects of Eorui.ng a single committsa. lhis' item will be discueaed at the joiat meeting, March 29, 1965. NBRT N�BTING: Mondaq, April 26y 1965, Joint Mceting: Moadaq. Lounge, AD,ADUBNI�NT• 7:30 P.M, at the Jr. High '1�eachera' Lounge. March 29. 1%5, 7:30 P,M. at ths Jr. High 1laachera° The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Sespectfully aubmiLted: Jackie Svard Sacretary to the Oommiseion Page i. PABRS AND PLAYGRODNDS ST]B-CONbII1TS8 I�SSTLI�X'i MINDIBS - MABCH 15, 1965 � T6e mesting vas ealled to order at 8:00 P.M, by Chaisman Hugl�ae at tAe City tlall. Membere Praaent: Hughes. Skjarvold. Danlin, Samp�oa. Cochran Othen Preaeat: Bob &oeacrans - Fridley Legia►, Larry Hamer ° Fridley Legi� 8on Rinkol - Fridley Legion� BuA 3momsr - Fridlay Lsgion Joen Johneon - League of Women Votsra. Bill Frant - Little I.eague. C. P. Sheridan - Little Leagna, Paul Bram - Parks - Racreatia► DLrsctor BBPOBI9: A, tluahes: Planaint[ Coumissioa Aetivities Moti� by Da►lin, secoaded by Smpson: That a requsst for a Pnll time park maintenanca man as par �tion oE Jannary 18, 1965 bn withdravm with tha caisideratian for employment of wch a parson thia iall and tLet budget considsration be givaa for 1%6. Motia� carried. B, Sampson: Becreatioa Commiasioa Activities Commiasion racommsnds developmsnt o! moze skating rinka. Colambia Aeights is goiag to coastruct a naw achool in Fridley. C. Brma►: Work in Proaress and Planned Boy Scout 1Yoop 319 hee done soms work in tds Pridlay Parke. A liet oP wock projects will be made available to groups intecestsd in aork in parka. ^ An ofEice hae been provi�d for tbe Park Mrector in the City Hali. ThinSa to bs dare: Commons• Fili has basa brought in and will be distributsd. Tkue back stop vill be put in on n�bsr four diamond. 1+ao back •tops havs to be put in to fulfill are previoua agreement with the 3chool Soard. Planks are nesded for roofing a� aall as shesting for �epair oP the dugouts. Diamonda ahould be in shape for the A tquad pr�ogram. Lighta on diama►ds atill be turnad back on by Bacon Slectric as soon as WeaLdsr pare�iLS. Park be�hea will be placed in the perka as saoa as possible and ot6nr apparatus wiil also be in place as soon as posaiDle. Sand vas not placnd on tha ice at Moore Lake thia Winter and vaati►er nov doea not appear to psrmit ehis. Soua sand will be plaeed on the baach propsr. Ttr Fridley Sehool District anticipates buildiag m indoor pool for school use. Beach House lbore Lake: /1 llie C�mcil at a masting of Mareh 15, 1965 1►a� apprrnred the c�stsuction of � the Heaeh Honse aad accep�d the low bid oP =1Y,160.00 Prom Drea Schanr toi.th a 90 day cawpletion estisate. Fage 2. PI►IIR�3 AtiD PLAYf80DND8 S�-OOI�I�LT�B l�Tilifi lIINIT188 - 1�lASCN 15. 1965 ^ (Conttaubed� MotLon bq Donlin, sseonded by Skjarvold: Inetruct Park Director to contact City Bngineer to cauplste sewer and vatnr ca�necti�s to Beaeh Houae at sariisst pomsible time. Motim carrisd. OLD BA4INSS3: RSPOE� T F O�,M AI�BSCAN LSC�IOGi: The American Legiot► has reqns�tsd tdet the Parka and Playgrounds Sub-Comitt.ee construet a siz lap tract on Moose Lake gor nse n�xt Winter in a epesd akating program. Tde Anerican 1.e$ioa showed ali,des of ipsed skating rinks in varions areas, sAaring lighting aud an ice abwar ia use by the Mia�apolis Park Hoard. Skaters in the apeed s&ating program ase insared through tha Spaed Skating Association. The Aeaociation Would be responaible f� slcaters ia mestsa The I.egion feels thst t6ere would be a great deal of pnblicity Eor Fridleq dun to apeed skating. Mr. Hamer will hs available to teach akating to ronngetera in an affort to pxomote interest in tha projset. T1� fnll price of a ehaaer ii appsozimately =700:00 if purchased. �o+raver a n shavar em ba � E+� canaid.rably lssa. Lighte vould'be used about lour houra per veek ezelusiw of rests. The Lagion aouid not erpect axtra suparvisorq personnal to p�rotact tl� rink. Naitt�r the Legiou nor the Sub-Coomittas ie comitted Lo a dafinite prngram at thia tioe. Li1`fI.E IEAGti6 BSPRBSSNTATIV63: The plans for a proposed complex of thses Littla Lsagns Diam�ds !or Locke Park. The diamoads will be located in the SoutMoest exrnar oP tlrs Park. The Little Ie ague aatid likt to laaas tha land apprmdmately 11.32 acrae for ten yreara i! possible, T4e Little League would anticipate cas►strucLioa of block dugouts and a coacessim stand. also chain tink fencing. The 3ub-Ce�ittee is not in a position to malcs a dsfiaits e�mittmant for tde laod at this tios. Fos nse ot diamonds this 3�uer tl►e Littln League is nferred to Park DireQWr Hrovne, lJIPUTBS OF P�aDA&Y 16. 19b5: Approved as mailed. ].00&6 PABR• ^ The Director vill chsck into pracautians to be taken during N333D cautructian and wili alao get acoe idea aa to a time table Eor the constructiw► ao thet wa can do our work for iopsovess4t oE park faeilitiae. Motion by S�psan. sec�dad by Da►lin: Thst t�a Snb-�ittse requast a l�g range plan for devalopasnt o� Locice Bark frca 1bc�ae Aodae, Aieociates. Motion carriado Page 3. PAR&S AND P1AXC�t0UND3 SDB-001�TfiTT68 I�SSTiNG AffNO� - 19ABCEi 15, 1965 (Contiaued) � PBI�IT7C IS3T: The discusaion of prioritias atll be deEsrred to a later meeting� keepin8 1.n mind rivnr Prait devaiopment. Mr. Bro�+a arill look into tha ts� aceas so ttut we mey give tt� planaer ma�e details. NSGI BD$INBS$ • 19b6 Budget dus to CiCy Manager Jwee 1� 1965, Skating facilities: Hockey, Speed Skatingo Heaovation of Locke Park. Adequate aatering Eacilitise for pnrks. Comm�e ia particulare Development of river front parkso Purchase oP major equipmenL: Trnck. Sestoration oY 1965 Bwdget cute Flannery. Sroad and 8ugo. and Melody Manor. Fencing and improvementa for property at Capital and Hughas. Fiil and grade for West Moore I.ake area. Upgrading of lighting facilitiss at soft ball diaronda. Pesmanent fencing Eor ths diamaa►da at the Comma�a. ADJO�NT: Ttta meeting adjourned at 12t15 A,M, �. B68QBCtfully 611bmitt6d: Christian &. Skjarvold II 3ecretary to t6e 3ub-Co�itue 1'