PR 03/29/1965HINO�S 08 JOINT Dgi2I� 0!' S� !'AIDLSY BBCR8A2201t CQ�488I� AND T� PAYKS
� PLAy�01�ID8- aU8"CQ!!=1'�e a SS �RIDIEY Y�ING CC!lQSSIO�, MASCH 29-1965
The maeting vas eallad to order at 8;15 P.M, in the Jr. High Teacber�' I.a�u�e
b' 1lr. Dunpby. Chaitmn of th� $ecreation Camis�ion.
M�sb�rs of U» Parks aad pla��rawda Sub-Ca�ietes Yr�reat: �ghea, Cochran,
IEra. Sa�ryson.
Mas�ss of the Yscreatiae Co�iutoa Pss�aat: Dunppp, Csaefi, Sangstsr, Mrs.
Sa�son, t�a. dobnson, Mra. Sward.
Oeh�ra Prasant: Paul Esaa. Park aad Aecraation Diractor.
A latt�s iroa tlu Anoka County park Chaisuua ras r�cafvad and r�ad in ansMar
co an inquiry from Jack DunpL� regardin� the acquisitiom aud dewlop�ent of
eha Ho� Seout Casp.
�. HIGH SCHOO� siilMllNC YoOQ.s
Jack DunpDy vaudered about tia lssaliey of tbe City of Fsidlq busia� a poreion
o! th� aost of the Jr. Hi=h Sv3aiog pool �o aa to ntilise thi� pool b� all tLs
s�tidents of t6a City.
Ths gswp falt tt roald be deairaAla to hev� soe� coopasation or �gtswsat M-
^ tvNn the sc600l board and tht City statia� tl�t a cestain asa�nt oi tlas rasld
bs allote� to the City fos a Recsaation pro�rm utilisins housa aot wsd by
tla �cbool.
t6e pool ia aot oi auch sise thst it could handle tLs csavds �r wing Moore
Laks and t6e rchool disetiCt vould not ne�d a largsr facilitr.
Shs ;roup raqwetsd t6e aehool board oember to wcure infosreseioa fro� the
sehool boasd as to haM and whw the pool will be ue�d by tM rei�ool• in ordss
to tit this fuilit� into an overall Aacseatioa pmsraoa,
1�3�B8 OF YABL SOB-CG!lf�1RE6 A!�! 8BCB8ATI0� CCl�ISSI�1:
Hu�6sa �rad that w z�eeiva ehe caouniostion fsam Wy�an Ssi�h reeaoendin;
osdisaaJes chaogsa w�ded to �stsblislf a siogl� Parks and Y�cseation Ca�it�iau.
Saaond�d by S�ngatoso Pa�wd.
�tMS gsoup lelt t6at thsy vid»d to have Coamiwion statw, vith diracC ca�anicaCi�
thra�h tlw Citp Council. Alao 7 m�obasa. 1 frau asah wrd, 1 from each of t6ew
�cbool diatricts, #13, f14, �i6. aad 1 laiaon msmber witL t6s Pleaaing Camiasion.
2h� Chaitmm to b� el�ated bp tLe m�mbsrs o! ths Caosis�i�. Nuobrr� sleot�d
ior 3 �us tssw,
8�s sov�d that t!u Cbaltme b� directad to a�earia� tha d��ises of eLis ;soup
as to Lha iosaatioa o! a Park aad A.eseation Caoirsion and zayy�st t6e Cit�
P�gc G�,
AAID PLl1YG801)NDS SUB-CQ�fITTEE 0� � gqip�,(;y py�y�7II�G CQ�MISSI�e MAACH 29, 1465
� Aetosney be advised Co uec U�is st�ary to revioe the 8raft amendmencs of Chapter
24 aad 40 of tha City Code�, Seconded by Sangaeex. Paased,
Yhe followia� queation hao been formulatad for the questionalre to bcs distributad
ae the Chamber o£ Conmerce Diimer, tiarch 31, 1965: "Sil+at is gridley°s greatart
netd ia Yark Facilitiss ofr $ecreational PrograaY"
Haa requestad 4 booklete fxom the Bo� Scoat Couacil so ehat tuks undertaluen by
acouts in the Parks vill bea�fit botb the City and t6a acontsa
Pe�s colleoted fram City Chorus vl11 be channalsd throug6 the City. W311 sea
tlut all �ployefs coll�cting monay ye yonded, paivsr �Iip is bsing revised by
Wyman Smith. Officiala are covered by City Liabi2itq Insutaace.
Has coatacted S8A and zeqneatad Puppets and Craft Pragra� foz our Su�oer Playground
Compliling liat of all Park Property.
Marble Touraameat wrill be held at the Yonth Csntsr, T6nrsda'� April 1, 19650
?able Temia Touraamsat aill bs 6ald fos teenagess at the Bise Statioa, April
8 aad 13, vith #iaeia. dpril 15, 1965e
�, S�r amplo�•as ara being tecnrtd.
AD.�BT s
T6are beiag ao further buainats, t6e mastiag adjaur�d at 11:45 YaM>
8espectfully sahmittad:
.3ac�ie Svard
$lcsetary to the Rtcs�ation Caoviarion
� Hembera Preseat; Duaphy. Gsaeff, Saagater, Mra. Sampsoa, Mre. Johns�
l�rse Smard
Fe�ls it ia advisablo ::o aoaluc: eha buaeball progran ia four areas•
11�e budgat will ndoquntely handle a dcscQns:ralisod program.
San�ater ewvad ehat � adope eha baselwll progr� as discussed ae th�
tLirch 22, 1965, maetiag< Secoaded by Saopaon. Pas�sd