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PR 04/24/1965
�SAITON C�ISSIQi 1�1T[iG M�il�i8 - APBIL 24� 1%S � ti�s April mosting o! eha geeroatf,on Ccmipi� w� call�d to o�des at 7s45 P.Mo !u tLe Js. Aigh ?eacL�cs° 1ou�o bY M[o Jaek CuQP�'!, Q�aisfrne 1leeltts Prasent: SengsCas, �Lno .Totmoon� Nsso Sa�►son� D�mp67, tfnsak� 9wrd OC6�r� Paysantt Y�tl Esovn. JaCk Bixkh= � � � �TiNC �' �lYCt! 22 1�65t 1Le r�lautes o! the aNtlog o! Mareb 22, 1965 wra ayproved a� mallad. g��1xiRI � i�W ?S!l�Rs Mt. A2 IDmtah, secmttlY $PPo�t� bi* tt�e Citr Co�mcil to s�placa Wltitml cira�it, was intzoduced. RstGRT lEQi T� SCN00�. OOA�D� l�o oiiieial action vaa Wwn but it vas tho lN11a� � tla Sahool Board that EF� pool be wod to its tullaat. Yber�iose Lt vi21 b� vde a�aila0la for secroatiao programo vi�n at ali pwsibl�. Dids vlll be l�t CLis 8a11 and c000tst�tiau vi12 Msia the fall o! 1965 vit6 carpl�tios AususL. 19660 Paul iraYU aHa�uld cbslc out a s�scteatiooal pro�san utilisiaII th� s�ia�o� /'� poel. E31na haa a verp gbpci recteatioaol prugrm utilising t6eir scheel � Pooia, ttiat could aarve as an uxcellent ex�opl�. B.yos Echoei i� �ia�g to be expa�dad �3 modernisad �tasting tt� fall of 1%S and betog c.osplaCad sLe fall of I966e lhis aill o¢drpy tha pse�apt skatin� sink. Panl Srova will check oc teelocating thia skating =ink. �YQT 1RQi TRS PAR& �_ �evlewd t6� asstiva n£ 6/I9/6Se Pri�r aoasid�ration fos �cr�ation fSa�isolon is t6e moD�r o! hook� aad ikatiag rinks aud�d to caaduee their skatla� pso�sas. lAW. �,S iBP�tl� Jfa 14t�ssoa has DMS Llr�d as seaoh Dls�atos. D�tL 1�rs� Lu bpa hir�d •s firl�lof Ia�t�etor. f�vrral lif� guard� aod Yi+4� wpetviaos� vill bt lOL�1'6�o Mt7[tO� DOfIM �IY b�ilY 11�l�d i! ?1t�ji0lYid DiilCLO=• 7b0 �OZY{ �j.l'�YCCO=� ./a� ]1C� �I}.il �N 1fiY� .�10! Z• p�l �6 Y'�.i� eaataet his r�plaaw�nt as to filliat thi� positian. 11mds fsa tiM chos�u vill be turwd owr w eLe Cit�. Waiws slip hu 6�sa rvis�d br tL� Cit'r Attora�7i iTj�s 8sithe � �A?ION CQl�IISSIQQ lSB1°tNG �gg - t�pxIy 2y, I965 Psge 20 n �sach stictxes bida were as lollwat tlipsao Poster�� Inc, - $yp6,pp - 5,800 �mtte TiE�O - 646.50 - 5�800 units tfi�OSt A�dge � 409.00 - 5,£t00 unite l�xsstl a»ved thnt wo accept Che bt.d of Wipson Pottasp. Ineo of $606.00 for 5,D0�! �mita �eaeh 82ickers) emio�s g6aiior se�tts a iwn bid. 3ecoad�d by S�ngetoro Pasesd �ittc<I plaus for a puLiiaity bsochurca, Coamie�i� da�ided oot to s�od n broeLure ct ehi� ti�s ae iC cauld not be printsd and distsib�ted prior Co r�er�atiao regi�tration, Js�t m]sb�rs has b�n bis�d as baaebalY dir�etoro Pia�t w�k trill cooritt ot osi�atation mi orpntsation atasting J�uN 24> 04 CaR Directos ha� not ENO lfirad, G1i31 eactact Et< Clond, M�eCaist�r, etce !oz applicants. �ridi�r City l�osn� vill pse�ent its 8prin$ Coae�st, Fi�►. MaY 17. 8 P.m. at tGe Jre HigG Sc6001. Pan1 3to�u vill attcca] t�oota &e�craation atd Park Association� Inc. &?r� Coater�uce. tl�y 6 md 7. 1965 at Dulush> :�t. ��r:� y....., " . Paul � toill s»rL• oett u ptolialnary �L to be sevi�red May 10. 1%5. 8 perao at tbe homs o! Jacic tkopt�r, 155 Stoaoybrook Vap. GODYI7AIJl� OOI��AlIQ7t �oviaoed ot8lmn�Q ab��� as.pmsaneod. Uo decisian voa resehsd> Will be croosid�rad turthes at tM noact Joint Maoting. J�ALTi C�SSILtJs Yhsso arw faoilitia� in tLa uo� 6oaoh housa for a aooetssion staad aod perhaps Citq �honld cooridor ruoainY CLo coacasaloo tl��ive�. Saogstot' aov�ael Wat• ehs C1ty snter into an sgr�aoant r�ity ths former canaeaioo�tr to oaati� mm�tnjT t6a be� coa�ceosioa wd�s tho dis�atieo of tfw Pask and Beabatioa Mreet�, faar tho rumor of 1965, Sko�d by 8uiasd, pass�d� �Y'T 7G8 �� •"'V 10� �•�5• 8 ps�e u. i�.li0 11� � v�CC1L �, 1SS Stonybsook Ns�a Jolat 1lNtioga 1bo�da�. ,Hor 1. 1965, 7830 P,lI. at tha Jr, gtgh i�ch�s�e �g�, � n BYC68ATiQJ C�fI88IQi I�EfiT�iG 1SHVl�S - 6PRIL 24, 1965 Pag� 3e AD�t�LfPB '!�O �eetin8 a3.9«�rc►od st 11s10 P,H. IIssnea6Fully snb�ittodt Jactcio Swurcl Secretary to tho Co�i,osion /1. � P�$ AND PLAYGflOUNDS SUB-CQ4lITTSS 2�BTING MIpElfg3 - ApgYL 19a 1465 Paga le 17a satin; vas esll•d to order at 7s50 P,M, by C6riraan Hu�hea aC City Hall. ^ IHo6�rs Yr�sent: 8u�hea. Sampson, Cochran OChera Prsaent; paul grqr�, DirecCOr of Park� apd Ysc'reaCion - Mrse Stsn Nyquiat, Sapresentiog The beague of Homen Voters �� A. Bus6es:_ Plaonin? ete�.issioa Aceivities Reportad thst Plaonin� Com►is�ioa reco�ended to Che Council ehat �6ey requeaC Sodna Asso¢iatea vork out aite plaaa for Locke Park enA &iver pront •ito, IIe Samusoa: Ascreation Compission dctivitie� The folloving itms wre coversd bp Comissioo at last meetiag: Little Lague program and Juuior Baseball Program. Introduction of Joama Johnson, gchool Doatd Appoiat�e, to Cit� School Hecreatioa Camn;saion. Su�er Prograa Plaas laid doan yy Erovn in se�ards to Beaeball beiag dacantralised to iour sites. 1. Cos�oas 2. Rivsr Wood ._ 3o Aice Creak ^ 4> Plymoutb Sqnass Aegiatration datss vsre �et Ma� 10 thzoagh 1Ia� 21 tor Suoer Pla�gromd and Apzil 26 throush April 30 for adult Softball. lridl�y Civic Choru� Naiver Slipso B�t�Faac Additions Infoxmattoa on joint as�tins, Subj�et: Joint maiatenance a�i �haring of costo of a avi�ing pool. Iwccer subaittaa on �ubjsce ¢rom attorney iiymn Smith. Ca Erovn: Wosk R,etwrt Scout l�oupe notitisd by letter with lis� of Fro�scts, Flaod vork delapad Sprina Park work. Beportsd liat of it�ms accomplishad in pasks and waintenaae� readered. 1, Loada of fill level�d oa Saseball Yisld 2o Bnckatop under conatsuction 3. Hired aaoe6�r mainteaance mnn 4. Tr+ah barxsls paioead greea snd leeeered 5o Bsa�ball artPiald tence replaeed, �traightea�d and tig6t�asd 6e Site� pickad for two other Ba�eball Fields on t6a Co_on�, Asported work in pro�sss�: i, iiatsr and �ewra coawctions ror Deac6 Houp -�yo arsa»gqwt8 � 2o NSSSD Projact tdrougl� Locke park is 3o Surveyed aad waiting ior tse� ramoval 4. Ia�tallatios of two Dasnbail DiamonJs upp�r lavsl at Co�ona, � n � /� . P�� �D PLAYC,&OUNDS SUB-CQ4tITYEg I�gTING MINUTES - APQIL 19, 1965 Page 20 De Hushes: Other Sevorea City ��;1 �eptance of playground equipment for Moore Leke geach dona:ed by the Bsidlty Jayce�s. City Council gave aut8oriaation for Eob Ninder to uen asrial photoa of City of Fridley for purpoae of his firo to dasign a Golf Course for private party, OID BUSINBSS° HUG�B - i�@GB8 CP PARK AND RSCRSATION GBOUPB: Ps'eposed ordissna�� 6ave be�p revised by the City Attorney, Yotate cover�d in discua�ioa; t�en;th'o! term of offiee School Di�tsict Membere Item referred to gecreation Carmiesioa me�ting oi April 26, 1965. purthss disouasioa requasted by Parka Goanittea vith Hecs�ati�i Camia�ion at joint ma�ting in May. ,, , .����Y�Y. �: �.� : � ; �: � : � r �$6! itCACbWpt� �8 � � � � �BO.�CT GODiSID68ATI0N 1965• Prioritq listing as prepcaad for 1965 bndget: 1. Zs 3. 4. Sa 6, 7: Locka Park •?o bs considered aftar site plaa rssultae llslody Manot Aload • 9ug,o ai.an.s� Cap3tol - Hughes 54th and 7th f�eat Moore Iaka Skatiag facilitiea, ao Hockey b. 8peedtrack o. Recreational AddinB more lights to Softball Field at Comone, ADJa08Dfl�NT: 11w se4ting ajournod aC 12:0'S Aell. �e neat aoatioE ia May 17, 1965, 7:30 PoMe at Cit� gall. Su6�ttLed b�s paul srown ^ AtlACt�$N'l 1n MINU�S 0� YASRS AND PLAY67tOU�iDB SDB"Ca`�I11E8 t�[?I17G - APBIL 19, 1%5 6431 Daiver�ity Ave. N,II. CITY 0�► F8IDT8Y PASTtS A:� &BCHSATIODT DSPARTl�NT Paui Brovn. Director P80.�CYSD PBQ�C! WQUC PLAt7 BAQAD &�160 (Bzoad tr�s. �d HuBo St.) Ondevoloped 6sadias 8oddia� Apparatw Area Jack and Jill Baskotball S::aadard Backstop CAPI1� 6 HUG}BS (Cepitol St. and Sughe4 6va.) llndsvsloped �orth & South) Grading Se�ding SoddinY Mniti Purpose Court ^ Dask�tbsll Staodard Volle�ball Standarda 8eaeisg � CHABiS ISLAIm (C6arles Strest) Undewlopad Con�ultatiai (Sice Plan) 6zadiins , loat L�adin; end tamp Docb - il.er Eoat �tlt�ra Plenio Tables lirepYac�s Accasa Hoad Paskiag Lot Cowqios Bnfldia; CQ!101iB lA1tR (61sc Av�ua 6 7eh Sts�et) Dsvelopsd 1,sad�csPingi Srus aud 8Lsa6s Waterio� luilitf.�s 2�locst� lbt Lot !i►lti Tuspo�e 8ard Surlae� Court Daakatbali Stand�rd'aod Vollqbali Standard� Add Liihts to 8oitball �i�ld Lis6e Ifulti PurpoN Coust 460-3450 (Ca�on� Yark - Contiaued) � 8ance Besoball Outfield Area Fenae Softball Outfisld Asea Sand Hox H� �r - Parall�l Dar Hockey fiiah �Sbt �key $iak Seorera Sheltexa (2) Slaetsic Score Board for Softball Bleacher; Spactator Beaches,Plapas and Park Snlargs Yar&ing Areas Cc�uaity �reation Suilding �IQdAY (79th and Aldea Way) Doveloped but not completed 8oddins Seadin� APPazatua Fenctng TLA�RY PA1tL (75t� anil gacon) Devslopul but not compleCeii Grading Filling ^ Sodding HaCksL-op Apparatus HACAiA� CI8C18 (Haclm�n Circls) Devslopnd Apparatw Beaches, Park i+OC� PAA& (69th and Univarsity) �veloped but not completed Coasultati� (Sito Plans) Cleazing Gradittg Sodd�cg Ysacin� lir�la,;as Bunchos, Pari: Yicnic iablw Apparatua Stsisvqs lailinp Srai1. Qalkip� - gii�y� � ii+tar ��eilitist LOC� L118B PABH. EASZ (69t6 aad Sioc Creek Blvd.) Undaveloped n ��� Sodiiog Se�ding Mniti Purpoocs Couse aasketball Standasd Voll�rball Standarda ?�saio` 8eaehes, Park Picnic ?abls� Yaskias Asaa LOCI� LAIa PARKe WSST �ics Cretk Nap and Ashton Aw.) Ifad�vtlop�d Co�w�ltation (Siis Pla►) firad�ag Soddlo= SMd� Ceooe =acks Baskiog �taa Boalc • Pier LOGII� PARR. (Logas Parlaoay) Devo lopad /'� 1�� Bicnic Tablq Appasatus 1�ADCii7�ID8 (B�om�ton Dsiw) Uodwaloped F332 c5radiag l�LQ1Y M�N� (i3sd Aw.i ��velo�rad DMlti Yurpop Conrt sa�to�tbsll Seaodasd Yolthrbdl Staodasd Eaekaeop �PP�aris As�s Sand Dos s.�. � MO�sLAI{6, sest Cc�nersl svs, aoa cararsa Av.. ) n.velop�d t►ut uoe isoi�d / `� � �9� � � . . �+� w! I�1« AttpON COIITC ��t�l SCiOditQ VoI1s�Dai1 Standatdse Hee1Wy Aivk $P�l�stit� it�a�ic �ppnratn� Dqche�, Park P3CC1C i8L19f Docka - Hes LiyBt� for Esaeh �: LAI�� W68T IWest Moore Lake Dsiw) Undeveloped Grading 1111 Sod�ling . Ss�ding ��P�i • 2feaes aod 8bsubs Canot 8aeka Doe1t - Pitr B1,caic ?sbl�s � Daud�taed Building � �$G�t (48t6 Aw. md A�sia Sc.) Dswlop�d D�oe6u, Park Appasstw giVY! SDf� Qtivas Bdsa Na,1i Oadivslop�d Codtultation (iits Pla� l�ead3i� Aoddlag n�� rgui.. ssrapiae.. Cmou iacics Park� Ans Dock - Mar Ae4tt+s Boad S!!.Pl4�1 PAB� (S�lvm L�e mmd ,Tupiess Dsiwj Davelop�d Dlain foddiog ^ ^ � PA�& (67th Aveaue �a na acr.ee� ne�i�aa ApparaWa 2�ID AND MAIId (Bat�wn 2al stswr an8 Maia siraat) Dwalop�d s�� ne� na (s�cb n�� ana �ca serw�) rraa�siop.a �rgasog Sodiins 8aading Mnit4 Airpo�e Court ba�ketball StandaYd voll�ybal2 Staadards Apparatns Eauch�s. Park Peaciog � �