PR 06/28/1965„ � � �CREATI�t OOIrQ88Idl1 7l�TI�iG 1ti�t1'�ii8 — J�LIB 28, 1965 11ie ��tLag Of � RiR�ntiac� c:oamisaio:i was etallr! ko as� at ?�SS P.1to ]ss t� S�slA� Siy�lt T�t�a:'s La'�nD� �'Y IIC. .Ta�oAc Da�O►. �. llrfris Psa�st� OlL�ts Ys'N�sNee eaw9at�0e, rics. Johaaaaa �i'o �Irsd Pay], 8rawis � .i,�t,,. _ .ir .:i: .,;yM�_.c .,. ,i, . :b� A1A1it�0 Og L'h! mMk�IQ O£ �j( 24a 1965 t�lQi'A i�'CAi�d Y OOClY4t�do �al i�j► 8a�i�'a !��' fidld � �TOjlZIdQQ10 .� . : �.r ,•�. .7aie7c Da� vr311 dtsCk i'u�'t.1u�' osi �hs 1rdYiw�b111ty oi a�oCivatiag tlfs trs�iic a3qna,t at �s�t Riae� Aasd m�d tii�y dnriug thr S� Pla.ygtound P7eo��m�o f`+. ,.,� ,.. ; �� ..;�� '� lirat xNk oi tbw swr�t Plap�graiud Pl�ogtm �s bNa oo�plrtod twd thinqs Aav� s�na v�rry woatb3ye E�a9a dbiid rroeiwd a aapy oi a17. th� aeti�iti�s �aa¢ ffie o�+kire 6�w�sk psogramo Eaem p�s'k Mill hsw o� 1Day Ca�s sMSlart iti LoOk� Paska T�traas PArk haa 9S d�ildrsa s�q,isf.�xr�d �o sn aQdikionsl s�istiant has bMn ltia'qdo 7l� lollar�ri,Ag sql�ttati,cn l3g�ru �+� qivea: . 8as�bail - �100 bays �►io�isx� - s34 bays and girta i�o a�x3m� T�aeraos - 95 boys and gisla coNmona - 13S bvys ae�s1 qiieis Sy1wa - 45 bays and qis2s R1+� QeMk � 5S boys aatil gis�ls LoQsn - 43 bc�►� ssx7 glsls Tft� bas oart fx� sp�eia7. tari,ps dnri� 1�e Sitm�o�ae Plap�tau�x! Frogzaso ia $439.00m Tl�w Ca�as�ion ra�dsd that bl�Ba fac lnw transpastatioa b� ta)c�, h�,"oafr�r. �las�s �oaC +th� 4Lh of .'tu7y Be�Svat T�av. b�en teo�a].fE�d, �t11.1 b� h�ld it td� Fsiail'pt Cam�oos fram 1� 5 P.�b � r'1 v111 b� �dnl�da 1 P.11. - T�bait ga� 2 P.1fo a P3�ld a�vi�nts (p�3s�e a�ard�d to ariiu►rss) 3 B.M. - P�t �r � C� S�1hit9,na� � 4:30 P,M, � 8atr8stra�a�iEt� vr, ALt St,arsa �!w F�iw�l tollawing �s 8aals y�ss 13�e �ativai ail1. inel�+s6� mc�oaee and �ar� aativlti�s, �.��.:i'. •` �� Y�.: c� .�.Cir. I,.:t �i:�Y��'.- A; w,.,. J I ` �� Jadlc Duqpl�y will aonLicb Sdwfo�l Distsiat �F13 sad visit LB�is aal�oal bo�rd to giw U�a au aoRpLsoa�iaa of cur Recs�tioa Broqram. D�pbpt will ask ltikro O'8asmon to att�rsl th�l :e�oct s�ia�s a�t.itq in os� tio l�trn a� about tlw Anoka GwnLY l�a'4x'�• ■l7CP� Il�P296� ����IYo �Y :t9� 196So 7a30 8.!!�, at th� S�uicor 81yh T�°s Lomry�. �i. � A��dQ $f�O:t7.'i1l� itt ii'jS PaKo R�Liul7,y au�t'Cads /'� Jaeki� er+ard s�ar�lasy to tIN caa�issi�, n � PABKS AND PLAY(,'ROUNDS SUB-CQ�@fITiES I�TII�1G MINUIES F08 J[AJS 2, 1965 T6e meeting vaa called to order at 7e45 P.M, by Cl�airman Hug6ea at the home of Chaizman Hughes> Mmbera Presente ti�ghes. Cochran, Saupson, Skjezvold Other� Prsaenta Park Director, Brovn Tha ainates of t6e mentiag of April 19, 1%S vera approved as correct�d� Iten in raport: �ghea ehaoge all dates 1965 to I966 mjor aad o�inor project coasiderationa �_ A, S_ampson, Recreation Ca�ission eetivities; 1, Hockeq Binkso School quite interested in hocicey r3nka for the coa�ing Uockey season, 2a Sehool SofLball fos 81�entarvo Mainly handled by the sc600ls> We as a Sub-Co�ittee would not have much to do with ehis activity, 3a Budseto ?otal Badget approved by the Hecraation Comsia�ion vas $35.72So00, inclndiag the Beczeation Commission ahase of t6e Dizector°s aalarg, $, Warmiax B�w�ses. The subjecC of warming houses vae broagt►t up ia view of ^ the recent diaaster� hovever, thia diacnssion was laid over for Uu next meuting, Ba �shes, Revorta lo Hodne and Asaociatesa Would begin aite planaing for Locke abouL mid d�me 19650 2> Tree movinfte A brxhure hao betn reeeived fzaa Vermear t�Eanufacturing Co�any for a tree moving machinee The eoat vould be about $12,OOOo00o This was taken uader coneideratioa by tde Sub-Cacm►ittee with acfioa. 3o D�a� renort, T6e total damage to the City Parka eaclusive of tree damage vaa $16�824>OOo The Couacil haa let a contract for clearaace of picnic aresa of Iacke at the cost of $S,SOO.00a This contract was given to t6e Janior Chaber;�f Ca�esceo The Aruy Corps of Sagineers has given a clearance estimate of eame $20,OOOa00 foz ihe eatire paske A figura of $6.900000 was estimated ffor clean up of all other park areas, Total estimate of clean up of City Paska $26,90Q,00 T6a major part of etorm daege is recoverable from the Federal.Govarment, L°a BIOYRo �@DOIto 1, Msiatenance fos the s�mer has been hired and is at wozk, Siaht am crea wfll be at wozk along with a 6 man era�r for disaster clem up� � YA$KS ADID PLAY(�OUNDS 3UB-COlfl�T186 I�gTING MINUTSS F� JUNB 2, 1965 Page 2 ^ 2o Hayea School is u�aable fos the eu�er progr� but Terrace Yark vill take its place for the semainder of the a�ero 3. Behabilitatioa of tRe Co�one. Crovn Iron ie at work oa fences and backstopse Playground equipmeat has been �ved to area of ahelter buildiag. Huch aaterial has bew salvaged and caa be reused. Softball dianond haa been searranged ao as to be osiented the eame as the baaeball diamonds. South parking lot can nov be expanded a11 the way to the Filtration P1anL, We will have facilitie� fo= t6e Eecreatioa Ca�ission activities thfa a�mmer< A21 diamonds should be ready for uae, 4o Terrace Park, Suffered eatenaive damageo ?ennis courts, hwewr. vill be playable for etx su�es, 5< Othez damate. Plaaery, 1're� damage, Helody Maonore Was iatcluded ia the bfd lsaa the Jayceese Sylvan Hillso Under vater, but axpected to draia, 6o Beach House, 1bta1 building for the Beach ibuae will ba at a cost of $15,129.50 The sever md water conaections viil be 8.418.00 For a total cost $23,567050 We have aufficioat money to pay for building at the present tiae and n can pay for sewer comection through the 19fi6 budget, t�W IT6l14 ° Bi�(8t8 1966 �dget Nork 9heet vas prssented by DirecCOr Braem, Matiou bp S�aon. seconded by Cocbrano T6at th� Budget iiork S6eet and tAs total $100,797.00 as revis�d be forwasded to the City Camcil for appsopriate actioa, Pbtion carried. Propoaed budget attached to the minuteae CQ'ISOLIDATION � PA�RS ABD BBCRSATIO�i. A aaeting of both groupa �as proposed for J+me 21, 1965 to discues conaolidation of eh� groupao DSDICATIOTII 0�' HBACH HOOSB. To be considered at the Juae 21, 1965 mestiag, ADJOO�HI�NT< 2fio ms�ting adjourned at 11e48 P,M, Respectfnlly sabmittad; � Christiaa %o Skjarvold II 8ecsetary to the Yarks & Yla�grouadt Sub-Co�itte� � /'� �� � SYwUM�fW WYAYi4Y5 CITY 0�+' FRIDYEY 2466 BUDt�T PBOP06AL PASI� DEPASTtffiJT BUDGB? DETAIL 1' M: ' � 475e10 Directos Pask Supezintandeat SUB-TO?AL 475012 Mainteaeace Summer ilainteaaoet Nister BagiaNSis� Pnblic ifosks Consultaat Serviea SU8-1�02AL �r_.�. ..:o::.,� :��. aisoao 47So21 475022 475023 475a24 475.26 473>29 473030 4�5033 475a39 475e40 6ey75■041 Y/d9� CAtITAL GOZi�Ys 47Se50 4iSe51 47So52 475053 475�!i4 4,200 6,500 10,700 6.720 %0 1,000 5.200 i,zso 15,130 SalAL PS�tSONAL SSRVICE8 25,830 co�s�.es�. zoo Printiag & lbbiicatious ipp tTtilitiea 675 Ttavel, Coa�erenaes, & Schools 2S0 I4�intsaeoca 6 Rspair of 8quipsent 1,500 liainten+nes 6 Hepa;r of Improwwants 5.375 �a attaeh�e i� Coatractura! a+rvicea Olti�e 8nppiiQs Notor auel & Lubrieants Genexal Susply Reneals Insurmoie 6 �cmdo �ClOiYi � Z'iYOi 1'�leL 0'!lf6R EiPB�88 E.end Buildiag 6 Stxuctnrea Office Sqriposot 6 F4riaiture Dtschtaary & Av�to Equipment other Io�ransaata tOSAL GAl'iTAis QUlLAY r . � � _ �_ ;e: 3�20C+ 100 500 2.600 2,90p 1.600 25 9,025 mpm 16.150 $� attaciud �2 750 3,000 �.oaa 55,9b2 100�797 I'1 � � CITY 0� FBIDLSY #i 1966 BUDGBT P80Y06AL 675026 MAIN. HSPAIR OF II�ROVSiENTg PASKS ffiPAR�DiT C�H PABK ABEA PRIO�ITY HSVBYSE LIST PBIOltI1Y LIST 675026 Locke Pazk 1 9 Site Plan pending 1,400 1.400 Capitol 6 Hughta Fill - Grading Seeding � Sodding �`y � �`M Fill - Grading Ee�din; 6 Sodding SasC Moore Lake Seadiug 6 Soddiog Craigw� Fill 8odding Logan Pask ?ill Soddiag C0000ns Soddi�g P1'aouth 9qaars Sodding 81ce Cxqk Sehool Fill Total 67So26 300 400 u MM �VV 300 200 S00 250 2 300 l�.i�i� 100 25 125 750 750 150 150 200 200 5,375 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 2 1 CI17 0� FItIDl,By �2 196b BUDG87 pgOpOBAI. ^ 475.51 BUILDIIJG3 6 STAi�BB YABRS �YAHTl�TT C0� PABR ABSA P$I�I14 1tBVSR3B iIST pRIGQI1q LIST 475 o Sl Locice Pask Site Ylan rindt,nY Nelody Manor Multi Court WaraleRg Bon�e Feacitt� Eroad & Bu;o Jack 6 Jill Beckboasd Stdo B+tckatop Bast lbore Lake Backatop Benches (6) Boeke' Binic '� Coe�oas Park ' eea Lsgbts (ss) Hoctwy xset ?eania Nata lagaa Sviag 8et 81ide Craigvay Swing $et Slide Plysouth Sqnar� Swing Set Slide Sylvaa Hil�s 8wiag Set Slida r� ?otal 475e51 4 200 ��, 200 1,200 600 770 2,570 600 150 360 1,110 360 210 1,500 2.070 s,000 1,500 100 3,600 400 250 650 400 250 650 400 250 650 400 250 630 16.150 1 � 3 4 S 6 F 8 9 9 8 7 6 S 4 3 Y 1