PR 07/29/1965ggC�p,ATlptd CCI�fIgSip�d I+�gTING 1�NU'18S - JU1.Y 29 19b5
The Jaly meeting of the 8ec;eation Co�iasioa mas called to order ut 7s55 P.M.
in Cbe Ss. High Teachers° Lounge by Mr. Jack Dnnphy; Chaiamea.
M�era Preaent: Mra. dohneon, Duaphy, Sward, Wright
Othess Preseats Paui BscrWn, Mike 0'Bannoa, C.ounty CB�aisai�r.
2�,NpTgg C�r T� tBgTiD7� pF JOt� 28 i 1965 s
� oinates of the w�tiag ot June 28, 1965 vare approved ae seceived.
OI� Bi1SiT�SSt
Jack Dm�phy atatad tLat oiCy oEficials felt Chat acel;vating the traffic signal
at Ssst 83ver 8oad and Hiciaosy Drive during the Smmer Playgrouad Progsam
coald create a ha$ud to both the traffic and tha cbildren as care might not
be able to stop in time thinking it was echool traific •ignal.
School Distriet �13 paqs a shase of Col�bia �aights racreatimal costs
and eheralore all Y►ridlep students atteading schools ia Mstrict �13 are
eligibla to participate in tita Col�bia Heights recreation program.
xs�nar as,as x� ci�c ao�cxL:
^ Wri�ht rsquested that ths mwting day oE the Recreatlon Caoaission be c6wsed
irom Mouday in osder that he might attead ehe meetiags as the City Conacil
has be�a �ting on nearly every Monday. Ae felt that the raorgaaisation
oP tt►a Psrk Committee aad the Hecreation Coa�ission sLould proceed.
Wsight explainad the acqaisition and developmant of a park ia Hivarviev Heights
thsough IItban Reneaal. 8e alao explained tbat Water used for flushing iran
reoovsl plant filtera vouid �t be desirable to channel into Moose Lake.
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In 1960, Anoks County receivad the authosity to ievy taxes foz Park and
A�crtr:tiaxal purposes. l�fo�t of this moneg has beea spent for land acquisiti�.
Highland Psrk ha� baew dovelopad. T6e Connty recently purchasad the Boy.Seout
Camp in Pridlep aad are sti11 negotiating for tbe Locke Hane. T6e Cantty voald
sleo iike to purchase the old store � Hartman Circie and vould apprsciate
cooperetion from the Citq oF Pridleq in acquiring thia propertq. 0'Bamnoo
faela it monld be desfrable to hava a park attendant living on the praniaes
as vandaliem ie a conataat problem. Duve Torkeleon ie the Anoka County
Park Superintendeat. The park at the Boy 8cout Camp mill be aoad primarilq
far picaicing and £ishing.
It is the galicy of Acoka Coanty not to put in �ideaalks. this is left ap to
eao6 city. �vaver, next yess the Camty vill be aorking an Mfssissippi 8trm�t
aad si8avalks may b� included in t6is Mork.
Su�r Playgrasnd Progr� eada Priday, July 30, folloving a very successful
ecaeon. Rhe Beseball Yrogrma ends the aext week xitL a plaqoff in each
divisi� followed by a trophy pseaeatati� and ehaving of a ltrins oovle,
Thursday, August 5, at Hice Cre�k School, witfi the parents invited.
Saturday, Julq 31, 1965, Bill Bc�ry of the Fridley State Bank vill treat
200 boyda aad 40 chapar�s Co the ltaina Gmme.
The Beach Program coacludea August 14, 1965. Utright moved that the Cbuacil
extend t6e beach ciosing date weathes, peraonnel, aad watar polatioa tests,
permitting. Seconded by S�azd. Pasaed,
The.Adult 8ofiball Program iacludef aiae teama. Bob�s Barbers are in firet
plaee aad Sand.e'a are in aecond place. Plapoffa betveen the top four
te8ms vill start the first Week of Auguet. A sepresenCative muat be decided
by Augwt 18 ao thut the vinner caa participate in the State Touromment in
Bloomington. Thie year additiatal fwads were ralsed through Ligher entrq
feoa so Chat A.S.A. �pires caiid be used in all the ga�es.
A Tennis Tournament ie scheduled £or Auguat.
h:i.Y,� .�U�.yyr�.
7S�ur�dap, Aagttst 26,
xext Joint lteotiags
Teachers° IAUnge.
: � .�� ;, � �_,
1965, i:30 P.M. at the Ss. Bigh Teact►ers' Lounge.
MoaBay, Auguet 30, 1965, J;30 P.M. at the Sr. High
the mutiog adjourned at 10 PeM.
8eapectfully submitted,
Jaokie Srard
Secsetary to the Com�ission
' /'�
The meeting was called to order at 8s15 Y.Me by Chaismaa Hughes at the hane of
Paul Brawn<
t�fembera Present; Hugi�ea, Cochraa, Sk jervold, Doaline
Othere Presento Park Director Brmcn.
Ttte minutea of the Juae 2, 1965 meetiag were approved as corrected.
Item B-2, to: without action.
Ao Hu s
1. Plamints Co�isaioa: T6e Co�ission has no new activitq to
report at this timea No action has been forthcoming from Hodne and
2o We have received a Ietter fro� Midve�t Planning and Besearch Inc. This
lettes was addressed to Magor ldee and mas read to the Sub-Committee by
Chairman Hughea concera3ng a Couaty Park Iocated in Fridley at the mouth
of Eice Creeke This park would incicxle Locke Homestead and Camp Manomin,
Tkse Sub-Ca�ittee decided that this vould in ao waq conflict with our
City Park Planse
Motion; Motion hy Skjesvold, seconded by Cochran> Reaolutione That wa in ao
vay object to the development of a County Yark in ths Camp Menomin azea and we
urge the City Council to taice apQropriate actiou concerning this park, as we
fesl thet this would ba aa asset to Anoka County and to the City of Fridley.
2iotion carried.
3o Sivesview HeiShtae There vould be aa objection from the residents to a
park ia the Riverview Heights area. The problem would t�e to make the
area eligible for flood relie#.
4e Park Clean Up: 1l�e Fark Sub-Committee on 3uly 4, 1965 revieaoed the clean
ap work done by the Sayceee ia Locke Park. Ti►e work was aot completad
and the co�i.ttee iu on aite inspecti.on did make recoc�endations aa to
co�letion. The work was well along, han�ever, aad a tentaeive date for
final inapection vas set for lake ia .Ynly.
5> Par�ai�ments Teuuis neta. We do nat provide nets for uae by citizens
as iL is aot poasible to prevent the£C, Tenats vractice boarda Ttee
board at the Co�aas blcw awaq duriag the storme We will in the near
future coaeidaring xeplacing the practice boardo
B> Bsoaa Bevort
^ Moose Lake Beachs The parkiag Iot will be xeorganized so as to provide more
_ rrstriction for parking in ihe area, Impsovemeats will also be mede in the
appropriate area. There is also filling in progresa oa the north aide of
the park,
PA�3 ANfl PLAYGSOi1�D5 SUB-C�&SI'rTEE Mffi8T'iNG PSYNU'1�3 -.NLY 19, 1965 Page 2
There ahould be a teuais courC arul baPl fiQld ati the Moore Iake Park and Besch
camplex. This prop�sal is aow un8er etudy.
The angine�rs £eel that there wilS. bs settliag of the fill ae Moore Laks end
that work ehould naC progrets$ taa£orQ it settlee ffor at least one year.
Co�aiCCee actioao 19�e Committea will meee at the beoch at S:UO P.M:, 7uay 20,
1955 to inspect the area„ Fiael decisioa wili he delayed until after on-aite
inapeetion� We will requeat that a repreaentative off Che eagiaeer�s af£ice
be Chere as vell.
Svlvsn BiIZs. T6axe is eti2! a waYeT pzobl0m in t$e S,�lvaa Hi216 Puk. Th3s
shali ba attempted eo be cur*ec�ad in �the neaa future.
Co Ncw ICema•
Priority Ligto Our ffsst griority is to setura the exiatiag ps�zks to ehair
prert�coadition. Tbe second conai8eration is to camplete the Moore Lek��
Beach Park compies. iha thi.zd prioriCy 3s Co coatrol urosion in I.ocke Par& by
aeediag aad sodding of the acarr.ed aud gu].lied areaeo
Becteria Couat in Moare Lake. zir. Brown is directed to request waekly reporta
of Moore iaka Bacterial Goewt from ths iieelth Iaspector so that t6eae srouid be
/-� readily ava3lable for ittfos�ation.
Saxsyin� of Moore Lake. Mr. Bzovau is directed to have thc grawth at Moore
Lak.e controlled by apraying. 2`,ie last sprapi,ag did aot conCrol the problem
r�ad it smiet ba doae to prevent future prohlema.
The maQtiug vaa sdjnurned at 1Aa00 PaM.
Respeatfully submitted:
Chr2otian So s��s�oia ai
Secretaap to kGa Sub-Committea