PR 08/26/1965�
Tda August mamtiag of the Secretatioa Co�i�sion vae called to order at 7z4U P.M.
ia ti� Sro Sigh Teachars° Iounge hy Mr. Jack Dmphy, Chaismau.
ttsmbare Preseut: Sang�tar, Mrao dahnaon, Kurak, IIuapiiy, Mre. Sward
Othexs Yresent: Paui Broim
ffiti018S Og TB� I�ffiTING OF SULX 29, 1465:
'Rhe �nutac of Che meotin$ of July 29. 1965 �vere appraved sa received.
BSPO�.T F&Rf 77� 3CHOQL B09B1)s
No bide� yet on ttsa J.BoSo ospansion (Pool. cafeteria, and gym)o Expect to let
contract ia Octobere Iiayaw Scho�l viil be c�apleeed Aeeasber 17, Y965, so
peabpasi the Park Co�Ctee ahouid eauider a recreational ekating rink at
Hapas� Paui Braam wt1l cLeck t6e Eaqes 3chool aiee £or a possible loca2ion
of a skatiag xink,
SSLA9I8 t�1Ss
ik setereace to the Pas4c Co�3ttsa minutes of 3'uly 19. 1965, Sua�ed movod thst
the 8screation Co�tsalon reqete�t that Che Fagk Coomitta� consider tha
/, iastallati.aa of pesmaneut-tqpe t�oie aete Sauch that eanaot be de�troyed uoz
stol�) oa all Fridley tamSs easr�a �o that grsaCer uee c�a be made of tl�
tstmis tourts. Secoaded by Snngttero PasBed.
,�Pl�? FB�i PAUL �47W°
Wim�ars from eaeh division 7[ bsli, PeaWeep, (�siw and Juniors, received tsop6ies
ai the preaentatian at Rica Craok Sciioole 6 movie of the 1i�lna dar rham aad
pasente qore invited>
Bili Besry of the �s'idley State Bank, treated /a harsload of boye aad chaperon�
si,85 bay� �d 35 thapesona) to an axciCing Twia� g�e �31, 1965e
Besch pxngrem wea est�ended a►e ereek a Temn Ball bsing &eld Thuraday�
Auguet 19e 238 taeas attemded and $195000 vae coliected ae admisrion feese
1he tlo�phans supplied tSe music asd tha �roup past3cipated we21 a� wete atell
In Adult so£tba11, Sandee�s von the plsyoff azxl reprerented Fridley at the
Stat• Twsnanent iu Bloomingtoa, �eq were later bsaten is the tourney.
Th�ra srse no rtaponse Sor the t*nais toarna�asat. Perhaat this wou2d be m�re
aucceesfully r�m in c���asn��� toi�u the Su�er Plapgsmatnd program.
7he follaain� attendanee figurea hsve be�n cas�fleds Co�mnons - 2,898 childxen
Js'� in 5 veek pesiod. 8y2» �- 789 cttildren in 4 we�k periode Terrace - 3.SS0
cbildren in 5 veek pesiodo Figure� agra not ava3lable for Logan nor Rtce Creek.
� .
^ Panl Brwn �uboitked the follwiag Recseational activiCee for Fall and i�inter:
Adult Square Dance group vill l�e navly establishedo
'lt» Citp Choit ae�da a� director aad pianiAt. Botd are being hlrad. The
Choir°s officess ere piannia8 a kick-off ptcaieo
Yuat� Pass aad Klck Cantwt has be�m pimned tbsough the SBAa Will hava pra-
liminasy conteats st all s�2e and the finalists vill go to the S6A Tournaaent.
Perhaps a Viking £ilm cwld be aaed �or the football fiaale.
HalloYaea Teen Deae� tiill bm se6edulad for Saturday, October 30, 3965 at the
HuLly C•eat�re
lldult 1twc6 Bootball vill be nsvly establishrd.
Adult Baskotbal2 viil tsy to astabliah a Doubla A League aad e Siagle A Leagtl�
vitb the Dwsbl. A Leagae participating in the Statt Tousnameat. Hopsfnl2y
this vl11 encourage greater partieipatiaa. Pau2 Brovn vili aend a letter to
all campanies in Fridleq notifqing thea of our 7bucb Footbali League and
Baalcetball Lesgue aad iavitiag th�n to enter teams ta thesa league�,
Booth°s Tezaco vill eater the lb inch Softball lburnaeut at St. Cloud.
City aeoploqa�s vill attetd tha 1rrins gae, Weda�rday, Septemb�r 1, 1965.
Pani Bratin vill m�et vith Don Heyers to coordinate the Frid2eq Becreatioa
psogram vith S�twol District �14 aetivitiea and eliminate confiict�. !!e vill
� dw coataet the American Legion cancsraing the spa�d ekating program.
1fia CiCy has in.talled oae piace of playgrouad equipmant at Craigaaq. 3 piact�
st Locice Park and oae pisce at Sylvan. Shese piecee hav. al�ra�dy baen aell u�ed.
t�T 2�R'lIIJG1
Hond�y, Septamber 27, 1965� 7s3Q P.Me at the Ss. High Teachera' Ia�m$e.
Tht se�tins adjourned st 9:50 P.Mo
Rerp�ctfully aubmiLtad,
Jackie 8vard -
Secrstary to tia Ca�ir�ian