PR 09/30/1965RBI�tRATI�t CQR�SSZON 2�BETII3G I�IINUTBS - SSPT6k�S8 �� 1965
/1 � Sepumber msecing of c6e $ecreation CommiuL�s pas calied to order at
8s10-P.M. in C6e Sr. High Teachers� Loung• Z+Y ti,r. Jack DanPhY. dtaismn.
I�SBS P88�•NTs �9. J�nsan, SaOps�. 3rard
p�gg�Ts Paul 8=orn
1�IINVlBg pp T� 1�LTZNG OF AUGUST 26. 1965t
The sinntes of tha aa�tlpg oi August 26. 1965 vase aPP��� ��•
gsporta fror paslc gnb-Gossittae, Councii, and Boasd of Education Mere
not availsble,
BBPatT FEQ[ F�UI. 8lRims�o�u �nb�itted a rsos� eovesiag eh� detail� of tha Fail prograo.
gt does mot f�el it �rill 6e.po�sible to have s skstiag zink oa th� Hayai
�elwol location beeawe of constrnctian cleaa-up. 1�e Mates bydrmt is
too fat fro� tersace Park itt osdes to haw a sink these.
g� eat adwrtia�d f� s �hoir direntor aad saca�paaist, Mill also Lir� a
iad�r tor �quars d+maing.
A1I fsr�tt haw b��n aada fos pmt, pa��, md kiek. Ooal po�ts Lave
6�aa la�eslYad at eLe Co�oo� md Hivesvood.
g� Ls� ea�pflad a iLt of all co�paniaa and barl�esies in 1ri�11e�►. an�l
�rill a�d l�tt�ss to tir e�lling thes of tho saeseatlon prograe aud
Sov£tf,n; tLr to Part!¢ipair.
8i Las wt vith !!r. Lssz'7 Havrt � discuts th� A�rriaan Le61�o Skating
l�ra�, he hopes to wmdnet meets on S�ndqs �ritL an e�ibition we
swa.4►, a.�.rs ia. r•�-
H� ha� eet �rith Mr. 8d»rge, of Bridley HiBk 8c600i, w diacnss tne develop�ent
oi � 000pe:stiv� bocteY FsoBraa•
Yloal fi�nres st att�oda'cs ar Su�er A�creationa2 Prosras are u follow:
l�gist�srdt 2,Y20. tatticipationt 50,072,
1�? !�'PIIaGt
Monday, Oetobar 25, 1965. 7t30 P.M. at the Sr. Ai�h ieacheri• LounBe.
�? . .
7�a �ting adjauned at 9:i5 P.M.
� geapaatfully subeitted,
JaekiQ Srard
gecretasp to ehe Cos�raica
� ^
� AND PLAY(SODNDS SDB-Cal�t4i'ri88 t�BTING t�BNU'183 FOR SBYT 2. 1965�' _, .
Tht �eating e�r eallad to ordez at 8:20 PoM. by Cdairmnu HuShes at City 8s11.
Me�ber� Prea�at: �he�. �nlin� Sampsou. Cochrm
ptpers i►re�ents 1bm 8od¢�� Geas Patarson. Paul Braem
�e reading of the minutee of last oeetiag �rere gut aside.
2N�&dDUC'IEON �+ !ffi Y't�i HOD�18 AND G6NE PS�&SON OF �� & dSSaCIA188: ffiJG�B.
Chaisem fl�hes briefad both aen oa v8at the Yarks and Playgro�mda Snb-Ca—ittae
asp�ciad of theo in the way of a site p2� fos L�ka Park (104 acrar) and Riv�s
lhront psopestias.
H�I�; pir, Hodna gave the €oliwing outline of vhat tha coditYae eonld espeet
in the may of a plan.
' Areas fos awdy fall mmdes t6e follaroing catsgories.
2e Co�m�mity 2. Bsgional 3. Nefghboshood
a. Plaqfields
b. Plapgrooada
4 0. Plsy I,ote
INeat he outliwd vLat to eoaeiders
I� 1. What ie neadadZ 2, Snaluatioa needed• 3. W6at potential has
! t6e as�eay 4, progrmm fron the outside to the inside ead vice veru.
, 5. Site plan is than ready - Prelimin+x9 Plane far maaimum n.e.
Shoved ex�les of other park planning Pfe'• Hodne has done. Told of
what plan of atCaek vontd ba folloMed:
1. Preli.minatp 2. Detaii 3. iaadseape 4. Buiidings
gnded 61� pnsentacioa +rith the Pcint that popnlation forecast vould
be i�ortaaE in the overail loag range pleoe of our antira past
eyat� in Fridley.
gUG�St Pointed ont to Mr. Hodne that Locice Patk is Noo 1 on the Coo�itt�e�
priority liat of arsas.
gapi�= propoaed tAat ve start oiih Locice Pax� and Rives Fzont araas and
cpne up vit6 a cost of these park eita, pians in respact to phases.
ysy cyt pzo�ra� �d get coet o£ e�e. Mr. Gene Peteraon wilY be
project captain fos t61s jobe
p�NLINS Made a motion t6at ibdue � Associates psxsed to prewnt a preliainar9
pla�l�,ug progtm and cost of s�e fos Locke Psrk and Siver 8itea.
� Seco4ded and 'otion carri.�d.
'�-.. ;�1 f-:... Ylil I�'1�.. :�11: . �. � y.;P. � 1 ' 1 Y.�. �.�.'.A'
�' Y f . �
,;ti.'.tif � H: .:v : :I�
,� �y� � pl� g��tt� iye�r�s to ths Strats aad OtilitiN
bom��y lisa o! Loeit`9,�Blotsk l of tLe Hqa� �t� Lot��n� of�futus�
wea�st to GisN+ I�laod:
.:�: ___ �__;,: � � �
�= Coo�tsuotioa o! a 9 siliion �a11oa wt�r :+s�rvaii ae Cerea� Yark.
� Patb a►d M�� Sob-Cao�ittu rish to baw ca�ple b
eo�idssation glwa to the aoaseructioa o! tLis tank to odcs it.
Wabl� for !lOtYaCiooil BcCivttltse
C�BiC►1'iOBE a
80C�Ss Hee�iwd a l�Ltss fsas th� Yrldihr JC'� p�sopooin� cautsaction ot' a
Hoak�Y 8tak ta bf inatallsd at Daoons Y�n'Ic.
COC�IINs Mtde a sotion t6st th� Parks and Playgceuod� Snb-Camoitte� s�e�iv�
t61r lotter fram t4� JC's md aammicat� tiw oorf.tNas spps�ciatim
fer this off�r and sppsove tta ld�a in g�ral to the JC'se Pr�lestio8
ehat tDe rlalc De loeatad adjaoont w ens r�cstatiaoai �icatiag er�a for
eaw oi maint�nce and npkesp. Dis�eting Ywl Broua, Parka and
Reere�►tion Dirntor to orork yith Uu 3C's pestainins ta fiaal �ite
loeation and details and s�yort baet Co cas�ittae ior fioal approval.
S�wad�d aud passed• �
3iZ_ � : - �Z,ct...�� �_.�n::�,,.
�8s Naad for fn21 tim� Y�rk Supsrintrnd�nt atatw ior tLe Yaskr D�patlaent•,.
.r: �
Sb6�8: Co�itta dtaisq tLtt vorlc sove along ea t61� sie� u to ayawsl ei
uppar rid�s ar�a pldt tree raaaval o! si4p� aod eswk bad sras plw
sarth elopt o! pask.
xue ...cs� ,a j�a a ia ss
�e �rnac:
liest s�stiu� l�pe��r 20, 1965. is00 laM. at Cit� Hali
l�sNCelall� �ttN.
Panl Bs'aw , Meeotor et Paslu aed &ecreatiea. Cit� o! trtdl�y
FAEE'8 AlID PLAYI�OQt�S SDB-Cf!!R'Pi'88 1�66TI�IG lQND'�S - S6P'� �, t965
'pu wstlieg vas cailed to osQtr at 8:30 P. M> bY (�eaiseesn HuBbss at the
Cit7 Halle
�BS PSSSBDiSS Heghes. Cocbran. Skjarvold
p�,q py�ggggT: psea Jaekeon, League of Women Votsro
pau! gtovn� parlu sad 8ecreation Disector
TAt #msles of the me�ting oE July 19, 1965 mre approved as recciv�d.
1Ue miautea of tAe seeting of September 2, 1%5 xere approved as retaived.
03.D BOSI�88
1, (�,p dg Sgp�IDS& 2, 1965,_
jl�seeo of SepYembar 2, 1965 fran Sodae & Aesoeiates ras received by
the Co�sittee. Ccpiea hsve been prsviously �iled as per the Hodne
� redraft of the propoaed ordinance for the creatioa of a Joint
Co�mittae for Parko mid Ra¢a'eati� �as sead.
3. 80C1�i! RItiKB:
ffie vater for the Aockaq rinke on ehe Co�e �i.l! come from the hqdrant
� 61at far this viat�r. T6e Jaqceee wil! donste a gazage as a NarnioB
hpwe oa the Com�ons, 14ea hockeq rink mill fall npoa school property.
lbis haa been approved bq the school. The Citq w:13 have full canesol
of the iacilities. �aere vill be a aa�ia8 house att�adant an dutq:
p�e trecn v out o aia aontaoted. OCher bide are ezpeated
rlthin a short period of timp>
50 381�1IS COliS15 SR 1'� C�R�dN�s
Te�mio courts Ni11 be bxought up at the Cwncil Meeting of Septabsr 40,
!%5 as thaY w►ese in ehe 19b5 budget. The tmsaia coust proposal had
baa�► tnbled thsough a nie�s+deratanding. 1!►s �oaey ase appropriatsd for
tbe teYmie courta in the I96S badget.
pLalZaiB by Cochsea. Secondsd by Skjervold. T6at the committae extand
t1Nm4ca mmd commendstivn to the Jaqcees of tde City of Fridley for thoix
iion Noric in Iocke Park sleaning ap and fn tsee semoval aftes our zeceat
stozm. MOTI�'I CARS26D.
L P� Slc3ass
Pask sigzw �ill be green and �hite and twsa si�ee will be ere�tad at
Lpctie, gaciamaa aa8 Flann�sy.
P� ��y�p�pg gyg���IT� t�NU'�S, 8$pTBN�EB 20, 1965 PAC� 2
!!plla[d bp Skjsrvold. Sanood�d b9 CocLsan• '1'hat, hereafter. the puk oan
Heak�ns► Cisele will be lworn as Hacl�eu Park. MOTLOt3 CABR�D.
i�e, Bsorn oill ccmtaet t�hs.. Jedrse�erski segardi�ng the naolaS oi C�
pasic� yat 2nd a♦n..d��M.,sin BtaN� N�o�rr�aast in aeooziai so her lats hasbad
ii� Yis � JYYaa����e
The Coomtttea m�rt shoald consides names for the park at Craigvay
�pt L11@ MXi IDoRC�D$s .
2. SI26S �► SRA2TNG SINKS P�,1965-1966 SBASavi
Sae the mem� of Septewber 20, 19b5. No tnformatl� has, as yet, been
stieeived oa tiu terthaves thsough t6e Amesiemt Legioa Pbst in Bridl�y.
qA13 hoas�s vill aot intesfere with t!►e patic aetivity on t� Caasoavo.
40 1�D CU NG Oi�T L�qGBE �s
o D& M Dredgin$ Cb�Y of F'ridley will nse the Moose Lsice Beaeh as
a tost area. 19»y wi11 coE aQd dredge at s east baais. T1�e coat ol11
ba $2,75 per frant foot for a total of $825:00. Tltie work vill not
noticeably affeet the d�peh of Moore Laiw:
1. i18ffiC188Y
�r. Ssow� vill dot�reine faasiMlitp of pus'cLaeing a nea tsvek nar to
ype ior ths begiming of t� skatinS eeasa�. Zfie trucb ehic6 w oav
i�sve m in verp bad eonditioa.
2. lxLL B8�! CITY DiR� 1r60�t 'k+OBNADOz
�ii 'it�y re�co■eei'�thit::uoii"�ping of sefase bq a2lwed � tLe
y�st prop�rty of the Citq af Fsidiey ae tmis �wuld 8etrut fras the
visibllity of ths land lsos t6e sta�point of ovsn aor�al park
lustallatiais. sacL as bacicetops, fences, 3igh� poi�e aad pla� oqnip-
�Int. Farther, ft'm tlue standpoiat of aacko Pasg, th!' vonld fvstia�
�ncroaeh apon Lha tmapotled areat of etm p.erk>
30 ��AST COBNB� m+ M�O�S iAII{a
t e art plan io�ve�"�i�`aorthea�t corwr of Moore LaTu and c7.�m
fill �auuld bs sppr�ciatrd. Mr. Bram vilt ooataat the Sa8in�eriai
D�part�eat regas8ing fill aad��ill lnspect t5e ara� aad wkR tocomsRadatiama.
4. :lOdffi LA� BS_AC�.Y�
�Ir. Srotia rill ca�ilt a r+sc�t'�s� LLe wt�r covait for t1a paet tro
5. �, K:
� tJ�. ��ia�esp ha� in£osmed ne tLat the Flan�rr �ir� rill doeata
�900.00 to be u0ad lo�e par1� eqnipe�nt to be nmed fn Flanaaly Parke
It it recossd�d E6at we aeeept �sith tbaska and that thie ronq be
plac�d in tLe gift fimd asd set caida fos the pnrpost specifi�d by t�e
Flannesy heis�o
:.: : eu n: � i u> H� ��. �'.ac � Ci 1. Y• . Y• •. �Civ1: q; 1 � t:
I �
6. c�a�l vaLiBY cASnBN ciusg
Sie aocept with lhank� tAe donatioa of $IOQ.00 Erom Uu Goldea Valley
Gssdea Civb for tde tras replaeemeat in Locke Park. 11se Comittaa siii
lo�rard s Iettes of tbsnks.
1�DlE� by Skjervold. Seconded by Coc6saiu. 19iat the .Clty Conaci2 wive
deli�ea�oe speeial �sasaments on Lots 2 aad 3, IIlock 8 md Lot 17,
Block 6 a1Z in Garlaoa°s Sumit �Lcor 3anth Additioa. MO'lYO�i CASS3ED.
8. WB& P80G8838 88P�T - SSP�1BSRS t�i. BROIiNs
Nfc. Bsown snbmitC a repoxt coaceratng �ar to be dane, vork betag dao�.
and vmek finieLad. We vi21 retaln a crata aa Ia�g as vork rem�ina �fini�6ad.
11�s Comtttee LLemks Mr. &rav� fos hi� report on the gzogreu of tM pask
7'� �eetSs� vas sdjwan�d at 11s45 PaM.
E�spsctful2q aubmitted,
Chtistisn R. Stssvold
SecYetary to the Eub-G1o�itts�