PR 10/18/1965� PARXB ADID PiAYC�dOlmB 8U8-�Ol�lIT'�B �?ING lQmITl�3 - OCZO'BZR 18, 1965
�e ms�tin� nas called to order at J's50 P.K. bq c�aira�n linghes et tise City
�88 P�ITS Hu�t�, t9ochsan, Smep�on
1�8 �B�IaTS Skjarv�eid, Doniin
OT�RS PB�Mi Gen� Psteseon, Ho�ne Assoclato�
Psul Btam, Parka aud Recs+eation Mrectos
ibs �lante� of the aa�tins o! 8�ptember 20, 1965 wre approv�d as r�.viwd.
� E�s�d the ao�ni�ues fsom Hodna /l�wciates - 8as Peopw�d
wse of plaon for d�wlopmnt of tACta Pask plw utlliaatian
f� PSRliBQta D�liwrsd s�rpt dwn oF prapo�ed plan ior Loaic� Psrk.
1. ii�rtt �wrer�nt aid prograM aan thi� arta qnaiif� fott
2. Hw aq it Ht. inw Tsid]�y�• �!
S. Loas r�ap pl.d► of f�cll park Mwlsp�d into �sll tr�
ot nork.
�lmlogr�pbr of Iocte� Part n lt i� teaa� �re �6wa to eM
M07ZO11 by Coehraa, i�coade8 by' Ba�Paen. that t�r� ba a
dela� Sa Lisia� a planaer for Locka Park at tht� time.
Sarviees fos a pla�er are not a�aded beaeuas the wrk
seqnisyd ia e1a park in tha imadiaeo fature aill he
aserac.d by ch. aamage done bq ehe tornam snd the •.wr
consesucei� psojeet.
d� �ecreatim Ca�i�don Not��s
Covered �asormd�m of evants casis�g up this fali and rintss.
lio action i� ne�a�d at this tiaa bp the Yerka aod Maygrot�nd�
: ���
Plaoning Comusion Note�t
PLoniug Caoil�si,on approved tha hiriag of � full tlae Fark�
siscwaia�s ilr. 8oy Sch�rsr started vith the City of Pridiey p
�- a peliee dl�paecher Jme 14, 1963. He thw aaa hired by tl�e
Parks Dspartrtnt April 15, 1964 at $2.Z5 m lwur. On .Ame 30,
1964 hit hoarly rat� increa�sd to $F.SO m bour, hi� pra�t
rate af paq. 1�. Pa�l Sro�n feal. 6e !� a valw to t2� dapsre-
ment end xecwoends thia increate.
pA8R8 AND PLA7[c�t0171�1DS 8u8-fa0l�fiT�B 1�at6Ti�iG� QC�DH�R 18, 1%5 PAf� 2
FLINBRY PA&�i MOTIaIQ by Cochran� eecoaded b9 S�mPeon. that the
Comd.tCae insts+�ct itt. Bropa to eontact tha Flanery
heirs aud aoeure tium t!►eir gift ean be applied
et41e2y to t8e lmprnv�t of Flamery Park, mate
arsangarats MW tLen for meiving tLair gift,
amd W raqua�t auggertioas Praa the fuily fos ust
of the gift.
U88 � P#0�1R: �Z"Iffi bY S�pwa� s�condad by OocBran, that after
to�pacttaa by 1�E. Sz+orn of tht psogesey offare8
fas reoroatiooal ae0 by a Mt. Iiorris DNha�ns of
i�it Gear t?a�pwp , aad ta�md aeeeptaDle, tLe C4tp
satxpt ebia oiler.
NO'�s Leetes of agreanant tor usf of t�ia property
shonld be dsaonn up bp the City+ Attosaay.
P�TY !7)BCHA3Bs PsnpesCy in Baighta AAQition, LoLe 3 and 4, are
availeble %r puschass u Pak Ps�pe=t9. Mamb�s� of
tM Ca�rmd.ttoe vill loak at t.he lots for considarati�at.
A dssitiaa wl11 la� made st a lates session vbethar
o; �e tM yrop.rey is daoiral,le.,
� ADJO�Ss The ne�tiag na� aQjousoed at lOsSS P.M.
l�T !�G DAT�,1 � n�sb =weting vill be R�uesday, Novaebes 16, 1965
�t 7s30 P.M. in tL� City 8a11
3�au! Bsont
Dtsactoz o! Parts md R�eareation D�pa�rt�wt
The City Council of the City of Fridley do ordain as follows:
Section 1. That various sections of Chapter 24 of the Fridley
City Code be amend�d as follows:
Section 24.01 CREATION. There is hereby created a Parks and Recreation
Commission for the City of Fridley. The co�ission shall consist of
five Fridley residents, appointed by the City Council.
The Commission Chairman shall be appointed by the City Council and
shall also serve as a member of the Planning Commission.
The initial members shall be appointed for staggered terms, so that the
term of no more than one would conclude in any year. Thereafter, the
members shall be appointed for terms of three years. Both original and
successive appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed
and qualified.
A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the
City Council. Members of the commission sha11 serve without compensa-
tion and shall not be personally interested in any contracts of the
/\ commission. They shall at the beginning of each year select a vice-
' chairman and a secretary from their own number with duties in addition
_ to co�ission membership implied by these titles. A majority shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 24.02 SCOPE. The Parks and Recreation cou�ission shall ad-
vise the City Manager and Council on operation of a program of parks,
playgrounds, and public recreation. If any part of the public recrea-
tion program of the community is administered directly by any public
or private agency other than the City, the commission shall have power
to make cooperative agreements with any such public or private agency
for the purpose of coordinating all the activities and facilities in-
cluded in such public recreation program. The commission may make use
of public property assigned to, or of private property leased or other-
wise made available for public recreational use. Upon recommendation
of the commission, the Council shall determine what land is to be ac-
quired for recreational purposes, what land the commission shall be
permitted to use in carrying on its recreational program, and what build-
ings or other permanent structures are to be constructed upon such land.
The commission shall advise the Council upon such matters and shall
organize and review the operation of facilities made available to it
for recreational purposes, but it shall have no authority to acquire
Land in its own name or without the consent of the governmental unit in
whose name such iand is to be acquired,
Section 24.03 POWER, In order to carry on responsibilities provided
herein, the co�nission shall have power to:
(a) Adopt rules for its meetings and the transaction of its'
business and rules governing the use by the public of the recreation
facilities under its,control.
(b) Consent and approve appointment by the Parks and Recrea-
tion Director of personnel necessary to carry �.out the responsibilities
of the coffinission.
(c) Accept gifts of real and personal property for public
recreational purposes, subject to the provisions of Section 24.02.
(d) Provide for maintenance and care of public property
which has been assigned to it for public recreational purposes.
(e) Perform whatever other acts are reasonable and necessary
and proper to carry out the commission's responsibilities under this
/� Section 24.04 PROGRAM. The commission shall each year prior to
September 1, prepare a comprehensive program for parks improvement and
acquisition and for public recreation activities for the ensuing year,
The commission's program shall be described in terms of activities as
well as finances. The budget of finances shall show;
(a) Estimated revenues, divided as follows:
(1) Amount appxopriated by City Council
(2) Contributions from private sources
(3) Earnings from admissions and other charges
made for use of facilities
(4) Miscellaneous revenues; and '
(b) Estimated expenditures, divided as follows:
Administration payroll
Instructional and supervisory payroll
Maintenance and improvement payroll
Postage, express freight, utility charges
Real estate and improvements
Miscellaneous expenditures
� ___ __ . ..___. :_
(12) Contractual services
(13) Taxes and assessments
(14) Consultant fees.
Such budget shall be submitted not later than June 1, to the City Manager.
The final decisions as to these contributions shall be reported back
to the couunission, which shall adjust the budget, if nessary. The ex-
penditure allowances, as finally approved by the commission and City
Council, shall control the year's spending program. The commission �
shall not itself levy taxes or borrow money; and it shall not approve
any claims or incur any obligations for expenditure.
Section 24.05 FUNDS. For the purpose of financing the parks and recrea-
tion program authorized by this chapter, the accounting shall be the
responsibility of the treasurer of the City. The commission shall be
authorized to establish charges or fees for the restricted use of any
facilities or to make any phase of the recreation program wholly or
partially self-sustaining. Any employees who handle cash in the process
of collection shall be bonded.
Section 24.06 REPORTS. In matters relating to the recreation program,
personnel and finances, advisory reports shall be made directly to the
City Council through the City Manager.
' Matters relating to property purcha§es, capital improvements
^ and facilities shall be reported to the City Council with recommendation
� of the Planning Commission.
Section 24.07 ANNUAL REPORT. The coimnission shall, as soon as possible
after the end of each calendar year, present to the City Council, a
comprehensive annual report of its activities.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Fridley this 18th
day of october , 1965.
Marvin C. Brunsell, City Clerk
First Reading: OCtobeT 4, 1965
Second Reading: OctOb eS 18, 1965
Published: Nov2mbPS 3, 1965
William J. Nee, Mayor