PR 01/24/1966\ I .' �s<" �� �tt _ : cirr c+� rxmrBy PAB� AND �CR6ATION DBPAB'II�iQT PASRS AND BBC�ATIq� Ct1Mff88I�I t�BTIIdG MII� dANUABY 24 1966 11te 1'ks�in8 was called to order at 7s49 p,M, at p'itdley Ctty Hall by ChaiYmsn Hughea. ��.. 1�BR8 PB886Na. Hugbea, Mre. Samp�on, DmPhy. Skjervold, Coc4ran �ERB ABSBNT� None 0�8 P868�J?= Jerry Se�man, Hea�i gask�tball Coac1� - gridley High School and Paul Bzoqn, Director �_ � Co�ia,;°t��to�considez WeCiaatallatioaeof basketball�sta�ndarda rithin tiu City of Bridlep vith special considsration being gio�a to Vest !loose �� e� t�e ae�r tennis conrt inetallatiou caaiag this apring. Hugl�ea tafoa�eed 2tr• Seeman that due consideratioa vould be gi,ven to hia raquest � PT°P�al, �u1 thanked him for hie personai concern ia fyrtLer;ng t�a game of basketbali within Fridley. e:� �n : : � • �.: : 3 2!D'CiODi by Sk�ervold, aaconded bp Cochran, that Paal Broson be appotnted Eecretary of ebe pasks and Aecreation Coemiiasicn me.tiage. �� bY �°PbY. eecondad by Cochran, that tlu £ollaaiag outliae for t�meetiage be followed= I. FI. IiI. IV. V. VZ. VII. Minutee, $eporte and Co�Q�a Adoption of Agenda Flsns and Objectivea Old Buslaesa New Busi�as Director�s Report Questias�s and Commeata 1OTTON b9 Sa�pson, secasdod by Cochran, tlut Jack D�mphy be appointed 9ice-Chairmen of tlu Commisaton, MD!lCl� by Coehtaa, seconded by D�mphy, that Commis�ioa conduct its sa�tings oz� t6e fourth (4th) Monda�• of every montl�. Piva a�qr otMr designatad �tinge aa may be calied by the (9u;nan, 1�DlIQd bp Sk�ervold, eecaadQd bq Cochran, ehat a qncrw og tyna (3) membere exiat before any yue;neae maq officially be undertaken. l�Ol„Ol? bq Cochran, aeconded bp Sampaoa, that all ma�tinge be held at Fridley City Hail, starting time to be 7p30 P.M. � � r1 P� ��C��BATItti'1 CQ3�SSION MINUTgS - JANQpRY 2b, 1966 - YAC� 2 P�W IDEAS SBCTIOmis DUNPHYt a. Check on area ia Dunosy°a Lake View Manor Addition, Bloek 5, for possible obtaiaability of fill for remaining :,rea �rth of Beach Houae or i�est Moore Lake. b. Christmas Tree Family Bxpedition - a f:�aily type tree hunt to a trec farm, c, Bliminetion of pile of felled trees in pazk property in Bivervier geights, just off of Sellaire Waq. HUG�S: a, B�dget adjuatment - following ie a liat of areae to De eoneidered on a priozity basia for 1966; Melody Menor - i;oora Laice B�ac6 aad Park - Lpcke park soad access - Capitol � Huglfee - Flenery - Sroad & Hugo and Chaaes Ieland. b. Rwd accese to Locke park areas to be conaidered and iaveetigated. 1. Uae of sewer diatricte land. 2. Minnesota HighWay plana for servtce road a► Univereity. 3. City glane for Locke Park. 4. Raco�sad a road layout. OtD BUBIIiESg: Suoer coaceasioa report for Moore Lake Beach. NB41 BUSIi�BS: Summer aad winter use of concessioo asea at ?loore Lake geach goasa. ADJOiJRNI�NT• —�.�_ Tde meetiag was adjourned at 10;30 P.Me tTB][T i+�BTING• The aext �eting will be Honday, February 28, !%6 at 7s30 P.M., Fridley Cftq Hell. Reapectfullq submitted, ��� Panl Bsoan Diractor of Parks and Recreatioa Departmeat