PR 02/28/1966Y�t`eR5 AND ItECREATI�2i C(7Fl�'S8ItMi i�4.iST.�NG I�NU"iBSS - FEBRUARY Z8, 19b6 � '11ie lSeeting vaa ealled to ordez at 7;45 P.Me ae Fridley City Hall by Chaianaa 9ug6es. SOB.L CALL t�MBSRS PRBSSNTa Hughes, Mrr. Sampaon, Dnnphy, Cochrrn �ERS ABSBNTe stjer�•oia OT}�R$ PRHSSN'fo Bob dolmson, tlead G�astic Coach - Pridlay 81gh Scheol, Paul �irkhaa - Concesaiat Applicant Willard Prank ead Charles Sheridan - Pridley Lit[le t,esgue Association, :�ad laul Brorm Director MINU28So tfOTION by Cochran, �econded by Saopaon that the sinutee of c6e Janwry aeatiog be aceepted aa meiled. Tds motion cnrri�d. � Neer ldess; Danphy - 1. Subjeot of Vandalism in the parks and vhat �ee ean do to educAte the chi2drea about the cost of the�e eaaes. 2. Sabjest of Nater Pollutiou in Moore Lake. 9„�SITaRSx $ob Johnton, the head gyamostic coaeh of t6e Frl.dley Ri$h Sc600i preaented a proposed requeat for beac6 equipment of a gy�ertic nature fox l�owse Lske Beach and Pask. 8quipmeat recomeadeds Horizoaut bar, parelle! bars, �nd �eC of four riags. � 1�7pTI0N by Dunphy, secondQd bp Smpson that the reque�t of Hob _ ,Iohnoaa be considered Inter ia Che meeting nader nea buainess< � �- - Paul &irk6as, emeession :ppllceat for Noore I.ske Beaeh Honae<. A letter of applicetion for c�cessiats at Moore Leke Beach lbuse vae read a2ond to Com�isoion by Cdairmaa Hnghes. Discussion aad qae�tioaa €ollvwed. Willard Praok a� Chaslea Sheridan, Fridley Little Lea�ue Ar�oeiationg A Pre�eniation of tbe proposed use of propezty !n %ocke Yark for conatruction of thr�e (3) basebal2 diaoonda as• msde on beholf of t6e Pridlay Lietla League Association. It ws also raquest�d tbat tha groap be greated a tea �10) year lerse on this prnperty. 1�e tAree diawnd� vould rua north and south £ros pitohex's rubber to hose plate. MOTION by Duapthr, seeonded by Ccebran, that tbe Caaissioe aad tbe Fridloy Little Leagus Aseociatfoa enter into an agreseane of a ten (1.0) pear lease coveriag the erea of S00 x 1500 feat as previouslq diacutsed in Locke Park, ait6 the folloving pointa to be coosiderQd. 1. 1'he tsy-out oE ba12 fleldr meet the approv.*1 and aatie- factioo of the Parks Director. 2. 1fie parkiag l�y-out meet the approval oi the Pollce Dept. 3. '17eat the lease #axa be approved sad accepted by the City Actoruey plus thia Comni�sim. PA�1GS AND BECxBATION DIINOTBS - FBBStTAHY 28, 1466 PAGB 2 4. Tlut eone�ssion b�nilding b� approved by tde City Eoginees. 5. Ace�ss road to Locke Pazk reuin satisfactory after finaf � ea4otruction of diamonds is co.plete. 6. 11tai park saintemace of se�i-pssmanent, pesaanent •tsneturer, a� gxouada remsin satisfactory at all tiae� to t6e aatiafaction of tbe Parlu Dixector. Upan a voice vote, oae voting aya, tvo voting nay, :md one abstaining, the sotioo di8 not carry. P�i1 IDBASa Dmiphy - Sneonraged over thia peas'.s eki trips developed by Depertoaat. Sugsosted that more trips be planaed for next season. Suggaated tAat a Ski Clnb be otganfaed. Soggested a Pridley Civic Group fiold t 8ki Sale or Auctiae. Bsasont Change in siaa of the youugstezs fro� qaar to qeas. A need for largar eqnipsent. Sug;eeted aes dapert�ent check vith sc600l diatricts a: to tiw devalopaest of a Fridley Ski Club. Hugbes - Pre�eeted to ihe Caeisoi� a propoeal for poe�ible land acqaisition in ad�ition to 8ast Locke �ake iark. Perts DirecYOr vill ioquise as to avnesship of property sout6 of Creek as� possible priea oi iaee. Ql�D B119I1�SSs Be+ch Ccae�s�ions - Ca�ission diseusaed the qaestian of c�- cea�ions at Moore Lake Beach Hon�e for thia year and the Sdea of eztending t6is �ervice into next vintez°s prograe also. Sacerpts fro� City Couaeil aod Park and Playgrounds Sub-Camittee minutes wre read aloud concerning tde histozy of. cancessioas at Moore � Lake Beaeh aud Pask. A writtea re port vas preaeated fras Mr. Jefi Suttoa as to bis profits from the Beach concession for 1964 and 1965. A bria! dLcnssioa folloved concorping the postibllity of opeoing the concta�ion area in Loetca Yark. .l� Hn�os - Queation of concesaioa at Locke Park Picnic Shelter for Lhi� susder becooing a reality? pasks IIirector �aill present to Ca�issiou e stt of spacificetioa4 for conceseian at 36elter in Locke Park. HngMs - 11a welt� vas presented to Co�i�si� in saepeee to teatativa poliry for ase of aea ewi�ipg pool at tbe Pridley Jmior High acbool. Coe6zan - Locke Yark Acc<sa. lfiera i� a aeted for rord plm throug6oat park. What proceas vl11 ve asa !n crostruetion of t6is xoadT Will m atabilisa t6e sofl, pave ths road, saka a pereanent roaaY Ffiat esaffic pataras will xe nset Whet plans doea the Comty tiave? Will State Aid help4 PABICS Ai� SSC66ATtaQ lIINO'�S - FEBRUA&Y 28 19b6 PAGB 3 Sl8CL11L lBRTINGt A speciai retiag cvill be ixid Monday, 24arch 14, 7:30 P.M. � at City Hall. I�W BUSIN68St Duuyhy - Vadalise problea in the Parks aud w6at we crn do to coabat it. Suggested ve r�cord cach caae aad doeueent this with pictasea aad prica figurea. Ask eacL school district to help edncate against t6ia by presenting to t6eir childreu case hi�tories aod vLaC they cost the taapeyero. ,MO�IO� by DuqpAy. secandsd by Saspioa, Chat onr departseat docu�ent knoMU cases of vandaliu �md psovide t61s to ac600l boards vithin tbe eity in regards W adpeation to prevent fusth�r cas�s. 46a sotion carried. Hsg6aa - lrots�a2 of �uggested �a�tic equipment for Moore Ldu Btach IlvriON by Ea�p�on, �econded bq Coahran, that action on this anb,j�ct be tabied �mtil Lha aezt segnlar r�stiag. Carrlad, HnglM� - Lud and Nater Act - Sugge�ted ve dewlop a progra� of develo�eat fos our parks wtih Yedarsl aid imolved. Heeaaasa- datioas vars s�kaA of Co�isston by Chaissea tor nsxt ragnlu Meting. lbere Lske Qzyga content - Discnaaioa ra� presented coneeraing � ory�n canteot in Ifoore I,ske. Daup� atatsd t6at tests taken bq cla�a at aeAool �ho+r the oaygen content of Moore La1ce ie iov. Coc6rffi vifl ehae(� out a poasible te�t tLat can be made of t61a. Pasb Dir�ctor viil check w1t6 City flealtL Inspactor and s�e vhat seaosds there er� on this mntter. AD�1?s Tke �etiog ws ad�ouxned at 1Os45 P:�. I� 18iTIIiGs iLe next �tiag vill be a Spsclai Me�ting. Mondey, Marcb 16, 1966 at 7t30 P.M.. Tridlep City Hall. Zhe a�yct s�galas wting vili be, Diondaq !lerch 28, 1%6 at 7s30 P.1[. at Frfdley City Hall. isa�tlnlly aab�itted. /-. J C__.% �`'`� �a s� a.aree,ry ee eu. r.rk. e� s.cr..eson ea..dsssan �