PR 03/14/1966� 8PhC2AL I�BTING tQNtT1E8 OF Tf� PARKS AAID RECREATIOII CQ$IISSION - MARCH 14, 1966 The Fridley Parks amd Recr�ation Co�isaioa 3pecial Meating N+s called to order by Chairman Hughes at 7:40 Y.M. in t6e Fridley City Nall. ��_Ft lS�SRg pBggypT: Hughe�, Mrs. Sampson, DunphY. Cochraa, Skjervold ?B�RS ASSBt1Tt Nou� OTt�RB PEBSSNTs Darrall Closk, Aasistant Engineer; tiiilasd Frank and Bay Yric�, Fridley Little Lsague; Pwl Bram, Mreetor A(�I�As i� Accesa to Locke �ark VISITaRBs 2. Revised Hudget Figures for 1966 Wiilard Fraak eud B,cy Pr1ee o£ the Fridley LitClt Leagua pr�seattd to the Commisaia► a propoaal fos the use of a part of Locke Park for diamond developmant. �e Comf.uioo requestsd that tho Little League drav up a foriosl plan for developmant before any more con�ideration could be coneidered. Wa EUiIa3YSs B09D A�SS Ta LOCKB PAHKs lf�mbes Skjervold suted hia disapproval vith the prxedure foiloved in changing the aite of City Hall to Locke Park by the City Council. He feels ^ that t6e Co�ission should have been conaulted bafore aip+ final decision vas madt. Director Brorn preseated to the Commissioa an overall plan for accosa roads to Locica Park fraa Qoiversity A�enee and T> H. #65. Darrall Clsr�, Assiatmt Bnginaer espiained that a Class FiYe (5) road is recomend�d. 1ba approzimata prices aere given. Clask asplained the process of coostruction. MOT"�ON bp Cochraa t6at ths deparemect psoce�d to devalop teaporary acce�e soad fson Y.H. #65 for this �psing. Aleo, once plaos are developed for the City Hall site, developmont oE aa aacess road is� IIniversitq Avenue proce�d and road be cooplsted bq fall. The Motion carried, R8V SUDGBi FIGt1SBS FOdt 1966: Sw the attached eshibits. MOTIDEi by Dunphp, secondad by Cochran that attached ezhibits of revised 1966 Budgst be sccepted as presented. The Motion carried. _� ._.�; I:�;,,. :,; The es�ting ras adjourn�d at 10:05 P.M. ^ T� NB%T l�SpING will be heid Monday, March 28, 1966. at 7:30 P.M. at Pzidlty City HalY Respectful aubd.tt Paul Btowu, S�eretary to the Co�auitte+a CITY OF FRIDLEY P4RK8 AND RSC'tQATION DI�B1►�!TMENT ^ Paul Rrrwn, Director 6431 UnivArsity Avenue N E __ Phones 560m31t50 � 1966 Revised Budget Proposal 1966 Bndget Detail Capital Outlay 475051 Husldsnga k stauctures Itema Re9ueated Reviaed Lociae Parks Locke Park: 31ta Plan �1ti200.00 r'eqcing Eo Line$ 100000 Melody Manor: I+In1Li-Court Wanaing Houee Fancing �oad & Hugos Jack Ps Jill F, Moore Lka �C�� Hockeq Rink Logan Park: Slide 1,200.00 600,00 lt7�.OD .�� .� 3Uls W 1�500e00 � •� I�r� . : � *�elo4y� Manor s Watmiag Hwae E. Moore Lks Hacicatop Tennis Nets (2) Beac}�a (2 ) Lo�an Parks Slide Sylvan Park: s�aa :•• r� '• •• � �� � �• 27v9� 25a.� � P:� i� 'lY�anaYerred $ 220.00 Pram b75e52 To z 960000 fY�om 1i71 Pool Personnel L75o5i $'n8if:da 14�ansfarred 1�'001: �)300sQ0 t.0 �l%1a26 4T5e5i Final � ^ � CITY OF FRIDLKY ppRKS AND RSCR �.ATION CONA4I3SION Faul Broen, Director ., 1966 Reviaed Budget Propoaal 1966 tjudget Detail partial for Parlcs� Rec -eetion and Band 475e26 Maint. 6e Repair-ImProves, I{�s Revised Requeated Loclae Parkt Lockn Park: 31te PLn $1�itU0,00 Road 1�cceea Coast� $$a150:,00 Crrading-Lsveling . Seeding 1,200D00 Capitol �c Fiughess Seed tc 3od t�00.00 Melody Manors Grade & '14'se 54tt, & 7+�: �o�al Fill-t�rade 300000 B, Hoora Lka 3eed k Sod Commonsz Sod E. Mooi'e I.ulae 250�00 GrademLevel Seed �..� �• •i Tranarerrea �9,3�00o s�raa 475�" Tos b75e26 Uverall Totalss Rec�uested 1966 475�26 S3,lao.00 475e5z 9 i8o<oo $T�;i85o'b3 Revlsed 1966 475e26 4T5o51 4T5o52 Tran. 471 Tran. �e�eW 1$0>00 •�. �� se i� ., �. .:��.. �... .�.., : � .�� : FinaB. /°'� r� crrx or �amtax PARKS L�ID &BCREATION DEPAI2TlSNT P�ul Bromn, Dizectos 6431 Universitv Avenue N. 8. P6oner 560-3450 MEMOBANDIIM TO: Honorable Mayor aad Citq Council • City of Fridley DA�t 1l�rch 17, 1%6 SUB.�CTt Proposad Traosfers Withia the B80MS Parke and &�eoreati� ' Perks b Hecreatiat 1966 Budget Comoirsion *,r*wtM,s:�s!****!l+Rat,r k *t*ir,elwutttr*te,t,r***tar,r*,rt�lt Code No. Hndmeted fos 1966 4i5.26 ITSli Maiat Locke Park: 6 Sits Plsu Sepair of Csgttol � Sughass 8quipt. Seed & Sod 54th 6 lths F111-Gr�e B. ?loare Lakts Sead & Sod 4�5.5! Capitol Loeke Perk: Oatlay Site Plan ltslody !lanost l�ulti-Coust 6lasriog Hoase B�oclag Broad 6 Hugos Jack 6 Jill E. )bor� Eai�e: Bacbtop �by &ink Logan Parkt Slid� Tranafers Nscewa • Cod�.Bo. 75.2 as Bodgeted 1►s�as 475.51 Code No. 473.51 Aa Hndgetad ^ To 4T3.26 rron o75.sY Fro� 471.0 0 TiDTAL $1�400.00 600.00 300.00 250.OQ 3.100.00 �4,200.00 1,200.00 600.00 47Q.00 600.00 560.00 1,500.00 250.00 a 9,180.00 12 280.00 $ 3,100.00 8 300.00 $11� $ 9,180.00 ( 8,300.00) aso.00 �Z.U60•OV $13,460.00 Code No. Ravi�ed Bad�t for 1966 475.26 I'�Nt , �'l1w Locice Pask: Boad 6ccess Coast. $ 5,150.00 8eedlog 1.200.00 475.51 Melodq Monos Grade Tree Aemewal 8. l�foare Lsice: Grade-Sad Lxke A�rkt Fa�� 8. l.ine l�lody Manors Wasoing Baua 8. Moore Lekes 8ackstop lionis �ta (2) Heoeh�a (2i Log,an Yarks Slide S�lvan Prrks Slide 4.000.00 150.00 900.00 11. 0.00 � 100.00 800.00 960.00 180.00 120.00 250.00 uo.00 , .00 13 460.00