PR 03/28/1966r-� PABTS Atm BSf�EATICN COl�IISSIQi t�tTING 1@iU'lE8 - MAACH 28, 1966 ibe Maetiog vu called to osd�r at 7;42 P.H. b� d�si�sa Hnghes. � l�YS PR886NYS �s, Mr�. Sa�son, Cochrao !ffi�S AB�B?s Danphy, 8k�ervold OT1�18 pB8SS1iT: 16n. Strnb lsul Broon, Dir�ctor yapUitg= �'1'IpN y� Cocbsaa, �econded bp Sa�son, that t6e �inates o! tla F�bruary *settng be aceepted as �silad. 13e sotion urried. Cochran eutsd tLat hia eoYion nadez Otd Bnsi.n��s of the �pecial seatiag �iante� of 4larch 14, 1966 ahauid have uid, "devalopsaae of a Class v road froa 6ighaay !65 to be finish�d by tail." lostea� oE "frct University Avem�e". H02ION by Cochran, seconded by Saoq�son, to adopt the minute�, ss ameaded. of the Special Meetiag Minutes of Merch 14, 1966. The sotion casrieS. ^ p Ta68s lSrs. Strnb prerented to the Comais�ion the sale of hes propestq in tiw Aivervi�v Heighta Addition, Slock 2 for possibYe pssk property. OLD BUSI�88: TA8 BQtFSIT PROPSSTY LIST: Tba Comiuion �oill make a field tsip studp of propertiai d�sirable for park purc6ase on Sundaq, Apzil 17, 1966 at 2s30 F.H. ^ IZSW BUBIN883s IACl� PABK CONtSSSIdN: MD?IO[i by Sampson, eeconded by Cochran, ehat tha Coamiqim deier actioa � t6e improv�ent of t6e Locke Perk Concestion Aroa at this time and coaeider the poeaibility of Comercial Veadors io osder to detezmiae the aeed of improve■ents in the future. 1Le motion carried. Maa referred to the neat 1188Y CB �1 sov - cow aaus6z macaoa�o A cLsck will be made as to prlce of 8 iQ to pzotect Mr, gaus Sobardt's yard fr� balie entaring tsi� �ard. lbis is to be considesad in tha 1967 budget propwal. 14�e Cam3s�ion vill make a visit to the property !or con�ideratlou. � Parks md Becraation Minute� - March 28� 1966 P6(� 2 NSii BIJSII�83 LAND AND WATB@ FtII�t (C�tlaued MD'P�.�1_?�t _Co_c_hran:,.seconded .b'X Be�soa..that_Parlu.._Disector be authosised to mek.e t6e necesaary applioation to._t�e, n. __... .a .. _ .,... . ,. . Lsad aad Water Fund vith,tha City Counetl's_ap�ro„val�__$a� _ __ __ , ��s .D�_s�Rk��9d_ to �fel«]y �fa�s a,� a _first_.e..riori�,_,.:11!e_,. t�P�,;f.on �.rrl�a. DAH OIZ xIG� f�SBK EASY Q OLD CE�1'�l1Ls Cameoi�sion desixes an inteseet be givea in coatrolling the • flov of vater in direct respect to Locke Park. The miaimmn raquest ia for a flow coatsol of &ice Cre�k. It is the desire oi the Comi�sion to Mve the present dam east oP Old Cantral reatorsd to its original purpose sod vater level contsol. BUD(ST FOA 1967s Depart�ant mili Lave budget pmpooal ready for the Commiesion by the middle o£ May. PABK NAllItJGt MOTIQi by Sampson, seconded by Cochran, that the park prnparty � Creak Plasa South be officiallq namsd "JAY PABK". 2he motlon casrisd. ^ pp30�R�lt. The I�Ntiog was ad journed at 10i42 P.M. t�at Special M�nting vill be held oa Sunday, April 17tb at 2s30 P.H. at Fsidiey City Hall; Pield Trip of poteatiai park PrnPertY• Next Eegular afeatiag will be held � Monday, April 23. 1966 at 7:50 P.M. at Bridl�y City Hail. 8espectlnlly soba�itesd, � Broan Secratary to the Cas�i.ttoe �1