PR 06/27/1966� CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS A'. D RF.CREATIUh D':PARTMRNT PARKS A2<D RF.CREATION CQhL�1iSSI01d iK",ETIt;G MItdUTES - JI;NE 27, 19bb The Mseting xas called to order ab 7s50 P,M, at Fridley City Hall by Ghairman tiughea, ROLL CALL M�.MB'RS Y!?ESF,NT: Hughea, Sampsone Dunphy, Cochran, Spence MF,MA�'ftS AHSF.Nf: None flfH?RS PR�S!3NTs Bill t�filbrath� Human P.elatione C�uriittee Earl Wagnery City Manager Paul Brovn, Parks anc� Recreation P.irector MINUTFSs MOTION bq Dunphy, aeconded by Cochran that the May 23rd minutes be accepted as mailed, The Motion Carried, CQ9+IUATIQUE FR�1 CO.A�iISSION MF.M(3F'.R DL`NPNY MOTION by Smnpsona seconded by Cochran to receive letter fraan Mro Dunphyo �e�+I�otion Carriedo ^ REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL ACTION 1., Trenaferred monies rsceived from the sAle of granular material in Locke Parke to the land aquisitioa fund of the Parks and Recreation Commiasiono 2o Leased property to the Fridley Little League for $1,W for five yearse property being Block 16$ Moore Lake Addition, FRIDLEY LITTLE L�AGUE MOTIOH by Dun�qe aeconded by Spence that the Parks arid Recreation om�im eaion are happy to note the Ciiy Councilas authorization in percaitting the Fridley Little Lea�ue the use of Elock 168 Moore Lake Addition thru 1971a The Commission reepectfully requeats the City Council ta direct the Fridley Little League to vork xith the Parks and Recreatioa Director in the lay�out, davelopment and uae oY the propertyo The Motion Carriedo GUESTt HILL MIiBRNTH Diacusaion xas held in respect to a repa¢�t recaived from the Fridley Hwaan Relationa Camnitteeo Subject: The Fridley Youth Center, After many ideas and probl�na rrere talked overe the Parka and Racreation Co�mniasion vishes to make it lrnam that this group xill do all it ^ can to provide a Rncreatian program for the Junior and Sonior High age level children of Fridleya ^ ^ ^ PARKS AKD r.GCREATIUf' C(%MMISSION �'.IT�IJTRS � JUNF. 27, 1y66 � PI�R 2 SPRAYING FOft WF:EAS ON HF:ST fPiWR� LAKE Hro Wa€ner preaeated to the Commi.ssion his vim+s and roaaone for not apraying West Moore Leke thia seeaon, and also why tha Archery Ranee was sliminsted at The Caomona Parko MO'I'I0�! by DunptWe aesconded by Cochran, that the Parks and Recreation Gomni saion at this time not expend any moniea Yor sprayin�r xeede at West Moore Lake becauac of bud�et limitationa, and that the P. P� ite department is available to the lake property ownera to arran€e to have ttie lake aprayed upon receipt fran the property ownora of sufficient funds to cover the cost, ARCHERY RAICG� IN TfIF COMPSCNS PARK MOTION by Cochrane aeconded by Dunphy, that the Archerg Run�e topic e��aFled until noxt regular meetinEo The Motion Carriedo FRIDL�T CIVIC CHORUS MOTIUN by Dunphy' aeeonded by Sampsonp that letter to the Fridley Zri�v�c Chorua preaented by Mro Hughes be accepted as xritten, and forwarded at ooce to the Choruso The Mation Carried, HOURSs .PARKSn PARK4iAYS AND BEACH MO'PI01: by DunphY9 seconded by Sawpaons that the Parks and Recreation omm�.saion as directed by City Ordinance 78,01 (HoLrs)e set the hours oS 12:00 midnight to 5:00 A.l;, as those hours in xhich no poraon shall rmtain ine or lenve or park any vehicle in any parke parkxay or driveo The Motlon Carriedo FRIDLEY SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION ftEQIJiST FOB HEr3i TENT IAtiD AQUISITION MOTIGN by Cxhraa, aecanded by Dunpt�y, directin@ the Parks and �ecreation pirector to inveeti�ate the aseeeamente against the folloi+ing txo parcela of lando lo t2ice Creek Pla�a South Addition Outlot N1 2o Adama Street Addition, Lota 1& 2o Hlock 1, The Motion Carriedo SPECIAL MEF.TUBGS MOTION by Cochrano aeconded by DuAptqr� that the Chairman be @ivsn the autFoiisation to call special meetin�� xhen n�essaryo The Motioa Carrisde � � � PARKS AFD Rti;C'�'::hTICN CONu'iISSIVT' :'IP'UiES ADJOURid9SNT � JUhF, 27a lyb6 � PAGE 3 The Meetin� was adjourned at 11:13 PoN.o Special Parka ar.d Recreation Commiss3on A;eetin� will bs held on Thursdays June 30s 19b6, at 8:00 P.i•i. at Nro Jack Dunphy°a reaidrmce� Gueets Mro Howard Moore, past Superintendent oi' Parka� t7innePpolia Yark Boardo Special Parks and Recreaiion Con¢nisaion Meetin� xill be held on 99onday� July li:� 1966� at 7s30 PW.D1e at the Fridloy City Ha7.la • The next Ragular Meating xill be held on Mondaqa J•�ly 25, 19G6a at ?z30 Pe;?. at the Fridley City Hall, Ree actfully aubmitteds C.vW aul Bram Director �f Parks and Recreation Uepartmant �. 1 � � CITY OP FRZDLEY PARKS �ND RLCItL+AT$ON DEPARTI�I�1T Paul Brovsn, Director 6431 Uaivereity Avenue N. E. 560-3{r50 YABKS AND RSCRSATIOdV CCgS1Y33I0N CHA7R1�lAN Bobest �iughee 548 Rice Creek Terrace N. E. John Qunphy 155 Stoaybrook Way N. B. Helen Sampaon 110 Hartmen Ci;cle t1. E. Thomas Cochran I171 Lynde Drive N. E. James 3pence 6311 Honroe Street (Office) 331-4141 (X4566) (Hone) 560-2618 (Homej 786-4666 (Home) 786•�1743 (Office) 339-6751 (Home) 788�3547 (Offiee) 339-6751 (X2�6) (Home) 560-3176 L�&TII�iGS Meetings will be held at City Aall every fourth (4) Monday of each moath, begianing at 7e30 P.M. ✓"