PR 07/25/1966The Me�ting vas cal�ed 60 oxder by Cbairman �ughea at 7s39 P,M.
`� POLL CAT.i.
�g,,c pggg�g ��a&heg, $�tP90A� Y1S�aphy, Cochxea, Spence
�$S ABSEN7C„ None
p��gg p�gggN�po He�, Jamice Miazga, Alxe, Heten ioewkowicx, Dick Torgesoo
Darrell Clark, Aseiataot Sngineer, City oi Friartment
Paul Browu> D£xectox, P+arks and Reoreation Dep
HO��d6d by Spence, saconded bq Cochxaa that tkce June 27th minutes be
accepted ae mmiled. The Motio�e cerried.
FIOTI� �y COCtILBRr seconded by Ducxphy that the Ju1y 18th Minutea be
accepted as mailedo 'Phe Metion carx:.ed,
MOi�ON by Cochraa, seconded bg Dunphy to secei.e le�tex dated July 11, 1966
£rosn D�nphy to Cou�ission and to flirect special atEentiou to the Director
to itema in this letter coacerning Tenaix Nets, East Moore talce Park,
Noxlous Weeda and th2 Jaycee Hockey RinY. The MoCion earried.
Airectox Ls requested to make resoamenda�ious o� items concerniag
Noxioua Weeks, Melody Maaor Pask, Servlcea provided to 5chotrl Dlstrict
� �14, Riddie P2ay Arese, and School Aistrict �14 property near Chase's
island as aoon as the preasure of other buainess allowa.
Mxs, Janica Miazga and Mra. Relen T,ewkowicz approached the Gommiaa3on in
regards to their desire to sear 7.ota i3-14-15, Block 7 0£ Carlsoa's Summit
Manor LVorth Addition be purchased for gsrk properey aad developed inGO n
emali play-lot for tice youngRr childxen of the aeighbor600d.
2�TIa1 bp Dunphy, ceconded by Sampaon th�t proposal be considered for
T.ots 13-14-15, Block 7, C�rlsoa"a Seae�eaiC Maaor North tldditiat, furtheamore
that the lots be red tagged by the City Council far p�3rk coneideratioa.
Tde Mocion carried.
Ms. Dick Torges� approached the Commiasioa ia re8ards ta his desire to
see Lota 6-7-8> Block 27 of Hyde Park Addit3on be purchased for park
property end developsd into a park slte for the neighborhood.
MUTIOtt by Dunphq, aeconded by Spence that property owned by Mr. 3ce Zizak
bein$ L�te 6,7,8, Slock 27 of Hyde Park Addition ba inspected by the
Directox wieh the 3dea in mind £or a park aite and alxo to find if property
is avaflable £or purchase and at what pricen The Motion C�rried.
MO1'ION hy Cochraa, secoaded by IMinphy to letter £rom the Law
� Officea of Weaver, Talle �]iesaick. The Motioa carxied.
ppg�g � BSCRSATION i��g �r 3pI,Y 25, 1966
p� 2
po�issiou reca�nds that signs be posted c�cerniag the penalties oi
^ vandalism within the parks. Stating: Vaadaliam is a misdemaan°�'
subject to $100.00 fine ox 90 days ia jail.
MpTiUi�1 by Cochran, seconded by Spence to receive tEse Little League
ye8ae, The motion carried.
Lend & Wates Act (Hack Up Pxojects)
� I�TION hy Samps�, aeconded by Speace that davelopmant of West Mpose
yake Pask plus development of psoparty located on 54th b 7th Stre.t
ye ased as back-up projects. To kave prepared plans aufficient enough
so that upplicationa fr� the l.ond & Wates Act can be m�ade• The m�tion
0!A BUSII�1633;
Archeryr 8ange at the Cammoos Parkt
P�y�i bq Dnnphq, seconded bq Cochran to ta�le indefinitely the
Arche�ry gange at the Ca�ona Park. The Motion carried.
Gi£t of Tree Mcney from Golden Va11eY Clubs
^ Commiapi� reco�eaded that Y.ocke Park be naed aa the aite for plantiag
of aay trees or tsee in coanection with thie fine gi£t.
plapq;oc and of Parka:
�rlal$ Clark, Asaistant Sngiaeer, City of Fridley �aas present at
tLe meating to iufosm tite Cowiseion of prxedures secamaiended in ttx
development of park land. The C�isaion disected tLe Mrector to drav
up saitable xesolutiona concsrning the Meiodp ffianus Project anfl the Eoed
9cCeea Praject fos Loeke Park.
�me �er provertq Located on 79icfi and Alden Way. CraiawaY °xea:__
Plp7id� bq Cochraa, secanded by Speace that tlte perk propertq lxated
up 79th aod Aldea Way ba na�d CRAIG PAAB in memos'Y of the late J. W.
Craig. She MoYion carried.
$eidel ProvertYs
tao�ission would like to camiunicate to Che City Co+uuil the posaibilitie•
of difficuity in the deveZopment of a pask at ths SouCh End of the Reidei
pxoperEy, Comiasioa would also like to be iuformed of the Gity Counail's
iateteat in thia mattes be€ore acey offfcial action is takea by the City
^ g�aoh Caataminatioa•
�y� y�r D�phy, seconded b� Speace that the Co�itsion sequesE the
Citp lteaager to advise the Gammisoion ia vriting ae to vhether the resulte.
PARKS AND REt�EATION M2�1lT�ES OF ,7Ui.% 25 > 1966
pAGE 3
^ of �aauremeats of beach contamination will be made available to the
�o�;seion and whether the Cammis8ion *�YreeueattsBPcificcinformationn
fxom teats takea. IE the Co�iesiou aieY 4 �
Che followit�g is requesteds A. A weekly written reporC of the average,
high, end low measurements of toYal coliform count. 2. An annual
wxitCen report basid�n s�amP�eie�ekanalysis ofhtheawatereagainst the
swi�ing season, g g P
applicable atandards of the Division of Envirommental SaniCation of
the State Board of Health. 3. A written report of resulta of all
tesea on beach water coadusted ehis year.
in light of the public interest ia ehis matter, im�ediate action ia
considered neceseary. The Motion Carried.
ADJOl� d
The Me�ting was adjourned ae 11a15 Y.M.
Special Parks and R�creation Coow4asion Me�tinS will be held August 1,
1966, 7:30 P.Me, Fridley City Hall. The followiag peraone will be
invited to this Special Meetings Dr. S. S. Strait, Dr. Donald Y,. Wright
�, Jame6 g, Iiensley and Mr. Earl Wagner, Gity Manager. Subject;
Beach Contamination.
�1 Special Parks and Recreaeion Cammi�sion Meeting will be held in August.
To be announced i�y Chui�an gughes. ,
The next &egular Me•tiag will be held on Monday, August 29, 1966, at
7e30 P.M. at the Fridley City }lall.
Respectfully aubmitted,
Paul Brae
Di.rectar, Parks and Recreation Department
N_R_ _
Tp; The Park & Recreation Ccm�issioa
Spg,3l,�T• i�ze Lske Beach
DATS: July 26, 1966
gRq�3; g,J, Hughea, Chaisman
The purpoae of thia memc is to summarize the diacuesioas in Park and 8ecreation
Coomiasion meatiaga concezning the coadition of wster at Moore Lake Beach, and
to serve aa a baeis for discuaeion at our Special Meeting oa Augast 1, 1966.
The members of the Board of liealth have bean invited to this maeting 1n the hope
that eogether we cea reach conclueiona on the general safety of the �ater and
on specific measures to ineure ita continued safety.
For the paet several yeara, ot about this ti� in the swimming seaea►, rumore
have reached the Comnisaion that the waCers o£ Moore Lake were "polluted". Such
r�rs heve not been borne out in fact whea checked againsC the water analyeea
made by tbe Health Inspector. The Commiseion has never receivad foximl
co�uaicaYion of these reeults aad, therefose, has ao file to rafer to 0o the
aubject. In tUe tqpical case, the Commiesion inQuired as to tLe beaeh condition
and wae ressa�ed by verbat repost fr� the Health Inspector, relayed through
the Park Director. In � caae oilthia the mamory of t6e preaent nembers of the
present msmbers of the Camnisaion hae thase been an iadication of wates conditione
even near t6e maximum leveis far contaminante eet by tbe State.
A year ago, the rumors concernin� the beach were particularly peraUtent, and the
Co�ission concluded that somet6ing mose than verbal reaseurance was ne¢easary.
T6e Commissioa directed the Park and Hecreation Director to secure a veekly,
written report concernin� the condition of the lake water t6roughout the
swi�ing aeasan of 1966. The plaa at the time wae to poat theee aaalyses at
the beach as visual evidence tha� the datez met standarda.
Thie year �ohea the annuai r�ors began to flw in, tvo diaturbing elementa Nere
added to ths psoblem. F1rst, the Co�imsion found that the reporta on water
analyees it had requested vere not available. The analyaes had be�n made, aad
a�ain verbal reasausance was fortdcaming; but no documentation vae available.
Second, tke rwcozs this year vere regularlq paesed ala►g with a statement ttut
the �pesksrs family doctor had toid hfm that the beach rss polluted sad ahould
be closed. Co�ents of thia nature �rese received by mm�bere of t6e Comminsion
�ith sufficieat regularitq t6at it becaoee spparent that this ye:�r we had �re
thea r�ora, we had a genuine concern by several membera of our medical
comm�nity. Iufosmal iaquiry by membera of the Comniasioa W Che doctora vho
were beiag qaoted ehoved that the concern did indeed exist,�med to indi-
cate that no specific fnctor of contamination was kno�wu to be a problem.
The Cammission discuesed thia problem at ies meetings on July 18 and July 25,
1966. Ia the iaterim betve�n meatia�s, an effort was mede to gather infoimetion
on the problem. The information garnered wss too sketchy to even define a
problem and maq be quicklq summarized aa follo�ois:
Tffi�4D TO 1� YARK & RSCBTiATION CQPiI3SI0c3 -PAC3i 2- Jt]LY 26, 1966
^ 1, �he gt$te goard of Eealth asqe that Moore Taice ehould be
caes�orised as Recseational Waters, Claes B. T'he Board
sent the Park aad Recreation Disector a copy of their
stsndards for sach watera.
2, The park and Recreation Mrector received vesbul reports
tbnti C�oo meseur�eats oE wnter condition ahosaed total
colifoam content of 30Q MPN/100m1. againet a State Board
mauimi� of 1000 P�t1/100mZ. The 900 Eignre waa rspparently
aa nvgrage of eeverai xeadings and ao infosmatioa r�ae given
ap eo the aumber or raaga of readings. No dates vere gi�en,
ao the ce�rreacoY of the data canaot be judged•
In diseuBYion' the Comiai.aaion raieed several pointe which vese left unrasolved
and ¢ovoral ques�ioas w'aicis rawain unaaaaered. In the ead, the Commieaioa
vote8 to ceil Eox a meeting with the Board of Heaith in hope that the true
aituation of Moose Lake Beach relative �o the public healCh aad eafety cen Ue
detexmineda Daresolvad questions aad diecussion pointa ahicb may aerve as a
basia $or discussioa at the August 1 me8tiag ere outiined belav.
lo The basie queation remaYna, ae almays, "Ia the besch safs
!or ae�la�in84"
^ 2, 1Um CemmieAton recognises thst the Boasd of Health vould
eu�as�ily close the beach if the anaWea to t6e qwetion
were a cleas cut 'fi1o"e Since the Board has not actad, the
see�ption ia that there is no major daagar at preeeat, but
thae thie doee not mean da�lete seaussace fram a hsalth
3, The Co�isslon reeognisea that oiates �hic6 may pose negli-
gible hasard to a aormaiby healthq person msy pose a heait6
haasrd to a voakeaed or unuenaYly eensitive pereon. Ys there
evideace that Moore Ials� poses a health ha�tard to s ai$aifi-
oant proportion of evi�ers even t6oug6 it is safe fos tLe
bulic of the population2 � laxge a proporti�Y
4, The State's ataadards for recreational vaters 21st a dasan
or more paraetera for meastir�enta and seta paruiesibla
levois for each. To date, the Co�iesion hae recsivsd
reports ��ly � of these parameters (total colifosm coatant).
Are meaeuremeats against other parametesa being mad�4 if ao,
rkat do tluy ahoa? If not, should othsr maasus+emeats be made2
5. !s� eaperience vith othar atsnAuBa the Comiseion usunas that
tya gtate Boaxd's staadasd� are deaigned !or the ganaral case
amd msy not be caa�l4tely ap@licable to ?Zoora Ln1ca. is thara
aq tvidsnce t6at speeial ciscwstan¢as la Fridley �aks the
/'1 8eate etandasda aa nasatisfactosy basis for judgassats con-
casning tLe qua2itp of t6e wiers of MoOre Lelee3 Zf �o, rhat
altasaativ� sumdssd �hoald bs apRlied ia theso epaeial circm-
6. The Camo�issiai reSularly has evidence of the public°e conceza
ave� possible aoctamination of the beach. 1he Cc�oi4sion
vould like to be able to reaaeuse the Public aa to tha satety
oi the bsach �rhere�er poesible and at the aame time avoid
giving the Pubiic falae reassuzanca whera saao �an�er maY
sxist. What is tha best way of accompliahing this4
7, Tha Com�ission aould aimilarlg like to meke available Lo the
pl�yyieima ia ehe srea� data to at►a� the condition o£ Noore
Lake. What data vould be Pertinent in ahc+ning the d�gs�e of
safetq to tha �aneral public and in iafo:miag t6e pl�yrsiciaw
cf taestoxs to; the vate.r posing e problan to mora sensitive
8o In suo�eary� to Wdat deg�ep is the beach safe, eo whpt degrao
doao it ofi�r s hasard. and �rhat ia the b�st appsoaeh to
vhatever problem exists.