PR 08/01/1966T� KINfJ788 OB TBB SPSCLAL PABSS APID BBQt8ATI0ti CCl�QSSI�4 1�8TII�G 0'F Al)GIIST 1> 1966
^ �The 1{e�tieg was cal2ad to ardar by Chaimm� Hughea at 7i40 P.lS.
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�BS P$B�Nts HuBhaa. Bea�aoa> DunPBY, 3penca, Cochsan
!�8 A8�= 1400e
OTl�RS PBE88Nts Dr. H. S. Strait, Dr. Donaid L. Wrig6t, Mr. James �ensley.
All mambera of the Board of Soalth, Citq of Fridiey
ltiks Hinant, Mianeapolia Star
Jack BSea1, Fridisq Free Preas �
Dave 8chaaf, Fridley R@cord
Paul Brown, Diractox, Yaska and 8ecreatia+ Dspertaant
�N : ,'��_L'��.�i ��. �U�,.,; <:�31�/ -...1l�: II.
Diecmafon of th� conditiou of Mooze Lsice Svimmiog Beacb Arsa brought out the
folloving ioformatioa. A S�mation of C�clusions and Reco�aadations.
1. Tha bactaria conteat oi Moore I.eka does not offer a sigoificant
•bealth hazard.
2. Tbe turbidity of the wat.r preaeata a aafety hasard by obstructing
t6e viaion of ehe lifeguards. 2n some yeara, in aome lakes alga�
^ DlOOming 1�as caused a 6ealth haaard; howevar, Chis 6as uot Wan
ab�ervad in the b88CI7' 7iP@II.
3. Tha flaw of fread watar into ttw lake ie an uoknaro factos at t61s
time, amd it msy noe ba suEEicient to mnintaia good n�laming conditiona.
No infoxmetion ie available on Yhe asount of und�rgrouad tloa to and
�7rom tbe laka. It haa baen obs�rved that tture is no vlaibio w►tflov
iram Che lake duriag the leot part of Usa awmer.
4. Ae related to woi�aing, ehe condition of Mooss Lelu i: asaentially tha
smme aa tha ronditi�s pravailing in most lakoa.
S. Tdere ia eufficient colifoxm conCent aad sufficisat doubt as to the
circulation of fresh unter to make thoug6ts for the futusa of t6e beac6
wry much in ordar. It is time now to ccnaider vhae tht long ta� aeede
of t6a comnunity arn fot� avi�ng facilities aad to detazain� tbs best
msnag of ineetiag Wem.
1. In atdar to tawrs against "poaketa" of coatamipatioa in the laiu, samplea
oY tEw watar ahould be mede !n litrsly aseas at soma dist�ace f�� ti►e
beach in addition to tha prteeut eampling. !h. 8aoslay statad'that he
lAtQadad to take such aample�t.
2. purthex effort shwld he made to det�rmine t6e #iaa tLro�gh the lake in
an efforC Co see mhether the circuintioa is adequata.
3. Tba mexia� load oE swimmere Chat tha beach can support should be
coaeidered to aee ii too many psopin are uaiag the area st on. efine.
Zf ao, m�aas should be found of limitiag uee o£ tt►� beach.
r'1 4. The costa, advantuges, aad disadvaatages of coa�tructioa of e rrtoimming
pool ahould be iavestigatad aod conaideiwd.
Special Parks and Recreation Coam.tsaion of August I, 1966 - Pago 2
i. Adams Btreet Addition, Lots 1& 2, B1ock 1. Thi� area �� t� be acudiad
2. Yics Csaek Plaaa South Addition, Oat2ot 41
�i�ion_ Oatlot, #1 _pso�ertp. !or_park_ we, T6n Com�ission astu tha
lfenagar Co bring this to ths City Council's attwtiwt. liw� Nation
: :, :,��:ti!�_�.� � � ; . n: .
i. Irrigation ryst�n a�ed�d far our paslu.
2. Trso P1eoCing progr� aeadad Ear oiac parks.
TM DistieCOr is reque�tad to chack into izregation s�stws and also check
with the Couaty Ageat in reapeet to tr�es and plaating. R�aaaeadationa to
tLe Commiesiai ase desired on both points.
� � �.i`; �i- `!`1'. .
The lieating Wsa adjourned at 10:28 Y.M.
Parka �tnd Secrention Cum�isaian lfsatiag wili be held Monday, Aagust 22 1966
at 7s30 P.M. at t6e FridleT Cttp Hall.
^ �he ,auct B�agular Mesciag v�ill be Lald on Honday, August 29, 1966, at 7:30
P.M. at tha Bridleq City Hall.
ct ully anboit ,
aui Br
Msktor oi Yarks amd Reczeation Dspartasnt