PR 08/22/1966� 1�,�►� VF TI� SPB�, L�Tr YA&KS AND RECREATIOI`1 COtS�IISSION AffiS2ING 0[r AUGi�T 22. 1966 ,`rf'1 . Yhe Meetf.ng was called to arder bp Chairmen Hughes at 7a4U P•H. � ROLL C�LT. �gg pggggNT= gughes, Spence, Coc6ran l�l�BRS ABSBNTa Du�PbY. $�Pson 4T[�98 PREB$NTt City Menagsr Giagner, Yaul Bravn, Yarke end RecreaCion Director SPBCIAL l�6TING 1bPI_C__s__ IANG-�RM OB.�CiV68 ^ The follomiag poines were presented Dp Chaisman Sughes ae pussible Stome for eonsideratioa: 1. Yo ba �p►Linucusly infosmad cancaraing the factors such ue popuistion, iand use, aad type of land developmeat which deteznina• park and recrera- tion nesds• 2. To coordinate the acquiaitioa and developaeat of pask land and facilitiea and tlu offering of recr�ation progsms vith the plaoa of other govera- mental aod private agtocirs-in auch a vay as to avoid dnplication. 3. To s�sve aa a focal point for and co assiat in bringlag about cooperatioo b�tvoan vasiau agencies, governseatal aud private, to psovide facilitiea v�l►ich are moet practically offered by cooperstiw affort. �� �lB8RI0N B'OS I�T! SPSCI.Ai, l�ETING ON OBJBCTIVSSs I Qlw shonld w De sarving and to ahat dagree? lIIRIADY lIAP� P@O.�Cls- � �. ir. ;i. �+;r � Ths I�tl� yas adjonsued at 10:20 Y.M. Tlta n�zt segular Meetio� wili b� held on l�tonday, AuBust 29. 1966 at 7:30 P.II. at the Prfdlq City liail. Reapectially suf�itted, � ul Bsovn �1 Direetor of Parks aad Eeoreation Depart�ent �