PR 09/06/1966:I' ��1! � Y �� f � 'M . N' � �1 �,. .. . [ r.Af � ►" � s' :1' ,� . � . I� The Meetiag wua called Co order by Chairman Hughea at 7;40 P.M. ROLL CALL 1�8R4 PBBSSNTS Hughes, Sampaon, Spenee, DmPhY A�IDBR4 AB�NTi Cochran OTi�RS PSSSffi�1T: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreatioa Department vn MOTION by Speace, secatded by Dunphy, that the July 25th miautes be accepted ea mailed. 1Ue Motion carried. M02T�1 bq Duaphy, seconded by Speace, that the August lat minutea be accepted as cniled. The idotion carrl.ed. MOTI� by Duaphy, aec�ded by Sampaon, that the Augnet 22nd miautes be accapted ae mailed: The Fyotion carried. �:'�� �. .. �OTIaNi by Speace, seconded by D�mphy to receive letter dated Auguat 16, 1966 fram Mr. Donald C. Savelkoul. Ths Mction carried. 1�1DTICZT by Dunphq, seaonded by Sacq�sou, to receive letter 8ated Auguet 25, ^ 1966 from pBr. . Clement T. Johns�. The Moti� carried. OLD BUSII�ID'SSt �_�� ��-:;- .:,, „�„�..: . .r Vilms Vircua property offer haa beoa in pmbate court far 9 yeare. Property ia in Che name of hex former hus6and Mr. Andrew Each. Vilma hae been trying to sell the proparty because of high 'caxea and het childrea do not wane it as a gifC. MOTIOTI bq Dunphy, seconded by Sampeon to receive repart fram Tom Cochran and ask tho City Attorney rco loo& into lagal problems in acquiriag thia property; plus, have the Direceor aheck into the taxes and aesesements and slae of lote. The Motion carried. 5Y1v�n ills Dra neg Pro lem� 1lOTICZI by Spence, seconded by Sampa� n that after atudyic►� xhe 3ylvan Hilla Area, 4ave beea uaable to find aay satisfactosq alternatt:e to the exiating park. We find tlwt a neigt►borhood parbc in the area is etill needed, t6erefore, we recaumend that the aolution to tNo drainage problem in 3ylvan Hille, w6ich is fioallq accepted, be ao engineered as to Ieave the preaeat Sylvan Hills Park uniu�paised. The Motion carried. /'� 61at Railmas iAaderaasss I�B6'PIUN by Duaphp, aeconded by Sampson thae the City Plaming Co�i.esiou, in their dovelopment of etreets and traffic patterae pey specific attentioa► to PA3R5 AND R8CZt8ATI0Cd �S, SSFCEN�E� 6, 1966 PA(� 2 61et Bailo�a�t Underpasa (Coneinued) s � tha n�d #or direcC aad safcs pe8astrian acceea Co our various parke irom populatad areas. Specific point in miad aC Wie time ta t!w neod for an adequata pedoatrian traffic wap whaa tiw b2at railrond underpasa is developed. Tbe 24otiat cnrxied. Izand Aaauiaition - Jaq Park; 110TI� bq Sampoon, eeeoraled by Dunphy, thaC the City purchaae tha property oa Rice Creek Plaaa South Additi�, Outlot �1. Z�e Motion corrisd. MDTIaN by Bpenoe, aec�ded by Sampson directing the Parks and Secreati� Diractor to take �ceaeary aceps to inatitute an organiaationai membes- ship for tlfe Comiaaion in the National Aecreatioa and park Auwciatim. 11►e Motioa casried. �:, ; it: c;�: s1 Lett�r tram P�. Douald Savalkouls Sublects Moore IAke, Keat Ca�f.ssia� agre�d Chat thia problam ia a partioa of tha ov4ra11 Noore Leke probi� and that it ia too latf in th� year Co take aay step� Sa the im- provemettt of the lake. In prepasiog for next y�sr, tl� Diroctor is to pr�pare a rsport for preaeatation at the Februarp 1967 maoting covering the entire problem of praparing the laks far aeat eumavsr, f�aismeu Hughes will draft a letter in retponee to Mr. Savallcoui's lett�r. Lottar from !!r. Clement Jo6aaons Sub�sct: lislod�+ Manor park 110TIa1 by Dmphy, seconded bp Speac� that the Co�iosion psovids a copy of the letter Co Che City Attorney md tLa City Council with tM minuue aad nquest t6e City Attorn�y to cluck into tse itev mantiowd io paragraphs 3 aod 4, aod to tatcr action to pravmnt aay hardship a► ttw resid�nts of !lNOay Lsm dw to c6e delar in e6e City�a conatruceian ot l�lodp Manor Park. We mish to ad�ries the City Couucil of situstion rith Ehe vier that plana and coustruction of idelodq Maqor Park vill procesd wit6 all epasd. The Moeiat earrt.d. , � ;�.Il'ci.'��eY � _____ . _ Th� lis�tiag was ad�ournad at 10;55 P.M. A Sp�cial Pariu and Hecreati� Co�iasion lfe�ting vill b� t�id on ^ Sape�sb�r 19, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. Sub�acts Img Tarm �j�ctiv�s. Th� oeat regular Maeting a1I1 ba h�ld an Monday, Septs�b.r 26, 1%6 at 7:30 P.B, at tha Pridl�y Cit� Hall. 8�spectfnlly SnEmltted.,,�% Yaal Bram, Diractor Ydi'cfS Becraation par0�ent