PR 09/19/1966� n TI� MINUTBS OF' Tf� SPSCIAL PABTGS AND RECB,*�,ATYOt�t C�ggx0�1 MEETING 3HPf�BR 19 1966 The Pleeting waa called.to order by Chairmen Hnghes at 8s04 p,M, $OLL CALL tffi�1B6itS PRB98ZiTs �RS aB�N2s OTI�RS PRBSE�IT8 tiughes, Sempeon, Cochran �►PbY, Speace Paul Srosaa, birector, Parics and Reereatian Departreut l�iT�YS. SBPTB�BB 6, 19G6: MDTION by Sampaoa, secmded bq Cochran, that t!m Septaobax 6eh niautes be accapted ue mailed. T6e t�lotion carriado «r.�_� � • r: MdTION by Coehran, aeconded by Sampsoa to receive lettes dattd 8epta�bar 8, 1966 from Mr. P. L. Woodt+ard of tha Division of Bnvironmental Haalt6, St.te of Mimwaota. T6a Motion carried. C_APITOI. � �TG�S PAOFS�'!Ys Chaisman 8ughas teported to Lhe Commiasioo on ms9tiag luld at City Ball on Sept�abar 9, 1966. Sabjact: Yroptrty Development. Preeent at t6e aeetiog werea Cityr Manager Earl Wagner; Chaisma RugMa, Fridleq Yurke and Aocreatioa Commiaoion; Paul Brwn. Mrectar, Parka and ltecz�ation Dapartoeat and Six (6) mea repzesantYtiv� group fron the Capitol & IiuELea nsighborFwod. O�a BUSIIiB88s Lend Aquisition; Meober Dunphy askad about tvo (2) lote`nort6 of Eaec 1loore Lske and their availaMlity es park property. Chaissan gugLea will iovoatigate these propartiea. 2ce S6avza Maober Dunphy aatced abont ica Shsvar. Iea Shaver hea beea cospleted. Also, figura ekattag and sp.ad akating clasaes will again be offered this winter at Moore Lake, Inetruccious Will be available. NBW SUSINSSSe Dittzict �14 pooli Diatrict �14 hae sc�adulad pool time aad t61s is public infosmatim. � ,,:i�. ��,.,�,;r _ T6e Me�ting vus adjournad at 9s41 P,M. The aext mgular maetiag vill M Lsld oo Moa�lar, 3epto�.Y':�;�c 2�i. 1%6 at 7t30 P.M. at the Fridley City Hall. � Ssape lly submitte � " aul Brown, Diroctor, Parks and 8ecro�tion Depart�nt