PR 09/26/1966� 1� MIIN'�8 OL► T� PABltB ADiD HSCRSAT1aN CO!lRSSIQi LBETII4G OF 86P'�LS 26, 1966 1La Meetiog vas called to order by f:hairman Hughea ae 7s50 Y.M. � D�S�E PBESSN?s gughes, SamPun, Spenae �BS ABS�NTt DrmPh7. Coehraa OR�HS PBES�i?s Paul Srom, Dir�cior Parks and A�ereatioa DepartMnt � !lO�PiQt by Spsnee, etconded by Saspaou, that CLe Septwber 19th Mim�C�s be accepted as seiltd. T6t 1Wtioa carried. �ii : �,� cc�� LAND AOQOlSI'P1QiS Lot l, Sloek 6, Sica Crtek Plasa South Additian: Caoission dtscnssed tla posaib�lity of pure6asing t6ie lot fzos i�. Art C6riseianson for a sua of �10,000. Pnrchase of tt►is lot wonld comect wieh Outlot i. 8ice Craek Plua 8oreh Additioa, alrsady park property. Coaoiwion s�censmded an appsaiaal of this lot plua adjoiniog Lot #2. ^ It � : . 1�1:,�_� HiNAINIliG FOt�iD6 AVAII.ABIS FQA 1966: Ca�issioa discnssed �vailabi2lty of funds remainiag for 1%6. Fmds aeze fouod to be all contracted for in bot6 recreation and parka. I.AI� AOQI�ISI'1'!�s Hiwrviev H�ighta AddiCion, Block Z, Lote, 1.2.3,4 & 5 o�ne8 bq 1l�c. tobert Jaeg,sr. 544-58l1. O�ruer desires to �zc6auge t6ese propsrties for Lot 18, Block 3, 8emiltons Addition, a Tax Forfeit piece of propesty. �. Jseger ieals that hi� psoperty aould make for deairable park la�. Comisaion tabled t6ie topS uotil next regalar meeting. I�S SRAliltti 8It�8: 1'6e !%6 • 1967 ice atcating rink locatiau wra prtsent�d to th� Co�issioa. Aftar diacussion on thess ice sitea, Directos aaked that a snbs�qwnt plan for ice riok locations be presented at our next regular a�ting. I.AND MQi1ISI124N: Carlson's S�tt Manor Nort6 Addition, Block 7, Lota 13, 14 6 15. ^ Co�ieaioa diacuaaed deairability oP thaae three lots for park property. � � r'1 PARKS AAID RSCB2ATIQJ i�BTING, SEPTSI�ER 26, 1966 PAGB 2 Co�iasion aeked Mrector for s aketch of property end also felt ther.e waa a great nn�d for a park in t6ia area. ���-uii �,i � � !he Ma�tiog was adjousned at 9s45 P.1l. Tbe eext regular Meeting will be held oc Mooday, Octob.r 24, 1%6, et 7;30 P.K, at the Fridley City Hall. R,ee tfully aubmitted, � Paui Brawq Director, Parka and xecrsatioa Departmeat