PR 11/01/19662ttB DIIN11TS8 0� THR PASRS AND RSCR6ATIQI CQ�SSI�1 I9r$TII`7G O�F NaPE2�IDB8 I, 1966
Ths Mssting was called to ordar by C6aiss�o HnS4�� at 7s45 Y.M.
�i P�1?i ��. �P�r $P�a� �aa
�S AD�IT: DusPbY
6118R8 PiiS�lYt l�ul �am, M�s+ctox liarfw aod tecraation Departawt
!!DZ'I011 bY S�m�paon� s�eaodtd 6'7 Sp�ece. thst tLe Sept�Mr 26Ch ltinat�s iw
accept�d as msiled. 16s Notion carri�d.
2� ,�:'i� 1 n�.,.
Ltter iroa tlN Natiaoal B�creacien 6 Pas1u AssociaEion
Sab�.ctt Coaeiasian !l�mLestkip
�mp by �oc6sw, waoudad py lpence, to sxp�nd $35.00 for Co�issioa
�i�sbess6lp in th� Nat;ooal Recrestloo 6 Parks Associatios foz a p�riod oY
oaa ysara t�os. Zhe botion Carried.
� e�.�'1'1� . .,. . , ., � �,,�...�.��.�.:��
Work Pcogr�as Raport
^ MOlION _bp Spenca, eacoudad_ bY Se�Paon t6at Coosiaaion has._R1�►a to..,t�a?�9n4.
S�lvaa liiila__Park,,_iqciud�,ag_such itema aa Sesding,, Ski.pptpg t�_..�.i�Jd
anA addiog.,mix, , iaatsllation_ of horseahoo piia a_nd _t;ea. tri���g ._.._$u�h
�oq�owts_pl�il 1� Proas�ded »!th m�lass otMsa�o..dizA�SssL�►R•..tb�s._CiCx.
��� _.NasArt Parks. alA�d._B�tst*atia► Cooiesioa M�,quts� o€�4P1�r 4,_
1966� Sub�ecC "SYilvaa.$i11s Draxns�.Prob1�" Co�i,sai,aR^v�.sl�s to._info�
�._C�._q_�3..1.oi above.plans and._za.qwat Cameil instructl.«►...-_T'�e1!Iat.i�
: ;� u ,L '_ � �'t,
MDlI�lt by Sp�ace, wocooded by Cochrao to adopt Plan for Co�issioa Op�retiou
fos p�tsiod frtam pr�a�at to ead of 1%7. (Alttachment �4) Ageoda also be anb ject
to additions and d�istiona as aeceasary. T6s abtion carried. Op�ration attached.
�' � '• i_r2`;i-..:,:
yaud Acquisition
Riea Catiek Plasa S. AAd, Bloek 6, Lot 1
� by Cocptm. oeconded b� 8espsoa, to file appraiaal oP psoperty aad
snbjoat of land acqutsifion o! Sice Craek,Pla$a S. Add., Block 6, Lot 1, be
secauid�led at auc6 time whm matte ioformat�on oa owrall land a.eA is available.
T6a 15otion cassted,
/'�. IIivarviev Heigitta Add.•8loeic Z, Lot 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Disewsion by ttN Oommission brought out ihe folloaing:
pA[21� ANp �BCitEATIa`1 rigNU'iE3s NOSIEMSER 1, I966
1, We undaratand Mr. Jaeger is intesested in tradiag the 5 lots in
River�iew Heighte for Lot 18, Slock 3, Ikaoiiton`a Additiaia
PAG� 2
2e The Commissioa hae no immodiate plaas which would call for ed�iitianal
park land in either 8iverviev Terrace or Hamiltonys Addition, hovever,
the land in Eiwr�iew Tezrace is more likely to be useful aa psak land
t6aa that iu }laoilt�'s Addition.
Ih0?ION by 8�.�+son, aeconded b� Specce, t6at the Commisaion_inform cixo Citp
Council of tt�ir findinga oa tbia mattar a� indicate to the Council that
_. _. _ ___. . _
park plaaa ae�d not be considered in making a deciaion on the request: The.
_ ___ _ _ _
Motion Carried.
Carlson'a S�mit lfenor N. Add.> Block 7, lata 13, 14 and 15.
MpTION hy Cochran, eaconded bp Spance, wit6 to be utilised ae a
. _ _. . _ ,
neighbos600d Yot Lot, Com�isaion atrongly_racorameads that the,City_Counei�.
. __. __ .__.
ac�uirc Carlsoa'o 8u�it iSaaor No Add., Block 7, l.ot 13, 14 aad lS. to satisfp
_. .. . _.
a long standin� ns�d.of the peoQle. 1be Motim ca;ried. Sketch attac4ed.
1967 Budset
MDTION by SpQnee, aecoaded by Cnchran, to adopt the Directos's reco�oended
1967 Budg•t Aevisions. T!N Motion carried. Budge� Beviaion attae6ed.
^ 1966 Summer Program Raview
M�lION1 by Cochraa, aecaaded b' Semps� that &eport �I Subsecte Bevie� oc
1966 Suo�ner Progrem be laid over for review in Merch 1967. The Motion
� �� �,,:�� k ., �
Director Bsowa presented to the Ca�ieeioa a ieriea of uolor ali8es cov�•riag
tNa #olloving aseas of interest: Io National Congresa Meeting in WaaLsngtoa
D. C. 2. S�er Program 3. Toznado Recovery
, � r, i; ����u�,y :
The Meatiag was adjourned at 12v03 ADMo
A Special Parke t�md Recreation Co�ission Aieeting w111 be held on Monday,
November 14, 1966, at 7:30 PeM, at the Fridley City Ratt.
The aext regular P4e�ting will be held on Moaday, November 28, I966, at 7;30
P.M. at the Fridley City Sa18.
Reapectfully aubmitted,
� w"
aul Browa, Dir ctor: Parka and Recreation Department