PR 11/14/1966Ti 1@1liPE8 Gfl� � SPBCIAL PARRS AND 1�IitEATt�1 Cd!!li88IAN DELTIIIG, DT�NRJ�BA 14, 1966
T6e Naeting aaa called to ordar bq Chaisman Hu�s at 7tS5 P.M.
2�EAf PR�1Tt �s. BamPson., Dunphp
�8 ABtiN'!i Spwce
0'1'�F8 P�68�1Tt Peul Bromn, Dir�ctor; Parks and Recxtation Depaxt�sat
MNU'�S� DiWII�H 1. 1966
MDTION bq Cochraa, e�codded by Sa�paon, that the Noveabas 1, 1966 Miautes
ba accapt� a� mnilsd. Tbs Motion carried.
Letter frau 1�Br. 8Ceve Raiasr
Sub�eett Muaicipal Golf Courea
M0�lIQi by Cochran, �scoadad by Duop6pr to rec�ive, actmowlsd�s and filt
tla 1�tG�z. The 3beiat carrisd.
Ltter fra► Chaisman Hug6ee
Eabjeccs Tlw Rice Cre�k Associaeia► of Fridley
� Commiosim diacusaed the Associatim aod Chaisman liug6aa eacousagtd all
w�Mrs ko avail thamaslves Yo this group aod atund thoir mutiags.
1t�port II iiint�r Prograa
!i0li0N by Coohran, a�condad by Dunphy, t6at pso�rn0 eectia� A of raport be
apptoved rith tifs undesstanding et�at Diz�etor will fostwiat� e arittan agre�-
srat aith t6� Haclay Asaociation of Yridlh+ prior to cospletion of tha 1966 -
1967 Aockh saaeon. Also, an und�sstaadin� that Che Dis�ctos mctivate both
th� !ri¢1� Civie Chorus aad e6e Fridlay Bliars Square Deac� Club to iacresae
t6sir participation for che curs�t a�asa4. Z'M lbtion casrie-:.
R�port IIT 1968 Plaas
Coosi�sioa diacuessd the proposod 1968 Hecraatian and Parka Plan.
iDTIAN by Cochran, aeconded by Saopaon tLat the policq ot tdis Co�ission ia
to acknowladge gifia to the Parks by diaplaqiug an appropriata pleque,
further eq oncousage gr�atsr partieipation of ali groups, cluba and civic
^ orgaaiaaeionq in thia andsavar. Ths Motion carri�d.
KOTIQa by Go�ran. secondsd bq Dunpby, to recsiva with appsaciation t4e tao
bastcetball ataedarda lnekall�d at lboro Lake Beaeh 6 Pask fro■ Mr. Jeoei
Seaman, Head Beaketball Coech - Fridley High School. T6e Motion carsied.
N6W suSII�888a
Trse Beautitication Prograat
Ma'lIODi_by Dimp6y, aecoaded by 8ampaon in v.i,w o# io�o�uti9n ,s�c�et�td
Lofonmllp, tbe Porks_aud_Aecreation Comaiasion,aould 1,�,,w__at„�t�nC,
from,tlfe Citp Council_ of elwi; wia6es in the.pstt.r,_o£ p�a4t�4$.,�qud_
maintananca_of boulevard trans in Yridlsy. ,Tfie Hotion ca;�
Population Deoai�y
Chaisman Hug6ea preaentad to the Ca�el.setoo a mspped surwy ot the City of
Fridley�s populotion d�msitq.
� . �,,� �. .•
T6e l�eating was adjouzn�d at 11s25 P.M.
11ne oext segular m�tting �aill be Mld on Mondaq, Nov�mb�r 2$, 1966, at
7s3�, at tha Fridley Citq Bsll.
R�speetfully anbmitted,
^ �
Paul Broron, Diractor
Parks end Recreatioa Depastment