PR 05/27/1968i . � ^ MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COI�Il�IISSION MEETING, MAY 27, 1968 Meeti;ng was called to order at Meadowlands Addition by Chairman Hughes at 7:30 p,M. ROLL CALL MEMBERS.PRESENT: Hughes, Uunphy, Cochran,_Fitzpatrick - MEMBERS ABSENT: Larson OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation -Alan Jenkins, 6711 Qverton Drive Lee Johnson, 6735 Overton Drive COI�A�IISSION VISITS MEADOWLANDS ADDITION - Personal Inspection The Commission met at the Meadowlands Addition and discussed present conditions and�future plans for the park with Mr. Alan Jenkins and Mr. Lee Johnson, both residents of Overton Drive. Formal Meeting was called to order at Civic Center at 8;25 P.M. - Con�erence Room ROLL CA�L MEMBERS PRESENT: Hughes, Dunphy, Cochran, Fitzpatrick MEMBERS ABSENT: Larson . OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation Harvey Peterson, Anoka County Commissioner Frank Huelskamp, Athletic Director of Fridley School District #14 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING ON APRIL 22, �1968, AND OF SPECIAL MEETINGS.ON APRIL 28th AND MAY 13, 1968 Member Cochran requested that in the Special Minutes of May 13, 1968, Page 1, Bond Issue Brochure, the date that the brochures were to be mailed be changed from Saturday, June lst, to Saturday, May 25th. MO'TION by Fitzpatrick, seconded by Cochran, that April 22, 1968, and the Special Meeting t�Iinutes be accepted. The Motion Carried. � GUESTS Athletic Director of School District #14 the Regular Meeting Minutes of of April 28th and May 13, 1968, Mr. Frank Huelskamp, Athletic Director of School District #14, was present at the meeting to discuss with the Commission the plans for construction of the land behind the High School. The cost will be approximately $75,000.00 and will consist of leveling the ground and developing two football practice fields and one softball field. In the future they are pianning to develop eight tennis courts, hockey rink, golf-driving range, and arch.ery range. The Commission asked_ if these facilities would be made available to the public when not being used by the school. Mr. Huelskamp answered that of course there is always the problem of getting competent personnel to supervise these facilities. He suggested that the track is not in use during the summer and perhaps the City could organize a track program for boys and girls. Mr. Huelskamp pointed out that the School and the City have the same goals, deal with.the same children, and in some cases, use the same tax dollar. • Anoka County Commissioner Mr. Harvey Peterson, Anoka County Commissioner, informed the Commission that the final plans for the Ice Arena will be accepted on June 1, 1968, and that the aniticipated ogening of the arena will be in February of 1969. MINUTES OF REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING. MAY 27. 1968 PAGE 2 � Chairman Hughes said that the Council is acting to purchase the corner o£ land on Spring Lake and the Director will be sending in the necessary application � for the County aid of $1,500.00. LETTERS � Letter from John Dunphy to Sen. Walter Mondale - Subject; Request that he put Fridley on mailing list for available surplus property (Surplus Property . Act of 1944, H.R.10495 - Surplus Property for Park or Recreation Purposes). Letter from John Dunphy to Mr. Robert F. Hall, Midwest Planning � Research, Inc. - Subject: Plans in the Anoka Capital Improvement Program which would affect the City of Fridley in the area of parks and recreation. Letter from three citizens in residential area around the Little League Field at 58th and Jefferson � Subject: Complaint of traffic during games. The letter was received in the Parks and Recreation Office and is addressed to the City Council, City Manager, Police.Department, and the Parks and Recreation Com- mission. The Commission feels these residents have a legitimate complaint although this is the first time this problem has been brought to their atten- tion. The complaint also states that the club house and grounds are kept in an unsightly condition. The Lease Agreement between the City of Fridley and the Little League Organ�zation specifically states that it is the res- ponsibility of the Little League to maintain the property. (See Attachments: Letter (Complaint) and Lease Agreement) DIRECTOR'S REPORT n Parks Work Progress Report The Commission questioned the reason for the second break-in of the Park Garage. The Director brought to the attention of the Commission, the great need for a burglar alarm in the garage. He has already received one bid for the installa- tion of an alarm. LAND ACQUISITION North Park Area . MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, to inform�the Council that this area in the far north part of town along University Avenue does•not figure in the Com-� mission's lans at resent. We further move that the Commission in uire of the Council the purpose which t e Council has in mind for the tract north of Osborne Road and West of University Avenue for which the Council ordered a re- guest for a federal grant. The Motion Carried. In discussion of the motion, the Commission wished to refer the Council to the Special Commission Meeting Minutes of September 13, 1967, for a summary of the Commission's feeling concerning this land which remains the same at this time. � (See Attachment: Special Mee�ting Minutes of September 13, 1967) OLD BUSINESS ^ Bond Referendum The brochure was mailed Monday, May 27th, to the residents of Fridley. The Citizens Committee is staging a door to door campaign passing out "Vote Yes" signs. The League of Women Voters are planning to make and place lawn signs and are also planning a door to door campaign. They are also planning a Pub- lic Meeting to be held June 6th at Locke Park in the shelter building. � MINUTES OF REGULAR CO[�IISSION MEETING, MAY 2.7, 1968 PAGE 3 ' NEW BUSINESS � Parks and Recreation Department Quarters The City wishes to use approximately $4,500 of the $6,900 in the Granular Material Fund from Lock Park for the construction of Parks and Recreation De- partment Quarters in the lower level of the Civic Center. If the fund is used, the Commission feels that the Fund should be repaid from the General Fund of the City. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that in view of the obvious need for Parks and Recreation Offices, hereby move that City be allowed to borrow up to entire Granular Material Fund to immediately finance needed improved offices. However, it should be definitely understood that these funds must be repaid by June 1, 1969, in time for construction season. The Motion � In discussion of the motion, the Commission wished to point out to the Council that it is their plans to use the Fund for improving Locke Park once the Ice Arena is completed. � 1969 BUDGET AND DETAILED PLAN In lieu of the late hour, the Commission decided to.postpone the discussion of the 1969 Budget and Detailed Plan and hold a Special Meeting on Monday, June 3, 1968, devoting their full attention to the Budget. n • ADJOURNMENT � The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 P.M. A 3pecial Meeting will be held on Monday, June 3rd, at the Civic Center, at 7:30 P.M. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, June 24, 1968, at the Civic Center, at 7:30 P.M. . Respectfully submitted, � , ��'1�c-�c.v � Mary ou rickson, Secretary - Parks and Recreation Commission