PR 06/25/1968MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION COI�A�IISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 Mestin$ was called to order by Chairman Hughes at 8:00 P.M. � MBMBERS PRESENT: Hughas, Dunphy, Cochran, Donlin (arrived at lp;pp F.M.) MEM$kRS ABSBNT: Fitzpatxick QTHERS PR�SENT: Paul �rown, Director of Parks and Recreation �d Braddo�k, Park Consultant Richard Anderson, 5932 - 7th Street N.E., 560-1755 � GU�ST Mx. Ric�ard Andexson introduced himself to the Commission and expx�ssed h�s d�sires o£ having the Commission help promote an Amateur Ath�etic Union Swim- m�ng Pxagram in Fridley. He sta�ed that thexe is a definite znterest in the City as £aur�y-two children have s�gned up. With a minimwn age of sQVen y�ars and no max�mum a$e, Olympic Swimmers get their starts in programs such �S this o��. Ha would like the City to help pay the wages of the attendants who ar� xequ��ed by the school to be pxesent wh�l� the pool is being used by anoth�r group. The group would meet three hours per week and the season wou�d be year axound. Tf mox� infprmation is desired, the Commission is asked to cQntact Mrs. Phyllis Jiblonski, 1505 - 3rd Avenue, Anoka, 421-2616 ox Mr. Rabert Mower- son, Room 218, Gook Hail, University of Minnesot$ ar 3417 Downers Arive, Min�- �apalis, 781-7307. The Commission agreed to review and attempt to re$olve any potentia� d�fferences within the next month and to place this item on ths Aug- ust Meeti�g Agenda. MINUTES OF R�GULAR ME�TING OF MAY 27, 1968, AND SPECIA� MEETING MINUTES QF JUNE 3, 1968 MQTION by Dunphy, seconded by May 27, 1968, and Minutes of w�ittQ�.� The Mation Carried. FAILUR� OF BONR ISSUE Cochran, that the Minutes o£ R�gular Meet�ng of Special Meeting of June 3, 1968, be acce�t�d as The Chaixman r�quested that a Special Me�ting be set within the next month �or tha Commission Lo discuss the Bond Issue, PLANS FOR CONSUI,TANT The Commission discussed what the future plans for the Park Consultant, Mr. Ed Br�ddack, wi11 be £or the next few months. The Director feels that spacifie, det�iled plans a�e needed for Meadowland, Chases Island, Riverview Heights, �nd West Moore Lake Park. Member Cochran suggested that a possibla study ba mad6 o£ Mooxe Lake, Chairman Hughes felt that a review should be made of the entixa riv�r front �Eox posstble access poi.nts. The Commission agreed that Mr, Braddock should consider the river £rontage with special emphasis an a maxina �n R�v�xYi�w H�ights and also consider the development o£ the shore of Mooxe Lako. MpTION by Ca�chran, seconded by Dunphy, to request Mr. �d 8raddock, Fark Consultant, to begin study consisting of: 1. Riverview Heights area concerning development towards £u11 pOtential. 2, Entxre river front area in general. 3. �tejuvination of Moore i�ake. ^ Tl�e Motion Caxried. MINUTES OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 PAGE 2 DIRaCTOR�S R�PORT � Faxk� and Recreation Monthly Memorandum .�.. .. , A r►ew section titled I. Old Business - Incom lete or Pendi.n Business p� COAIiq�SS�OA has beer� added to the Monthly Memorandum. �ach ittem was a.scussed r���1yTy the �ommission and either dxopped or kept or� l��t. Int Saptemb�r af 1965, the Commission requested that a record of water counts of Maore Laks be compiled which has n�v�r besn completed, MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, requesting City Manager to obtain ior the City, a complete record of water counts made to date on water con- ditions pf Moore Lake. The Motion Carried. A 1Qtter was received from the Womens Club regarding the bleachers now locat�d at The Commans Park. MOTION by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that the Director be accorded ta conta�t the Little League and make arrangements for the disposal o£ the bleachsrs. The Motion Carried. A shelter bu�lding has been donated by the Fridley So£tball Association at The Commons Park tQ be used for scoring and concessions at League games. Motion by Dunphy, seconded by Donlin, directing Paul Brown to send a letter of thanks to Howard Lent with dee� appreCiation for building ^ received, The Motion Carried. r� In disCUSSing the motion, the Commission requested that the Dixector obtair� a let�er from the Softball Association stating when, why and £or what pux- �ose the building was provided for a matter of record. Farks k'x�ress Report Vice Chaixman Dunphy� questioned the reason for so many dandelions in the paxks, particularly Sylvan Hills Park. The Director stated that due to lack of par- sonne7., plus continual wet working conditions this Spring, tha Departm@nt was not ab1� tQ e£�ectively kill the weeds before the first blossoming peri�od, Becauae o� the extra swnmer help, this will be done before the second blassom- �.ng p�r�od, OI.D BUSINBSS Metro Couneil - Requests for Aid ACCOrding to the Director, he has been informed that thc� HUA appli.catiQns may not be appxoved as specific plans are needed although the LAND AND WATBR app�i- cat�.on5 axe sti�l being considered. Chairman Hugh�s expressed a desire that �poci£ic reason should be given by the Metro Council as to why the HUD apglic�� tions are being turned down. NEW BUSIN�SS Parkin� Lot at Chases Island � � Tho Commission �����t�,g�� ��� �p�t���r �Q��g�,� j�����e� of Juns li, 1968, regard- ing the proposed 16-space Parl��ng Lot Pp; Cj}�se� ���a�c� gn School District t�i4 MxNUTE$ OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONIl�fISSION MEETING, JUNE 25, 1968 PAGE 3 pxopexty. A map showing the area and proposed pa�king lot was shown to the Gom- � mi�s�ion. MOTTON by Cochran, seconded by Dunphy, to concur with th@ Ci�ty ��gineex's re�omm�ndation concexning parking lpt at Robert Louis Stevenson School- Ghas�s Island area and request Gity Manager to amend 1969 Buc�get to in- Clude �his project. Furthermore, the Commission recommends t}�at ths City Manager take the necessary steps to assure cpmplete understanding betw��n the C�ty and School that this lot be used by citizens £or uss x�n Cor�junction with Chases Island and upon complstion of praja�t, diract th� Park Dir�c�or to erect a si.gn denpting parking lot is for Ghas�s Island, The Motion Carried, Rivex Access A m�ma rec�ived by the pirector £rom Mr. Qureshi, City Engineer, regarding Public �nd Emergency Boat Access to Mississippi River was di,scussed by the Commi�sion. MOTTON by Dunphy, seconded by Cochran, that Paul Brown, Directar oi Paxks and Recreation, hereby be directed to examine the Mississippi Way acce$s f7com the Parks and Recreation point of view and advise Mr. Qureshi what �dvantages there are for the City. The Motion Carried. Summex F1aYground Age Level Some quest�.ons have arisen as to whether ox not the minimum age level fpr the i� playground Program is too low. The Commission recommended that ths DixQCtor A►ake somQ division on age for next year's program. This item will be placed on the next meeting's agenda. Let� A 1�ttar �'rom Instant Shade, Inc. and also a letter regarding Red Gross Fixst Aid Instructional Classes were presented by Vic� Chairman Dunphy to the Com- mission for their information. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 Midnight. A Special Meeting will be held Monday, August 5, 1968, at 7:30 P,M. to disuss the Bond Issue. The a�ext regular meeting will be held Monday, August 26, 1968, at 7;30 i.n th� Cori£exence Room of the Civic Center. The Regular July Meeting has been can- celled pending further notice. Resp@ct£u11y submitted, ��.Gl� ��iZ�C��� � Mary I.au �ri�kson, Secretary to Commission � a