PR 03/16/1970_ :..4�,.� .., . . . . .. . ,. i ,,e� i,� � )N COM�lISSION MEETING, NARCH 16, 1970. Meetin� was cslled to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. � MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Stimmler, Ash. I►�MBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESBMf: Larry Stickler, 6825 washington Street, 560-4963, F.Y.F.A. Frank Hart, 6000 3rd Street N.E., 633-1061, F.Y.F.A. Glenn Engstrom, 6340 Washington Street, 560-5840, F.Y.F.A. • Sam Iaquinto, 6071 6th Street, 560T4643, F.Y.F.A. Barbara Hughes, 348 Rice Creek Terraca, 560�2618. Betty Ann Mech, 1315 66th Avenue, 786T1197, Nature Trail. Ron Burton, 741 Pandora Drive, 560-1626, Fridley School Tescher. Beverly Hlavac, 6231 Trinity Drive N.E., 560-6457, L.Ni.V. Wayne Wellan, 6793 Overton Drive, 560-4141, J.C.'s. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. RICE CREEK NATURE TRAIL. Mrs. Betty Ann Mech was invited to the meeting to better explain her proposal for a Nature Trail and Nature Center along Rice Creek. She opened her presentation with a 20 minute film on the importance and operation of such a center. Mrs. Mech stated that she had already met Vith the Parks and Recreation Commiasion in New Brighton, Minnesota, and that they are planning to build a Nature Center along the east side of Long Lake, which could be very easily connected with one in Fridley. She indicated that Metronics owns sane of the land along the creek and that they plan to put picnic tables in this area Kith the hope of preserving its natural beauty. n Mr. Ron Burton, a teacher in the Fridley School System, stated that he felt a Nature Center would be a great asset to the schools. He said that they are already using the creek for study in Conservation and Horticulture classes. Mr. Burton, a member of M.A.C.E., said that with the over population problem as it is, soon there will be very little, if any, natural habitation left. Mr. Burton felt that people are using all the facilities along Rice Creek and especially Locke Park. He said that he knew of several people who would be willin� to man such a center, so it wouldn't necessarily involve money for manpower in the actual operation of the center. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that we've had this in mind for some time, but that we've been waiting for the owners of the homes in this area to request such a project. Mr. Blair asked if a Citizens Committee could contact some of the people to see just how many of them would be interested? Mr. DFi�ton said that.th�► would and that he felt that Locke Park is over-used to the point that if we worked at it hard enough, he was relatively sure that we could �eL so�e firtancing for the project. Mr. Wayne wellan, a rqpresentative of the Frid2ey Jaycees, xas preseo! aod said tha�t he was sure his organization would be rillin� to back a Natnr� C�nter as lon� as it didn't involve�a lot of land purchasin�. � Mrs. Barbara Hughes, spe�king as a citizen of Fridley, said that sht wu sure there were membars of the League of Nomen Voters and the Fridley MfaMa�s Club n who'd be very, interasted in this type of a project, since they have alMSys ' supported the Parks and Recreati�n Programs, � Minutes of Ragular Heeting, March 16, 1970 Pa�e 2 NAIURE TRAIL (con't.): Mr. Fitzpatrick questioned how much advertising should be done in ragard to this project. He said that there is the possibility that some presently low-valued properties could be increased considerably. He felt, too, that the general public shouldn't be completely left out in the dark. Mrs. Mech used the example of the Hennepin County Centar, and poiated out that they had gone outside of Hennepin County to find a suitable area. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there seems to be enough civic interest. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that a Commission member could volunteer to be on the committee. MOTION by Blair, Seconded by Stimmler, to form a Citizens Committee to investigate the proposal of a Natural Trail and Nature Center along Rice Creek and to see if there is any encouragement from the citizens of Fridley. The Motion carried. FRIDLEY YOUTH FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. Mr. Larry Stickler, Mr. Frank Hart, Mr. Glenn Engstrom, and Mr. Sam Iaquinto were invited to present their recommendations for the 1970 - 1971 Youth Football Season. Mr. Yaquinto said that there were 325 boys, ages 8 to 13, registered for the ^ 1969 - 1970 season. There are three traveling teams and they play with S other communities. The three divisions are Pee Wee, ages 9 to 10, with a maximum weight of 100 pounds; Light Cubs, ages 11 to 12, with a maximum weight of 110 pounds; and Heavy Cubs, ages 12 to 13, with a maximum weight of 120 pounds. Each team has a maximum of 25 boys. The classification for divisions that they use are set up by the N.R.P.A. The Fridley Parks and Recreation Director, plus the Fridley Parks and Recreation Commission, are members of the N.R.P.A. � For the 1970 - 1971 Season, they plan to have 6 Pee Wee teams, ages 8 to 10, with a maximum of 100 pounds, and 4 Cub teams, ages 11 to 13, with a maximum of 120'pounds. The season will begin the third week of August and will run until the second Sunday in November. The 3 traveling teams are covered by a Major Medical Insurance policy and the other teams are covered by Major Dental. Mr. Iaquinto said he felt the fields were inadequate for play, due to the'turf. He said there were plenty of fields and the size was no problem, but that they were overly dry. Mr. Brown stated t'..3t �n overland irrigation system for parks is planned for the coming season. Mr. Iaquinto made a request for a ful�-time coordinator for Football, like there is in several of the other sports. The Association said that all the Cubs try out for the traveling teams before the House teams are formed. The registration fee is $2.00 and each boy must have at least one of his parents present to register. The parents must sign a waiver. The Football Association's main complaint was the overlapping between the Football Season and the Hoekey Season, along with the condition of the fields. Mr. Brown said that there should be a week rest period between the two sports and the Cemmission agreed. �imi� Regul�r Meetin�, Narch 16, 1970 , Pa�e 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1970. _...� ,_.._ n MOTION by Stimmler, Seconded by Ash, to accept the Minutos of the Re�ular Meeting of February 23, 1970. The Motion carried. 1969 REVIEW PLUS 1970 SU[�tER PROGRAM. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the well house project.for Locke Park was not passed by the council, would it affect aay of the programs planned by the Parks and Recreation Department? Mr. Brown said �hat the only thing it would affect is the 1971 Budget. � MOTION by Ash, Seconded by Blair, to accept the 1969 Review and 1970 Summer Program. The Motion carried. REVIEW CONCESSIONS. MOTION by Blair, Secondad by Stimmler, for the Parks and Recreation Department to operate the Concessions at Moore Lake Beach.this st�mmer. Mr. Ash was concarned over the sale of too many items. DISCUSSION: Mr. Blair asked if there'd be any expense in taking over these Concessions.. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that there was, but it should be considered in terms of an added service. The Canada Dry Company provides the pop machinery, so it wo�ld only involve the purchasing of a pop corn maker, and a freezer for the ice cream. Mr. Brown felt that it wouid eventually be self-supporting. n Mr. Ash asked to amend the Motion to include only the sale of pop, pop corn, and ice cream. All agreed. The Motion carried. . DONATIONS. Mr. Stimmler suggested that the three donations being held in the General Fund for the Parks and Recreation Department, be used to purchase a camera and projector, as requested by Mr. Brown in the 1971 Preliminary Program Plan, under division "F". All agreed that this was a good idea. 1971 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM. Reviewing letter "b" under the Summer Recreation Program, Mr. Stimmler questioned how much interest there'd be in a Couples Softball Program. Both Mr. Brown and Mr. Blair confirmed that there was interest �nd that there'd been requests for such a program. Reviewing letter "d", under the Summer Recreation , Mr. Stimmler and Mr. Ash asked about the demand for paddle boats and their approximate cost. Mr. Brown said that he felt that thebe would be good a�ceptance of this part of the program and used Como Park in St. Paul as an example. Mr. Ash asked if it would be possible to contract people to provide �hese services at less cost to the City and the Commission agreed that it would be good to check into this. � Letter "d" also includes a proposed fi�hing ;�ier. Mr. Ash asked if there were �. any fish in Moore Lake and Mr. �rown assured him that there were. Minutes of ReQ�lar Maeting, March 16, 1970 Ps�e 4 �__.. 1971 PREi,IMINARY PROGRAM (con't.): ��_.�...�_� ,� Letter "�" under�Winter Recreation, requests a Movie Night. Nr. Stim�ler felt there were planty of other groups in the City who offer�d such a prograai and that we'd merely be duplicating and competing with them. EveryoAe agreed that this it� should be amitted. Nr. Brown indi�ated that letter "e" under Winter Recreation should be o�itted because of lack of communication between the school system and his department. He stated that the schools seem to have a complete program of their own. All s�reed that this item should also be omitted. Mr. Stimmler questioned letter "b", division 18, under Park Development. He asked Mr. Brown if there was any plan to develop the Riverview Heights property, in the near future, and Mr. Brown indicated that there wasn�t. All agreed that this item should be omitted fra�n the program. It was suggested that Mr. Ed Braddock, Fridley Park Consultant, be invited to attend the April Commission meeting to discuss Locke Park and Chases Island. MOTION by Stimmler, Seconded by Blair, to invite Mr. Ed Braddock to attend the April 27th Commission Meeting. The Motion carried. Mr. Stimmler suggested that the naming of the new parks be given much thought and made a separate item on the agenda. NOTION by Ash, Seconded by Blair, to accept the 1971 Preliminary Program Plan n with the suggested changes. The Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE. MOTION by Blair, Seconded by Ash, to receive the letter from Mis� Kathleen Fletcher. The Motion carried. Mr. Fitzpatrick will.answer the letter. MOTION by Blair, Seconded by Stimmler, to receive the letter from the Surburban Recreation Association, dated March 6, 1970. The Commission felt that they presently did not have �300.00 to devote ts this proposal. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN. The Commission members ag.reed to delay the election of a Vice Chairman until such time as the City Council has appointed the new Commission members. ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by Stimmler, Sec�nded by Ash, to adjoarra the meeting at 11:20 P.M. The next regular meeting will be '�=1d on Morday, April 27, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. in the conference room at Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, n � � CATHIE STORDAHL, Commission Secretary