PR 07/27/1970NIMJTES 0� REGt1LAA PARICS AND RECREATIt1Al1 COMII3SI�+1 liEETIbG, JULY 27, 1970. �� � .. r..___.... _��_.�. 11e�tin� wss called to order at ?:30 p.a, by Chairaan Fitzpatrick. ^ MBNBERS PRESBNT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Ash, Novitsky, Olson. MBMBERS ABSENT; None. OTHERS PRESENT: Bob 0'NeiI1, 861 Rice Cxeek Terrace, 560-1272, Tennis 8, Municipal Pool. Don Johnson, 7500.Hayes Street NE, 786-4618, Nur►icipal Pool. Wsyne Hyland, 5800 East River Road, 560-0782, Tenni.s. Keith B. Hsrt, 6230 Jupiter Rosd, 560-2311, Public Relstions. . Willia� Saxson, 6801 7th Street NE, 560-3297, Municipal Pool. Barbara Hu�hes, 548 Rice Creek T�rrace, 560-2618, Nature 't'rsil. Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner. . Paul Brown, Director o� Parks and RecYeation. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to Co�ission. TBAII�IIS AT THE CO!►NONS . The question has been brought before the Ca■risaion in-re�ard to the Fridln► School District �14 usin� tho public tennis courts e�very afternoon during tha �sprin� �ths. Sp�e�of the citizens have voiced cc�plaints, statir� that they were unable to make use of the courts in the afternoons becaisp Lbe schools were always monapolizin� them. Mr. Wayne Hyland, Tennis Instructoz, Nas pre�enL on behal€ of the schools, in order to clarify the probla�s and perhsps_find scwe suitable solutions. . Mr. iia►land indicated thst there were approxf�stely 28 Senior Hi�h SCho01 bops at�ii 24 ninth �rade boys enrolled in Tennis durin� the p�at sehool �►saT. They ,, use,the Co�ons tennis courts fraa as earlY in sprin� aa we�ther per�its, ur�til ^ sc�tool is a�t in JuRe. Tho courts are used fran 3:00 to 5:00 p.w, unless�ttaere ' is a match and tben they'ra.in use fra� 4:00 to 6:00 p.a. kr._firisnd istdic�tad � that hb wats unsware of the proble� we were referinQ to. He said that he A�l beon the Tennis Instructor for �he schools for the psst tMO years �nd he ha►d not oncountered any problems with citizens wanting the use of the courts durin� ° those particular hours. Mr. 41son.ssked if it would be possible to adjtist their playing so that one eourt cou�d be �ade available in the event that soneone rsnted Lo plsy? He said tAty �could proceed as before unless someone asked to use ona of the courts at�d thets, �djust theuselves accordin�ly. Mr. Hyland ssid thst he didn't see any reASOa tirhr thia_coulda't be arranged. . I11�IT�OII1 by.D�aon, SeeoKded by B[aih, .to neCy oK #�e op�i,�on o� �lte:. T�n�4e Ine�ue.ta�t.` .to uae h�te a�on good �udg¢��xt .to ad�udx �h�.in aekedcclea �Qv ,f�ec.�udt e.Ltizexa Who de,a.vi.¢.d �o p�Cay Ten►tii,e. Discuss3on: Mr. Ash ssk�d if it would be in order for Mr. Browa to �+rite a letter to pr.'N4nson st the schoois, aaking for info�tion in rogard to.tAe sc.�wol baildit�� T�nni� Courts of their own. N�c. Npvitsky sv�asted that • si�n be posted infornin� any interest�d partfes shoald �csll ar �+rite th� Parks a�id Recr�stio� Depu�at in re��rd to tAe hou�� � ths courts ars availsbl• for open play. TAia Mould also tell us itca �ay p�o�l� �Id't��ll�;'interested ia usin� the courts. - ^ �ic.; �i�►la�td. feela tbat the surfscs at the Cc�wns is a very �ood ane and tlutt ' f�nces Mauld preserve it. , Th� �f0�t.oK ��t�ed. Minutes of the Re�ular Meetin,�, July 27, 1970 pa�e 2 �- � MUNPCIPAL p00L. �1 Mr. Bob 0'Neill was present to see if there were any plans in the iwediate. future for a Municipal pool. He was representin� the Swia Club and said that he knew the club would be very willing to help in any way possible: Mr. Blair asked if this would be a heated pool and the approximate dates it would be open. Mr. 0'Neill said that in Minnesota it would slmost�hsve to be a heated pool in order to gain full benefit frou it.� The season Mrould oxtend fran Memorial Day until one or two weeks after Labor Day. Mr. 0'Neill gave three suggestions for sights for the poo1. He suggested The Commons, Moore Lake Beach, just adjacent to the lake, and next to the Columbia Arena. Mr. 0'Neill and those present for the proposed pool, said that they Nill proceed with petitions and whatever else is necessary to obtain a municipal pool in Fridley. RIC$ CREEK NAT[1RE TRAIL. Mrs. Barbara I-Tughes was present to discuss the proposed Rice Creek Nature Trail. and any prngress that has been made. She mentioned the neetin� at Medtronic, which Mr. Srown attended, and both Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Brown felt that there was much interest. The Metxopolitan Park Cowmission representative was v�ary i.ntexested and offexed assistance in the fox�w of a contribution or federal aid. PUBLI� RELA'TIONS MAN. ^ , The Parks and Recreation Commission faels that Me should hava pwre cwaivatcation with the general public tArough the newspaper. Mr. K�ith 8. Hart will Nork wit� the Conunission and the Parks and Recreation D�partment, on a voluntoex basi�, and will take pictures and report special events to the Fridley Su�t NeNSpapor, with the hope that we'll receive better coverage on our activities. FLANERY �STATE. Mr. �lson and Mr. Brown have co�unicated with the executives of the F1u�oi�► Bstate, with tho hope of putting tq good use, the donation of �1000. The Park h�s alreAdy bsen r►a�eed "Flanery park" after the late Nr. William L. Flanery. � Nr• 8rowm has r+ritten a letter to Mrs. Burton Johnson, asking if thero 1a sose � sp.acial t�►pe of Memorial which they would prefer to have installed, CORRBSPONDENCE. � MOTiON.by BLa,lh, Seconded by Nov.i,teky, .to accep.t a,�.L co�viceapvnd¢n�e. soce�x. � M�.,Juan Salas wrote a letter to the �o�mission, with tho hope of introducin� SocCer to,Fridley. He has offered to set up the progrw�, with the help of Luia Castellamos, and would work on a volunteer basis until the progr� r►as s�t up arid runnitt� smoothly. Soccer would run through the mo�tth of Septeaber and OctAber,'and would involve Doys from ages 8 to 12. � Mr. Biair asked Mr. Brown if he thought there'd ba very much interest. Mx. BroMm said that he thought Soccer would involve boys who wexen't Quite roady for:Pootball and would possibly include some boys who otherwise would not got involved in spvrts. � Minutes of tiu Re�ular Neeting� July 27f 19?0 _ p�ye 3 SOC�CE_R_(coa't) : ^ MOTION by O.�on, Seconded 6y Nou.i,t,eky, .to accep.t �the pnopoaa,� �on a Saccen P�cog� �on fin.i.d�ey, and .i,n�b.thue.ted M�r.. BKOwn .to .inc.�ude .i.t ,vi. ,the Fa.I.L P�pgnam on a.th.ia.L 6aa,i.a .'Tke Mo.t,i.on c.a�.i.ed. PROPOSED BALLET PROGRAM. IHrs. Patricia Commers wrote a letter to tbe Commission, in regard to settin� up Ballet cLt�sses for girls from sixth grade to high school. The classes would last for 45 minutes for the gr�►de school girls and one hour for high school �irls. The Commission discussed the fsct that there really isn't much recreation plsnned £or the girls through the winter months and they decided to inviCe Mrs. Cowwers to the.next Commission mee.ting to further discuss the possibilities. MOTION by Aah, Seconded by Nov.i,t,eky, �o .inv.i,te M�,a. ConNaeh,a xo fihe n¢xt Pct�ck,6 and Rech.eaxi.on Co►m�i,ab.i,on me�ti,rig on Augud.i 24, 1910, ,to di,6cuaa -the po44-i.b.i.t.i.ti,eb o� a Ba�P,C¢,t Pnogn.am �on -th.e g.i�c�a -i.n Fn,i,d�ey. The Mo.t,i.on c.a�.i,ed. PAItK GRAN'TS. The Com�ission receivod a Memo from the City Manager in regard to park land grants and the status of park land acquisition. Tbere�will be a meeting in respeCt to this memo on,Au�ust 3, at 6:30 p.m. and Mr. Blair, Mx. Novitsky, �nd Mr. Brawn plan to attend to discuss the budget and proposed propertias. ^ SPECIAL MEBTING. A special Commission maeting is tentatively set for Monday, August 17, to d3acuss the Budget and prepare it�for the Council. Tho meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. 1n tho conference roam at Civic Center. POLICE REPRESENTATIVE AT AUGUST 24th MEETING. Tho Corwaission requested that a representative of the Fridley Polico Deps�rtn�ent be prosent at tha August 24th meeting, to discuss the vandalism problems ir► tha parks. GOLF COURSB CO!/►lUNICATION. M�c.'8o��8arnette sent a letter to the Commission in r��ard to buildln$ a Galf Gotirse fn Fridley. , MOTION by /lah, Seeonded by O.Ceon, �o .take -th.e Kequ¢bx �oa a Go.C� CoW�.de und¢h adv.i.4 ¢1nep.t. The. Mox.i.on e.a�vr,i,a,d . HOND ISSUBS. Tho Coma�ission discussed tiie fact that a Bond Issue Mouid be necessary if Fxidler was to hava either a Municipal Pool or Golf Course. Mr. Ash se�ed to think that th#s isn�t tha.�proper ti�ae for a Bond Issue snd Dtr. Novitsky sa�.d that he felt our h�nds were tied as f�x as further development, unless we proceed Mith a Bond ^ iaaaa. ' Mr� Novitsky a�atod that the portion af Fridiey which lies south of highway �►694 hag very littlo� as far as park develop�ent. He ��i,c� tj3at thore..are. m�Ay childreA who- li.vo in this area arid in order to plaY baii or go swim�i�� ���► must b� :; Minutes o$ tha Re�ular Meatin�, Jul� Z7, 1970 Pa�e 4 —_______ __ �. , HOND ISSUES (con't): n transported across 694 to parks and beach. He feels that the Commission should seriously consider davelopment in this area in the near future. Mr. Novitsky reminded the Commission that items which are too large to be included in the budget can only be developed through a bond issue and he feels that now is as good a time as any to approach the people for aid in special developments. ADJOURNMENT. MOTION by 0�on, Seconded by Nav.i,tak.y, .to crd�owcn xhe me¢fi,i,ng a,t 10:15 p.m. The next Special Meeting will be held on Monday, August 17, at 7:30 p.m, in the conference room at Civic Center. The next Regular Meeting will be held on Monday, August 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the: conference room at Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, •� CATHIE ST4RD L, Secretary to Coannission � ^