PR 08/24/1970r� r` �� , /�� �� JJ �.... MiAR)T�S OF PAR�CS �1ND RECRBATION . COIMISSION MEBTING, AUGUST 24, 1870. — �.�._ _._ .,._...__. Meetin� �t�;.cAlled to oxde� at 7;30 �.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. l�MBBRS PRBSENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Novitsky, Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Ash. OTHBRS PRESENT: Beverly Krall, 194 69th Avenue N.E., 786-3Q37. , Delores Cameron, 247 69th Place N.E., 786-2333. Liz Kshnk, 209 Rice Creek Blvd., 784-2108. Corrine Moore, 200 Rice Creek Blvd., 786-1695. Barbara Weinstein, 5217 Matterhorn Drive, 788-6533, L.M.V. Patricia Commers, 3112 36th Avenue N.E., 781-0095, 8allet. � Hower Anks�m, City Manager. Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director. Everett McCarLhy, Police Chief. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman, Curtis Dahlberg, Paxk Planner. POLICB PROTECTION FQR PARKS AND PARKING PROBLEMS. Everett McCarthy, Chief of Police for the City of Fridley, wss preseAt, as requosted by the Commissio�, to discuss some of the problems in the parks. Solutions to the vandalism problems were generally �iscussed. The Cos�ission made certain reco�aendations to the Chief to help assist the Parks and RecreatiOA Dopartaent in cutting down the number of incidents, especially in Locke Park �nd at Moore Lake Beach and Park. The Chief recommended, in respect to I.ocke Psrk, that the Pa�k Department statipn a man within the Park until midniQht, to help keep watch and perhaps prevent vandalism which might have otherwise occurred. The Chief ststed that it is extra�nely difficult to give night watch protection to a park that has na easy access for the squad cars. The other situation that the Chief and Commission discussed wss the parkin� probloo at Moore Lake Beach and Park, during the sviamiing season. ltte Chief statad thst the "Resident ONLY" signs are not enforceable and that the only real solutian is to install "No Parking Anytime" signs aloag the presently poated areas. The Co�ission thanked the Chief for attending their meeting and advisiA� them on these Droblems. . GIRL'S BALLET CLASSES. Patricia Coa�ers was present to further discuss a Ballet progra� for �i.rls in Fridiey.. It was decided that since the girls really don't have any organized activity in the fall and winter, that possibly ballet would be a well received activity. The classes could be held, if possible, within the Fridley Elementary Schools after school is adjourned for the dsy. The classes Nould be cc�posed oF 20 to 25 �irls for each 40 to 45 minutes. Classes would run for 10 weeka and a char�e to cover instruction, would be asked. G�neral discwsion of tAe pR�posed �ctivitr folloMred, and the Co�ission thanked Pat for attending the �eetin�, �tirtAer reca■rendations were scheduled for later in the aeetfn�. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PETITION. ��I n� Four (4) residents �rom tAe Rice Creek Boulevard�� h� �n p���l �e, preseatad to the Caamisaion for consideration, a get tion calling for the �stop�i� vi Norlc on the proposed construction of apparatus in the area Mhich is b�i� bwllt in tbe Park on Rice Creek ���,�y�rd. Potitia��;; �;4s��pd their objtctia� t0 .. ., . _ . Minutes of the Re�ular Meeting, August 2A, 1970. Pa�e 2 Neighborhood Park Petition (con�t�; � 'the apparatus being located aaong the treos and rec,pi��nded that the.srsa be iastalled farther north. �eneral discussion betMe� tAe Corission �e,bers, the Director, and the Petitioners followed. The Director and the Petitioners set a date and a time to meet and discuss the proposed changes on the site. The Com�ission will be advised as to the outcame of this meeting. n PURCHASE OF LAND. The Commission reviewed a lette north of Jay Park that has been over three years. The question the need for an area in Jay Par this single lot would serve the MOTION 1971 BUDGET. r form the Assessor about a parcel of land on the records and administrative list for was asked: "Do we need it now?" Blair gtitted k for picnicing and he felt that the addition of purpose: Nov.i,t,aku, n T ...... fih.e Hamer Ankrum, City Manager, and Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, were present as requested by tho Commission, for the purpose of reviewing the 1971 Budget, as prepared by the Parks and Recreation Department. A general discussion of Other �xpenses, Capital Outlay, and Land Requirements, followed. Detailed items weTe presented and additions and deletions were made by agreement o£ the entire group. MOT ION b y BCa.ih SQ.codded 6 y O.C4 onr .to adopx fijce J 91 � Budg e,t aa nev.�ewed and nev�4 ed bon a xo�ta.t o� ���z, oao.00 �on 60� Pc�.k� and R¢.e�.ea.ti.on. The Mo�t.i,on e,a�vt�.ed. ' CLINIC FOR PARKS MAINTENANCE. The Co�mission received a letter from Mr. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreoan, requestin� periaission to attend a sesinar clinic on park maintenance and tree caro. The Seainar wauld be held in Chicago on September 14, 15, and 16, 1970, Mr. 8ro�m also wrote a letter of recommendation to send Mr. Volkman �to this Seminar. MOTION by O.Ceon, Seeo►uted by Nov.i.t,aky, ,tn gnanx pe�mi,�e.i,on fi,o Ra.Cph �v,Ckn�r,n �o a.tt�nd �he S�i,nM ,in Ch,i o on S.t�a6QJc 14, l5, & 16, 1970, on 6eha,(b o��,the Ci.ty o� �n�d�ey and e a�sd R¢.enea.ti.on Uepa�c�bn¢nt. The Mo�,i.on G�¢d. �,QUISITION FOR 1971 PERTAINING 'I'0 '71 BUDGET. Mx. Olson recommended a chan�e in priorities fon Land Purchase Froai�tbe 1971 Bud=et requ�st. The Comsission diseussed all areas of interest in respect to a cut bac�C in land zequesL . MOTIDN by Olaon, Seeond0d by BCain, .to change �'he p�r.c:eai,ty .e.i,exi,ng �i.n .th,e 1911 Budge.t neQuesx �ox a.ddi,fii,ona.0 .Cand �o: Ph.i.on,i,ty 4.to 3 and P�t,i,oh,i,.ty S.to 4, �u�a.t.i.ng �.om :th¢ �.u�anc.�.d bF.C.ti.On ��r.i:oh,i..ty 3 a�d 6. 7he Ma.te.on ca�ht�d. COlNi5SI0N REQUESTS BUDGET MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL. n Mort�N Nov�,te ,r,] �� Minutes of the Re�ular Neetin�, August 24, 19?0. Page 3 BALLET CLAtSES. n MOTION by O,Leon, Seconded by Bla,in, .th�a,t Ba,[,C¢,t C,ea,da¢b be a��¢�ced a,t .two Fn.i,d�ey Eeemen�a�r,y Schoo.�, 6y -the Pah.ke und R¢.chea,t,i.on �epah�er�.t, .thi.d �a:GC, a.t a na.te o� $3.25 p�. .i.nd.i,v.i.dua.e �on a peh.i,od o� 10 week,�. The Mofi.i.on ca�.i.ed. SOFTBJILL TOURNAMENT POLICY. Re: City Council Minutes of August 17, 1970. The Coamission discussed the reference made to overtime pay durin� the tournaaent, aade by Councilman Brieder. The Commission recommended that tl�e administration draft a policy in respect to tournaments and the use of City Employetss. MOTION b O.�eon Seeonded 6 Nov.i,t,e .to a uee� #i�a.t fihe admini,a.tna.t.�;on , e a p0 019. Q Ude. 0 �(/QQd tlliute�n0 �t Q eub � w�n u ..rc. .nv�vwr� a.wvwGY• f WN W NN7G� • . . MOTION .to ad1ounn ,the me¢,t,i.ng a,t 11:08 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, Sept�ber 28, at 7s30 p,m. in !Ae conference room at Civic Center. Respactf' ly submitted, n � � ACL1Itg �eCTeLSTY LO I:O�R1S3 PB:CS