PR 11/23/1970a
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Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Ash, Novitsky, Olson.
OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
The Commission received a copy of the City Council Minutes, dated November 16,
1970, and reviewed the portion which discussed and approved the purchase of a
Mobile Warming House / Playground Shelter. Mr. Olson asked what the unit was
to be constructed of. Mr. Brown said that it was a steel structure (steel
frame and outside siding) with insulation and wood paneling on the inside. Mr.
Olson questioned the safety of such a unit and whether or not the insulation
was fire proof. Mr. Brown indicated that thexe are two doors, both on one
side. Mr. Olson pointed out that the unit would be heated by bottle gas or by
direct hook up, and that this was definitely a hazard when the warming house
becomes filled with people. Mr. Brown said that the shell would very closely
match that of a mobile home.
Mr. Olson again pointed out that this could be a fire hazard and that when the
building becomes crowded, the risk is even greater. He asked that since the
unit was just being ordered and construction had not started, perhaps we should
contact the manufacturer and present the situation and request that a fire proof
insulation be used. All agreed and Mr. Brown will contact Cliff Industries, by
n phone, regarding this matter.
M�TION by A.ah, Secanded by O.P.�an, �a accep� .the,d a� �l�.e negu.�an mee,
an Oc,tabetc 26, 1970. The Ma� cahh�.ed.
Mr. Fitzpatrick called the Commission's attention to the letter from Mr. Robert
Jaeger, 4130 Ximies Lane North, Minneapolis. Mr. Jaeger owns lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
and S, Block Z, Riverview Heights Addition, and he wishes to donate these lots
to the City of Fridley (preferably to the Fridley J.C.'s) for park development.
He asked that the City assume responsibility for the delinquent taxes and any
legal fees deriving from this transaction.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked what was known about this property. Mr. Brown said that it
is located just Northwest of our Riverview Heights property. There are some homes
located between our present property and the property in question. The property
in question is bordered on one side by Spring Bro�k, and the other side by the
River. It's low land and is affected by Spring flooding.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he was in agreement with Mr. Brunsell, Acting City
Manager, that the City could make no deals with Mr. Jaeger as far as his.donating
the land to the Fridley J.C.'s, with the City accepting the responsibility of the
n delinquent taxes and legal fees, were concerned.
The Commission questioned whether or not Mr. Jaeger had said what he meant in his
letter. They wondered if he should have presented this directly to the City
Council, with the Council �larifyin� the legal aspe��s as far as the delinquent
taxes were concerned.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting, November 23, 1970 Page 2
Mr. Brown said that he felt it was advantageous for a Parks and Recreation
Department to acquire any and all partions of land which border bodies of water,
rivers, and streams. Mr. Fitzpatrick agreed that this is generally the plan.
Mr. Ash indicated that if it was possible to obtain the land between our present
property and the property in question, it would make one large tract of land which
could be developed into qui-te a suitable area for another Park.
Mr. Novitsky questioned whether or not it would create a maintenance problem.
He pointed out that the City seems to have quite a few areas which are presently
undeveloped and are maintained onl�+ once a year. Would this be just another
area which the Maintenance Men would cut once a year for the next ten years
and the park never developed? He pointed out that we presently own many small
plots of land which are spread out over the City, and none of them being large
enough to develop into anything special. Mr. Novits�Cy said that he felt we
should upgrade our present facilities before considering the renovation of this
property. It would have to sit vacant for a long time before it could be
MOTI�N 6y U.P�an, Secanded by Nav.i�sfzy, xo ne�eh. �he .�et�eh. bacfz �o .th.e C.i.ty
Mana.geh., �t� be c��.��.ed by �h.e C-i.iy, Mn. Jae,ge�c'6 a��eh. and �h.e way
.i.i .i,e �a be dana,ted. A�.te�c �h.e pae�i.t.i.a►1 ha.� been a2an,i.b�.ed, �'hen �h.e a��e1c ean
be �afzen �.v�ia cona�.dehax,i.on. The Mo�',ian ea�vu:e.d.
i`� 1971 BUDGET.
Mr. Brown told the Commission that the Budget has been approved and printed and
that as soon as it is assembled, he would be sending the copies out to them,
along with possible revisions. The overall total will remain the same. These
possible revisions will have to be approved by both the Commission and the City
The Commission will be sent copies of the finalized Budget, along with Mr. Brown's
suggested changes and these will be discussed at the December 28th meeting, before
going to the City Council for approval.
The question was raised last summer regarding City Employees working with other
groups and organizations, preparing for events which will take place in the
City, and whether or not the City should be reimbursed for the wages which are
paid to said employees while performing such services.
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that he and the Acting City Manager have
discussed this problem at great length and they are in the process of developing
a draft policy, to be approved by the City Council, regarding such activities
and the wages involved. The policy is not ready to be presented to the Council
at this time.
n Mr. Brown said that this policy would pertain to all City Employees, not just
those in the Parks and Recreation Department, but it will cover only recreational
or athletic activities, such activities as an Industrial Tour, Blood Mobile, or
similar activities. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if,this would mean that the City
Council would have to be approached each time this sort of event was to take
place so that the wages could be approved. Mr. Brown answered that at present,
the proposed pulicy would state that the organization or group would hav�e to
Minutes of Regular Meeti�, November 23, 1970 Page 3
submit a formal request to the City Manager, requesting the Park Employees (as
an example) to work this event.
Mr. Brown told the Commission that as soon as something definite was determined,
a copy would be mailed to each of them for reviewal and consideration and them
it would go to the City Council.
Mr. Brown presented a petition to the Commission from some Citizens who live
in the area of Hayes School. These Citizens are requesting that two rinks be
built and maintained on the Hayes School prmperty.
Mra•Ash pointed out that we are presently maintaining a rink at Terrace Park
and there is a warming house at this site. The proposed rink would be about
a block and a half away from the rink at Terrace, and he felt ttaat there was a
greater need for rinks elsewhere.
The Commission discussed the need for a rink in the area o� Stevenson School,
to replace the one which had been located on nearby lots owned by Paul Swartz.
Mr. Swartz has severed the contract for a rink on his property and the people
who live in this area would have nothing closeby. The Commission agreed that
the people who live in t1►is area would have a greater need for a rink and that
their attention should be turned toward relocating a rink near Stevenson
n School. .
M�TIDN by Aeh, Seeanded by 13�cw�., �o deny �he �.e.que�.t �an a.�fza�, 1c..i.nFz on Haye,a
Sehoa.� pn.ope�c.ty, an �h.e gnound.� �ha� -the�ce w.i.P.� 6� a��. w.�,th. a wa�cm�.ng hows e
.�oea,ted one and a h.a.P� 6.e.oeh,� away a,t Te�caee Pah.Fz, The Mo�,i�n c.c��
MUTI�N by B.�a.ih, Secanded by A6h, xa a.u�h.o�u.ze -the 17.i�ec,ton, Mne B�cawn, -ta checF�
�.v�ta and cvv�.ange �ah a runFz on .th.e S�evensan Sehoo.e.�y an bome au,i.tccb2.e
evicea nean -theh.e. The Ma�, e.ahh.i.ed.
The Commission's attention was again drawn to the Quarterly Memorandum which
suggested that a representative of the Student Council or some school representative
in a similar capacity, be invited to attend the Commission meetings, to voice an
opinion as to whether or not an activity would be desired and successful as far
as they were concerned. This would tell the Commission if they are satisfying
the desires of the youth in the City. This was originally brought before the
Commission in September of 1969, and has been discussed on several occasions
since that time, but nothing definite has been planned and the school has not
been approached regarding this matter. Mr. Brown stated that he thought it had
been discussed by the City Council at on� time and that he woaald boc�.�e the
Council minutes which corresponded to the Youth Advisor matter and it could be
discussed again at the December 28th meeting.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if anything had been decided on the sale of unneeded Park
Properties, such as the one in Innsbruck and on Cheri Lane. Mr. Brown will check
into this and report back to the Co�junission.
Minutes o£ Regular Meeting, November 23, 1970 Page 4
The Commission made reference to the report on "Trees and Shrubs for Fridley",
which was prepared by Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman. The Commission felt that
perhaps the list should be sent to Shirley Behrens at the Fridley Sun, and other
Civic minded groups and interested persons. The Commissioners felt that this
information would be on interest to all the Citizens in Fridley and that they
would put this report to good use if they knew of its availability.
MOT I �N b y Ad h, Seco nde.d b y B.Pcw�., .to a end xhe .e.i.a x o b"Tnee.� and Shnuba bon
�'�u.d.2ey" xa Sh.v�eey Behnena, �di�an a� �h.e �'n�i.d.�ey Sun, and xa C�,v�.c gnaup.a
and a.the�c .i,n.te�ce,�.ted gnoupa wha sa de,a.i�ce .i.t. The Ma�, ccvvc�.ed.
The Commission discussed the problems of Oak Wilt in Fridley. There is presently
an ordnance regarding Dutch Elm Disease, whereby the City can inform the owner
of the property that he has a diseased tree and warn him that it will have to
be removed. If the owner doesn't comply within a certain length of time, the
City �an go onto the property and remove the tree at the owners expense.
Mr. Fitz atrick felt that it should be called to the attention.of the Cit Council
t at we on't have an or nance coverin Oa Wilt an t at t ere is resentl a
iseased tree wit in t e City. •
A copy of the letter informing the City that there is a diseased tree in Fridley
has been given to the Acting City Manager and Mr. Blair feels that we should
wait until the next Commission meeting to see what develops from Council action.
Mr. Olson asked if the City Council had approached the County, regarding aid in
purchasing the North Park area. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he didn't believe they
had and Mr. Olson recommended that the Commission approach the Council for just
such action. -
Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that the Commission itself was not in a position to approach
the County for aid, but that we could present the proposal to the City Council for
Mr. Blair pointed out that if the City tried to purchase the land on its own, it
would create a terrific burden on the taxpayers.
Mr. Olson wanted to go on record as stating that he feels that the Commission
should approach the City Council with the idea of requesting County aid in the
purchase of the North Park area.
Mr. Fitzpatrick suggested that each Commissioner contact his Councilman regarding
this matter. Mr. Blair said that he felt the Commission should act as one body
in approaching the City Council for action.
MOTION b Nav.i.tah. Secande.d b B�Ca.ih. -th.a,t .th.e C' Caunc.i.e. noceed �o .aee
we can g dome .c,rta.n nam e au .c,n. neg e o cvc
Aacu,uon. i ne Mo�,c.on ca�.c,ea..
M�TI�N by B�,i�c., Seconded by Nov.i.t,�fxy, xo a.d�owcn -the mee, cc,t 9:5� p.m.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting, November 23, 1970. Page 5
n ADJOURNMENT (con't):
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, DeCember 28, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.
in the conference room at Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
�f.t-t�' L �� � � _ f" � �G1�CL � {/�
CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to the Commission
Visitors Present at Meeting.
Parties Affected.
City Council.
City Commissions.
City Departments.
Anoka County Commissioner.
Park Consultant.