PR 01/25/1971�, s_ � .
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Meeting wss callod to order at 7;40 p.m. by Chairnu�n Fitzpatrick.
^ MEMBERS PRES�NT: Fitzpatxick, Blair, plson, Stimmler, Wagar.
MPJ�IBERS A�SpV'!' : Nono .
OTHERS PRES�NT: Mrs. Carolyn Rouse, 2�0 Rice Creek Boulevard, 786-7132, L.W.V.
Paul Hrown, Directar of Parks and Racreation.
Raiph Volkman, Park Foxeman.
Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to Commission.
The Gommission's attention was drawn to the report that Mr. Volkman, Park Foreman,
had prepared regarding the break-ins at the Park Garage. T'he cost of installing
an alarm system by Security Alarm Systems was stated as $127.p0 and it should
have read s157.00. Regarding the last paragragh in the same section of the
minutes, it states the time•element involved in working out of the City Garage
as opposed to the Paxk Garage. This paragraph shouid be striken �raa the
mi�nutes because it deals with a different matter entirely.
MO7ION by 8ea.inr Seconded by O.eaon, .ta apprcave #he M.i,nu�ed, exa co�,eeted, o� .the
ne�u�"'—meP, on ecem e�. , T9'lD: Tke�o� ca�.c. .
Mr. Fitzpatrick directed Mr. Brown to invite Mike 0'Bannon, Gounty Commissionex,
to attend the February 22, 1971 meeting of the Parks and Rscreation Commissian,
� to discuss the North Park Area. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brown for a brief
rundown on the purchasing status of the North Park Area. Mr. Brown said that
there are four parcels with which we are concerned. The first is �300, involving
30 arces. This was purchased under the 1970 Budget. The second parcel is M10,
involving 34 acres, and we have put a down payment on it. The third parcel is
I�600, involving 64 acres, and the fourth is #60, involving 2 acres. Parcels
#600 and #60 have no money paid on them yet, but the City holds the option to
Mr. 0'Bannon is being invited to the meeting to discuss the possibilities of
obtaining money for the purchase of the North Park Area.
MOTI�N by B�, Seeonde.d by Sfi,u�m.�e�c, .ta �.nv.ixe Mn. M.i.he 0'&tnnan, Cou►1.ty
Comm.i.4b.�.one�e �on Anoka Cau►tity, �o attend .the �ebn.uany 22, 191� The
Max.i.on awv�,i.ed.
Mr. Brown requested that several items be added to the evening's agenda for
discussion. The items added were: 1. New Phones in Warming Houses; 2. Babe
Ruth Baseball; Midget Baseball; 3. Mr. Jaeger's Property Donation; and 4.
Girl's Gym Night.
Mr. Fitzpatrick approved the additions to the agenda.
Mr. Blair suggested that letters be sent to the Fridley High School, reauesting
that a representative of the school, perhaps the Student Council President,
attend the Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings to voice their opinions on
proposed programs, as well as present programs.
Minutes of Re�ular Meeting, Janu� 25, 1971 ^ Pa�e Z
YOU'fH AAVISORY (con't):
^ Mr. �Brc� told the Conuniss�on that he had never been agpxoached by students,
rep�esenting the schooi, rd�arding either the p�resent progxams and how to
improve them, ar id�as �ox 11�w pxograms.
MpTiQN b� S�.in�m.�.e�t, Secande,d by�, �o c�i�,t M�c. Bn.awa xo wn.i.te a�e.iteh.
.i.n.v.i,ttn� a nQ,p�t,e� o� �he Fh.Zd.Le.� Schao� #o a.ttend .the mee.ti.ngb v� xh.e
PNi.k.a and Recnea.t� Camni,sb.i.on, �a a�cve aa a Yowth Adv.i.aan, g�.vting �4ugg¢,�#.<.one
�.egan.cii,ru� awc prc.ed en� and pnapas ed p�.ognamd . A co py o��he .�¢n 6 hou�,d be
di�tec.ted �ia An, Nanaen, Supeh.cntenden.t. The Mo�',i.on ca�.Led.
Mx. Bxown talked to the Commission about starting a Babe Ruth Baseball Pxogram
in Fxidley. This would supplant the Midget Program and serve as an exten�ian
af the Little i,eague. He said that the teams would have to find a sponsor.
Uniforms would be the biggest expense, but th�s wauld be absorbed by the
sponsor, rather than by the City, The City would have to prov�de the fields
and special equipment, but not the regi,stration fees or unifosms.
Each team must be registered with the National Babe Ruth League and the chaxga
is $10 p�r team. In addition to this fee, each team must also pay �10 registxa-
tion fee to the State League and then there is a�10 League Fee which would hava
to be paid to the District. A newly organized league does not have to ragister
with t�e'National Office the first year, but they would be required to join the
State League and also the District. The City MUST join the group because it'S
^ an Association. Jim Peck is the area chairman.
�Insurance is�required, but we already have a policy covering our regular Summer
Baseball activities, and it could be exchanged to cover Babe Ruth.
The Babe Ruth Prograra is divided into two gxoups, the Jr. Babe Ruth, which
involves boys ages 13, 14, and 15, and the Sr. Babe Ruth, which involves boys
a$es 16, 17, and 18. The Commission asked if this wasn't similar to our prese�t
Midget program. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the boys and par�nts actually wanted
such a program, cr if we'd be initiating a program which was only desired by
non-residents. Mr. Brown said that the request came from the Fridley High SchAOl
Baseball Coach.
The Commission felt that more discussion was needed with people connected with
the present Baseball program. Ray Price was in charge of Sr. Babe Ruth last ye�ar
and �t was decided that he should be invited to the meeting in February.
MO7ION by BQa,i�c, Seconde.d by Wa.gcvc, za conzac.t M�c. Ray Pn,i.ce, and �he L.i,t,t,ee
League Ba.aeba.�,tans, and �.nv.i.te -tl�.em .to a.ttend -the Febnuan.y 22, 1971 o� #h.e Pan�za and Rec�, Co►�.on, �o cii,acuab �he paaa�.b.i.ei.#�.ea
a� �.►�.tiwduc,ixig zhe Babe Ruzh. &raebae.e Pnagnam .�.n. �n.i.d�ey. The Mofi, ca�v�i.e.d.
The question of accepting the donation of Block Z, Riverview Hei�hts Addition,
^ by Mr. Jaeger, was once again brought up for discussion� The City would be
ob�igated to take over the delinquent taxes and this would involve a sizeabl@
amount of money. The Commission had decided, at a previous meeting, that they
were not interested in this property, but tt�e City Council has requested that
it be reviewed once again. Mervin Herrmann, City Assessor, has recommended
that we not ac�ept this donation.
M�nutes of Regular Meeting, lanuarx 25� 1971 Page 3
^ After some discussion, Mr. Qlson made the xecommendation that the offer should
o�,ce again be turned down because we do not have a need for it.
Qk�an Seeanded b 8�ct.i�. .to .�unn, down .the o en b M�c. Ja e�. .t.�
b e ve�cv.cew n � o
ecau.a e we a na v e a ud e o . e a a n ea�rh,c. .
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked for a report on tha skating rink at Summit Square Park.
He xeviewed that the City Council had ordered the posting of signa givin�
pez�niission for hockey players to use the rink at specified hours. The Aennis
Schxoeder's had their lawyer write a letter to the City, informing them that
the matter would be taken to court if need be, to stop such activities because
of the position their home was placed in, 7'hey had alxeady had extensive dama$e
to their home and their children were not �ree to play in their own yard for
fear of being hit by flying pucks. Upon receiving this letter, the City CounGil
repealed their previous action and declared that there would be no Hockey p1ay�.ng
at Summit Square. The hour which the Council had specified was 8:04 in the
evening and the boys did not follow this scheduling. They were playing hockey
at all hours of the day.
Mr. Brown in�oxmed the Commission that he had been conferring with Mr. Brunsell,
Acting City Manager, and the Burlington Northern Railroad, trying to set up
an agreement by which the City could lease some land just south o£ the Reserv�
^ Supply on Main Street, about two block north of Plymouth Square Par�C. The
' land is faixly flat and we've received a favorable response from the railroad
in respect to this. It is doubtful that this could be settled in time for use
this wint�r, but it has possibilities for next winter.
The leasing of this land would be set up with the installation of a hockey riak,
general skating rink, portable warming house, and possibly some back stops for
baseball, in mind. Curt Dahlberg, Park Planner, drafted some sketches of
possible plans for this area and forwarded them to Burlington Northern.
Mr. Brown asked the Commission if they wanted to change the Commission meeting
date for 1971. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked for comments and all agreed that tha
fourth Monday of each month had worked out quite well for everyone and a11
agreed that it should be continued.
M�TIUN by S�',imm.Q.e�c, Seconded 6y O.e.aan, �a appnave .the �ac�.ih Manday o�
marLth aa .id►.e negu.�a�c da,te �on .th.e Panfza and Reeh.e.a,t,i.on Comm.i.ea�.an. The
Ma�, c.cvv«.ed.
Mr. 8rown said that he had been approached regarding the donation of about 12
acres of land which is located north of Freeway #694, and east of Highway �65,
^ on Gardena, by the Viewcon Development Company. The Viewcon Company is planning
to build an apartment complex in this area and would like to have this property,
which they are donating to the City, developed into a park for the residents of
the complex. Mr. Brown said that he was negitiating with the builders, trying
to obtain land within the complex itself. It would be a focal point for the
complex. He said that 2 or 3 acres would make a nice sized park for this purpose,
Minutes o� Re�ular Meeting, Januaxy 2S, 1971 Fa�e �
�. ______.._ .....,,_ �--*-
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and it wouldn�t i�e just a wooded area which cbuldn't be doveloped wi,thout gx�at
t�.me and expense to the City.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brawn to kee� them infortped of his pragress in this
�i�lattez' .
The Commissioner's attention was drawn �o the fact that five new phones have
been installed in the parks. These are all pay phones and are to be used by
the vi,sitors to the parks. The locations of the phones axs Sylvan Hills Park
Shelter Building, Locke Park, West Shelter Building, Madsen Park She�tex
Building, an� the two drive-up phones are located in the South Commons Farking
Lot and the East Locke Park Parking [,ot.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked about the status of the Grace High School Skating Rink,
Mr. Brown said that the rink was to be a general skating rink, but the 1�and
slopes too much to hold the water. Ice maintenance has been discantinued Por
this seasan.
Mr. �xown was asked to report on the status of an alarm system �or the Paxk
Garage. He said that Ralph Volkman had been working with the CRief o£ Fire
Prevention, Bob Aldrich. Mr. Volkman said that they had contacted Bacon's
�lectric, and they suggested that the system be leased. All the best alartas
axe leased. He said that it was the "fly-by-aight" companies who sell tk�e
system and then aren't around to repair them if anything goes wrong.
The City Council approved the installation of the system and the Department is
presently awaiting prices and the hopefully rapid installation.
The Commissioner's attention was again drawn to the proposed pool at the Dick
Waldstein residence in Melody Manor Addition. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if thexe
was any further development and Mr. Brown said that they would be meeting ta
discuss the plans in detail.
1972 BUDGET.
Mr. Olson made the following suggestions for the 1972 Budget pr�orities. He
said he felt that an irrigation system for The Commons should have top priority.
He felt that the Park Garage was most important, as well as the topsoiling fpr
Th� Commons and immediate action for a Hockey Rink south of Freeway �694,
Mr. Fitipatrick said that a Hockey Rink for Flanery Park was impoxtant and Mr.
Wagar asked about some further development at Meadowlands Park.
Mr. Brown said that he had been approached regarding a Gym Night for Girl's,
where they could exercise, play basketball, etc., and would be sort of like a
, � . �
Minutes of Regular Meeting, 3anuaxy 25, 1�71 Pa�e 5
n Women's "Trimnastic Night". The Commission felt 3�t would be � worthwhile
vanture and should definitely be considered for tha Mlinter of 1971 - 1872.
Mr. B�,aix� asked if there'd be any interest in Girl's Basketball. Mr. Brown
said that the schools seem to feel that they o�fer enough along this line and
the proposal has gone no farther.
Mr. Fftzpatrick mentioned an article in the paper regarding the availability
o� fill iz� the neax future. He asked i.i our Aepartment would have any use
For this.
Mr, Dahlberg said that this fill was shale rock which is used for retaining
walls and costs us approximately $3 a ton, which involves several thousand
dollaxs for a small area. He felt that it would be woxthwhile to purchase some
of this fill and store it for future use. It would involve quite a ssYings.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if there was any further discussion on Snowmobiling? He
said he had received numerous calls, but that.the City Council was preparing an
ordnance which should take care of these questions and problems. Mr. Brown
b�ri�fed the Commission on the progress. A copy of the Ordnance #472, dealing
with snowmobiles, will be mailed to the Commission.
Mr. Volkman told the Commission that the Department had received 93 applicati�qns
for the position o£ Park Laborer. After revfewing the applications, Mr. Brown
and he had decided upon five men to call in for interviews. Aftex deciding o�
the man to hire, the Department was confronted with a problem in the Public
Works Department. They had an Extra man on their payroll and asked the Park
Department to hire this man for the new position. 'I'he Park Departme�►t agreed
to do this and as a result, Richard Cameron is now the sixth Park Maintenance
Man in the Department. He added that Mr. Cameron was working out quite weli.
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that a new man had been hired to maintain ths
outs�.de o£ City Hall. His name is Danny Doyle, and he started the £irst week itl
February. He is clearing the sidewalks of snow and this summer he will be ir►
charge o£ mowing, trimming, and watering. He works approximately 3 hours a day,
five days a week, and will receive $2.00 an hour.
MOTIDN �a a.d�auh.n xh.e mee� ct,t 9:37 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, February 22, 1971, at 7:30 p.m.
� in the conference roora at Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
L�'� �t'�l��c�=� -
CATHIE STORDAHI,, Secretary to Commission