PR 02/22/1971�'1 % � i " ;' % \. MINUTES OF REGULAR PARKS AND RECR�ATION COMMISSION MEETING, FEBRUARY 22, 1971. Meeting was calied to order at 7:3Q p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. M&MB�RS PR&SBNT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Olson, Stimmler, M�MSERS AaSENT; Wagar. OTHERS PRESENT: Mrs. Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Blvd., 786-7132, L.W.V. Jean Schell, 5198 St. Moritz Drive, 788-3283, L.W.V. Haxx'y �n�gel, 82q1 46th Avenue North, Mpls, 788-9784, Sun Newspapers. John Balinski, 333 Rice Creek Texrace, 560-3338, Ski Team. Walt Wenholz, 5Q1 69th Avenue N�, 561-1598, �Babe Ruth Baseball. Betty Ann Mech, 1315 66th Avenue NE, 786-1197, Nature Trail. Gerald Sadowski, 401 Rice Creek Blvd., 784-2311, Nature Trail. Kent Parke, 1349 Hillcrest Driva, 788-8941, Youth Advisory. Richard Kyra, 980 Hackmann Circle, 788-6240, Ski Team. Thomas Brickner, 5840 Tennison Qrive, 788-5309, Ski Team. Mike 0'Bannon, 5298 Pillmore Street N6, 7$8-3484, County Commissioner. Roy McPherson, 5808 Tennison Drive, 788-2440, Little League. Tom Matter, Sr., S$96 Jefierson Stxeet NE, 560-7493, Little League. Tom Lijewski, 207 65th Avenue North, 566-6638, Journalism Student. Ch�ryl Gonse, 6400 Georgra North, 560-8972, Visitor. MINllTES QF M�ETZNG, JANUARY 2S, 1971. MOTIt�N by U�,aan, Seeanded by S�i.r►»n.ee�c, .to appnave .the hli.n�.�tea o� �he negu,�ah. mee�t�+.g an Janu.a�ey 25, 1911. The. Mozi,an e.cvV�.i.ed. SKI TEAM, ^ Sev�ral citiaens wexe present to maka the suggestion that a Ski Team be offered by the City o� Fxidley iox the 1971 - 1972 Winter Season. Th�y explained that ther� was a difference between the Ski Team and a Ski Club. A Ski Team would be invalvesi-prim$rily in competition with other schools and a Ski Club is a group of people who get together £or the purpose of Skiing together. If competition is involved, it'd be only in fun and among themselves. A Ski Team Gould even be invplved in the State Competition, Tom Brickner was the spokesman for the group and he explained that he had done some rasearch on other schools and their Teams. Cooper gives $1,500.00 toward a Ski Team. White Bear Schools provide $150.00 plus transportation. If Fridley w�xe to become involved in this type of activity, they would have to join the conferenca. Th�y would probably be with Stillwater, North St. Pau]., Blake, etc. The cast would involve special poles and transportation. It wouldn't necessarily involve many spscial types of skis, Mr. Bricknex had inquired at several of the slopas ta get som� typs of idea.as to the money it would involve if they were to t�ave ski practi.ce every night after school. Lift tickets are $1.00 a night at Birch Park, or $25.OQ a season, This would haye to be paid by the individual. Kent Parke, Youth Advisor from School District #14,.a�d also a member of the Fridley High School Ski Club, told the Commission that there were approximately 72 students on the rolls and 58 were active. MQTION by O.e,aan, Seeanded by S.ii�r�n.Qvc, �ta .ta�ie .th.e �.de.a. �an a Sh.i. Te,am �on F1c,t.d2ey, �,r►.ta canb�.de�ca.t,i.an, when p.Qann.ing �an �he 1911 - 1972 (,Uc.i.vvtivh Sea�an. The Ma�ti.avi n ccv�.i.ed . Mr, 8xickner suggested that a survey be taken to show interest in such a program. Mr, arown suggested that t��s idea bq submitted to the District #14 School Board, since ths school would probably want to handle the activity, once it was proven tQ ba sueeessful. Mr. Brickner will approach the School Board. � n Minutes o£ Regular Meeting, Februaxy 22, 1971. Page 2 RTCE CREEK NATURE TRAIL. Mrs. Betty Ann Mech and Mr. Gera7,d Sidowski were present to reapproach the Commission xegarding tha Rice Creek Nature Trail. They showed slides which were taken on a canoe trip down Rice Creek last summer. Then, they gave a brief sxplanation of th�ir propased �deas for the Nature Trail and Nature Center to be built alon� Rice Creek. Mrs, Mech said that the Gommittee for the Rice Cresk Nature Trail had approached the Metropolitan Council for possible funds. They have three areas in mind �or funds which they presently have avai.lable, and the Rice Creek Nature Trail is one of them. Mxs. Mech said they were hopeful that the money would be turned aver to the City £or this project. Mrs. Mech said that Richfieid has a snowshoeing program ior wintertime and they have just finished a Nature Center. Bloomington has a Nature Center, and Carver County (owned by Hennepin County) is the oldest and largest Nature Center in the area. There is no center in the northern subuxbs, Mrs. Mech said that she has given information to the City Manager's Office, to be placed on the Ci�y Council Agenda for March 1. She has approached Mr. A1 Kordiak, Anoka County Commissioner, and hs is very interested, and if the City Council will make 'a resolution and send it to the County, he'd start things moving at the County level. Mr. Mike 0'6annon, County Commissioner, said that he and.Mr. Kordiak plan to have a better look at the project this Spring. Mr. Blair asked who would be in charge of the trail once it was completed. If the Metropolitan Council, Anoka County, and the City of Fridley were all involved with it, who would govern it? Mr. Brown said that the Metropolftan Council would turn the money over to the City of Fridley, not to an individual, and only when there is a definite plan of action. Mr. 0'Bannon said,that Anoka County would only paxticipate as far as funds were conconcerned. They would leave the actual management of the Trail and Center in the hands of the City of Fridley. MOTION by �.ea.vc 1 he MOZ.c.an Ccwu-ea. nded b y S.timm�.eh., �o cca Fz �he Caune,i.e -ta pnaceec� AISCUSSION: Mr. Stimmler asked if there was a financial problem relating to the Budget. He recommends that if there is going to be a certain amount of money invalved, that�it aot be taken from the Parks and Recreation B�dget. Mr. Olson said that the Metropolitan Council should be invited to attend one of our meetings and spell out the obligations such as funds, etc. Mr. Sidowski said that the only cost would be for blue prints (the master plan needed to obtain funds frvm the Metro�oli.tan Council.) BABE RUTH BASEBALL. n Mr. Walt Wenholz, Baseball Coach for Fridley School District #14, was present at the invitation of the Commission, to discuss the possibilities of a Babe Ruth Basa� ball program in Fxidley. He explained that there is already a Sr. Babe Ruth Program, so this would be just the Jr. Babe Ruth. The Sr. Babe Ruth is a traveling team program and is sponsored by the V.F.W., ��11 Beery and the Fridley State Bank, and Midland Coop. �1 Minutes of Re�ular Meeting, FebruarY 22, 1971. Page 3 BABE RUTH BASEBALL (con't): Mr. Wenholz stated that if the present program was changed to a Babe Ruth Program, the boys would bs eligible to participate in the District and State Babe Ruth Tournaments, It would be the same basic program, requiring the same things prpvided by the City in the past. Last year our program had six teams and we could start the new program with this number. Mr. Wenholz contacted the Little League people and they are willing to support such a program. Mr. McPhersan, President of I,ittle League, was present to discuss the proposed program. He stated that Little League involved boys from ages 9 to 12. It was started in Fridley in 1964, and they had 500 boys enrolled last year, playing 14 scheduled games. They lease property fxom the City, directly behind the school, for their games and practices. It covers approximately a 2 block area. Each year, they spend between $2,000.00 and $4,OQ0.00 for uniforms, equipment, etc. This year, they hope to expand to two divisions. Little League could include boys ages 13, 14, F� 15, but it hasn't in the past. Mr. Wenholz stated that the Babe Ruth Program has a very strong State organization. Mr. Brown said that the City could not provide uniforms. They would probably have to play without uni£orms the�iirst year and then pick a sponsor who would provide uniforms and other necessary equipment. n The Commission asked i£ all boys would be able to play. Me. Wenholz said that all boys would be encouxaged to play. They would be divided into teams, using a draft method, where each coach would choose one boy at a time, in turn. � Mr. Brown recommended that the program be set up like the Football and Hockey Associations. He rocommends a written agreement be drafted. The Sr. Babe Ruth won the State Tournament last year, and traveled to Missouri, where they played Ohio and Illinois before being defeated. This program would continue as always. Mr. Mcpherson asked if using fields when they a permit basis. fields would be earmarked for Babe Ruth so they could be are needed? Baseball fields would be made available on MdTION by O�.aan, Secanded by B�a,ih., �a aeeep� �+.e anga.n.i.zcL#,i.on ca.P�ed Babe Ru,th, and ae.t -i.i up �o be apelca,ted .P.i.h.e xhe �ne,aen� faa�ba.PZ and Hach.ey Aedoc.i,a.t,i.an.a. The Mp�c:ori cahh.i.ed. YOUTH ADVISORY. Kent Parke was present, at the invitation of the Commission, to represent the Fridley High School Student Council. Mr. Fitzpatrick explained, briefly, what the Commission had in mind, regarding Youth Advisory to the Commission. Basically, he explained, the Commission requested the presence of some member or members of the Student Council, to attend the meetings on a quarterly basis, or oftener, i� tkey so desire, to voice their opinions on the success or present programs and how they can be improved, and also, to discuss proposed programs and how to get more students involved in them. Mx. Paxke seemed enthu;ed about the i.dea and tva.11 xepoxt back to the Student Council. Minutes o£ Regular Me�ting, February 22, 1971 Page 4 ANQKA COUNTY �OMMISSIQNER. Mr. Mike 0'Bannon, Anaka County Commission, was present at the invitation o� the Commission. Mx. Fitzpatrick sta�ed that the County Commissioner has attended meetings af the Commissian on a regular basis, in the past, and asked Mr. 0'Bannon for his opinion. Mr. 0'Bannon will try to maintain the same schedule of attendance. Mr. Q'Bannon stated that he feels the County should participate more in the park� within the City. He said that if development of roads, etc., are required, the GQUn�y has the manpower and eauipment to do it and should. Mr. 0'Bannon will plan to attend the February, May, August, and November meetings. PBTITZON FOR A PARK. The Commission received a petitio� from the Citizens of Fridley, regarding land lacated east of Old Centxal. The land is generally located between Mississippi Stxeet and Rice Greek Road, Stinson Boulevard and Arthur Street. The petition xequssts that the major portion of this property be left in its natural state £or educational and ecological value. This property �s presently, pxivately owned and is a low land which would involve a drainage problem before many improvements could be made. The people who own it want to develop it, We don't contxol it at the present time. The petitioners are asking us to buy it as a park land, ^ The Commissianers all agreed that they would like to drive out and look at the ' propexty be�are they maks any decisions. MOTTUN by �k�son, Seeonded by S.i',imrr�eh., xa xaFze .i,n�ta eana.i.ccie�cafi.i.an, �an �wLihen a�u.dy, �he pnapeh,ty .�.aca.te.d 6e,tween M,i.ad�.aa�.pp�. S�Jcee.t and R.i.ce CneeFi Raad, S�tc'n�an Bau.Qevand and An,thun S�icee,t, �a 6e p.e.a.eed an �he agenda a.t a.ea.te�c da.te. The Max,i.an. ccvuued. Mrs, Carolyn Rouse, a member o£ the League of Women Voters, was present and suggested that a possible solution could be found in the "Green Acres Act". This is a State Act. This would cut the citizens taxes and leave this area as open space and no one would builcl on it, but the taxes wouldn't be increased because of it. She didn�t know if this land would qualify or not. AAJ�URNMENT. MOTIDN by O.P.bon, xo ad1aWcn �h.e mee�i.ng a.t 10:30 p.m, The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 22, 1971, at 7:30 p.m. in the conference room at Civic Center. R�spect,fully submltted, n . . ���� C H E STQRAAHL, ecretary to the Commission