PR 06/28/1971� ' /�i' ,'�.. oalc MiNUTES OF R6GUlAR PARKS At� f�CREATION CONMISSION IrEETING. Jt�IE ZS. �%1� ^ Meeting was c�lled to order at 7:35 p.m., by Vice Chairman Blair. MF.MBBRS PRESENT: Blair, Stimmler, Nagar. MEMBPRS ABSEli't': Fitzpatrick, Olson. 0'I'!�[ERS AR�SENT: Richard Snyder, 5901 2nd Street NE, 55432, 560-3860 aarry Loucks, 5936 2nd Street NE, 55432, 560-8624, Hyde Park. Mrs. Harry Holmberg, 5765 Main Street NE, 55432, 560-4771, Hyde Mxs. Conxad Garness, 5916 2nd Street NE, 55432, Hyde Paxk. Mrs. Carolyn Rouse, 210 Rice Creek Boulevaxd, 55432, 7$6-713�, A1 Kordi.ak, Anoka County Commissioner. Mike 0'Bannon, Anoka County Commissioner, Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. Curtis Dahlber�, Park Planner. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission. FM� PARK PROPQSED PLAY� Park. L.W.V. Sev�xal residents were present �o rec{uest the consideration of a tot lot to be lp�sted on I�ot 21, Block �0, of the Hyde Park Additian. The general address of the lot i� 59th and 2nd St�aets, or about 5917 2nd Street N.E. The lo� is too small fax a �iw�lling, bu� would be just right for a Tot Lot, according ta the area residents, Anothex possiblo lacation would be 5966 2nd Street, which is a doubl� corner �p�. The �e�ide�r►t� of this axs$ stated�that they felt there was a dePinite �e+ed �or a�qt � lot in th��x area and that these two lots were avaiiable for consideratio�. 'Ti►�y pr�sented ��etiti.on to the Cammission to this affect. M�TION b u�c Seconded b S.tcm�nken xo aece �,the e.ti.t�.on o�. a�o� .�,o.� ,[n �e .. .. ,... . • nN mm �huMh 1 nN n o.t u our►. . Q 0 tL . AN�KA f�ITY CQhMI SS It�NERS. Q�BA�NV�(V 8 KpRDIAk � ..... -�---�----�--- Mr. Mike Q'Banrlon and Mr. A1 Ko�diak, Anoka Coµntr GoAUaissioner�, wpxe pre��nt to d��cu�ss �h+� F�idipy City Parks and proposcd park lands, Mx. Kordiak wa� asked why h� oppased the Parks Sill wh�ch wA� baFax�e the S+�ns►!e, +�nd wh�� eFfect ix MA4�id havo on th� Gity. Mx. Koxdiak �tated th�t the M�tropolitsn Pax�lc ai11 dq�sn!t�woxk aS our p1�a rec�µires. Plannin� and funding should be th�i� gr��e �urpcse. Ho Fqlt that we m�ght not hav� equal repro$enta��.on due xo the va�� �rea whi.�h wquld haye to b� covared by each member of tho Council, and the fstct that it would po����.y n�t �nvQlve a member from Anoka County. r��,��..P'.�DK�. Mr. Mike Q'aannon pressnted a cn�ck, in zhe amQUnt of �2,OOQ.00, to Mr. Dor� �1aix, Vi.co Ch�ti�nan, to be� used in the d�velopment of' a beach �n Spxing Lake. Tlse ar�� . �a� basn n�uaed "lohn �k�san Pw�.k" •'T11e City a£ Fridley has plans for th� davelapm�nt o� this aeach in tho near �uture. Th� �ift from Anak� Gout�ty, �s tl��i� way oP h�alpin� the individual aoi�munitie� tp dev��o� their t�atural xa�4ur�e� int4 � n usoable ar��s. Th� Cowt�tY will �rant this amou�t to a Municipality, upon th�ix , ��c{u�at� 4t► �� annual basis. '1't►ia is the first year �hat t,he City pf F�cidloy hAs ��qu��t�d thi� �onay ��d �t �a hoped that ,Tohn �ri.cks�an Park can be i�pirawpd fox , , u�� in tho i�71 �wi�ing Season. On behalf qf Mr. Fitzpat���k e�nd th� �t�er mem��r� o� tb� ��q�aias�an, Mr, Blair . thr�nkad t�r� 0'Sannan and Anaka �ountY. � Minutes of Re�ulax Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, June 28, 1971. - Page 2 ^-_-__-- i1 JQHN ERICKSON PARK �CON�T)� Mr. Brown axplained the grant to the Commissioners and visi.tors, and stated that gerhaps thoy were thinking of this same type of grant for the Moore Lake aeach �rea. H� i�►formed the Commission that this was a single grant and cau�,d be r�aue$ted onlX on�� a year by each Municipality and that they had deeided ts� use it for John �xicks4n Park this t�me. Mr. Rxown i�faacmed the Commission that he had bean over at John E�icksQn Park and obsarvsd th�t there were many people on rubber rafts and other types of water toya� �wimu►ing it► tha lak�. Ele pointed out that tharo was defin�tcly a problem here becauae af �he �ack af supervi.sion and the fact that �'loating objects, such as raft$, t�xe unsaf�. Mr. drown sa�id that Spxing Lake was of a cleaner nature than Moore �ake, but it will be sevexal yea�rs be�or� the Beach is in fu11 swing. We'll try to �Laxt oux nex� �amm�r►s activities with sq�e guards, but it��l be a future dats t�a,t'�1 �how th� saipa typ� o£ gragram whigh i� pxesently found at Mamx� I.akQ, We pres�n�Cly Qwn sqme ,land �cxo�s from Sgrin� Lake, which Gou1d be usad for parking. e���e �rickson dona�ed land to the Park Department for this purpose and with the aid recei.ve�d �rom the County, w� are hopaful of pro�ressing wi�h th� pra�ect and provide a Beaah for tho. �eopl,e i.n this area. Curtis Dahlbar$, Fark Planner, suggested that the Comm�ssion approa�h th� Schaal Roard,of Spring Laka Park, xegaxding the proposed School �n this area, at�d the possib�.lities of using the School parkin$ lot for our ovexflaw parking. ^ !�A'TF�R HILLS PROPERTY � �tr. Q'Banns►n, County Commiasioner, showed the Commission same of the prap�rty whi�h ho pre�e�t�y owns, b� using � map. The �ropexty is east of ald Central, South af Mis;is�ippi Street, and North of Gardena Avenue. �t's the South one-half pf Block �23, �.n wh�t is cou�a►on],y known as Heather' Hil ls . Other a���s which could b� considered as propos�d paxk.land axe lpcated in ttann�.lton�'S Addition �to Me�han�.csvi���, I,at� 8, 9, � l0, B1QCk 14, which would be additional spac� fax th� p�opl� who uss Oak Hill Park, lo�ated at 54th P� 7�h Stre�ts. Tha�� wou�d be �ax `� To't �.at and al l o� them are the normal 120 � deep bY 4Q' wid�. 't't�ey ��e px�sently awn�d by� t�� County but could be deeded ta the City £or Park pux�o�es. "MIA�t..�"�'T" PROj'�RTY. IN FRII�I-EY� , Mr. Kordiak spoke to the Commission, r�garding the "Middle-�ast" area in F�c�d�.ey, which Mx. Qlsa� has mentiunad as a definite area which needs Fark deYelogmant. Mx. o��annan�s l�nd Mas ment�oned and would contribute about l0 acxes, so it wauld ha a fe�sibl� r�raa. Five to seven oF the �cres could bo nicely ds'v�loped �nta a Pa�k, a�coxding to Mx. Koxdiak. 'rhero �s both wooded.and flat lands here. Il�it TIQW QR TH� PAftK� Mr, Tom Nialsan, Pr�sident of the Fr��il.ey Xcuth Poot�all A��ociatipn (F.Y,P.A.), f�s grasent and �skec� tt�e status of tho ��'ri,gation system �o� the �ootbal.l �i�e1d. Mx. n Brc�,m infoxs�ad`Mr. Nie�ser� th�t th� bids had b�sn rejecc�d once and t�ow tho fina� b�.ds ha�d bm�er� xeceived a�d ws�s axp�ected to be ap�roved. kle said thax tha �io�d, �.t� a11 probabll�t�e9, would not ba �eady for fall use. N� said that thi� �ype o� project take� Some time+ �nd that if they p�ayed on ti�e field before th�e seed w+�$ able to take a��.xm stand, it might have to be r�dvn�. M�• ex��1 ��id that the Gepart�ent was mak�.ng ev�ry �!lorR tc get the syste�m�ir► �t�d �iperatiot�a� and that thsy would keep th� F,Y.F.A. i�formed as to the progxes�. r� r� Minutes of t�e Regular Commission Meeti�g, June 28, 1971. Page 3 � r « � �. Mr. G�Ty �t�.mmlox{ CQmmissioner, a�d Pxesic�ent a� the Hockey Associatic�n o�' Fxidley (H.A,F,),• was pxesant and discussed the Cancessions for the H��key S�ason with Mx. Tom Nielsen, whv w�ll b� in charge of the Concessior�s for the Football S�raso�,. '�'�e �oatball, AAt�►►�aciat�on has apglied for and received a licensa to mainta�r► a Co�c�ssion �t The Cammon�'Park du��ng the Foatball Season, but it doesn�t expire until aft�rr C�e �o��Cey $easat� �s Qvex. Th� licanse is issued fnr a perioc� of on�e yea�� �nd Mr. Sti�minlqx and Mr, l�ia7��e� a�reed to split the cost of the cost of the lic�nse and each $�coup wi11 oper�te the Cor�c�sslon du�ing the S�ason when their respectiy� gport �s 1n op�xaxio�. PARKiN�i �0�.�"I AT MQOR� I.,AK� ��ACIi� Ms, ��r+t �ni'+�xmed the Commission that pe�haps they had heard rumprs o�' th� �lim�n���Q'� pf the� B�aeh Paxk�ng Permit. He toid the Comm�.ssion �hat a survey had been mailed put ta the residants alang Centra� Avenue, xeque�ting th�ir opinion as to the saluti.on$ �ox oux paxking �x'oblem�. They had the fol�owing choices: �, a, +'Np pan,k.t.ng An.��',i.me" signs to be installed on the �ast Side of Cantra� Avenue. b. A11ow parkin� on the West Side of Centxal. Avenue. 2, ��Nv pcv�.k�s.,ng" signs �,o be installed on Both Si.des af �en�ral, 3. parkin� at sgecified times•ONLY. (�ast 6ide of Central ONLY). A�t�x the �e�ults of the survey are discovered, th� Fo13.ce Chie�, Ci.ty Manager, and Mr. Brown, will weet to see if this can be carrected. At:that time, th� ��t� of tho Beach Parking Permit will be detertained. r1EJ�'IDRA�I�!I � The �ammission ask�d Mx, 6xown for a progress r�port on th� Trailblazer� P��raa�. Mx, Bxown said that he was putting it in the Budget for 1972. Mr. BrQwn reportsd that in order to �rovide �n i.ce �kating rink on �h,� Gra�s S�hooi Propexty, we wi1l. have to c�o some gr�din�. '�'hexe are eight goles available ior lights, but they need the fixtures. Mr, BrAwn also r�ported that the �ire hydrant w�ter �quntains have woxk�d aut quit� well. The only �robl�ms we've encountered are with theix locat�.ons. A�. Sy].van Hills Paxk, the hydrant is across the street. MIf�lT�S OF MEETxNG. IWa►Y Z�i. �%�� Max.i.an by Wa.�an, Secanded by Sx,im►n�.� ,� aceepx xhe M.i.►1u.tee o� .the xegu�an. mee�i.r� on Mcxy 2a, l4?1. The Max,wn �.cvvc.c- C�OLF TC�JRN�AIN�NT � htrf $ti�ua��ar �u�g�sted tha� th� Co�nmission a�d the Parks and Recxsat�.oA Department �pqnsox a Galf'�Touxnament. Minutes of the Regular Cominission Meetin�, June 28, 1971. Page 4 � 1 i ' � Mo.tR;on by Wagalc, Seapn.dec� by S.�<mmZvc, zo ad�ounn .�he mee,t,i.ng a.i 9; 25 p.m. The next regulax meeting will be held�on Monday, August 30, 1971; at 7:30 �.m., in the canferenae roa�n at Givic Centex. Flease note that by a vote of the Commission, the ta�eti�� da�t� was changed �xAm the 4th to the 5th Monday i�n August. Respectfu�ly submitted, -Q.i�'�%r�ci �����"--� CA HI � A, Secret�ary tp �omm �sion � �