PR 07/26/1971�
Me�ting was cailed ot ordex at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Fitzgatrick.
MEMBERS PRES�N'T: Fitzpatriek, Blair, Oison,, Wagar.
QTHERS PRESENT: Mrs. Merle Otten, 5311 4th Stxeet N.E., 55421, 560-5577, Park on 5th.
Mer],e J, Qtten, 5311 4th Street N.E., 5542�, 560,5577, Park on 5th.
Richard L.�� Byers, 5300 Sth Street N.E., 55A21, 560-4306, Park on Sth,
Gary Novak, 5315 4th, Street N.E., 55�21, 560-2974, Park an 5th.
Winston Jacobson, 121 79th Way N.E., 55432, 7$6-5226, North Fark Area.
Joan Jara$h, 591�7 2nd Street N.E., 55432, 560-2872, Park on 2nd.
• Mxs, Harxy Holmberg, S76S Main Street N.E., 55432, 560-4771, Park on 2nsi.
David Wade, 299 67th Avenue N.B., 5543Z, 560-3363, Jay Farl� Ice Rink.
Paui BxQwn, Director o€ Parks and Recreation.
Ralph Volkman, Paxk Foreman.
Curtis Dahlbexg, Park Plann�r,
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary ta the Commission.
Ssveral resid�nts were again present to discuss the consideration of a tot park to b�
located on i,ot 21, Block 10� of the Hyde Faxk Addition. The City Manager and the
Dixectox o� Parks and Recreation felt that this area was too small, and they suggested
Lpts 1- 4, Block 24, Hyde Park Addition, which is generally located at 59th and 2nd
Street�. The appxoxi,mate size is 63' X 129'.
^ A��dy in the audience said that they had agreed that this was a better location, but
_� the l.ot mentioned in the orfginal �etition was a free lot which wouldn�t involve
money £pr the purchas� of land, Another lady wanted to know if this wasn't th� more
� �ea�ible idea, due to the lack of available funds for the purchase of land. Couldn't
the gif�ed one be used instead?
Mr. Fitzpatxick suggested that the Commission recomraand the purchase of the better lots
to the City Cou�cil and i� they don�t approve of the idea, then we could possible
aor�sider the gi£�ed parcel.
Mx. Qlson suggest�d that we tabl� the idea until the four lot area could be considered
in th� �.972 8udget for land aequisition.
Mr. Blair requested that Mr. Bxown obtain more information on this.
MQTIQN by Ok4an, S
�h.e o� Lo#.� 1- 4, B�ock 24
'�'her� is a defi.nite need for a Tot Lat in the axea South of Freeway �694 and West of
`7th Stxeet, accoxd:ln� to residen�ts of that area who were pxesent at the meeting. They
felt that th¢ nead is now. i£ the development of this axea's park is not done in the
vlr�'y near futyre, the child�en Nho would be the propqr age for a Tot Lot, w�lll be too
n oid.
nded 6 cvc .to �teeona�e�li �ha.t we ,i.n.c.on nate .i.nxo �he l91
o pvwp on a o o c.o.a o eu __�;u.n� _ e ar.e
Mir�utes of Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, July 26, 1971. Page 2
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A lady in the audience suggested that we red tag the property so it isn't sold before
we can act an th� �urchase a£ it. The Commission agreed and Mr. Brown will take care
of this.
Th�. Ma�',LOn ccz�cn.i.¢.ci.
1.i. ►11 � l ► � : �
On July 18, 1971, Mr. Winston Jacobson directed a letter to Mayor Kirkham and the
Fridley City Council, concerning the development of the North Park Area. Mr.
Jacobson was cancerned that the City Administration was urging all property owners
with low land to cs�ntact the City and it would arrange with Burlington Northern to
dump its excess dirt on their pxc�perty. According to Mr. Jacobson, the area especially
mentipned was the low swamp land north of 79th Avenue between University Avenue and
the railroad tracks. Mr. Jacobson asked if the Commissioners had spent any of their
time looking over the area? He pointed out that there are deer, beaver, fox, birds,
and numerous otheranimals which he wouldn't have bel�eved possible in a Metropolitan
axea, if he hadn't seen it himself. He mentioned that there was presently a beaver
dam. Mr. Jacobson informed the Commission that disturbing this area would be a drastic
mistake because there are so few areas of this quality remaining. He said that minor
improvements wouldn't cause any harm, but that total development of the area would
destroy it.
n Mr. Wagar suggested that before we buy any additional park space, we should develop
the parcels we already have.
Mr. Olson suggested that perhaps we should approach Anoka County regarding the purchase
of the North Paxk Area. He said that we can't actually afford it and if we could
obtain some aid from the County, it would put a different light on the subject.
Mx. Fitzpatrick indiGated that approaching the County was a good idea.
Mr. Jacobson pointed out that some of the ideas which have been discussed for this
particular area are ba11 diamonds and perhaps a golf course.
Mx. David Wade was p�'esent on behalf o� his 7 year old son who took up a petition
from the area xesidents for the installation of an ice skating rink at Jay Park..
Mr. Wade pointed out that there aren't any faciliti�s available to the children of
this axea unless they cross a major street or highway. The closest rink would be
at Sylvan Hills Park and this is South of Mississippi Street. For children this age,
it's too dangerous.
Mr. Olson said that a�though he felt Mr. Wade and his son have a legitimate complaint
and xequest, what it all boils down to is the lack of man power to maintain the rinks
we already have.
Mr. Brown and Mr. Fitzpatrick both sugg�sted that Mr. Wade approach his Councilmen
� regarding moxe hours and manpower for the Park Department for the development and
a►aintenance of additional ice skating rinks.
1972 B��t',
The 1972 Budget was discussed by�the �p�i�sioners. Mr. Brown Kas directed to add
the Hyde Park area, the parcels located in Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville,
and any othez� getitioned areas, to the 1972 Budget requelt.
I�inutes of Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, July 26, 1971. Page 3
n 1972 aii�cer Ecav'T) :
The Commission questioned the need for a Chipper. Both Mr. Brown and Mr. Volkman
i�diaated that there was a definite need for this piece of equipment. Mr. Volkman
i�formed the Commission that on numerous occasions, this piece of equipment would
be used for the disposal of tree trimmings, trees which have either been cut down
or might have fallen, and in reverse, the wood chlps which are the end result of
the operation, come in handy in landscaping. They are used around the base of txees
and shrubs, or for decoration in other landscaping.
The c�uestion ai the need for additional tennis courts was mentioned. Mr. Fitzpatrick
said that thexe is definitely a n�ed for more courts. He informed the Commission that
h� had had many calls xegarding the use of the courts by both the schools and residents.
All calls indicated that there is a shortage.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brown when the Budget was to be ready for Council. Mr. Brown
said that it was due on or �bout August 9, 1971. Mr. Wagar suggested that a Special
Meeting date be set to discuss the Budget in gxeater detail. The Commissioners
agreed that there should be a special meeting on August 9, 1971, at 7:30 p.m., to
�urther discuss th� 1972 Sudget,
MOTIOM 6c� S�'�e�c, Secanded by, .ta zh.e pe.ti,ti.on aubm.i.tte.d 6y �he 500
B�oek., �y S.t�cee.t Gang. The Mo�'.i.on ean�r,i.ed.
^ Th� Commissionexs discussed the location of the lot proposed as a ball field �or the
area repxesented by the S00 Block, Bly Street Gang. The lot in reference is on Dover
Street and would be fax too small for a balliield.
MOTI�N 6y S�'.�.n�rn�e�e, Seeonded by Wuyan., �o �in�on►n �theae boya xha.t .i.n. .the ea.t,ima.iiAn o�
.the Ca►rmi.aa�,an, ,ih.i4 an.ea �.a ,tao ama.Y,� .to 6e de�e,�aped .i.nxo a 6a.P.e��.e,�d. The�ee an.e
.two o.ihe�c panha, Sp� &coofi Pahk and Cna.i.g Pcvck, .i.n .the �.nmedi.a�e ah.ea., wh, .th.ey
cou.ed ud e bon � pu�cpa.e e. The Mo.t, ea�.i.ed.
The Commissioners instructed Mr. Brown to proceed with the purchase of land in the
Ruth Circle Area.
FI�TI(JN #o ad,�ounn .the meQ,t, c�t 18r1•5 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 27, 1971, at 7:30 p.m.,,.in
the Cnmmunity Room at Civic Center.
Respectfully submitted,
n .
CA , eeretary to t e Commission