PR 08/30/1971a �/ - � / MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS Alm RECREATION COIW�7ISSION MEETING, AUGUST �, 1971� n Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Olson, Stimmler. MF.MBERS ABSHNT; Wagar. OTHFRS PRESENT: Mrs. Merle Qtten, 5311 4th Stxeet N.E., 55421, 560-5577, Park on Sth. � Merle J. Otten, 5311 4th Street N.E., 55421, 560-5577, Park on 5th. Richard L. Byers, 5300 5th Street N.E., 55421, 560-4306, Park on Sth. Gary Novak, 5315 4th Street N.E., 55421, 560-2974, Park on Sth. Earl Miller, 401 53rd Avenue N.E., 55421, 560-5616, Park on Sth. Duane Pxestby, 361 66th Avenu� N.E., 55432, Sb0-2158, F.Y.F.A. Faul Brown, pirector of Paxks and Recreation. � Curtis Dahlberg, Park Planner. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commissi,on. . MINUTES OF JULY �, 1971 r�Ertn�c � MOTIdN by SQ,a.ih., Seeande.d by Sx,unn�e�e., xo apph,ave �-the M.i.n.u.iea o� .the Regu�2ah. Pcvck.a and Reenea,t,i.an Co►n�ni,aa.�an Mee,t.ing, da,ted Jecey 26, 1971. The Mox.i.on ca�cn.r,ed. T�T LOT IN HAMILTON�S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE� F3,v� xesidents of the neighborhood located South of Freeway �694 and West of 7th Street, were once again present to request a Tot Lot for their reighboxhood. At the July 26th Commission Meeting, the Commission heard their ret�uest and ag�ceed that they were in need of some type Of facility. Th�ese sma11 children would have to cross � 7th Street, in order to play at a park, the closest being Oak Hill Paxk, whieh they didn't �ee� was large enough to handle the nwaber of children found in the surrounding neighboxhoods. The area these residents are requesting i�s one of two areas available far this puxpose. It consists of three lots and they request only a swing set and sand bQx. The othsx area is located along University Avenue, where the entrance and exit ramps a�e located for Fxeeway N694. The resi�dents r�fuse to allow th�ir children to play this cloSe to two major highway systems. . At the July 26th meeting of the �arks and Recreation Commission, a Motion was made and seconded, to recomraend to the City Council, that we incorporate inta the 1972 Budget, the purchase of property for a Tot Lot and the cost oi developing the area located appxoximat�ly 5334 Sth Street N.E., or immediately to the North of tt�at address. A lady in the audience suggested that we red tag the property so it isn't sold before we can act on the purchase of it. The Commission agreed and instructed(y�, Brown to take care of this. The Motion carried. Ori July 29, 1971, Mr. Brown submitted a recommendation to the City Manager, Mr. Davis, infprming him that the Commission had reviewed the r�uest of the residents of Hamilton�s Addition to Mechanicsville, and ma�de the iollowing recommendations: 1. Obtain state owned lots mentioned in the peti�ion by allocating funds in the 1972 Budget. 2. Red Tag lots so they are not sold. 3. Obtain cost estimates for development of the area. Mr. Brown went on to say the following: "As Director of the Qepartment, I. do not feel that the City needs another tot lot in this immediate srea. We have Oak Hi11 Park which is located on S4th and 7th Streets and i feel this park, wi,th its current fac�lities, serves the area that is'making the request." � � 'Upon recei�t of the mdqo, Mr. Davis and Mr. Brown drove out and looked over the sight. M�. Davis made the same recommendation ta the City Council. Mr. Brown d�dn�t arrive at the August 30th meeting until 8:00, so this line of discussion was postponed until his arrivai. Minutes of Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting3 Au�ust 30, 1971. Page 2 �._____..— � ....... .. .. . .... . . .. .. . . ..___.................._..................... ......... ......_.. . n(�tl(STAL TEAN{S TO JO I N FR I DLEY YOUTF� FOOTB�ALL ASSOC IAT ION � Mr. Duane Prestby, member of tha Fridley Youth Football Association, was present on behalf of President Tom Nielsen and the Fxidley Youth Football Association, to make a raquest of the Parks and Recreation Commission to honor their request fox two football teaas from Grystal to enter the Fridley group For the season. Mr. Prestby informed the Commission that one of theix members, acting under his own power and not under the power of the Football Association, had informed the two teams in Cxystal that they could play football with the Fridley Football Association. Crystal has only 55 boys registered, so there really axen't enough to have theix own group. Upon approval of their request to play with Fridley, the boys all went out to buy the r�gulation molded �hoes which Fridley requires, to replace their cleated shoes. Registration fees were collected and the two teams volunteered to pay $50.00 per team to the Parks and Recreation Depar�ment, for payment of officials. The F.Y.F.A. refused to accept the two tEams into the Association, due to a policy they have and this meant that the boys would not be able to play football this season. A£ter xeviewing Crystal's ples, the F.Y.F.A. voted to accept Crystal into the Association, if they reeeived approval from the Parks and Recreation Commission. . The texms oi' the agree�aent wi11 be that all ga�nea wtll be played in Pridley, because oi tnsurance reasons, with each of the Fridley House Teams play�ing each of th� Crystal teams once, Thexe axe a total of six Cub Teams. The Crystal teams will not be eligible for the trophy which will be presented to the winning team at the close of the season. Crystal will have to conform to a11 the rules and re�ulations of the n Fxidley Youth Football AssoCiation and will have to pay �50,00 �er team to the Parks and Recreation Depaxtment for the payment of offieials �or their g�mes. The Commissian asked if the F.Y.F.A. anticipated any prablems and Mr. Prestby remarked that they gelt alZ problews could be handled. MOTTON by B�a.i�., ,SeeondQd by S�unm.l.en, �a pe�u►u.t xh.e �wo �. ye.ta.e Fao.tba.e,e �e.ama �o en�eJr. p�Za.y �u.i,th .th.e Fn.i.d.Cey you.ih Foo.�ba.P� Ab�oe.i,�ti.on, a�tixh. payimen.t o� $50.00 pe�c .team �o .the Parch,a and Re.c�.ea�,c,on Uepa�c�inen.t, �o eove�. �fie coe� o� �he o��,c:c.i,a.�a. The Ma.ti.an ca�.�.ed. TOT LAT DISCUSSION R�SI�� Upon arrival of Mr. Brown, the discussion` of the request for a Tot Lot for the residents of Haa�ilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, resumed. Mx. Fitzpatrick briefed Mr. Brown on the previous discussion and informed him that the Commission's action at the July 26th meeting was to incorporate this Tot Park into the 1972 Budget request.� Mr. Olsan pointed out that on July 26th, five Conrissioners approved this request, and th�en, because o£ some memorandum, which the Com�qission has not seen, this request was disapproved. Mrs. Otten said that the City Manager refused to red tag or secure the lot in any way. Mrs. Otten reported that she had talked to both Mr. Brown and Mr. Davis on sepa�ate occasions, and they informed her that they didn�t need a park. ^ Mr. Olson pointed out th�t the Co�ission's recoaaendations have either been ignored or there is a t�emendous lack of communicatian re�arding this subject. Mr. Brown infprmed the area residents and �he Commi�sion that he was not in agreement Nith the decision Lo provide funds for the purchase ����Qvelopment of a Tot Lot in Minut@s of Parks and Recreation Coam�ission Meeting, August 30, 1971. Page 3 ... ToT L.oT icoN'T): � their area. He said that he and Mr. Davis had driven down to the sight and checked ou� the two possibilities and felt t�at Oak Hill Paxk was adequate to handle the children in the neighbarhood. He said that he respected the opinion and decisions of the Commission, but that he felt that there was no real need to have a park only 2� blocks away from one already in existance. It was poin�ed out that there was no traffic control at the intersection of 54th and 7th Streets, and perhaps this would aid the children in safely crossing over to the park. Mrs. Otten asked Mr. Brown who had the final authority, the Conmission or Mr. Brown? Mr. Bxown said that they were two entirely different situations. The Cqmmission answers directly to the City Council and he is part of Mr. Davis' Administrative Staff and their decision was strictly an administrative one and not necessarily reflectin� the opinion of the Commission. He pointed out that in this instance, they were not in agreement. The Commission decided that a Motion was in order to reconfirm their views for the Mayor and the Ci�y Council. MOTION by O�aon, Seeonded by i�ah.t, xo aay �ha.t �,� .the ba4.i.e 6e,i.ng ci.eed .to he�uae xh.e panF� .t.v be .eaca.ted .in HarniX.tan'e Addi�'.i.on .�o Mecharu.cav.i.e.�e, w�ae .t.ha.t Oafz H.i,P� Pcvck wa,a .iao e.Coae .to uxc�vca►tit ano.the�r. pank .t,n �h.e .immed.iaze cvicea, zhe Conm�i.a.�.i.on wa4 nax .i.►1 agneemewt. n DISCUSSIpry; Mr. Stimmler asked Mr. Olson to fuxther def�ne the intent of his Motion. Mr. Olson said that the intent of hi.s Motion is to �nfozm the Administration that the Commission doesn't agree and they feel the request should be reconsidered. Mr. StimmleT said that if the Motion was reKO�ded, he would vote in favor of it, but he £elt that the Motian, in its present state, was not descriptive of the feelings of the Commission. Mx. Olson agreed to reword the Motion. M�TION by U.P.ao� Secanded 6y BQa.uc, neque,�zi,ng xh.e Mayon, Gi,ty Coune.i.e, and �h.e a �+wvwc,K • hDORE LAKE.GIFT FROM THE LIONS CUB� � Mr. Brown informed the Copueission that he had received many nice reports on the �nstallation of the fountain a� Moore Lake Beach and Park, by the Fridley Lions Club. He �old them that the warning si�ns had been damaged already and had to be replaced, but that there would be minor occurances of this type until the newness wesrs off. Mr. Brown repoxted that a thank you letter had been sent to the Lions Club on behal� o� xhe City, the Commission, and the Department. . G I Fi OF1 EV�E�N TREES FRQMI �l.L O I L CqrPAN1(. � Mr. 8rc�wn told the Co�amission that the Shell Uil Company, located on 61st and University �lvenu� N.E., has donated 9.Arbor Vitae (evergreen) trees to be xeloGated at Moore Lake B�ch and Park, to the north of the Tennis Courts. 3 . Minut.es af �arks and Recreation Commission Meeting, August 30, i971. Page 4 -____^�.— IRf21GAT�ON� 8YSTDr18 AT CIYTC CENTER� AAIm T}iE COMMONS PARK� n Mr. Bxown �.nfoxmed the Commission that the irri�ation system at The Commons �ark will be turn6d on, for the first time in its entirety, tonight (August 30th). The system has bee�n tested, but this will be the first opportunity to see it in full operation. Both �he Civ.ic Center and The-�Commons systems are campletely installed now and will be in operation. VTk�WCON PROJ�CT� Mr, Brown iniormed tk�e Commission that Viewcon is being planned with the Park facilities in mind. He showed them the blue prints of the acreage which will include roughly 20 to 21 acres. The City Council has red tagged this area for�park development. Approx- imately 9� acres will remain undevelop�d for the most part. The other remaining acreaga, which covers about 11� acres, will be developed inta a fine facility, which can be used ior all City residents. They are also planning bath an indoor and an outdoor facility, which will be strictly for the residents of the complex. Mr. Brown asked the Commiss�on for their opinion of this project. The Cammissioners f�it that they would like t�o survey the area on foot before making any decisions. The Commissioners will, meet with Mr. Brown at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 7, in the Grace High Schaol parking lot, to walk ovar the area being discussed, before deciding whether or not to participate in this project. DREDG�WG MQORE L,AK�� ^ Mx. Olson inquixed about �rown told him that every cor�dit�ons at the Beach. or unclean than any other the sanitary situation at Moore Lake Beach and Park. Mr. time someone gets an ear ache, �t's blamed �n �he poor In Mr. Bxown's estimation, the lake is no more unsafe lake. Mr. Brown told the Commission that the money set aside fox the dredging of Moore Lake l�st yeax will be combined with the money set aside this year and they're haping to proceed with the project this iall. They will be dr�dging the beach axea only and will expand farthex, only as money permits. The material taken off of the iake bottom will be dumped at the north end of East Moore Lake. Mr. Olson asked Mx. Brown if he felt this was nec�ssary. Mr. Brown said that most definitely it was. There are still fish and ducks in this lake, and there will be swinuaers next seaSon. This d�redging wi11 make it safe�c for all concer�ed. : �. .�_ .:.► Y ►� MO7i0N by �0.?.4on, Se�e.anded by S�.�mm�eh., .to a.d�owin. xhe me�ti.ng a.t 9:25 p.m. The� next regular meeting will be hald on Septembex 27, 1971, at 7:30 p.m., in the Go�nitl► Room at Frid�ay Civic Center. PLEASE NOTE: Qur meeting place w:ill be peroanentiy s�.tuated in the Coauaunity Room, due to tha lack of space in the Conference Room. n Respect�ully Sui�►�t�cea, . a✓ A► , ecretaxy te t e�onm► ssion