PR 02/28/1972t � �, � / ;� �!�� -0' � MINUTES OF TNE REGULAR PARKS Alm RECREATION CONMISSION MEETxN6, Fh�Rt�1RY �. .�%l� Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., by�Chairman Fitzpatrick. n MDNBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Stimmler, Wagar. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: R. E. Stewart, 17 - 67th Way N.E., 55432, 560-5056, Locke Lake Park. Doug Lumly, 40 Rice CrPek Way, 55432, 560-0303, Locke Lake Park. Lars G. Anderson, 6696 Ashton Avenue NE, 55432, 560-7499, Locke Lake. Dick Blair, 40 - 66� Way NE, 55432, 560-5972, Locke Lake Park. Ken Meredith, 11 - 67th Way N.E., 55432, 566-7035, Locke Lake Park. Barbara Haake, 2740 County Road I, Mpls, 55432, 786-1022, Spring Lake. James Mengelhock, 533 81st Avenue N.E., 55432, 784-9695, Spring Lake. Harry Matti, 7901 Monroe Street N.E., 55432, 784-2106, Spring Lake. Mary E:� len Black, :�89 R:_ce Creek "'errace, 55432, 560-9327, L.�Y.V. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission. JOHV BiICKSON PARK� Several guests were present from Spring Lake Park and Moundsview, to discuss Fridley's plans for the development of the park property referred to as John Erickson Park, on the southwesterly portion of Spring Lake. Discussion was opened by a member of the group, asking Mr. Brown to explain the City's plans for the lake. Mr. Brown statecl that whtnever tliere is a body of water and a 90 degr�e temperature, people are sure to be found making use of the lake and any facilities available to thera. Mr. Brown explained that there is a liability problem here because there is � no supervision of any kind and swimmers are out in the water with inflatable toys � which are definitely hazardous. The mai�n purpose of Fridl�y's development on Spring Lake is to provide a life guard for a certain number of hours each day, to control " " the use of these objects and insure the safety of the swimmers. Mr. Brown pointed out that it has never been the intention of the City Administration and the Coaimission to develop another Moore Lake, for the size of the property just doesn't waxrant it, The main purpose is to provide for those who swim there. Mrs. Haake pointed out that Spring Lake and Moundsview presently maintain a beach an the north side of the lake, referred to as Lakeside. There is also an old beach on the southeast corner of �:he lak� which was previously closed when Lakeside opened, but it still draws small crowds of paople. Nfhen Lakeside has a large number of people making use of its facilities, the overflow crowd ends up at the old,beach which is unsupervised. They also pointed out that this property is provately owned, so it's quite hard to force the swimmexs to vaca�e to a supervised area. Mr. Blair pointed out that possibly John Erickson would draw these people into a more developed, supervised area and eventually eliminate the old beach altogather. The Cauncilman from Moundsview askad Mr. Brown if they had a plan for parking. Mr, Brown stated that here again, they were thinking too big. Mr. Brown said that tho facili�ty would be primarily for the residents around the area and wauld cater to the foot traffic. The Councilman asked how we planned to contxol this. Ha statad that where thQrs is water and an excessively warm temperature, thexe�s just going to be a cxowd. t�e felt that the major problem is going to be in parking. n Anothax suggestion was the possiblity of combining efforts and expanding the beach on further around the lake, joining the one at Lakeside. Mrs. Haake asked if ths two cpaaunitles wou�� p� a�v�,�ed of the happeniAgs at Spring I�ake ar�� {�x, �xown said that they mqst defirii.toly would. Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, February 28, 1972. Page 2 LOCKE LAKE PARK PROPERTY TRADE� Present at the meeting were five gentlemen who were interested in the �ropqsad Crada of properties near Locke Lake Park. They questioned the lot lines and proposed plans for the trade. � The owner has agreed to trade a lot on the north end (which is presently ours) fc►x two lots on the south end of�his property, and the City would have to p�ck up the bill fpx' the special assessments owed. The owner has also requested that the City v�cats the alley easement for his use. The City has denied the request to vacat� tha allay, partly due to the fact that it would cut into the park property, considerably. Mr. Fitzpatrick pointed out that there are two parts of this proposal to be consid�r�d, First, there is the possibly of trading the properties, and also, the ne�d for some type of recreational facilities for the neighborhood. The propexty which w� a�lready own is pretty vertical and would be pretty much impossible to develop �nta mucM p� a facility. There has been open land available in the past, but this wori�t be l�nd available for long. Mr. Brown stated that presently the trade is in a state of limbo, '�'h� ow1'�Q7� h��� R�3o idea and the City has anoxher. The City is obligated to provide saa►oth�ng £Q� 'khQ people in the area, but there are some legal technicalities in thls paxticu�ax �ype o£ arrangement and we are presently uncertain as to whether ox not the CitY ��A trade a tax forfeit lot fox a p�'ivate lot. We have been able to raceiv� t�x £oT�'e�t property for public use, but whether or not this type of arrangement can b� m�do involving a private lot is not yet knowr�. The contractor stated that he wi11 npt just sell this lot to the City. He wants to either trade lots or l�ava th� ��t u� the way that,it is. The whole idea of the trade originated in the Flannin� �o�qpiss�on. They were able to check the area carefully enough to see that eventual�y, tho�� wpu�d be no land available for recreational purposes, and they felt that p�QYi�ion� BhQUld be made noN, while the area is still in the construction phases. H� would xe�thei' have the land that he presontly owns, but has agreed to trade, i� the baCk taxe� �!d assessments were paid by the City. Mr. Rrown stated that anothex �ossibilit�► for this area is the property xca �h� nortj� and west of Redeemer Luthern Church. The church owns quite a bit af land back �.� the�Q �r�d it��s possi.ble that the City could negatiate with them ovex th� u�e and dov�a�o�►�n�t�►t o� some o£ the parcels, fox park purposes. p],1 parties present agreed that oux present Park pxoperties are not �axge et�ou,�h ar 7�evel enough to develpp inta a useable park. The Commission agxeed to investi$at� �1�1 poss�bilitias for a park in that axea, TAX�ORF�IT PROP� Mr. Fitzpatxick called the Coatsissioner's attention to the City Managex�� MOmQ, d�ted February 25, 1972, concerning Park �.and Acquisitions fo� 1972. AcCOrd�.n� t�o the memo, the Commissian has been invited to attend � City Council maetin� to diseuas th�se acquisitions and their prioxities, and this w�.l�l tako placo at �1ome poi'nt i.n the xegular February Co�ission meeting. Mx. Fitzpatrick felt that th� Cammis�ipn should discuss the pxoperties and have some def�.nite ideas, be�pra th�y m�L with th� Council. �1 Mx. St��wnler recownended that we review the priorities we've received. Mr. F�tzp�tx�ck �ske� i�' w� want to mak� available another $13.OUO.QO for acqu�.si��,ot� t'hiA y�axq M�� B�ai�' xe�ommended that Me cnit the Rice Creek Road area for this year. Mr. Pitxpatrick sea,t�d that we cou�d goss���y �e�er the Nortl� P��rk �aYment for another year a�d make avai�+��t�,� an additional �13;�00.00 �far acquisition, We have eno�a�h to c�v�r tt�� Minutes o£ the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, February 28, 1972. Page 3 TAX FORFEIT PRpPERTIES �CON�T): � the purchase of the Hyde Park area, for which we are obligated, accoxding to Mr. Stiramler. Mr. Brown stated that if the memo of the City Manager is followed, we should be able to purchase, or at least make payment on the North Park area, the Rice Creek Paxk area, the Locke Lake Park area, a�d the area in Hamilton's addition to Mechanicsville, if we defer payment of $13,156.00 for North Park this year and make the balance oP $40,000.00 due in 1973. We would also have to authorize the purchase of the �ats in the Hyde Park area, for a price not to exceed $12,000.00. Mr. Brown recommended that we further discuss the four lots in Hyde Park, with the City �ngineer. RESIGNATION OF ELN�R OLSON� Mx. Fitzpatrick informed the Commissioners that Elmer Olson has sub�itted his �oTm�l resignation to the City Council with a copy to the Chairman of the Parks and R�cxea�tiQ�1 Gommis$ion. Mr. Fitzpatrick suggested that a letter be written to Mr. Qlson, exAxes�ing gratitud@ for his work on the Commission. MOTION by Be.a.i�c, Secanded by Glagcvc, �o di�ce.c.t Mn. &cown �o wv�.ixe a�Qe,ttelc $cr �onmWt. COmm.i,bb.caneJc, �.emen �.2aon, axp�c.e,�a�.ng appnec,i.a.t�,an and g�uazi,t.ude �on h.i.a wan.h on .#h.� Conuni.ab�,on. The Max,i.an ccr�vr.i.ed. USE OF SCHOOI. FACILITIES� n Mr, F�.tzpatrick reported that he and Mr. Blair had attended a m�eting with �ene Hab1e, who:'s in'charge of the elementary schools activities and faci�it�iea, tho PrinciF�l t►� the Senior High School, ar�d a membex o£ the school board, to di9cuss �he V�x�ous activities o£fered by the schools and the Gity, and tha use of the elementaxy gymnasiwns �or some of the progxams. Mx. Biair stated that he would like to see one or two of the schools ope�lpd 1�g tQ �i1� ki.�ls Lo just go in and shoot baskets on a Saturday afternoon. M�. B1aix �aid tjil�t 11� had appxoached the people from the schools about this and that they xeal�y didr►�t a�y they �ouldn't. Mr. Blai,x said that he had spoken to the school officials several yeax�s ��o, xe���t�it�g �orape��.tiv� basketball for the boys, between the different schools. Th� answe� �t� ��ce�.ved was that they shouidn�t be subjected to this type of competition. M�'� �lA��` �el� �hat they were competing in school everyday, and that this wa� �p� e� sa�is�1���A='y' �swex � MI NIR,,,�S OF JANUARY 3I.. ��2 N�TI NG � ir r MOTIf�N b� ��., Seeanded by Glagcvc, �a app�cove xh.e M�.nuxee ob �h.� Res�u�a�t Pc�th�d �YEd R�.clt�atc;on Camm�.aa�on Mee.t,i.ng, da.ted 7awu.an.y 31, 1912. 7he Mafi.�an ec�r►.�ed. FLANERY ESTATE� � Mx,,,B�own a�ked th� Commission to reopen the discussion of the spending oi' th� �to�eY ^ ��n tha Fianery �state, He recommended the instailatian of iighti�g, for Fl���y �$ prle p�"'�wo gaxk� which da not pxesently have lighting. M�'= �laix� ��ked if the H4��e� R��1� cou�,c} be en}ar�ed �� ����l�tion ��,ze4 ��'� YQ�k�l� r�ppxCed th�t i.t would involve t�ie addition of a couple of ���ti.c�n� pP bAs�d� �� _� Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meetin , Februax 28 1972. Pa e 4 n FLqNERY ESTATE �CON�T): n n the length and width of the present rink, and it'll be ready for a full season of action. Mr. Volkman also recommended that these lights be put on a timex so that it wouldn't involve having a man go up to the park just to turn the lights on. These lights will be beneficial to hockey, football, baseball, and softball, as well as to the neighborhood children who play there. Mr. Volkman pointed out th,at there is presently $2,000.00 in the budget for the lighting of Flanexy Paxk, and with the additional $1,000.00, we'd be able to install the steel poles and timex, along with any other extras, to make the whole lighting structure outstanding and the way it should be. Mr. Brown also pointed out that we would probably have a little money l.�aft oV@r tA put toward the lighting of Meadowlands Park. He stated that woodan pol�s will haVe to be used here, but that, hopefullp, we'll be able to come up with enou$h materials to put up minimum lighting by the end of the Sum�ner. MOTION by B.ea,i�c., Seconded by S�,i,mmC�c, za .i.x�a�cu.c.t 4Wc. B�wwn .to p�waeed w�f.�h �:he .i.nazaX.ea.t,c.an a� zhe �.igh�,i.ng �,n F.ean.e�cy Panfz, and �a ube xhe $�,000.40 g�.�� �n.om �he F.�ccne�cy ��a,te aa a meana xa �ha.t e.nd• The Mazi,on aa�,i.ed. LEA�GUE pF WprEN YOTERS REPORT OF FRIDLEY�S PARKS� Mr. Fitzpatrick directed the Commissioner's attention to.the report px�pa��d by members of the Fridley League of Women Voters, regarding the Parks in F�c�.dley and the facilitxes available at each one, along with the proposed additi�on� for th� next few years. Mr. Brown explained that the women had met with hita on vaxioua occasions, to prepare this information, and that the proposed additions wero takoil £rom the Department's Comprehensive Plan. Ths Commission would like to formally thank the League of Women Voters fox pxepa�'�n� this report. 197� r��T�r� �T�S, 1fie Commissioners agreed that the fourth Monday of each month was accepta�bl8 and Should xemain as the regularly scheduled meeting date for the Parks and Recxeatio�► �ommiSSion in 1972. V� C� CHAI F�NAN ELECTED � M4TION by S�i.nnn.�en, Seconded by Wa.gan., .to ne-e.eec.t Von Be.a.in a.a V,i.c.e Ch�ihrnan, o� �i}Q pal�,k4 and Rech.ea.ii.an Canani.d4�.on. The Mo.tcan ca�.i.ed. H�A�F� R�QUE�T FOR AD�ITIONAL ICE TINE. Mr, G�ry Stimmler, Pxesident of the Hockey Association of F�'idley, �equ�►�tad 'kha� �h@ Comini�sSion grant additional ice time at the Commons J.C. Rink, to �he TxavoliA� Bantam, Stxite - Anderson Team, who axe still competing, This �dditianal time we� to be on '�esday and Thursday night from 6:30 ta 8:30p.m., and the warmir�g hot�►e and 7.��hts w�xe alsa requested far this pexiod of time. Mx� Browr� and the Comaqil�s�4�1 could see no harm in this, so permission was granted. M4T�ON by �?.cu�c, Seca►�.ded by wagan, �o pe�mi.t �h.e Tir.a.ve�.i.ng�� , S�e �amn��vn �P„Q►►ia �0 p%4�CC��GC2 � �I1Q C�,►1pf10N.� �.f�. 1�,Y1�. Qki. Ti���'� �' � � � ,�► 8� 30 p R m�, l�►'� �4 ma�e u,ti e n� �he bu.i-eiit.n9 ar4d �c.9h.ta . The Ma�an ��d, � ..� a. ._ . � Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, February 28, 1972. Page 5 �� � • � M4TION �o a.d�ounn �h.e mee,t.i.ng at 10:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on March 27, 1972, at 7:30 p.m., in the Community Room at Fridley Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, � � ���� L_ ;,�.�� < CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to the Commission. n