PR 03/27/1972� � 1 \�J MINUTFS OF 1}� RG6llI.IIR PARKS AI� RECREATION CONMISS ION NEEf ING. MARCH 2%. �TZ � Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Vice Chairman Blair. ^ MEMBERS PRESENT: Blair, Kirkham, Stimmler. MEMBERS ABSENT: Fitzpatrick, Wagar. OTHERS PRESENT: Shelly Garber, 5800 Tennison AVenue N.E., 55432, 788-8257, New Program � for Hackman Park. ' Tom Nielsen, 7583 Lyric Lane N.E., 55432, 784-2783, F.Y.F.A. Bernie Hartman, 5860 5th Street N.E., 55432, 560-1091, F.Y.F.A. JoAnn Johnson, 6721 4th Street N.E., 55433, 560-2298, City Band $ L.W.V. Everett Utter, 6084 Woo�y Lane N.E., 55432, 788-5181, Councilman. Mike 0'Bannon, 5298 Filmore Street N.E., 55421, 789-8865, Commissioner. Richard Janiak, 1655 Mississippi Street N.E., 55432, 786-8883, J.C.'s. Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission. NEY�1 PI�GRAM FOR WaCW�MW PARK� .� .� Mrs. Shelly Garber was present to introduce what she referred to as the Fridley Greative Cultural Growth Program. Mrs. Garber explained that she is an artist with a degree in Art Education from the University of Minnesota. She briefly eacplained her qualifications and experience, along with that of the two women who would be assisting her with this program. She said that the purpose was to provide a free, planned, creative play program directly available within each neighborhood. The activity would be centered on a weekly theme and geared to the individual as much as possible, eased into group projects when they're ready. She would also be providing some volleyball, checkers, softball, chinese checkers, etc., for variety. � Mr. Brown had pointed out to Mrs. Garber, in a meeting in his office, that we already have a playground program and that if she was to proceed with her program, she'd have to begin in one area to see if there was enough interest to expand to more areas. After some discussion, Mrs. Garber and Mr. Brown had agreed to begin at Hackman Park. Mrs. Garber explained that this would be a six weeks program, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 12:00 Noon. She has a sum of �300.00 from a Taste Test Program which can be completely turned over to the program. Mr. Brown said that the Parks and Recreation Dapartment would be willing to provide some picnic tables and other such items which we already have. Mrs. Garh�er stated that there would be no charge for the children, but that she would like to have a health certificate stating that the City is not liable for injuries sustained on the playgrounds. She said that she doesn't anticipate any problems, but that it was a good idea to protect yourselves. MOTION by S�',imn�en, Seconded by K.inkham, �o app�wve �he fh.i.deey Cnea.t,i.ve and Cu�a�. Grww�th Pnagn.am aa ctea.ted 6y Mna . She,�.y Ganbelc, and .to nequea.t .tha.t Mn.. B�wwn make .the necea4cvcy a�vcangemenze �on .the p�wgnam. The Mox,i.on ecc�vr�.ed. ANOKA OOUNTY BEJ4iCH GRANT � Mr. Mike 0'Bannon, Anoka County Commissioner, was present at the meeting to present a check in the amount of �2,000.00, to be used for the development of John Erick�o� Park ^ located on Spring Lake. This is�an annual gift which can be applied for, which the County has made available for the development of public swimming beaches. This is the � second year that Fridley has received this donation. Mr. Don, Blair, Vice Chairman�of the Commission, received the check on behalf of the Commission and thanked Mr. 0'Bannon and Anoka County. Mi�zes �f the Pa�ks � Aecreatio� Cc�nission Meeting, March 27, 1972. Page 2 � TAX FORFEIT PROPEFiTIES� Mr. 0'Bannon explained the Cour�ty�s posit�oa c�a participating �n the purchase and develop�ment of park properties. He stated that they usually participate an a 25 acre minimwn basis. He felt that perhaps the County mi�ht be interested in w!orkiag xith Fri�tty, but that there would have to be a discussion on the responsibility cf maintenance, authority, etc. The properties available ia iia�i2toars !►dditiQn Lo iiech�i�csyille were discussed. M�. Slair stated that he xould Iike to see so�eihing dc�elaped. 1bc. 0'Bannon said that he �tad received a Iat of calls fro� people in this ares, raQuesting some type of park faci2ity. Mr, 8iair as�,ed A�trr. B�o�rn to check inta t�e �urchase of these properties. Mr. 0'Bannon poiut�d'out that payment of Special Assessments could be spread over a period of 5' years, or �rhatever is nacessary. Nr. 81air said that it was possible that apparstus cauld be figured into tiie 1973 Bud�et. R�cess. {8: {�li p.�. ) 0 11Vff9� T7�7Gnf��1i17J The Co�ission acijou�cned to the Councii Chambers for the presentatian of the trophies earned by L�e G�ri�s �rood�ail I.aa�se, the Hockey Association of Fridley, the Men's ��•� yfll2e�ai� I,esg�tess � the I�Isen's Basketbal l Leagues . ^ i�r. �roxs �cted �he �itiga � �e trcphies xere �rarded to the winning �� ��� y� a�ers � the pu�CS ard �ecr�►ati�n Co�aission. A represontative s�f t� Fridla°�r Sbn �rspa�e� ras on ha�d ta €sice pict�res. Reconveae, j8:3D p.m.) ��:_�. a � : ; � m Mrs, ,J� 3oh�sou, Pre3�eut a� t�►e Frid�e�t City �aa�, was present to infar�s th� Co�ission r�# tiie �ragrass �sda �y t� ba�d ovar tl�e pears. Mr;: J�asoa said that th� band caae into bei� in April of �96Z and is aaw' ten yoa7cs old. '!'�tey #�ava aboui 40 r8gular mo�bers �der Lhe directian t�f David 43so�t. The Band Sudget is provided by the £itr vf Fridley, and in return, the Band is resps�nsible �ar six ptblis ca�certs 'es�� �ear• �1s : rule, tbese eoncerts are l�e1d in �eig3�bo�c�d par�s. : 3�e ba�d sI�o �e:faras for civic f�nctions a� tries �o �dA sgresd g� wil� �e� p�ssifi3e_ Th$ City �nd does have a Coastitution snd e�ected offic�rs. 't7se� �eet each week on i�o�sy ni.sbt for prscti�. Tfie. �dget is �i690.Dfli o� xhic� the ��r�ctor is paid agSp,`t)Q. The balance is speRt o�► equipaent aad unifo�s. �'he Baad ae�ber� each have a jackat . The �snd, in 2962, en,tere� i�e Aquitean�s� coatest sad � a secoAd pl�►ce plaque. They iia�re pis3*ed at sany dedicatioas and aa esatQlt flf tisese �� t�e t.4cke Psxk �tn �96�4, i1 i�re -�.a�e �eazi� ii�uss in 1965, Civic Ceater ia 3�7, snd t�s 3bore i.�ke �.ions dedicat3,on of tf�e fountaia, si�e2ters, and Qther �qui�went in 1972. T#�ey've played Por t�te dapcees Spring Festivai and �a�y others. This coming Sun�er, the bai►d would like to have soit cov�rage i� thz Fridley Sun ui�d�x Paul Brown's weekl�► artitla. Mrs. Johnso� thaniced the GommiSSiqln aad Mr. Brown l�or Mim�xos of th� Parks � R$creation Co�sission Meeting, March 2?, 1972. Page 3 �FRIDLEY CITY BMD %ON�T�: � includin� the Band in the Se�i-�early bulletin. She als� asked about the possibil�t� of �etting a box on the front page of the pager with just the lacation a�td time. The paper co�es out on Wednesday a�td the concerts on on Thursdsys. FRIDI,�Y YCllm�l P�AO'T&LLl. A590CIATION � ?or Niels�n, President of the Fridley Youth Football Associstion, was present at tl�e meeting to discuss the approsching fa21 f�tbal2 season. Mr. Nielson informed th�e Co�issionexs that the pro�ras had gro�ra fre� 4�} boXs fn I9?Q ta 525 hoys in 187�.. The Association has.adopted the Cirl's F2sg Footbs�l grogra� for 29i2 atd reports tha.t over i0Q girls �rere registerec� ia 297I. Tbe�r are expecti�r6 aare boYs and girls to re�ist�er for the falI seasoa. There wese 21 boys teaas, with l8 of them being house teams. Pony Division was new in 1971 and deeaed.a sc�ccess. The Fony IIivisioa includes boys who are 8 and 9 years old, with a weig�t limit of 90 pouads. The registratioa fee is �3.00. Of the travelin� teaas, tha P�e iMee�s wan their second straight Ch�apionsZiip, the Light Cu�'s tied for tbe �ha����, ��� �'�� ��� ia a row, and thQ Hea�ry Cub's �aded up ia thi� �la�e in �e �rth �nrbaa �g�e- Mr. Hialsen.ra�oztad t�at, t�ot� it Mas difficult:to controi, ti�y did iat allow any �sses' to be played a� `tl�e iighted fie�d at the Coroas, witii the hape of givi�g n the nes�r seed a cb�e ta tske a gfwd h�i�. '�6e As�iatio�t is vzry �atisfied with it's pr�r^e�ss. Last pe;rs Ehey �sd i1�c 3ar�est aadount cYf in��ries thay've aver had, snd Lhis 'they �la�e o8 �t fie�d r.�dit%s. liFith this �s+r fie.�d, Lh� expect this � t,Q �. �tr, i�%lsan exgts�nat that by lar�, �e ae■mt t�ai there xere m a�s+e t1pu� �8 i��uries, �t t.hej► �rere hroken sas aad at�er s� i�tj�c%s, which t3�e llssociRtion refers to as a lrr�e �uaber. 1�c_ �iie2s�a eo�p3si� tbst t1�c /tssoc�tioa tr�ei to becc�e ime3�ad ia a Youth Bsstetb�tl p�o�r� for bors wba �+eiki�r �erenRt i�tereste� i� Fo�D�li. but that this �ras �ot �iaslized because o€ a lactc of co�uR�estiaa �itk. the Scicw� District. He reported tt�st ti�ef hope to �ixe it sat►�er try ia L??2. llsit �k�ols of ti�e �_. �e �1n#h �.e�ue i�as a�Pro� �e �i �sse>eiiLion for a�3staace, _�� sa�ss #�St �ir. ie�roiz is sbe Pac�sid�t aad Yice �si�.ent o€ the �p snd Ms arifa is ses�ri� as Secr�ar�►. �L•s Loo �+ fo3r �e man to handle alane. He fias �ade an appesi io xhe �ootlnil ltssociatian and they have �greed to he�p sponsor and participste in the pragram. Mr, Nieisvn encpl�ined that there is a;6.00 �egistratioa fee and half vf �I�is ia turned into tha City t� help psy far ti�e cost af saiirt;ining rhe fields, �Lc. The bc��rs are covered uader Lhe Cit�r�s Ssseba�i Ir. �sra�ce Pa�icy. - �lr. diieistn asid �hat �hey 1�ad vn1Y tr+a r�uests .�irst, the City has installed 1�;Eh#a en ti�q Footyal,l, slor�g wi-th a sprinkiinQ systea. Ttie Association would like #o see a#ance a.ASta31-zd to kesp �icycles, wini bikes, and othtr foot traffic off of the.f%►+ld. TheY feet t�t this �ld he2g kecp �aintenance down. � The Sec,ot4d �equest was that the eitr alioK the �kssociation to �e usa of lights �rhich are already insts�ied<i� sane of the parks, €or their evening pract:3ces. The Fpptt�rail Association plans to have a12 divisions gaaes, incladiag Pony, on the good field. Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, March 27, 1972. Page 4 � FRIDLEY Y011TH FOOTBAIl AS90CIATION �t�ONI�T): Mr.'Blair suggested that Mr. Brown do some research on the cost of fencing th� football field at t1�e Commons Park. Mr. Kirkham agreed that it would be good to have a permanent structure to eliminate mini bikes and other such vehicles. Mr. Blair requested copies of the Girl's Flag Football and Girl's Broomball Ruieg� These are being prepared by Chuck Kasick, the originator of the programs in Frid�ay, Mr. Kirkham suggested that with the installation of a fence, they'd be able to ct�arge admission to the games. Mr. Nielsen explained that it would be a controlled c�owd, but they would rather not charge admission. FRIDLEY JAYCEE�S PI�JECT� Mr. Richard Janiak, a representative of the Fridley Jaycees, was present xo di�CUSs their plans to develop a parcel of City property in the Rice Creek area. Mr. Brown suggested that the Jaycees prepare a plan for development and possibly spread it over several years. Then, when it's ready, they should bring their ideas back for Commission approval. They also suggested that the ,Taycees work with Mr�, Betty Ann Mech in respect to this. This area would become a part of the Rice Cz'eek Nsture Traii. n�s�icr #14 � c;nr r��ru�, n Representatives from the Fridley School District M14 and the City of Fridley have , met on several occasions to discnss both parties recreational activities and �acilities. BDth groups �xplained their pro$rams and philosophiss and how the programs and groups can �vor�C togethsr for the bettermeni of the community. Mr. Brown said that the �ians are �o�► to draft up a policy which both gxoups will use, to regulate the use of both school and city facilities. MIi�lTES OF TFE FE�RIJARY ?H. � hEEf ING � MOTION by St,i,n�n�en, Seconded by B[aih, .to appkove .th.e m�i.nurtea ob #he Febr�.u,ah.y 28{ i972 meQ,t,i,ng. The A�ta.t.i.on c.a�vrai.ed. (Kirkham adstained since this is his first meeting as a Comeissioner.) � � !_ :i�� Y� �►l� lb1�T10M by K,inf�ham, Seeanded by S.t,imnCeJi., #o a.d�ounn zhe mee�'>i,ng ay 9:55 p.m. The next regular meEting wi21 be held on April 24, 1972, at 7:30 p.m., in the Co�qnunity Room of Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, �� CATHIE STORDAHL, Secretary to the Commission