PR 04/24/1972J ' �k ,�
Meeting was cslled to order st 7:45 p.�., by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
^ MBMBERS PRESENT: Fitzp4trick, Blair, Kirkham, Sti�ler, Wa�ar.
Q1'�iERS PRESENT: Crai� Johnson,�6840 7th Street NE, 360-2527, Adventure Play�round.
-Malter Oner�an, 501 53� Avenue NE,.560-SS87, Oakhill Park.
Brother Th�o�as Sullivsn, 1350 Gardena Avonue, 785-3557, Moor�.Lske Study.
Minston Jacobson, 121 79th Way NH, 786-5225, North Fark.
Paul Bram, Director of Parks and Recreation.
MI1�lT'ES OF MARCH �7. 19�2.
IrI0TI0N by S�iumL�x, Seconded by K,i�.kham, .to a,pp�t�ove �fee Uli,nufi�,e o� .tke
and Rech¢ati.on Connci.ea.i.on Mee.t.i,�g, da.ted t1, �972. Tke INo�.i.ore ca�th.c.ed.
Brother Thomas Sullivan �f�Grace Hi�h School groposed a study af Moore Lak�
Pol�ution in May snd June 1972. � requested per��ssion to analize the lake Mater
coatent at bbore Lake. '1'�ie costs for aat,erials and equip�ent Mould run sbout =450.00.
A further phase of the study �+ould be in June, July, and Au�ust, 1972. He requested
the use oi a'bost !or his studr. He would also need stos�age space for this sae bost.
His study will be made avsilable to the City of Fridley. The Co�ission reca�ended
that he obtain s►ssistance fro� Anoka County and Schoal District i14.
AD�lBtTtXE PL�11f�6ROl��
Crai= Johnson, from the Universitr of Minnesota, presented a slide picture pro�ra�
shoMin: an adventure play�rour►d concept. He reviewed,:t�rott�h;thtse pictures, what
Fridlep has in the way of play�round equip�ent and what advenWre play�round hns to
offer. Crai� requested that Fridl�r set aside a portion of s park to try this
concept. The Co�ission:asked questions re�srdin� the pro�rati. Liabi�ity insursnce
was one specific area of ittersst. They felt tnis would be a problaoi. MesdaMl�nds
Psrk Nas suggested as a possible site. Cooperative use of Church and Park p�opierty
on the Esst boundary Nas the specific area �ug�est�d. The Co�ission thsak� 11��.
Johnson for his fine presentation.
Mt. Malter Onerman, a resident of the Oak tlill n�ijhborhood, Mas presatt to discuss
th� probl� of Qame balis aad equip�ent coair►� into his yard, due to the aCt�.Ol1 N�tA1A
Oak fiill Park. H� described the problaa of the cLildron knocking doMrn his fence wd
hsi�in� personal equipa�st on his pri�ate prop�rty. He requeat�d n hiQh fence be �
iustall�d betNeen the patk property and bis oKn.
MOTION 6g K�.kiiam, Steondt�d by 3fi.u�tt�e. �tQ�t�.t.i,�A �ke C,i�t�! A�i,wi��eazcoK �o
.ixvee;.yate ,the p�w6.�e�n����l L�+d s eoLuxi.oK and, .i.� nteded, poee�ib�Ct �unda �to el�i,
� xke ea,�e. The Mox.i.on �.td.
_ -�,q� �.
Mr. Minston Jscobson present�d s brief oatlins ot tiu prapos�d ordinance on �avixo�-
�ental Coa�ission. It has to do rith the curr�t►t pro��rat� of c:eaninR up the
Ninut�s. of the Parks 8 Recreation Coraission Meeting,,April 24i 1t�72.� , Pa�e 2
^ • ._
et�iro�eflt. Collection of recycleable saterials ud pollutioa of waterways are
good axanples of concern. Moore Lake was also sited as sn axa�pl�. It was
su�g�sted by the Co�unission, to receive copies of the ordinance snd place the
topic on the May agends.
r � � � � �•..
A letter has been received by the League. The topic of the leiter was the North Park
area and has been referred to the May age�uda.
The folloNin� seetings have been scheduled �or April 26th at 11:45 a.a., at Geor�e
is in Fridley Restaursnt, and May 8th, at 7:30 p.a., at Fridley Civic Ceater. The
subject of these meetin�s will'be a facility snd activity study.
-��� � i � �
The Parks and Recreation Director presented copies of cost esti�ates Por'installing
a fence around the football field at The Ca�ons Park.
The Co■oission discussed the possibility of the use of ii�hts for lootbali p�sa�cttce
n at vsriau locations within thp City. Tha fridley Ycuth Football Association has
_ requested that the li�hts be turned on this co�in� Fall for �ses and prsctices. The
parks �entioned were Co■�ons, Lo�an, Locke, Srlva�n Hills, and Msdsen. Other s�aller,.
puks with ti�ed li�hts sre Sprin� Brook and Sim�it Square-. Additional lights Nill
b� installed this Si�es st Flauer�► Park..
In'fiON by S.t.i�Le�t, Seeonded by [Gihkh�cu+, .to �ake a�ucanBe�enxe xo hcwe .tht L�gh,te �winerd
oK �on .the �oo,t`ba.�.L pao9'taw fi�i,e con�i.n9 Fa.�.L. Tke Abx.i.on ca�
The Director briefed the Co�ission on the posstbility of havit�. ti� _9w�sr R�►seD�tl �
pro�ra� comerted into a SQftball prograu fo: boys in i973. A�=al discu�sion o�
this topic folloxed. No i�ediate conclusion was determined..
s.R�,�oa,�uE_�, .
. ,
A nealy for�ed zoaoobile pro�ra� for this Ssarer Ku presented t+� the Corission by
Director, Psul Bra+n. This N�ould become a put of the r�gular2r schedu�lecl Pla�rounds `
MOTIQN by BCa:ih, Seeonded by Wac�cUt, xo adapt �ke Ioona6�i,Ce �xog�wa �e�t �lee 1912 Su�eJt
. �Laygnow�de Pnog�. The Mofi.i.oK ea�r.ced. .
n. The Dir�ctor infaaed the Cao�ission of tln lat� �r�A'ts, i� respect �q tb;e
T Islanda o� Peace Pro j ect �nd �t� �ttw'f a�coAplYsl�wnts . �
Minutes o� the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, April 24, 1972. Page 3
. ....�...-
r I�� S w�nc� i p�,RaM EXPANSION.
n Expansion of the Girl's Broomball program for 1973 was discussed. It was pointed
out that there has been a tremendous increase in Girl's Athletics within the City
these past few seasons. It is generally agreed that there will be a larger
broomball program for �irls next season and it should be considered in preparing
the 1973 Budget.
� � • �
MOTION .to ad�ounn �the mee, a.t 11:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on May 22, 1�72, at 7:30 p.m., in the Gomraun�ity
Roo� at Fridley Civic Center. .
Respectfully submitted,
� ,