PR 06/12/1972� , _ ... . ;:. __ .,. �>, ... , ,, �._�a't_, MINUTES OF TFiE REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION CONMISSION MEETING, JIxVE .IZ, I9%7� Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman Fitzpatrick. • ^ MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Kirkham, Stimmler, Wagar. MEMB�RS EXCUS�D: Blair. QTH�RS PftESENT: Lillian Meyer, 7868 Alden Way N.E., 55432, 786-2853, L,W.V. Paul Brown, Director of Parks F� Recreation. . Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission. �TM �azK: Mxs. Lillian Meyer was present on behalf of the League of Women Voters, to pT�seT�t a$lide presentation on the Wood Lake area in Richfield. The purpose of the slides was to show how another municipality has developed an area similar to North Paxk. The slides showed the Nature Center, foot bridges, and the manner,in which they have preserved this park land to best display nature. After the slide presentation, Mrs. Meyer explained how the North Park area cs�uld be developed into a similar area, with its beaver dams, wide variety of bixd species, deer, and other various wildlife.She asked the Commission for the�r ide�s for development. Mr. Kirkham indicated an idea for some picnic tables and minor development, simil�r to Locke Park. Mrs. Meyer asked if we wanted another Locke Park? Mr. Kirkham stated that we d�d not, but that this is what he was comparing the area to. M�s, Meyer stated that what they didn't want to see was ball diamonds or snowmobil� txai�s. The Commission agreed that they didn't want this either. ^ The Comnission said that they would take the League's recommendations into thei7r ' consideration for the development of this area, and thanked them for coming tp th�� a�eeting and presenting the group of slides. LACI(E LAICE : The Commission turned their attention to the correspondence received in rega�'d tp the installation and maintenance of ice skating rinks on Locke Lake. Mr, Brpw� referred to a letter from Wayne Pearson, President of the Locke Lake Improve�aerlt Association, to Gerald Davis, City Mznager, dated May 22, 1972, asking the Cit� to maintain two skating rinks on Lpcke Lake. Mr. Davis has responded to thzs letter by informing Mr. Pearson by a letter dated May 24, 1972, that he was directing the request to tha Parks and Recreation Commission for their recom�e�da,t�0� and consideration. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brown for some backround information on this subject. MT. Brown informed the Commission that the residents of the property surrounding i,qc�tp Lake have been shoveling off areas on the lake for skating purposes, and they would like some assistance in the maintenance of these areas, and some lighti�lg 'Go be installed. These people would like to have a situation similar to the o�� �t M�ore Lake. Mr. Stimmler asked why they had requested two rinks. Mr. Brow�l explained that if you've ever been over in.the area, the lake is quite long and wide, and this would be for convenience purposes. Mr. Brown said that as far as he Nas co�cerned, we really don't know enough about the lake and we�ve gone through enaugh bad experiences over at Moore Lake to at least know Mhere to go. The peoplo �tt � Locke Lake have tried to maintain their own rinks, but haven't been too successfu�,. Mr. Brwm explained that the rinks Mould have to be along the edge, rather tha� i�► the middle, but that we really are hesitant about putting any type of equipmer�t on an.urtkno�rn lake. Mr. Brown said t}�at we aould take the necessary procautions ta �sake �ure that the ice is thick anough and that it would be safe for any tppe o� equipment we would be puttin� on the lake, but to be y�ry honest, it isn't a veary Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, June 12, 1972. Page 2 UOCKE LAKE i00N�T): � p�'actical idea to go on there with any City equipment. Mr. Stimmler asked if wa t�ad access to the Lake? Mr. Brown stated that the only access was on the very et�d, �►e�� the railroad tracks, where the flow is through.' This would be quite a distance �rotp where a rink could be installed. Mr. Brown also stated that there are a cpupl� o� empty lots which the neighborhood might be able to make available for access. MT. Brown suggested.that the Commission ask Mr. Pearson to 511�11L a personal plan �o� these rinks and possibly attend a meeting. Mr. Wagar pointed out that even though we could gain access by the trestle, th�e ic� would ne:ver be safe enough to drive a vehicle over it. Mr. Brown agreed. �'hexe would be no other access without crossing private property. Mr. Stimmler stated that as far as he could see, lights were out of the question because of the lacat�oA of our property and the fact that the rinks would not be near it. Ms. Bro� stat�d that he was certain that the Association would see to it that lighting would be passible. h9tlTI0N by Sxcmrn.Q.e�c., Seeonded by Wagcvc, xo �.nu.i.te. a nepn.e,aen,ta,t�.ve o� .the Loeke Lak.e Imp�covemen,t Aaaoe,i.a.ii.on #a cct,tend a mee,t,i.ng a6 .the Pach.a and Rer�cecLti,on Conrn.i.a.�.i.an, -tv di,�cuaa ,ihe pObb-t,b-c,Q�t,�i.¢� o� �.na.�ze,Gi,ng and mcu.nfia,i.ru,ng n,i,nk.a on Locke l.ake. The Mo-t.i.o n c.cwc�. ed . ' COM�IONS HORSESHOE COURT: The Camm�.ssidn reviewed a letter from Calvin Rust, dated May 22, 1972, �cequest��g ^ that the horseshoe court at the Commons be relocated to face north and south, rather that� their present direction of east and we�t, due to the sun factor in �he eve�nings. Mr. Rust also suggested that the pits be filled with clay instead c�f dirt and sand, and that the concrete whj,ch holds the stake should be fartj�er be�oW the �urface in order that the shoes are not hitting cpncrete when the ground becomes ' warn doxn. In addition to these requests, Mr. Rust suggested that there should bQ either � plank or concrete walkway so that the pitchers do not have to stand on �r� une°ren sur�ace when throwing. Nr. Rust continued by complaining about the type o£ horseshoes �►hich are provided by the City. Mr. Rust closed by stating that he was ' certain that there were persons who wouid be wil2ing to donate their ti�e to assist in making the requested changes. Mr. Kirkham stated that changing the direction of the court woui� be a good idea, due to the place.ment of the sun in the late afternoon and evening. MOTION by K.i�tk.ham, Seconded by S.tin�e�i., ,ta change ,t�it aar.i.en�a.t,ian o� xhe hon.4ebhoe c.ouh.te xo �ace nar.tl�. and aou.th. The Mo.t.i.on eali�c.i.ed. �CE F�RR S`PKI�iG Bi�UOK PARK: Roger Berganini xrote a Ietter, dated June 5, 19'72, to P�rul BrsNn, requesting�that the Com�ission consider tl�e installation of a fence betMeen his property, loc�ted at 580 Ironton Street NE, and Sprin� Brook Fark. Mr. Berganini informed the Co�ission thst he presently has s decorative fence, but that it does not stop the bal2s or the chfldren who play in the park. Mr. Berganini re�inded the Coae�ission ^ th�i a s�ilar fance had beea instalied along the sou�sst boundarp of the park. ' l►b#.iron � �kujwt, Seeonded b� S#,�na,L�c, .to �.►ie�ude a �enet �o� �fie t�o�u�uia�ty .l.i,ree bt�wevt Sp+t,i.ng B�.00i� �ank and Sd4 In.o►�on S.tn.e¢,t N�, �aa eone.i�dt�ta.ti,on .i.n .the 1973 &c�pe,t nequee.t. The I►b.ti.on ca�ta�.i.td. The ComRissiton asked thst Mr. Serganini be inforsed Nith a copY of the Minutes. Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, June 12, 1972. Page_3 PARK SCHOOL RANGER: Mr. Bxown informed the Commission that a Parjc School Ranger was in the off�.r�g fox the protection qf both City and School propexty between the hours of 5;00 and 1�;00 �.t�. Th� �ne� for the salary of this ranger would be paid in part by t}�e City and partially by the School. This is a 14 week trial prog�am which, if effective, could d�ve�o� into a full time job for 1973. The City's pprtion of the cost of the ranger came from the unused portion of the Ward Two Councilman's salary. The program will be ev�luated in October, 1972. Mr, �xown stated that the department would be keeping a log of the ranger's daily activities, in order that a full report can be made at the close of the experime�,ta1 period. riOTTON by Wagan, Secande.d by Sx�.mm�e�c., .to nece.i.ve �h.e �.n�o�cma.t,i.on on .the Pcrn.Fz Schop.� Rangeh. and �o a,cua.�,t -the ne6c�..td o� .the pn.ogh.am �.n Oc�o6eh. The Mo�t.i.on ccvvued. TENNIS C+�2T FOR CRAIG PARK: Resi�ents in the neighborhood of Craig Park have requested the installation of a�other two t�nnis courts within the park. Mr. Wagar felt that additional courts should be }�xovided since there is presently only one and the nearest courts are i.,oga�n Paxk, a considerable distance away. Mr. Stimo►ler agreed that there is a need for a Cat�rt at Graig Park, since the present one is heavily used. MUTZON by tUagcvc, Seeonded by S.t,imm.�eh., �a eone.i,de�c cr„t .�eaex ane .ten►z.i.d eawc.t �on ^ Cn.a.i.g Pan.k .i,n. .the 1973 Budget neque,a�t, an a.t .Zeae.t �i.n .the pn,i,on.i,t,i.e.� �on �c�t�.uc.e budg 2tb . The Ma.ti.o n c,cvvc,i,e.d . ISLAIm OF PE1�CE PROJECT: The Commission expressed dismay at th� fact that the Island of Peace Coa�mittes is by-passing the Parks and Recreation Commission and dealing directly with the CouitCi� in respect to Chases.Island and it's development, inspite of the Council's �numearous requests to have the Cormnittee confer with the Com�ission. Mr. Brown said that he is in constant contact with the Conmittee and Ed Wilmes atn respect to the progress they aiade and he will try to keep the Coamission informed. Mr. Stimmler asked hoN people would �ain access to Chases Island and where wou�a ct►er ire pir�Cing ih$ir vehicles? Mr. 8rown explained that parking would be provided but th�t ii-�ld be mostly be on schoal property. ��Ot� tAKE HEJVCN STAFf : 'The pmblem af �►arm �reather versus the opening date of INoor� Lake Beach �as discussed� Mr. Brown explained that in order to hire a well qualified staff, we must re�ain froa opening the beach until these people are out of school. Most of our b�act� staff atte�d school and aren't out until just before the Beach opens. We xutt i��a i�is problem cvery year. � . The City posted signs at the beach statins that there was no s�+iasing and these aigns rem�ined in position until the be�ch officially opentd on June 12th. r Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commi.ssion Meeting, June 12, 1972, Page 4 an�louR M�MI'; MDTT(�N �a ad�awcn �he mee.t.r:ng a,t 9:40 p.m. Tj1e �ext regular meeting will be held on J�lly 24, 1972, at 7:30 p,m., in the �pmmu�t�.ty Rooi� at Fridley Civic Center. Respectfully submitted, / �; . ` �-��d�'� GATHI� ST9RpAHL, Secretary to the Commission � / � � 0