PR 07/24/1972^ J > . /� , � UC-/' MiNUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS ANll RECREATION COMh1ISSI0N MEETING, JULY 2�#, 1972� M�etirig wa� called to order at 7:50 p.m., by VicG Chairman Blair. M�M��RS PR�S�NT: Blair, Kirkham, Stimmler, Waga�. MEM��RS $X�US�U; Fitzpatrick. pTHERS PRES�NT: Mrs. C, R. Car�o�ano, 6040 5th S�x�et N.E.� �60-2765, L.W.V, Mrs. Virgil Ishaug, 1473 75th Avenue NE, 7$¢-481�, j,.W.�, �Irs. Paul Olsen, 1381 Onondago Street N.E., 786-5075, �,�W,Y, T�m Nielsen, 7583 Lyric Lane NE, 784-2783, F.Y.F.A. Marvin Brunsell, Finance Director, City of Fridley, Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation. Ralph Volkman, Park Foreman. Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission. MINUTES Q� JIJIV� �2� �.9%VZ MEETING � M�TId�I bc� Wct�a�., Secanded by K,ih.F�ham, .ta appn.ove .the M.i.nu�ee o� .the Regct.�J�t. PW�hti and Recnea�,i.�n Ca►mn.i.ea.i.on Mee.t.i.ng, daxed June 12, 1972. The Mo�i.on ccvv�.t.�, ��I�NT OF RICE CREEK PARK� Tt�e Ya�c� Chairman asked Mr. Brown for a report on the Jaycee projec� d�v�lp�m�A� �� Jt�,p� Cxee� P�.rk, and the report was that due to reorganizatioz� with,iA th� �+��ia@x� c�� thq JayCees and the different priorities which they now have, th� Rice Cx��k Aark dev�l,opment projec� is in � state of limbo. Perhaps late� this faj� r�T ��i'ly rieXt spxing, they'll be able to proceed with their plans. Presently, t'��ro w�,�l b� np ��y��vpment until we hear from the Jaycees. n�� �� �� . � �T. ��"RWn inforir_�d the Commission that an evaluation of the success of th� P�Tk / SCh0a1 Rang�r Would be made in October, after the trial �rogram h�s b�er► �am�let�d at�d a11 x+�ports can be filed. The hope is that the program wi�l be �uc��s��u1 en4ugh tQ Warxant a 30 week program for 1973. �ye�y� had A�any good reports and along with a few complaints, but al� i� a�,1, s� f�� thQ p�t'ogram is deemed successful with its 6 hours a day, 6 days a week ��� t�g, jV��7C� x�c�iYing good park coverage and Mr. Stanton is pleased with the pxogxe�� �C �t}� �chAp�s . Mi', Vvlkmarl has been very conscience of this through our vandalism re�orts. ��' th� R�Ag��' �i.nds that something has been vandalized�pr is just in need of x�ep��r� 3t �9 re�prt�d and the office has the information at 8:00 a.m, the next morni�g, j�} m&ny c�s�s, vandalism is haulted com�letely befo�e i� j�as ti�n� ta be�$�, ��' �Q�@r at#e is �bu�ing the facilities, they are asked to leave before it gets qu� 0� �1�nd, Th� peAp�� �re now beginning to identify him with his responsibility and a�G��� ��� �aCt Chat �o is there to prevent problems and assist the residents if the�� is � I�eA�} � FRID�.EY YQUTFI FQOTBALL ASSOCIATION� Mr. Tpm N��lsen, President of the Fridley Youth Football Associatiorl, was pres�r�t �a � �,nPorm �h� Gomn►�ssi�on of the Association's plans for the 1972 �all Poo�i���� ����p�� 1��, �j���,��+�} ���ted that after conferring with Mr. Brown, it was decided �h�� �j�,��q W�.x� a CQU�ie of items which should� be brqught to the attention of the_Copuql��#�Jnt T�,� �,�'��.p „ belonging to the North Suburban League, has been awaxded �t�e ��7� P��v�ew� and they will be held on the new football field at the Commp�ns Paxk q� � Min�tes pf the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, July 24, 1972. Page � F�Y�F�A� �CON�T)t � Septembe� 2nd, and they would like permission from the Commission to chaxge adm,i�BioT� tQ �his $ame. The snow fence which was insta�led around the field a�ter t�a T3QW �TasS w�S planted, is still in place, and it would require no additional tim� p�' ��'p�lem� far the maintenan.:e staff. �1�, Wagar stated that it ha� not been the practice to charge people to watch ba�� g��s p� �1�y type, in our �,arks. It was pointed out by Mr. Blair that they do c��.xg� admission to the Softball Tournament each year, Mr, �I�����n explained that they would be charging for adults only� not for �h� yQt���1� These mAnieS would be used for the program, not fpx personal gain. �y�+, j��,�k�t� said that as long as the City does not have to receive the$e �{Qr�i�s, h� CQµ1d s�q no xeason why there should be problems. M�� N��lsen explained that the monies would help to reimburse their recent Qx�p�lditurq qf $22UO�OQ which was spent to purchase 150 pair of football pants, alpng With Cp1Qx'Qd �qp�b��1 pants fox the traveling teams, and mouth pieces for all boys r�g�.st�red, Tl�� add�it�canal funds will come in handy. MOTIQN by K-uc.F�ham, Seeanded by Wa.gcvc, za gna.v�t penm-i,db.i.on xo �he �n-i.d�.ey yowth� FoP�b� !�.44p�i.�c.on �tv e.hcvcge adm.i,�b.i.on o� adu,�t� who cwi.ah �a wa.t.eh zhe Nan,th Subcvcban �.�uQ �ev�.�µ►4 u,� fihe Cammona PcvcFi an Sep.tembe�c 2, 1972. The Mo�i,on ea�,i.ed. �„�ilDlkY LTT'R..� I.FAiGUE � �y' 1� R 1 RAy McPherson, President of the Fridley Little League, was unable to attend �h� m�ating �p �� �sked Mx, Nielsen to make his presentation to the Commission. F9T 'Ch� sQCt���} yeax, the Fridley Little League Fields will be used to host the North Subur��rl �,ea,�Ll@ TouxAatpent play, and once again, they are requesting the use of some bleachers �o� th� &p�C'G&�p�'S, Gast year they asked for four units and received two, fo� th19 pi�@ we�k period, and the comment was made that if more seating had been availabl�, ��e� C�u�d ��p�►��ly h�Ye hosted the State Tournament. Mr. Nielsen said that last yeaF t��'�! WAr� about a thousand people who came out to see the games. The final ran f0� �� �,����,�s. The general comments throughout the entire tournament were that '�h4 Fx1d��y Littls Leagu� Fields were probably the best throughout the North Suburban �,e�g�ie, '('�j.g �,�ague �,ncludes such cities as Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Richfield, a�� M1c', Hi�lss� stated that his particular team would be going into the Leagu�, j�ut th�t the� are not allowed to play on their own fields. The Little League Asso�iatiql� i.� �1ow �'equ�sting the cooperation of the City again tj�is year, in the use q� ��,g��he�� �a� � p�e Week period. M�'. Wagar said that Mr. Brown could let the Association use what he has, but i�' �A dQ�s�1't� have four sets, he can only give out what he has available. Mr, ��p� a�1�pS� wj�at dates this would involve, and Mr. Nielsen said it would begin on July 2.��h ��1s� �.+�St '�h�'OUgh either Saturday, �lugust Sth or Sunday, August 6tt}. Mr. arAMm ex����t10S� �h�� F�'�cil�y was hosting the Minnesota State Industrial Softball Tourt�am�t}t a}1 t�Q we@�4e�►c� p�` August Sth and 6th, and that they would have to have the blea�hers ba�� fpx t��t.� Mr, Nielsen stated that they would appreciate any assist�ncg ��y�y Gpµ}� n havp f4� w}�atever length of time they were available. Mr. Brown said tha� ���y' �5��}d� haY� �ou� bleachers, but that they would have to be removed on Thursd�y, 9x pP��i��y ��pX ��t�� ��� along with removing only two units, but they would be r�eed�,�1 �p�4q s��' ��ptp at t�� Gpmmons. Mr. Niels�r� �aid th�t this was fine and that they cou�� �juS� ��tpv�� ���ir �fields from the play after Thursday. {�Ir, $xpWn agreed to the use of four sets of bleachers from July 31 through Au�u�t� 3� 'Ni�ut�� o� tlie Parks t; Recreation �:ommi�sion Me�°t in�, July Z�, �972. Page 3 n �^-���� ��', �l��r s�rew the Commission's attentioi� to t}}e correspondenc� they �ac� �'�G��y�c� ���}�� ,'�1�� ipp�'��� �nd the first item discussed was the ir�formation �re�ax�d by �����, j(�S�,�k, (�eague Coordinator of the �irl's Flag Football and Girl'� ��'4s��►�1a�,� � '��jq� ��1!NR�S�le� had asked for a copy of the program and rules, which �lr� }S���Gk ��A����� �i�d m�de available for distribution. (►�, ���i,� �sked Mr. Brown if the Girl's Broomball would be in conflict wj,�I� tj�� �p���� p���Q���tion of Fridley (H.A.F.), in the use of the rinks. Mr� Br.Q� Q�C��a��e� �ha� i� wauld �1pt� due to the fact that all of their games this past year wexe F��Y��, �� �S�at�ery Park, and the H.A.F. does not use this rink. ��� ��p�� �p��t��i out that the Girl's Flag Football will be played �� LoCk�r Paxjc, '���, �e�p��j �tem discussed was the report by Mr. Harvey McPhee, Health IRs��GtQ�' �Qx j?�����Y, �t��ing that in his judgement, Moore Lake was safe for swimming, M�'. ��p�1� �p�qted out that the major item of concern was the content of coli�p�tp �.� t�e �,�j�� � T�� total coliform count of a beach should not exceed 1000/ml ., a�d j!�qp�'p �,��� ����a�s to F�� SO-60/ml. In Mr. McPhee's opinion, Moore Lake shou�d ]�� �l�d��d �,� ��,�'� �'Q�+ pu�liC swieiming. T�� n�7�� �t�m discussed was the Island of Peace Project. Mr. Brown �tated tj��t �h�� ���� �� ,�� tt�e p�ocess of applying for LAWCON funds . We have drafte� �j�g �pp}�c���Qz� �p�' I,AWGQN and prepared all required information which should be submitte� }�1 ��obe�, �� ��e ���uesting $170,000.00. The breakciown of funds will be S0� fro� Fp�e���, ���i ��q� $L���, �nd 25% from City sources. This total amount is strictly for dgvelP�mpn�, �1 �'�� ���c� j�tself is already property of the City. ��p����� a� �lyde Park is merely clearing the brush and trimming trees, �r� ��e ����� t����,,� s���� of providing a park facility. M�� ����� asked if there was any progress in locating and obtaining pxo�g�rty �t� ��1e �3d�14 ��5� �rea? Mr. Brown stated that nothing has been done to dat�. ��'L �xQwi� �nf0�� the Coma►ission that the City Attorney's office in it� Xj}p p�'Q���� Q�' �ev�lppi�g the City Ordinances. Mr. Stimmler asked if there were any d��s�i� ����gQS, and Mr. Brown stated that there were not. The majority of the c��n��s ��@ �.q sits�ly clarify the present readings, and better serve the community. Nk1�1 PQpt�ORPi MPl�-� I NE : I�rR ��'ow� i�formed the Commission that a£ter making numerous, expensiv� xeF�}rs QT1 �,�� popc��c� machine at Moore Lake Beach, the City asked the Fridley Jay��e� }� L�ey wo�ld b� interested in purchasing a new machine. The Jaycees gladly do��te� t�}� p�q�ey ai}�, � n�w machine was purchased. It will be used for the first time a� tt�e State $p€�j�all Tournament before it's transferred to the Beach. Our thank� �P �9 ��}� Fx�7��iley Jaycees. , �r, ¢�gW�l said t�at the old machine will be moved to the Commons for r�ext year, n �.�T�S �UDGET R�CONMEtmATIONS; ��F �rq�ri� state¢ that the outlook for 1973�is based on what the County i� gpj�p tt� �l�pw ��� C�ty to`increase our taxes. It looks like approximately $120,QQQtOQ �� ��� ��ta ��tY r�i�l be receiving in additional funds for 197�. The Parks ��td R���'����q�{ ����rtment will get approximately 15% or about $18,000.00, if past years is �ri� �xamp�e of what is to come. Mlriu�o� the Parks � Recreation : mmission Mee�rinT�Jul i4, i972. Page 4 19Tj BIJDG�I" RECONMENUATIONS COON �T) ; n n (v�� �,xq� xecoAUnended that the Commission briefly go over the informati,on Whf�j� 1Va9 �Y��.labls in time fo� the meeting, and then call another meeting to disGl�s� a�lt� ���l�l��� th� Te�o�nmendations for 1973. A�t4�' �1�eSB xecommendations are compiled, it will then take the City Adm��iB�Ta�fp�, �bpµt thr�@ w�eks to go over these requests and fit them into the overall plan, ��#'px� 't�le entire City Budget goes to the City Council around Septembe� llth, Tj}Q s�i�� majar rec�uest we've indi�ated is the need for a separate div�sipn W��j���l t�19 &u�g�t fS��' �Is�tltenarl�e and Repair , of Grounds . We presently have �Mainte��n�e ��}tl � R����� p�` Builc�ings, Maintenance and Repair of Equipment, and Mair►te�anC� &�d �te�a��' p#' jm�TpY�ments,.but there's nothing to ha�dle the grounds. Under 475,32, W� �T� �X����,� ,��ass seed, fertilizer, tree maintenance and removal, field marklt�� pai�t, 'the s�r�y�.ng of Moore Lake, resurfacing of tennis courts, and many othex such items� �� �� Ayx hppe that'this can better clarify the $udget and indicate ju�t Wh��e ��1�� �t9Aey i� b6ing spent. In some other categories of the Budget, we've indicated d�Cr4���s to allow for the transferring of items to this new division, QT�YiQUSIy, 3npgt pf these items have been a part of General Supplies. "��@ ��,�� �a� baen making great strides in purchasing new lands, and now, it iS Ch� j�q�� �,�,�� We can devote our energies to repairing or developing oux present landS ��� ���#�ities, � Ma�y' 0� oµx increases are strictly to keep us up to date with the increase� i�1 L�Q C9s'� of 1�Ving and maintaining current expenses. �+� �rpW�3 �lso pointed out his request for car allowance. We have a Dep�.x�m�r�� �ar, 1�qt it►5 used extensively by our staff and is rarely available for his p�rso�tal �,�sp��tior� af parks and their problems. During the Summer, the Playgrpt�rld Dl�'@Qtal' ma�e� u�se a� �hQ car from 8:45 a.m. until 3:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. ���j1 'x't�,ursday morning, she must use her personal car in order that our diseased tr�� �,t1Sp�Ct9x ca�n ma�ke his round and cover the new list of suspicious trees. �ac� • �y��,7��1,�, �he �ark and School Ranger makes use of the Park car in h�s dutips �pI' the Citr. Mx, Brown pointed out �hat this really doesn't leave much tim� aY&�1�1�1� �q j�im, �tany of the other Department heads are presently in receipt of �{�ch a� a�, lowanc� . • �l�, Brown informed the Commission that the only increases in the Recreatipn port�p� �#' ��Q Bud�e� are to cover increases in salary for our Staff. He,asked t�1@ men{b��'S �c� �10�� �hat h� was dropping the Day Camp program from the 1973 activitie9, due tQ Ch@ pQQ�' Tesponse we have had for the past couple of years. ��, g�pw� S��d that there is an overall increase from $58,000.00 to $7�,Opp.QQ ��,�p�'oxim�tely) from 1972 to 1973, for Parks. T�� balanc@ of Budget information will be made available for their consid�ra��p� ��d ¢u�gestions before the August 7th meeting. DUTC�I F1M AND OV}K WI LT DI SEASE � .�.,.r,.-......... . .� � ��, ���w� explained the severity o£ the spread o� Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt qisea$Q� }������ �x�,dley. �?� a Xwo week period, the number of diaeased trees in i,oc�C� P�x� ��g jum�ad from 3 to 26. Within another week, the number had increasgd �o �7, "��,�5� '���eS� pT1C� they become diseased, cannot be cured an�i they must be prpp�r�r ��„���ec� Q�' � Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeti:.tg, July �4� I�72. P��� � ,� 9 'N � ' T�►6 ��'4F@T' �►anAer for disposing of diseased trees is very costly, and the ��tY i9 �lQpiTlg tha'� Sam� ��ogress can be made toward purchasing a chipping maChine w1�1�1� wOW�d ��G�'�a�9 the costs tremendously. One of these machines is terribly expe��iYe: bt�� t�BxQ i.s some ho�e that perhaps the County of Anoka could contribute to th� Gf�S'� � ��1Fh Volkman, Park Foreman, stated that the Dutch Elm Problem was City-w�d�� H� �����d �.}�p� wj��n yqu walk down behind the new garage, the Department had cut dpwT� j� �x@8� �.�1 th� past week and he walked a way further and eounted ZO more. This i.g �7.1 iA Locke Park. He drove to 73rd and Jacksan Streets, got out of his tx'uc� aAd W�j,�C�c� or3to the railroad praperty and counted 6 more. He found 6 aver behind S�Adeq�s Ca�f�+. 7'hexe a lot of it on Channe� Road anci he was certain the�'e 1��� a 1�7c�Qx �t�tbex in Locke Park due to the bad �ains and weather we've had, �t�* ' Yalkma�t furth�r ex�lained that the diseased trees in Locke Park which haYe be�+A c�7��rpye��d to date are in such a heavily wooded and brush area that th� pt�ly way th�y �a�l be taken down is by cat. There's no place for the trees to faTl. Yo�} G�n�C �YQTt walk into the area. M�, �xqWn �.sked Mr. Volkman to explain the treatment process. Mr. Volkman said t��}at wheA you find a tree which has just recently died, it has to be treated with a VApl41'� �olu�fon around the entire base of the tree, and this is to break of� �}�q rppt g�'a��s With� other Elm trees. The next tree cannot be saved, so you gp �a t�t� n�xt li�e of defense. You make holes in the ground, about two �eet deep. 'TI1es� Can be dorie with even a crow bar. You pour this solution, which is a conGentx�'C�+ ^ ��tp �h� ho�es, and water. This cuts the root grafts and will also kill th� $�'&�S Q�3 top G£ the grpund. Then, you wait two weeks and cut the tree down. Th� CrQp t��Tl ha9 to b� sprayed with Chloridane which kills the Dutch Elm Beetles, j�i�� yQ1l�pan �a�d th�� we had a large tree in Locke Park �rhich just died this $��in� �1�d yQU �an� al�eady, peel the bark back. The tree now has to be hauled out. I� W@ h�� � Chipper, we could cut the cost. The disposal of trees cound be cut al�ROSt �A ha��. Ano��e� p�AC�lss is to spray by air or get a big mist sprayer, but you have tQ ��t it at ju�� th� xight stage, when �he larva is about to come out of the bark� o� ��1p q��Or� ig iA vain, It won't do any good. �tr. Yo�kman said that Minneapolis has been dealing with this longer than we ��Y�►� and °�1'►ey'Ye come to the point that they don't even test anymore. If they come tq ' a'CT�ae az�d Chere's any question, they cut it down. That's the only way to handle ��, You've got to get ahead of it and keep ahead of it. I�x� Vo1k�n sa�d that Oak Wilt Disease is even worse. He saw six or seven� new c�s6s ' �u�t tQd�Y��July 22th). He said that the City has to act now or in I975 - 1�76� i�'�7� mak4 the 19b5 toxnado look sick. There }ust won't be any trees. M�, }�ag��' $sked what needs to be done? Mr. Volkman indicated that funds �vou�� ��Y� CQ �tp pht�irtpd £rom somewhere, to assist in the cost of solving the problem. M�c� ��ow� ���.cj th�t t�� Commission will have to approach the Council. Mr. Volkman stated that fi�� p$�rtanent has only one chain saw and this Kon't ha�idle it. He also saia tha�t w���'e �oing to have to get to the people ri�ht away and inform them that the C�eq W11� � '�aye �o co�ae down. Mr. Brown said that we get four and five calls some days, ACCOic4i�11� t0 Mx R Yolkman, we've had enough cases confirmed by the Univer�ity �f N(i#t�es�itA �hat �h�y have informed uS to go ahead and cut any tree down thaL i� susp�Ct�d o� haYing the disease. They don't have time to make all the t�sts; �us'� �t�� tt�e� down , ____ . ,� _ �I,�,F.,�►SEA TREES �CUN �T) : ,..... � �� � ��; 9tiit1ntlQx reminded the Commission that Mike 0'Bannon, Anoka County Go�yp�,��1o�3RT� ��d 3,Afpxm�d th� Comm�ssion that there funds and manpower available artd upp�, t�q5@ ��5�� G4µld possibly be used. Mr. Stimmler recommended that we appro�ch t}�� Go��t� �'�?� �i1y assistance we could obtain. i��', Yp1k1t1�n �'��ted that Dick Swanson, Anoka County Agent, would be cQ�in� ii1tR ��1� G���CA QTl T�ursday, the 27th, to discuss the problem and make a personal �QUx' of '�h� �T��� Wh1�h are most affected. Mr. Volkman said he would discuss th� �uAd�Ag �S�s��.��11tieS W1th Mr. Swanson at that time. j��+� KiTkb�t�R �'ecommended that we request the City Council to appropriate fu�1d� tp GAA�b�t Dut�h �1� and Oak Wilt Diseases. M�'� jN��Ax �tnended the recommendation to include the emergency status of thla 9itu&'Cio�, �x� �xpw� Stat�d that we must make the City Council aware of the probleA�� ��d pex�}�F� 4�a �pµ1�1 �'equest emergency funds to be made available. ��� h���'y1�1 Bxunsell, Finance Director, attend the meeting, to become in�o�nec� On ��i@ pt��ph �1m �nd Oak Wilt problems and to make his recommendations on the CpuAC3,1 ��Volvem8�t, ' �. yol�cn4an stated that State Legislation is such that the homeowner ca� �� �axed 5p� �ex' d�sease, or in this case, $1.00, to combat the disease. This is oAe way iT� w��G fu�ds can be rai�sed. You can proceed with this taxation without ,�o��g t�h�'p�$� �j��+ S'��t@� due to presently enacted laws. n `j'j�Q �ptt�liSSio� informed Mr. Brunsell that they would like to approach th� GouilGll �� fih�1�'A►eeting which was presently underway, to request funds for th� Con,txol �� t�ese di.seases. . M�� �xow1� stated that our present Ordinances permit the �ity to inform the xe�ider�� w�q }�as a diseased tree, that the tree must be removed at the homeowner+s exp�AS�. �� t�@ �aneowner refuses, the City has the authority to contract the tre� to b� i'et��vt�d ��d bill the homeowner or include it in the homeowner�s tax sta��meT1�, Mr, �xQw�i showed the Commission and Mr. Brunsell a sample of Dutch Elm, and �he m�nna� �.� wh�Gh the beetle operates. Th� GoAuqission agreed that a Motion was in order, to ask the City Counc�,1 �'A�' €1��td� ��d ��tp�px�. in stopping the spread of Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt Diseases. ON by K�fickham Seconded �w� neceaacr�.u. a b L xo he.oue6Z Zh2 Counc.i,e �o ncea on c emeJcqency con . The Gbmntission adjourned to the Council Room to inforfi the Council o£ the T�pidly p����d pf putch Elm and Oak Nilt Daseases in Fridley. •r � . n' �4j�t�'jQN .to ad�ounn �h.e mee.ti.ng a.t 9:45 p.m. Mr. Blair, Mr. Brown, and Mr, VQlkm�r� w��� ��'�p t�� C�QUncil Meeting for disIIUSSian of Fridley's diseased tree proble��� , 'j'j�,�d �1�x'� T�gular meeting has beer� rescheduied for August 7, 1972, at 7;3Q �,m„ in th� �p�1y�1��� Rqqm of Fridley Civic Center. /^: R�sp�ct�u11�► Submitted, ; �Qx/ u�:��c f �� ,� �. LATHTE STOR[IAHL.��Secretarv to the Commission _