,, .
1�l�C��� was called to prder at 7:55 p.m., by Chairman Fitzpatrick,
� l�lA$�t�.�'R�S�NT; Fitzpatrick. Blair, Kirkham, Stimmler.
M$MaFRS��XGt1S�D; Wagax.
�'j'{�j#� �R�SENT: Mxs. Barb Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Terrace, 55432, S60-Z61$, I,.W,�',
MaTVin Bxunsell, Finance Director.
Pat31 Brown, AiTector of Parks and Recreat�on.
Ratlph Volkman, Park Foreman
C$thie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
r+i�,rr,,,�c R,TM� �u�.Y 2�. 1972 r��r�r� �
ww� �. �. �+ilw ■
MQTI�N b(��t, Secanded by S.timrr�Qeh., .ta appnove �h.e M,inu.te.6 0� �he Re�c.�arc Fanf�b
A,MI� R�CGt��:on Comm.i,bb�.on Mee,, date.d Ju.Cy 24, 1912. The Mo-t,i.on cann�.ed. `
Mr. F�I�z��tTlck asked"Mr. Brown for a report on Dutch �lm Disease. M7c. �xpp�, �����c�
��t t�e C�ty is in the process of putting togethex a form letter wh�,Ct� will b� i4T4t
�o residents, �o i�form them that they have a diseased tree on their propexty, R�d
1�hi4t thei� Tb�pO�l�ib�.lities ar$ for disposing of it. Mr. Brown lndicated th�t �h�
G�,�y{3 N►��d Inspection Department has a similar weed abatement lettex, whiGh tb�
R� �i"�R�nt is u�ing for a sample. The final letter will requir� City a�p�pval
b0�oxq ��'� printed and mailed out. .
� j►�. P����tra��k ��minded the Commission of the mounLing di�cussi.q� �px th0 p�A• p��,S�
c�1IYi�0pm�nt oi North �ark. �
Mx�. �a�bara Eiughes was present at the meeting, on behalf of the Leaguq �f Womarl
Yp�a��: bu� sh� alsp said a few words on her desire to see a Nature Genter d�velpp�,d
a� No�th Park. Mrs. Hughes stated that a University of Minnesota,Seniox, R4$e� Ka�,
whl� �,� ��,jo�'}n� in N�turai Develogment, has studied the North Fark a�'e� 8x��i�S�V��,y,
a�d W�?t�ld b� mo�ce than happy to give tours. Mrs. Hugnes said that she h&d b�e� u�
iA Lhe �r�a on many ocCasions, but that her tour with Mr. Kay brought ot�� ma�ly �,�W
�j,g�� c��' intsrest which she had never seen before.
�. �C�kh� su�$osted that the Gommission invite Mx. Bob Barnett, who has pxop�sad
t}i�t I�o�th Aazk be developed into a gol£ course, and Mrs. Hughes to �ttend a�t��1�7��
111��►�1ng to di�cuss both of the possibilities for development. The Commiss�ortex�
��xp�d that tt�is would be a good idea, and suggested that the September 2Stt} mAp�j,�,�
Waµ�,d b� � good time to have this item placed on the agenda.
jMJ�,+. Fit�p�trick turned the Commi,ssioners attention to the 1973 �ud�et prppp�al. M�'�
�otiT� op�n+�d t��.s presentatzon wXth a few items which were not inCluded in the Sud�eft,
�{dt w?►i�h he felt should be given some co,�sideration. The first item was ^khe "Axt;�}�
$q���;+' which was held in Hackmann Park this Summer under the direCtion af Mrs� ��1��1r
���j���� '�he second item was a bridge ox bridges across Rice Creek, located �n �,pckQ
n ��rjc, T�t� thixd item was the �u�chase of the lots in Hamilton's Addition tC M��ha����.�
X�,II#r, Item nWnber four was the planning of North Park. Item numbsr £�vq Wa�, �j��
�'�lc�µ�#t ��x ��p�ce at Spring B�ook Park, by residents who have prop�rty adja�,�tit�g
�h@ �a�j� p#'op�rty, The cost would be approximately $2$0.00. Item nur[�ber s�,x W�� �v�x'
��'1�11d� #'A?� the compietion of the irrigation system at CQ�mops Pa�k. The +asti�ate wq,b
�p�xpx��nately $8,000.00, which wonld be split between the parks and Rec�eat,iQ�t
Dbpa�tment and the Public Works Department.
Minutes o� the Paxks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, August 7, 1972. Pa�e 2
� � �C�N �T� ;
M�'• Bxown pointed put that the reports on the success of the Park Schoo� Rangex� 3x�
�AOd, bu� that th� cost for continuing the program will not be ava�lable urttij, sucl�
��t�Q �ts �.he City can meet with representati�tes of the school and the county. Th�
CO�nt� wou�d l�ke t4 pay a portion of the expenses for the ranger, and h�.ve th�j.r
A�a�ert��� loCated w�.thin the City covered. Mr. Brown will keep th� Cotnmission
�.�#�qi'med pn this topic .
ur�d�r �75, ��rk Department, Other Expenses, the 1973 proposal was i.ncreased �Tom
���,4'�6,��F tR $16,036.84, bringir�g the requested amount to $74,528.84. The Capitaj
(Tµ���y� �roposal for 1973 was decreased from $125,513.00 to $122,388.42. The totaj,
1P7� x.�qu��t for Paxks, was $350,722.26.
j���� A�7�, Recx'eation Department, Personal Services, the 1973 proposa]� was �nc���se{�
�'�p� $7a„$82.Q4 to $80,257.00.� The total 1973 request for Recreation �s $1p7,�62,pA.
����3t� t�t�.l x'eau9sts for 1973 wil l be $457, 788 .36.
��Y@r�l �.�ems were discussed b7riefly, where an increase or decrease from the 1972
b1ic��;�t was �ndicated. The first item was for prinLings and publishings. Mr, $xoWt1
i'O�µk��FtBd a�n additional $300.00 in this area, but the Commission felt that th�
in�reass waa iiQ� ad�c{uat�. Ths Commissioners themselves, are receiving �tlditipnal
m��8�i.als fx'om the National Recreation and Park Association and the Minnesota
��C�'����4ri �rid Park Association, both of which they are members. There are othex
a7r��s whiCh are considered here, and the Commission felt that the $300.00 shoujd b�
}3{CTeagpd to $900.00, bringing the new requested amount to $2,400.00. Mx. K�rkha�n
�.�jc9d iP half p� the amount wouldn't be enough? The Commissioners felt that the
Q���x� it�G�'�ase was needed .
Secbnded by S.t,�elc, .ta � 47l .21, Pn.i.v�t,i.n d and Pub.�i�S
, wo e an aven. �cne�ce.cUSe nam e
� z e, ccch., an eh. va ng an e a �.nct�.ea�
u. z e o�',c.o n cafvc,c. .
'�j�� tv��� Cost fqx the purchase of the_North Park aTea was diR,�ussed. The tot�� cQst
w�s $100,,�$5.52. ir� 1970 the Cit;• paia $35,UUO.UO. In 1971, the City paid $25,QQO,Op,
�� �972 t}�e G}ty paid $13,156.00. The requested amount for 1973 �s $27,129.52, or
the ertt�xe balance which would pay for the property, in full. Mr. Stimm�e� asked i�
�j{p p�j.�riee xemaining could be broken down into areas, for example, actual cost pf
th� 1gTid, �pocial asse6sments, etc. Mr. Brunsell said that he would take care of this.
j�. F�tzpatxick felt that Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville should be incl�tded in
#,}�e 1�73 Budget request. Mr. Stimmler agreed.
ZUN b S�`.ixnm�.eh., Seeanded b K.ilch.ham, �a add zhe cha�e � B2ocFz 14, Lo�+ �
�Vn n� n�i ee ru,�v e, � e n ue�s� an ulcc e o
e . e a Zc.a n ecvuc.c. .
�'h� next item of discussion was Buildings and Structures. There was some thought
�mo�� �h� Comm�ss�oners, that the cost of relocating the shelter f�rom 613 Buffalo
�txqp� �p th� Ruth Circle area, should be completely forgotten for thi� year. They
�@�� jt��.� o�l��x a;��s W�{ich had been part of the park system for a longer period p�'
��qtq shAi��d be given a higher pxiority in our Budget. Mr. Stimmlex maint�ined that
�f,:� ���t�.n$,:�}�k._was on the agenda for that area this Winter, a s�elter buildi�g
wc�u�d d���pitely be needed or �he new facility would be practica�ly useless. Mx.
��a.�x stat�d �hat he was not at all in favor of the building because, in his opir�ip�1,
�}�� pa�k i� too small.
. , ,
MiAUtes o� t}1e Paxks � Recreation Commission Mee�xng, August 7, 1972. Page �
. � +r�
Mr, gJj,��r ��j,� that the need for a bridge or bxidges �n Locke Park was gr�ater t��p
$�� ���� fc►r a sheltex building in Ruth Circle Park.
l��', F�tx ��xick suggested that priority #1 be for the City Garage Addit�on, pr�Ox���t
#� f�p�+ ��j� Lpeke Park Shelter Building, and prio�ity #3 be left open fox di�cu�siq�
�&tE�x in th� Pleetin�. All agreed that this was a good idea.
j�t}dP,7c �'75.54, the Commissioners changed the order o£ the priorities and added s�v��'��
�t�Ri�. On� such addition was the request for funds tp build a bridge �.� Lpcke b'�,rk,
The qs�;m��ed cast for materials, machinery, and labor is $1,000.00. This was ���dB�
�� t}�e �'�quest foT lighting, bringing the total request for Locke Pax�k in �97� tp
Px��Oxity �iq wa� changed from picnic tables for Oak Hill Park to the �ene�ng r�c�u�st
�'a� th� nei�hbors who live adjacent to Spring Brook Park.
A�te� xe-ordering the priorities, the Commission moved on to the Recreation section
�q� �ortlmen't$• Upon reviewal of the increase for two Playground Supervisoxs to maT�
�p �d���oria�, site, and the regular pay increases for the past employees who w�.11 be
���u�1}�,�i� to our staff, the Copimissioners agreed that the 1972 amount was o�11y �bp��
hal$ Ct��►,amount required. After some discussion, a Motion was made to doub�e the
�mp�nt �ox 1973•
Ml�TION bU K,uch.ham Seeonded by B�.a,i�c, to incnease �he 47l .11, P.�aygnaund Pe�.4anne.2
�.��, �0 CUrn,�.'��YL5�2te
Yt 0 �iUO 2mpxd NeUS �o
C''( ��ti ih.2.Li.5 Q b ( � t Gt1Q
ma�i a new aUQnOUn �
E'/5 U
1Le.V�c.UUJS P�n 0 Q 2F�6
e a� eahle.�.ed:
E���xova� of the e�tire 1973 Budget request and the disposition of same was acted
J�WtIt�N b� Seeanded b S�,imm.�etc, �a a ave .the 1973 8ud e.t Pna o�a.� aa am�.n.ded
e czh. c� ee�ce.a�,�.on�tian, an ee,t e an an ec� e ertx
� n o ahura�c � neeammen a,tc.and �a .t e C-c.t ti►us��an. e 4�'.t-on
, � i ,•�
c�K.itefzham Seeanded
eo .cea a e
cave�c. � e�c nam �
S�i.rnm.�elc, �a �.v��icue.t �the Comm-i.c>��.�n Sech�ta�'c �a
e� Pna aa.a za e mem en,a a.t e nc. ey -c.�u o
n (:amm.cJ��S-c,an t;h.cuh.nt4tn�
MUTII�►� by K-vchharn, zo ad1ounn .the mee,t, at 11:29 p.m.
'�j�� n�xt �egu�ar �peeting will be held on September 25, 1972, at 7:30 p.m., �t� the
Go�puriity Ro4m of Fridley Civic Center.
Res e�����ly su�mitt�d�
��; .'
� ���GE! i _;.1��- ?�� /�-�
�q'�HI� STQRpAHL, Secretary to the Comm�,ssion
AAU�NDUM; FoT complete discussion from the Budget meeting, please refer tc� the attachp�l