PR 09/25/1972�^,, / J :��'��n/C
hiINUTES OF 11-IE REGULAR PARKS � RECR�ATIvN ����o �;;��6 M�ETI�IG, ��PTENffs�� Z�. I���
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
^ MEMBERS PRESENT: Fitzpatrick, Blair, Kirkham, Stimmler, Wagar.
OTHERS PRESENT: Frank Nebel, 6961 Hickory Circle N.E., 55432, 786-3331, Locke Lake.
Wayne Pearson, 6801 Hickory Street NE, 55432, 786-1355, Locke Lake.
Robert Barnette, 541 Rice Creek Boulevard,.784-0200, 55432, North Park.
LeeAnn Sporre, 301 Ironton Street NE, 55432, 786-4237, LWV, North Park.
Janice Seegex, 324 Ironton Street NE, 55432, 784-7441, LWV, North Park.
Barb Hughes, 548 Rice Creek Terrace, 55432, 560-2678, LWV, North Park.
Eleanor Jensen, 6070 6th Street NE, 55432, 560-2754, LWV, North Park.
Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
MOTI�N by BP.a.ih., Seconded by S�',c:mm.�en., -tc, appnave zh.e M.inu�e,� a� �he Regu, Panh� and
Rechea.ti,on�.an, da�ed Augu,d� 7, 1972. The Ma.ti.on calvi,i.ed.
Mr. Frank Nebel, President of the Locke Lake Improvement Association, was present to
discuss the proposal of City maintained skating rinks to be located on Locke Lake.
Mr. Nebel presented•a drawing of the lake and pointed out the four locations which
their Association felt were the specific areas to be considered. They are requesting
two rinks, and of the four specified areas, the two which they would like to have
considered first are near the outlet and down near the inlet. These two areas were
^ given first preference because they are out of the areas used by snowmobilers.
The area near the inlet is adjacent to park property and a street light could be
installed on the park property. Mr. Nebel indicated that there would be no problem
with installing the light on private property, if it need be.
Mr. Blair asked Mr. Brown about the thickness of the ice before we could drive out
snow equipment on £or maintenance. Mr. Brown reported that we use one and a half ton
trucks and tractors, so the ice would have to be at least six inches thick. This is
the thickness we've required at Moore Lake.
Mr. Blair stated that because of the constant flow of water, the two areas located
nea� the outlet and the inlet, would have to be ruled out. Mr. Nebel explained that
the depth of the water at the outlet never exceeds eight feet. Mr. Nebel went on to
expl�in that there is an area through the middle of the lake, where the flow is, that
wouldn't fr�eze until later in the season, but that in most other places, the lake
freezes right down to the bottom.
Mr. Blair pointed out that there were residents who live on the lake, who have been
maintaining rinks for a number of years. Mr. Nebel stated that he had done this very
thing, but that as soon as the snowmobilers pack the snow down, it becomes impossible
to clear the snow with their small equipment. He stated that if fhe snow can be
removed before it's packed down, there's no problem, but in most cases, there is no
way in which they can maintain rinks after the first part of January.
n Mr. Fitzpatrick agreed that there was a lack of facilities in that area.
��: �rvwt� poi.nted out that there was a lot of discontent among the neighbors. He
:: �;��.ed that ha had h�¢ ��o� Q� p�}o�}e ���,�g q� ��,i5 very topic, from the non-snowmobilers
who wanted the snowmobiles banned from the lake, the ice �fkaters who wanted the
Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission �e�;_3:�g, Septemher 25, 1972. Page 2
snowmobilers banned from the lake., the snowmobilers who wanted specified areas in
which they could ride and not receive static from the area residents, and residents
who wanted no activity whatsoever. All in all, Mx. Brown stated that the area itself
has a great deal of controversy, Mr. Brown pointed out that if a rink were installed,
then the office would start receiving calls on whether or not Hockey should be played
on the rink. '
Mr. Brown went on to explain that the biggest problems are that financially we are
not able to take on any additional rinks at this time. We are lacking manpower to
maintain the rinks which we already have, and it's definitely too late to add even
one rink for Locke Lake, for 1972�1973. Mr. Brown said that the best that the City
could do at this time is to make a study of the lake, when work is being done at
Moore Lake. Mr. Brown stated that comparisons will be made and a feasibility report
will be compiled. He asked Mr. Nebel to get written permission from the home owner,
to cross private property, in order that the maintenance crew might gain access to
the rink area. Mr. Brown asked that this letter be turned in as soon as possible.
Mr. Brown asked the Commission if they had heard about the skating situation in
Brooklyn Center. He stated that the City Manager had recommended that ten rinks be
dropped from the maintenance schedule, due to lake of funds and manpower available,
and the City will only maintain seven rinks for the 1972-1973 skating season.
Mr. Brown recommended that a feasibility study be conducted by the maintenance staff,
along with some preliminary work, to determine whether or not a skating rink could be
n installed and maintained by the City on I.ocke Lake. •
MOTTON by B�.cwr, Seeanded by Ulagan, -% candue,t a�ea.b�.b.i.�i,ty .a�udy a� Loe�Ze Lake, �a
de,tehm.ine�e. an na� a dfza,t,� dhau.e.d be �.v��a.P,�.e.d and ma,i,vita,i.ned a.t ane as
�h.e a.i,te,a augge,aZed by .the LoeFze LaF�e Impnavemen,t ,4e.�oe, 7he ecc�v►,i.�.d.
Mr. Robert Barnette was present to discuss the proposed development of the Narth Park
area. He �tated that there was only one place in Fridley that is large enough to
congtruct a gol£ course, and that this is the North Park area. There are no o.ther
courses within a ten mile radius, and there are many residents who have indicated their
desire for such a facility, to Mr. Barnette. Mr. Barnette stated that this area has
many natural areas which could very easily be developed into a beautiful golf course.
Mr. Barnette said that he felt that Fridley needed natural areas, but that there were
other areas which could be used for this purpose. According to Mr. Barnette, there is
no other area for a golf course in Fridley. Mr. Barnette asked the Commission to please
give every consideration toward a golf course, when discussing the North Park development.
Mrs. Baxbara Hughes was present, on behalf of the League of Women Voters, to present
their views on how they feel that the North Park area should be developed. Mrs. Hughes
stated that the League feels that the best use of that area commonly known as the North
Park area, would be to develop it into a Nature Center. In their plan is the hiring of
a Naturalist to assist in the planning of the area and, later, to be on hand to
supervise and plan other types of activities within the area. He could also be used
� to assist in the planning of Chases Island, and further planning of Locke Park and
_ R�ce Creek. Mrs. Hughes stated that in the League's opinion, this is the last area
���= ".��t�. cou�� b� dpv�l���d �,Ato a Nature Center . Mrs . Hughes stated that it is the plan
�::���he League ta incorporate th�e RiCe Cxeek Na#�u��i Tx��,ls and the North Park Nature
Center. Mrs- Hughes asked that the Commission give a groa� deal of thought to a
Nature Center in North Park.
Minutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meciing, Se teg mber 25, 157?. Page 3
Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that in both the case of the golf course and the nature center,
the proposing groups feel that the North Park area is the only remaining area in
Fridley, which is suit�ble for the purpose. Both ideas for development are very
worthwhile and will be given a great deal of consideration.
Mr. Barnette explained that he has lived in the Fridley area since 1957 and it has
been his hope, and the hope of many others, that eventually a golf course could be
located within the city limits. Their first thought was for Locke Park, but after
this area was developed, the golf course idea had to go by the wayside. Mr. Barnette
stated-that he is not backed by an organization, and he doesn't have a list of names
of the people who desire a golf course in Fridley. All he has is a lot of verbal
backing in support of his project. In 1970 Mr. Barnette sent out letters to the
various industries and interested parties, and though he didn't receive a tremendous
number of letters back, he did feel encouraged by the response he received.
Mr. Barnette stated that he would very much support a Nature Center, but he would
also support a golf course. He said that there is no other place in Fridley for a
golf course, but there are other areas which could be used as a nature center.
Mr. Barnette said that North Park is ideally located as far as roadways, etc. are
concerned, and that he felt that a golf course, surrounded by Industry, would have a
better chance of surviving, than a nature center. The area around the North Park
area is all zoned Industrial.
n Mr. Barnette has compiled some statistics which he said he could furnish for the
Commission, if they so desired, and according to the National Golf Foundation, taking
a ten mile radius and the population involved, there are about 150,000 people, and
of those people, there would be approximat�ly 9,000 regular golfers. He stated that
a golf course would support itself and would be used by all age groups, from children
to senior citizens.
Mr. Barnette pointed out that Coon Rapids has the Bunker Prai�ie Park which could
vexy easily be developed into a County Nature Center.
Mr, Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Barnette is he had any cost figures for development. Mr.
Barnette stated that since the purchase of the land has already been made, an 18 hole
golf course would run in the neighborhood of one half to three quarters of a million
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the League for an estimate of the cost of a Nature Center. Mrs.
Spore said that a very elaborate center with the center building and garages would
run in the neighborhood of $850,000.00.
Mrs. Hughes said that as far as the area itself is concerned, North Park is useable
now as a nature center, and the costs of development could be spread out over a number
of years, or as the City can afford it. A golf course would be developed over a very
short period of time and the cost would be immediate. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that if
a nature center was developed within the budget as we get it�now, it would take a great
number of years. He felt that whether it was a nature center of a golf course, it
would require a revenue bond �o cover the expenses.
n £ederal. funds mi ht be available for either type of
- Mx, Barnet�ke po�,z��s� c��� t,h�� g
_ _�struc�ion. � �
Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that he had been on the �ommission and aware of Mr. Barnette's
request for a number of years. He said that perhaps one of the reasons that a
Minutes of the Parks $ Recreatian Commission Me�::�n�, September 25, 1972. Page 4
definite stand had not been taken was that the Council has never asked the Commission
for an opinion on the matter of either the North Park area or.a Municipal Golf Course.
Mr. Blair, looking at a raap of Wood Lake, pointed out that a large portion of the
area around the Nature Center was residential, with exception to the freeway and a
small amount of industry. He asked the League if they had considered the fact that
the IQorth Park area would be surrounded by strictly industry, and what effect this
would have on their small wild lifie and salt water ponds? Mrs. Hughes responded
by saying that there had been some concern at Wood Lake because of the salt from the
freeway and the effects on the water and wildlife. They have been running some
tests and at present do not feel that there is any problem. Mr. Blair stated that
with the new shopping center and the surrounding properties up for commercial sale,
he didn't feel that it would be the best setting for a nature center. Mrs. Hughes
said that she didn't feel that it.would be any different, whether'the land be
developed into a nature center or�a golf course.
Mrs. Hughes said that a golf course could always be developed from a nature center,
but that a nature center could never be developed from a golf course, or any other
man mada development.
Mrs. Hughes invited the Commissioners and their families to attend a North Park tour
to be held on Sunday, October 8, 1972, from 1:00 until 6:00 p.m. A guide will be on
hand to point out the interesting areas, such as the beaver dam and various wildlife.
The City Band will be on hand and refreshments will be served.
� Mr. Fitzpatrick instructed the Commissioners to give the development of North Park
much consideration so that when they are approached by the Council, they will be
ready with.:a recommendation. Mr. Fitzpatrick also asked Mr. Brown to inform the
Commissioners of the Medtronic offer.
Mr. Brown stated that he had been in attendance at a meeting at Medtronic, Incorporated,
which is a company located within Fridley, who has shown a great deal of concern for
the community. Medtronic has located on the north side of Rice Creek and has done a
great deal of work to enhance the natural beauties of the Creek as it flows past the
company. They have installed a$4,000.00 bridge and have their own small nature center.
Medtronic has offered to finance a feasibility study of the North Park area to get
an outside opinion on what the area is best suited for. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that
we should definitely utilize this offer.
Mrs. Hughes emphasized the importance of what happens downstream from a development.
She called the Commissioners attention to the Stonybrook problem with the creek bank
washing away. This is an item which should be given a great deal of consideration
in the North Park area.
Mr. Fitzpatrick thanked Mr. Barnette, Mrs. Hughes, and the League of Women Voters,
for coming to the meeting to present their theories and plans for the development of
North Park, and said that we would keep them advised of the progress. '
^ Mx, �xpwn called the Gommission's attention to the drafted resolution naming the
C�?t4.��y owned p�'ApQrty ������� R�} �ast River Road, Mahnomen Park. The City of Fridley
:.. commonly known as Mahnommn �� ARe ��,�� a�}� ��}�� area on on East River Road has
been refexred to as Mahnomen, but has never been ai�'�.qi���y named as such. The
Commission discussed the resolution favorably, but no�action was required.
Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Mee�ing, September 25, 1972. Page S
Mr. Fitzpatrick requested that�the discussion of a boat launch for Fridley be placed
on the agenda. He stated that he had been approached on many occasions, regarding
the topic and would like to have a firm answer. Mr. Brown informed the Commission
th8t this was not an unfamiliar item to the department and that after checking out
the possibile locations, have decided that the entire Fridley river bank is too swift
and shallow for a boat launch.
Brooklyn Park has two boat launches, one located immediately south of Interstate #694.
and the other near the 7800 block. 'I'here's a large ramp in Camden, on the Nlest side
of the river, just off of Lyndale Avenue North.
Mr. Brown stated that it was the feeling of the Department that there is no acceptable
location for a bPat launch in Fridley. The Commissioners agreed.
Mr. Brown briefly reviewed some of the Budget changes made by the City Council, but
no further discussion was made.
Due to the fact that the October 23rd meeting date falls on Veteran's Day, the date
set for the regular Commission meeting was changed to the 16th.
n MOTION by K.vcF�ham, Secanded by S�imm.e.e�c, .ta eha.nge �he Oe,tabe�c 23nd mee,t� da.te xa
Oe.toben,,ae o� -the Ve.ienan'a Day Ha.Q,i,day. The mee, uai,P.� be he2d a.t .the
hegu.ean �',ime. The Mo.t,i.on ea�e�r.i,ed.
Mx. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Brawn for a report on the progress of the Dutch Elm Disease
problem. Mr. Bxown stated that a letter has been drafted to inform the residents of
' theix' responsibilitxes; and the operation will be in full swing next Spring when the
trees begin to get their leaves. Mr. Brown also reportied that a tree inspection
program had been in operation this past Summer and that approximately 10 to 15 calls
were rece'ived each week for this•free service. Many samples were taken to the
University of Minnesota and State Aepartment of Minnesota, for testing with both
positive and negative results being returned. Mx. Brown said he'd keep.the Commission
informed of the progress. ,
MO7IDN by 13ea,uc, Seeanded by SZunm.�en., �a ad�aunn .the mee, cLt 9:25 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on the 3rd 69onday rather than the 4th Monday of
OGtob�r, on October 16th, 1972, at 7:30 p.m., in the Community Room of Fridley Civic
���� ectfu�ly Submitted,
�if'c'-�°.J �c'L'�
C�THI� STQRDAHL, Secretary ta the Commission
� �
'jC',�� Paxk� � RsGxeation Commi�sioners
ADDENDUM to t�e ParkS and
Recrea�ion Commission �inutes
Ctnr o� FRtnt�r
b431 �)niversi�ty AVpr�µ� N.�•
Fridley, Minnesota SS432
Phone: 560,�4S�p X�►a
j�'j�; August 8, j.972
g��'; �p73 $udget Revisions F}�; Cathie, Se�retary
, M���1��i•1►+►�►••••s•�••�►�w•�••••••w•••+►•s♦+�+�w
G�18pii�tsio�ers :
j��s�ed below axe the additions aad deletipns tp the 1973 Budge� re�qt��&ts,
ag iubmitt�d to you by Paul Brown at the August 7th meeting;
T�'��,e �te submitted to you was August 7th, rather than August 8�h.
We've added today's date as the first revision date.
�"'�' - Park Department :
0 hQr ExpQnses: 1973 Proposed is changed from $73,928.84 tQ $7a,82��$��
"�hat's a�1 increase from $15,436.84 to $16,036.84.
Ca�ita� Outlay: 1973 Proposed is changed from $12�,513.Op ta $�Z�rr�,�.�12,
T�31t's a decxease from $37,097.00 to $33,972.42. (It's an oV�x'al;�
�ncrease, but a decrease from the subm�tted figure). �
TQTALS Fo7c 475, Park Department: 1973 Proposal is changed from
$3��,246.84 to $350,722.26.
T}�at's a decr�ase from $89,542.84 to $97,09$.26, (It's an pvQra�.�
�ncr@ase, but a decrease from the submitted figure). '•'
471 - Recreation Department:
Pexsonal Services: 1973 Proposed is changed from $79,8$2•00 to $$Q,�S7,�Q,
T�at's a�n increase from $10,455,00 to $10,830.00.
'�pTALS fqr 471, Recreation Department: 1973 Proposal }� changed
from �106,987.00 to $1p7,362.00.
That's an increase from $9,705.00 to $10,080.00.
^ �p TOTALS:
ith the above mentioned changes in mind, note tha� the Grand Total
�97� �roposal will now be changed from $461,833.84 to $457,788.36.
T�at's an pverall dECrease from the 1973 Budget pr�posa� from $99,�49,�4
to $95,�02.36.
1973 �udget Revisions Pa�e 2
1�i '► I '_
%, � �. #a'
a 5.�1 - Pxinting $ Publishing:
� The 1973 Proposal was to increase the 1972 Budget by $300.00. Per
youx xequest, we have incxeased it another $600.00, and the new propQs�c�
figure }s challged from $1,800.00 to $2,400.00.
475.23 � Travel, Conferences, F, Schools:
Please note a correction, due to a typing error, in the 19'73 Budget
P�opo��t�. Tt�e amount of $575.00 which was budgeted 1972, w�ll
��maj��1 thA same for 1973. There will be no increase of decrease,
TOTA�,S for Parks, Other Expenses:
1973 Prpposal is changed fror� $73,928.84 to $74,528.84.
That's an incre�.se �rom $19,531.84 to $20,131.84.
�AG� �b:
?5.50 - Land:
1973 Proposal is changed from $47,500.00 to $47,425.42,
'��at's a decrease £xom $4,156.00 to $4,230.58.
475.a2 - Fux'niture �, Equipment:
1973 Proposal is changed from $2,310.00 to $2,210.00.
That's a d�crease in the 1973 Proposal, but an qverall in�rease
ch�n�e from $1,570.00 to $1,470.00.
475.53 - Machinery $ Automotive:
�1 1973 pro�osal is changed from $19,300.00 to $14,300.00.
That's a decrease in the 1973 Proposal, but an overall increase
' c�►an�e �rom �il,soo.00 to �b,soo.00.
475.54 - Qt}�ex �mprovements:
1�73 Proposal is changed from $41,423.00 to $43,473.00.
That�s an increase from $21,383,00 to $23,a33.0U.
TpTALS �or C�pital outlay:
1973 Pxoposal is decreased from $125,513.00 to $122,388.42. I�.'s
�� qyerall iricrease, but a decrease from the original p�oposa�,
That's a decxease in the 1973 proposal, but an ovexa�l increase
Gk��ngB from $41,253.00 to $38,203.00. NOTE: The original figure of
$37,09i.00 was not correctly added.
PAG� #7:
�'�.5p - La�d:
P2 - North Park. The amount indicated does not show the �972 paym�t{t.
The co��ect �igure should change the total from $31,5p0.00 to $27,129.52,
P3 - Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville. Per youx request, th�s
�xop�rty has been added to our request. The cost of the�� threq lots is
$�,��5,90 as payment of special assessments, plus the app�aisec� value
which is presently unknown. The Assessor's office has indicated that a
st]Ceet project i� pending.
� Totals will �ow be changed from $4,500.00 to $47,425.42.
4�75 .'�1 .. Bui ldings F, Structures :
We,have re-ordered the priorities, per your request.
� �� P1 - City Garage Addition,
P2 - I.OGke Fark Shelter Building. (We've added the time - 4 yrs,).
P3 - Ruth Circle Park Shelter Building.
Thexe is no change in the monies reque�sted.
1973 Bud�et Revisions Page 3
^ FqG� # � (con' t ) :
S, 2- Furniture F� Equipment:
The only changes hexe are in:the number of bulletin and chalk bQaxds
Tequested. The original request for 15 of each has beer� changed tp �0
Af aach• '�his decreases each of the requests �xom $150.00 to $�OO.AO•
The new total will change from $2,310.00 to $2,210�00.
PAG� #8:
'�"�" a'95.53 - Machinery �, Automotive:
Item #2, Brush Cutter - Chipper shows
frptp $6,OOO.QO to $3,000.00, with half of
Works pepartment.
�tem #4, Small Bob Cat I,oader show5 a
�rom $4,000.00 to $2,000.00, with half pf
Wpxks Department.
a change in the totaj rac�ues�ec�
the monies coming �xam th� Publ��
change in the total xeque�ted
the monies co�ing fx'om the Pub�iC
Th7S makes the total request show a decrease from $19,300.00 ta $la,�Op.QQ,
b�1t an overall. incxe�se in the Budget .
475.54 - Other Improvements:
We have re-ordered the priorities per your request. They w��� ��
xefex'�'ed to by their new order numbers and show the old number �.� bxaGk�t�,
Pl - Meadowlands PaFrk. The 1972 payment had not been deducted frpm
the original request, so the new request figure �hould now show $7,793,00,
rather than $10,793.00. This will change the t'otal for.Pl to $14,293.OQ,
Tather than $17,293.00. �We also added a note stating that P�0 �s � sto�m
seW�r pxoject. , ''
PZ - Commons Park (P4). Per youx xequest, we have reordexed the xWp
ite+ms which were listed and added the complet�.on af the�ix�'igation SystvAl�
Fencing the football field will have first priority, fe�cing the b�.sOb�ll
fi.eld #1 will be secpnd, and the irrigatior� campletion will be in th�rd,
The total estimate for completion of the irrigation system �� $B4OOO.UO,
bu� abQUt half of that is for work around the filtration pla�t, which is
u�d�x the jurisdiction of the Public Works Aepartment. Therefore, our
xequest is for $4,000.00, with the other hal� bein� chax'ged to Publ�c Wo�jcs.
The r�ew total should be changed from $9,500.00 to $13,500.00.
P3 - Locke Park (P5). Per your request, we have added the cpnstruGt�orl
pf the bridge. Included in this will be mater�als, mach�nery, and labor,
Th� estimated cost of the structure is $1,OOO.QO. This brings the new
total from $3,400.00 to $4,400.00.
P4 - Spring Brook Park (P2). In the process of trying to hold dowt�
the �ncreases in the budget, you have dropped the two picnic tablQS fpx
Oak Hi1� Paxk (they already have tables), and changed the prior�ty to
reflect the request for a fence at Spring �rook Park, but a�neig}�box who
t�as adjoining property. The monies requested will change from $2QO.Op tp
PS - Park Ofiice Area (P3). The pr�ority number is the only Ghari�B
in this area.
P6 - Plaza Park. No change.
PAG� �9:
n P7
that the
sp this
with P9,
- Hyde Park. No change.
- Hackmann Park. No change.
- Logan, Terrace, Craig, Rice Creek Parks. It was youx fee�ing
n�ed for tennis nets�was greater than the need for goal posts,
is to re-oxder P9 and P10. No money changes.
� Gommons, Locke, Mooxe Lake, Sylvan Parks. Reverse pr�or}tie5
as explained above. Again, no money charlges.
1973 Budge� $evis�ons Pa�e 4
R �r�r�!.� � �wr ■ � •
� ��, �� (�pr��t) :
1- Ruth Circle Paxk. No change.
TRL�1S �or Othex Improvements will pow read $43,473.00, rathe� �
$41,�25.00. That's an overall increase Change £rom $21,383.Qp to $��,11�,�,QQ�
"��e Grand Total Capital Outlay will now show $120,492.52, �►1���ad �t�
PA�� ��0:
�'.J.1 � playground Personnel:
In pxdex to cope with the increasing cost of the pTogram �nd the flAes�
�px �&y r�j�spS to �xevi.ous employees and the addition af new people to
5���� ti�p added sites, we have followed your requsst in raisin� the �nc�ea�q
�'ram $9�5.Q0 to $1,300.00. This gives a new to�al increase in tho 197'�
P�opps�l fx'pm $14,3Z5.00 to $14,750.00.
'�pY�l� fo� personal services show the 1973 Proposal going from $79,88�.OQ
�a $8Q,257.00. That's an increase from $13,895.00 to $14,270.Op.
�'1�� c�et�j,l pages for �exsonal services has been added. Ple�se re�er to
��g�� ��, �2, 13, and 14. Other expenses will be on page 1S, and the
�uc�g�p` xeQUest from the band is on pages 16 and 17.
��AG� ����
.-2b - Car Al lowance :
n P1Ease note the addition of $500.00 to the increase eolumn. The in��ease
W�s np�ed �n the 1973 Proposal column previously, so there �s no ipc�e�S� iT�
� ��q tota]. r��{up�t .
.. ,. „ - , .. - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ _ - � - - - - - - • . _ , _ _ _ •
�� yot� ss� any changes which have not been made as you thought they sj�ou�d
h�YQ �e�►ti, p�ease give us a call. As you can see, there are a numb�r of �dd�t�Qns
�i}d aQ�'I'ections, �long with many deletions and re-orderings.
� The cp�x�cted Budget, as you read it now, has been submitted to th�
Admin�.�tration and the copies mailed to the City Council on August lOth
�p�' t11�i�' study and consideration. We'll try to keep you on top of the
��tu��3�or�a as th�y try to fit it into the City Budget for 1973.
���� R�Vised 1973 Budget.
��: Paul Brown, Director
Res ectfully submitte
�Z��� G�/�''�
Cathie Stordahl
, Secretary to the Commissio�l