PR 01/22/1973�. Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meet�.ng, January 22, 1973. Page 2 �973 r��tr�s (c�'T) ; , �._..,_ tims wi11 remain at 7:30 p.m. The Ghai�nan cal],ed for a Motion to that eff�ct and a copy of the me�ting dates wi11 be mailed. MOTI�N f� S�i.mm.Ce�c, Secanded �J �Ca.i,n, �a be�t �h.e Re9u,�an Mee.ii-n.9 d.a,te�s �on .the Pcvriza and Ree�ceaxe:an Cammi.da<,an, vn .the 4�h Manday a� ea.eh mav4th, ai 7r30 p.m. The Ma�i.an ccvv�.i.ed. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that it was customary at the January maeting each year, to elect a Vice Chairman to chair the meetings in the absence of the xe�ular Chairman, Mr. Stimmler said that in light of Aon Blair's past experience as Vice Chairman and a job well done, h� would like to re-nominate Mx. Blair as Vice Chairman for 1973. All Commissionexs a�reed and Mr. Blair will serve as Vice Chairman for 1973. SURVEY RESULTS� Mr. Fitzpatrick askad if there wero results available from the Sun Newspaper suxvey for develapment o£ North Park. Tha Commission Secretary reported that the last count showed 71 vates for a Nature Centex, 67 votes for a Golf Course, and on� vote to leave the area just as it is. She said that one vote had been maiied fxom a ship. Mr. Kirkham voiced his disappointment in the 1ow numbex of ballats. Mx. $lair said that it's about what he had expected, Mr. Fitzpatrick �aid that he was nat surprised with the results, either. LIONS DONATION� Mr. Fitzpatrick, once again, asked the Commissioners to turn their attention ta �he I.ions offer o£ fund� for a paxk praject. � Mr, Stimmior asked iP the Lions wexe thinking o£ taking an undeveloped park and developing i.t, calling i.t I,ions Park? Mr. �itzpatrick said that he didn't know just axa�tly what th�y had in mind, and that he had only tal�Ced briefly with A�lie 8rickson, a member o£ the Liona. Mr. Stimmler referr�d to a mema wri�ten by Mr. Brown to the Lions, where he made sorae suggestions such as bleachers, bxidges, a van bus, park building, audio equipmant, or park lighting fa� Moore Lake, Qf Mr. arown"s suggestions, Mr, Stimmler fe1,t that the bxidges flor I,ocko Park were th� only thing which might be of interest to the i,ior�s , • Mx, Fit�patx�.ck said that another idea wau�d be the develapment of West Moare Lake Park. He made refaxence to a pian drawn up by Ed Axaddock, a Cansultant, which included just a walkway: benches., anc� landscaping, Mx, Fitzpatrick asked th�a Commiasion Secretaxy to attempG to �acato a copy o� that pian, � After somo dis�u��i.on, the Cs�mm�.ssior�ers agreed that bridges across Rice Cxeek �n I�ocka Park would b� � v�xy� wor�hwhile pxa�ect for th� Lions. This is something we've been try�r�g �� do �or at loast £'oux ysars, and it would make the park more acces$ib1+� to th� xesidents livi,ng on the South side of the Creek. Mr. Fitzpatri�k alao sa:id t�ha� i� would be aic�e 1� a coupie of br;ldges couid be inst�alled so that you could crass a� one �nd and walk the Creek bank on one sida, and not hav� to backtrack to cros� aver again, Mr, F�tzpatrick a�k�d tl�at Mr, a�rp�►n writ� a 1�ttex tq the Fridley �ions Club, r+ocomm�ndin� th� canstructi�n p� ia�id�es acxoss Rice �reek in Lucks P�xk, as a suitable and woxtk�while projeat for their gxaup, and that the Lion� put th�ir �A,a:a qn � '�f pr�a� e ;t , I {l,i1�+t �qq� 6� � . ++ zl 1 fi . . v ,� r �,; rq� 11 1� � � �• ► : i � � � � � ►II ► � ��► �.1111 � fl 11 � ►, : 1. � ► � , � Meeting was called to order at 7.35 p,m., by Chaixman Fitzpatrick. n MEMBERS PRESENT: Fit�zpatriek, Blair, Kirkham, Stimmler. M�MBERS EXCUSED: Wagar, OTHERS PRESBNT: Mrs. Janice Seeger, 324 Tronton Street NE, 55432, 784-7441, L,W.V. Mrs. Barb Hughes, 548 Ri�ce Creek Texrace NE, 55432, 560-2618, L.W,V. Mxs. LeeAnn S�ore, 301 Iror�ton Stxeet NE, 55432, 786-2765, L.W.V. Mrs. Pat Cariolano, 6040 5th Street NE, 55432, 560-2765, L.W.V. Cathie Stardahl, Secretary to the Commission. LIONS CLUB DONATION� Mr. Fitzpatrick informed the Gommissioners that the Fridley Lions Club has a large . sum of money which they would like to put into a park project, and perhaps, add additional funding in the years to come. They are looking £or a project with which they can identify, '�he improvements at Moore Lake Beach and Paxk, which were donated by the Lians, were raentioned. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the Commissioners to give some thought to a suitable project for the Fridley L�ons Club, and it would be discussed again before the meetir�g was adjourned. . MINUTES FROM THE NOVEN�ER �. �%2 MEEiING� MOTI�N ty B.Za.i.n, Seeanded fy S�i.mm�en, �a appn.ovc� �the Mi.nu.ie� a� xh.e Requ.2.ah. Pw�h,� and Ree�ce.a�i.on Gomm,i,ebi,on Mee,ti.ng, cta,ted Navemben 27, l 972. 7he Ma�ti.on ca�vc.i.ed. �'1ISLANDS OF PEACE� There was a brief di.scussion o�' the status of the Islands o€ Peace Project. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that he had been in attendance at one of the Committee Maetings, and briefed the Commission vn his observation. Mr. Blair asked tha� the Islands of Peace Project be placed on the February meeting agenda. f�IIARTERLY REPORTS � In Mr. Brown's absence, he ask�d thQ Commission Secxetary ta relate to the Gommissioners, his desire to change the (�uart�x�y Memorandum and Quarterly Parks Work Progxess Repoxt, to a less length�y xeport which will inform the Commissioners af only the major changas and happenings going or► within the Depaxtment. The reports, as they'xe presently being wri�ten, involY� much repetition and are very time eonsumin� to prepare, The Commissianers ag�c�ed that the reports eould be combined and changed, to ine�ude only those happenings which wera out o� the ordinary. MOTION h� B�a�i,n, SecQnded b� Ki.akhan, zo c�u�hoh.i.ze Mn.. Bn,o un and Mn. Va.ekman, �ia nev� a. �he p�cea en.t �ua�ie�cZy Memana.ndum and Qu.cvr.te�c.Py PanFz4 G►o�rh Pnogne4a RepOfi,�, �o �.nc.�.ude an.�y .��e►m u�..�hi..n �he Vepantmen.t, u�x:ch wvice ou.t a� zke on.cl�.nany. The Mp.ti.an ca�rci.ed, n]�T�i NIEET I NG UATGS AND T IMES � Mr. Fitzpatxick asked Che Cammis�ioners to +�oice their apinions in setting u� the meeting dates and t�mes for the 1�73 agenda, Ix was agreeable with evexyone that the 4th Monday o£ each Month be set aside for the regular meeting date, and �khe , . Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, January 22, 1973. Page 3 LIONS DONATION (CON�T): MOTION hy Ili,nhha►n, Secanded Ey Sxi.mmCeh, .to di,ltec.i Mn.. B�cown .ta wci.�e a.�e,t,teh., an beha.Q.� a� xhe Pahhb and Recnea.ti.an Camm46ai.an, �a xhe. Fni.d.eey l.i.ana C�2u 6, aug gea xi.ng �ha.i .the l.Lan.s aa►1ai.deh. �he lu,i,�.di.ng a� ane an mone, bai.dgea ac�wa�a Ri.ce Cneeh, �oc.a�ed �.n Loche Pwrh., a.a #he,i.�c commu.ni.xy p�w�ec.t. 7he Ma,ti..on ca�vci.ed. COMMENT; Mx. Stimmler asked that Mr. Brown mention the fact that the City has already� obtained permits from the State, for construction of these bridges. l.�iili ' � Four women, representing the Fridley League of Women Voters, were present, to update the Commissioners' inform�t3on on the North Park developmen� discussion. Mrs. Barb Hughes spoke bxiefly on the present status o� the controvexsary and said that the League is broading their scope, hoping to find the best possible use for the land, whether it be a Nature Center, �'alf Course, or something entirely different. Mrs, Hughes stated that they had just come from a City Counci� meeting where Don Bauer of Bauer F� Associates spoke on a feasibility study. Mr. Bauer explained his fee which includes $10,000 for the basic services (study), $1,000 for a sommunity seminar, and $3,000.00 fox a sumiaary report document to be written on the feasibility of the development. Mrs. Hughes said that she would be speaking at a District �16 PTA meeting, regaxding funding for the pxoject. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the City Couneil had appointed a North Park Committee and Mrs. Hughes said that �t had been delayed until the February 5th meeting. Mrs. Spore told the Commission that she felt tha feasibility study would be very beneficial to the City, regardless of the outcome. MOpRE LAKE BEACH & PARK� Mr. Fi�tzpatrick said that ha £elt the Beach should be supexvised the day after school is dismissed fox the year. He made reference to the•tragedy of last Swnmer and said that it need not be officially opened, but at least supervised, to hopefully prevent a reoccuxance of a similar tragedy in the future. M�TION ADJOUR�MENT � �Ci.�rhham. xo necananend �fi.a.i Maane Lake Be.a.ch and Pahh Mc1TI0N �ia a.d�owcn �h.e mev,.ti.ng a� .9:05 p.m. The next regular mesting will be held on Fabruaxy 26, 1973, at 7:30 p.m,, in the Cammu�nity Room of Fridley Civic Centex. ' Raspectfully submitted, CATHTE STORDAHL, Secretary to the Commission