PR 03/26/1973�s/�� (�/�C�D/� ,
Meeting was called to ordex at 7:40 p.m., by Chairman Fitzpatrick.
^ M$MBERS PRESfiNT: �ztzpatrick, Blair, Kirkham, Stimmler.
QTHERS PRESENT: Ed Wilmes, b350 Riverview Texrace N.E., 55432, 560-3011, Is. of Peace.
Elmer Chelstrom, 1009 South Circle N.E., 55432, 786-6949, Legion #3U3.
� Anton 01son, Address Unknown, Fridley V.F.W. Post, Is. of Peace.
G. Cxaig Willey, 3816 Po1k Street N.E., 5542X, Vacation of Easement.
Gary 0'Aell, 7542 Tempo Terrace N.E., 55432, 786-1585, F.Y.F.A.
Randy Eidem, 5837 Washington Street N.E., 55432, 560-7934, Visitor.
Foster Dunwiddie, 4638 Casco Avenue, 55424, 926-3008, Is. of Peace.
Ralph Volkman, Acting Airector of Parks and Recreation.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
Chairman Fitzpatxick requested that the Minutes of the February 26, 1973 meeting be
tabled, until such time as more Commissioners were available for approval.
Mr. Foster Dunwiddie was present on behalf of the Advisory Committee for the Islands
of Peace Pxoject. He stated that he had been working wiih this project for about
a year.
^ Mr. Aunwiddie opened his presentation with some backrounci on the project and the need
for such a facility. He stated that in 1970, the Aivision of Vocational Rehabilitatipn
stated that 1Q� of Mlnnesota's population suffers from some sort o£ handicap. These
peaple are found primarily in the urban areas, with an annual growth�rate of 1.3�.
There axa also a great number of xeturning handicapped veterans.
Mx. Dunwi.dd�e further explained that he, himself, had had a mishap which required him
tct use wheel chaix accesses. HQ £ound this to be most difficult and many times,
impossible. He was required to use the freight elevator to gst from outside his
af£ics buil,ding, to his o£fice, To use the res�room facilities, he was forced to
gv to the basement of �he building, where the maintenance men removed the divider
between �he stal].s, i.n arder that he might get his wheel chaix in. He discovered
that daoxway� were nat wide enou�h, and many buildings had steps, and no ramps,
sp that a wh�elchaix could no� entex�. His own experienees made him increasingly
aware of the £�ct that the handicapped were confronted with a great number o£
obstaclo� beyand thei.r own problem.
Tt� 1972, the Fr�.dley City Couneil appointed a Committee for the Islands of Peace.
This Committee �onstsGed of 12 men, and th�s nura6ex was recently increased to 26,
w�.th ths addixion o£ a 14 member Advisory Committee. �
The threQ islaads, located in the Mississippi River, are approximately 2000' in
l�ng'kh, Their elevation is high enough, that they escape the flooding nearly every
yeax. Chases �sland 1s 7 acxes in size and is owned by the City of Fridley, Park
D�partmant, Gi.l Hodg�s I�land was uncharted until just recently leased xo the City
by tha State of Minnesota, The lease is for 10 years. Rurnam Island is 66 acres
n and is located o�n th� Bx�ooklyn Park side of the River, but is privately owned. The
GQmmittQ� �s proposir�� to purahase two Hayes River lots, where they wouid locate
th�e �he�t�r bui�,ding and parking facilities:
The islands would be developed blacktop walkways with white stripes painted
down the middle af th:em, so that the partially b�inc� can tour th� grounds on their
Minutes o� the Parks � Recxeation Commission Meeting, March 26, 1973. Page 2
own. There will be special picnic tables with partial benches, so that wheel chairs
can easily be pushed up to them, and they will be slightly higher than a regular
picnic table, so that the axms of the chairs will slide under.
At various locations alon� the paths, there will be recorded messages, describing
the area to those who cannot see for themselves. Information signs will have both
lettering and braille .
There will be four fishing piers and two 28' pontoon boats. The Committee also hopes
to pxovide ovexnight camping facilities.
Future plans include an interpretive center which, among other things, will explain
the flood plain. Future plans could include a swimming pool, especially designed for
the handicapped.
Tlis Budget fox_the completed projact is $300,000.00. About half of this amount will
go for land acquisitian and the building would cost about $60,000.00. The two Hayes
R�ver lots would cost $71,000.00, which would add 4.3 acres of river front property,
g�ving access to the islands. Mr. Ed Wilmes, Originator of the pxoject, was present
and added that the City has valued the two Hayes River lots at $60,800.00, and has
indicated that the $71,000.00 asking price is reasonable. The lots are quite sizeable,
inasmuch as they are 446' X 420' deep.
The project is uniQue in that it will preserve nature within the metropolitan area
n and pravide £or the handicapped.
Mx. Blair asked if there is a definite tin►e table?
Mx. Dunwiddie indicated that they would like to begin this coming Swamer, with a
pprtian o£ it ta be completed by Fall. All development is pending funds,
The Paxks and Recreation Department has estimated that it would cost appxoximatel�
$3S,OOQ.QO annually, to maintain this project.
Mr. Fitzpatrick thanked Mr. Dunw�ddie for his presentation.
MOT ION 6 y K'vch.ham, S¢,eo nd¢.d b y B.�, �o appna v e�he�ea o�.ihe Regu.ean. Panh.�
and Reche.a, Comm.i.aa�.an Mee', date.d Febnucucy 26, 19y3. T e Ma�.i.on ca�vc.i.ed.
Mr. Gax� 0'Aell, President of the Fridley Youth Football Association, was pressnt
to update the Commission on the activities of the Association and to discuss the
agre�m6nt betwaem the City and the F.Y.F.A. �
Mr. 0'Dell stated that in 1972 they ha�'. 140 girls playing flag football and 530 boys
playin� tackle'fqotball. In 1973, they are anticipating appruximdtely 1�0 girls and
n 600 boys will be playing football within their programs.
Mx. Q'De�,l $aid that the only real change for the coming season is that the max�mwn
wpight for the Heavy Cub Div,�sion wi�l l�e changed from 125 pounds to 130 pounds by
the end of the season. Bays will have to stay under the li0 pound through the end
of the season, to remain eligible for play.
Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commission Meeting, March 26, 1973. Page 3
� -�
F,Y.F.A. is also helping to sponsor the Babe Ruth Baseball program. In 1972, there
were 120 boys registered to play baseball and they are anticipating from 150 to 180
bpys will be playing with the Babe Ruth teams for 1973. The F.Y.F.A. has also
a�proved $716.pA in funds far intxoducing the farm system for 13 year olds.
For a couple of years, the F.Y.F.A. and the Parks and Recreation Department have
been trying to start a youth Basketball program, with the aid of the Senior High
Basketball coach, but there has been some difficulty with use of the facilities.
It is presently proposed that a meeting will be set with the School Board, and
hppefully the gymnasiums will be made available for use on Saturday mornings.
One request that Mr. 0'Dell made on behalf of the Babe Ruth program, was that a
material called "�gricultural limestone" be used in place of the regular infield
m�x, which could prevent soms otherwise rained-out games. It would cost about
$a80.00 and the F.Y.F.A. is willing to pay for this out of the money which is to
be paid to the City for officials. The Commissioners said that they didn't see
any problem with this, but that Paul Brown should be consulted upon his return to
the office.
The Commission turned their attention to the Agreement between the City and the
F.Y.F.A. Section #3 undex the F.Y.F.A.'s responsibilities calls for the sponsoring
o� a banquet to be held at the season's end. Due to the size of the group, this
has been changed to an annual awards night, and no food is served. Section #4
under the City's responsibilities calls for setting up of £ield trips, and the ,
F.Y.F.A. has not been taking the boys on these trips for the past several years,
So it was recommended that both o£ these items be omitted from the Agreement.
The Secretary will prepare the new agreement and mail it out for signatures.
M�rTpN 6y s.ea.�., Seconded by S�,imm.�en, xo appnave zhe neeommenda.t.c:ona o� zhe �n,i.d.�ey �aaxba.�.Z Aadac.i.c� and zo can�i.nue �h.e pnognc:mb un.deJc �he nev.i,aed
Agneeme►�.t. The INa.t, ecvv�.i.ed. '
Mr. Cxaig Willey was �xesent ta request the Commission's oermisci�n t� v�car.e rhP
alley easemeiit at b7th Avenue, betwee�i ��noka and Fridley Streets, adjacent t.� Itice
Creek. The easement is 30' wide and is partially at an angle wh.ere is drops off
to the Cxeek. Mr. Willey has purchased a lot and plans to build a home on it, but
due to the City codes and the location of the easement, will need to extend the
structur�: beyond the �ega1 boundaries within his property line. The reason he
approached the Commission is that the property on the South side of the Creek belongs
to the Parks and Recreation Aepartment, and the City has xequested their approval
ox recammendation on vacation of the easement.
Mx. Valkman xecammended that Mx. Wi11ey approach the Board of Appeals and request
s�ecial permission or variance in the code, rather than to vacate the alley. The
Cpmmission felt there would be no problems, and agreed to honox the recommendations
o� the Planning Commi.ssi.on and Board of Appeals, as long as it do�s not con£lict with
any d�dieations or ather committae action.
ON b B�a,in Secanded
n a � ec�.a eme
�.v.c►� na a 1 e on, w
.ca� on �( ►�copeh.ty a,�
S.t,ir►m.�e�c, .to b�a.te xh.e
� venue . . e
e b on e
cp�e� . � Ke Mo�.c.on cann�c.ea.
'b opi,n.i.on on �he.
Minutes of the Parks $ Recreation Commissian Meeting, March 26, 1973. Page 4
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked i�lr. Volkman to discuss the sale of the property which is a
portion of Flanery Park. The purpose in selling the parcel is that it is o£ no
value to the City and is presently used as parking space for the residents whose
property adjoins this strip of land. There is a home located on a lot which is
surrounded on three sides by park property. The Assessing Department has placed
a value of $6,500.UO on the parcel oi property which we are desiring to sell. The
legal description of the property is the West 80' of the South 150' of Lot 6, Auditors
Sub Division #129. The size of the lot is 80' X 150'. Mervin Herrmann, City
Assessor, says there are no 1ega1 problems with the sale and Paul Brown was
consulted before he left on his trip, and feels we should sell.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if it has access value? Mr. Volkman stated that it would not
be needed for access to the Park.
Mr, Fitzpatrick agreed that
S�:immler asked who would set
will set the pric�.
K.i�ckham. Secanded
we should proceed with the sale of the property. Mr.
the asking price. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that the City
S�t,uron.2ee�cc, xo eaneun w.i,th �he Pcvchd and,i,on
4 e a�S .t e cvc pnapeh-tN ea,t an e We,sx
a.s .f,t da eb n
� Mr. K�rkham reported that he had been contacted regarding some dumping in North
Park. He said that it was a pile of sand, about 25' high and approximately 400'
Noxth of the property line. Mr. Kirkham asked if the City was aware of this? Mr.
Volkman sta�ed that he was nat, but that he'd check into it immediately. He went
on to explain that there wi11 be a gate installed across the access road which is
next to the railxaad tracks. This will give the City, as well as the utility
companies, access to the park. The other two dirt crossings will be eliminated.
I�. Volkman will check into the duraping xeport and inform the Commissioners of his
Mx. Valkraan updated the Commission an the progress of the aireation system for Moore
Lake. Ha said that he had campiled the infoxmation and that he had given it to Mx.
Uavis fox his recommendatian. We are presently awaiting his response. It is thought
that a study will be conducted before anything major is done.
� F
l�x�. Fitzpatrick a�ked if the Hockey rearganization would affect Fridley, Mx. Stimmler
s�id that th� pro osed rearganization would be set up with school districts, rather
tjtan City boundax�es. Boys will b�a expected to play within their own school districts
and tt�is wil� daf�nitely create p�oblems for a City which houses four school districts.
MOTTON by Sx,i,nun�2e�., xa adJaunn .tl�.e mee�`', a,t 9:25 p.m.
Th� �ext regular m�eting �ti11 ge held on Monday, A�ril 23, 1973, at 7:30 �.m., in the
Community�Roqm oi Fridley.Giv7�c Cent�-,
�����G��u��� $ub�i�ted► �J�'y�'�,�. _t�����.'.�rt%f CA-f!�I� :�TJRA�,HL� ���x�Tr��'Y to the ��ammiss�ioR