PR 06/11/1973� � �- . � �r.�� � MINUTES QF TNE SPECIAL PARKS AND RECR�ATIOtV CON�IISSION MEETING, JUNE .�., 1973� Maeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by b'ice Ghairman Stimmler. �,,, MEMBBRS PR�SENT; slair, Sti.mmler, Caldwell, Wagar, M�MBERS EXCUSED; Peterson. - Oi'H$RS PRESENT; Fastar Qunwiddie, 4638 Casco Avenue, Mpls, 55424, 926-3Q08, Islands , of Peace. �d Wilmes, 6350 Riverview Terrace NE, 55432, 56p-3011, Islands of Peace. Jim L,angenfeld, 79 63� Way N.E., 55432, 560-1969, Chr. �nvironmental Quality Control Commission, Paul Brown, Directox of Parks and Recreation, Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the Commissian. t..s,��s oF P�cE, 0 Mx� Foster Aunwiddi.e wa� present on behalf of the Islands o� Peace Project, to diacuss the paths system which the Seabees will be in$tall�ng on June 23rd, He ahowod tho �ommissioners a map which had the detailed the paths which will be placed on tha 3outhara poxtion (only) of Chases Island. The raeandering trails sy�tem was so de�igned, that only about four of the larger trees will hav� to bo removed, It wsa also plann�d so that you cannot stand in one location and see the ontir� projeCt. The patha w�il be constructed of a crushed limestone base, topped wit� a twa �.nch bituminoua wearin� su�stance, They wiil be eight feet wide with a ma.xitrtum iiye perc�nt grade, The reasoning behind tha width, is so that maintenance vehicles can txaYOl thxou,�hout the park and so that wheel chai�rs can easi.ly pass without mraving off of the paths. Mr. Dunwid¢ia stated that the Air Force Seabee� are'p�anning ta bs�in Cori9�ruCtivn an June 23rd and 24th. nMx� Stitt�relex stated Xhat he had just recently walked around the Island, and was woridexing if they wexe planning to do any dredging ir� the near future? Mr, Dunwidd�le+ stated that thay wer� not at the presen� time. Tho $roundbr�aking c�remany would be held on Saturday, June 23rd, with th� Seabees preaent, Chaixman Blair arrived at 7;45, to take charge of the meeting, Mr. Blair asked if the plans had been submitted to tt�e Engineering Department, and �.i so, if the�� itaa an� :c�mments or i•ecommendations? Mr. Dunwiddie stated that they had b��n �ut�mitte�l ancl that they could foresee no problems? Mr. Blair asked that the plaas also be submitted ta the Planning Commission for approual. Mr, Dutlwiddi� asl.ea f��r a Motloii to 3��ept the plans fpr the paths. MOTTON b� Wagah, Secande,d by Ca,edweZe, .to aeeepx and app�cove -th.� p.eans �'px zhe pa,tha b y4�¢nt d¢.vP,�oped by -the IaQandb a� Pe.a.ee Comm.i,t,tee. The Mo-ii.an ecvc�c,i,ed, MDORE tAKE STWY � Mr. Jim Langenfeld, Chairman of the Environmental Quality Control Commission, was ,present, at the raqu�st of the Commission, to discuss the conditions at Moo�e �ake artd what could bo done to correct the problems. n j►,�'� Wagar. asked i� i� was worth the time and mo�ey inVOlved to keep MoprQ �,�k@ �liYpP / M1IlUt@S of Parks i; ke�i•�ation (:ommisslc>r� Mi�etin�, June 1:, iy73 Page 2 -----�-------- - --- - - NpORE LAKE STUDY �CON�T)� n__....._ Mr. L�ng�nf�ld indicated that in his opinion, any body of water suc� as w� have at Mopra I.akQ, is worth investigating every effort ta achieve and matntain as high af standard� a� passibl�.. Mr. Blaix suggested that we invite a representative of Hikock and Associates (one of the �Ampanies with a propased study of the Lake), and Ed Braddock, the Parks and AeCreatipn ConsultanC, to be present at a special meeting on June 18th. The GommisslorterS felt tha�k this would be a good idea, so that they could discuss their idea�6 and ask c�uestions before making a recommendation. A Special Mecting o£ the Parks and Recreation Commission will ba held on Monday, .7une 18, 19'73, at 7:00 p,m., in the Community Room of Fridley Civic Gent�r. Mx. Stimmlor asked �hat a letter of invitation be written ta Hikock and Associates and to �d Braddvck, MOTION 6y S-t1mm.�e.n, Secande.d by Wagan, �a d.i�cee,i �he Camm.i,d4�.an See�c.�tevcy �a �end a .�¢�.t¢n p�.tnv�.ia.��.a n�a H�.k.a cfz and A� a a ci.atea , xa mak.e a pn�a 2v�ia.t,i.a n xa �`h e Panf�a and R¢.c,Jc�a-ti.an Comm.�sd�i.an and �he Env.ilcarune►1.ta.e 2uaZ.i.ty Cawt�co.� Camm.La�.ion, at a ,�o�.►tit meP.tl.n� an June l8, 1973, a.i 7:00 p.m., �.►1 .th�, Cammu►tii.,iy Room a� F�i.deey C�.v�i,c. C¢,►1.tqh„ a�.�eh o� �.nv.i,ta�'�,an ehou.ed a�ea 6e wn,i.iten �ta Cpv�ac�t�c►-►.t Fd �c.a.ddoc.lt �a ctx.t�nd ,�te mea�',i.n� and �e�cve a.� an ad�.i.�4on ,ia �h� .twa Camm.i.aa�.on4. The Max.i.on ca�tic�i.ed. LEA.SE OF CARDENA SCNOOL PROPERTY� n Mr, Bxpwri,��118d the Commissioner� attention to tha pxoposed leasing o£ propexty - belongin� to Gaxdena School, to be used for Park development for the neighborhovd. He �aid th�t an agreement was being drawn up and h@ would keep the Commisaion i'�fornted of its pxo$ress. It was suggested that perhaps a similax agreemont could bo woxked ou'� with Stevenson and ather schools in the City. PURCHAS� OF I.ATS ON i� JIZ WAY N� E� The Cammissioners discussed the proposal by Ed Wilmes to the City Council, ta puxchase Somo lots 1.ocated on 64� Way N.�., near the River, for a neighborhaod tot park, Mrs. Caldwell stated that it was her understanding that the lots had already been approYed for puxchase, Mr. Blai.r said that the Commissianers had not bsen approached in xospec� to th�:� riatter, and he, personally, was not in favor of the purchase. He remirided th� Commissioners that this was not one of Lhe areas which had been notQd in the �1973 Budget requests, and that there were other areas which should have a highex pri.ority. Mx. Hlair recommended that the idea of leasing Stevenson school property b0 inveatigated ancl that the monies in the Budget be used for areas requested. The Commissioners were all in full agreement. NE'�! LACAT I ON FOR FR I DLEY F3US SERV I CE � � Mr. Blair axplained the situation with the relocation of Fridley Bus Service. Roger Christenaon, who owns the company, has purchased a p�ece oi property located at Lot i, 91ock 6, Rice Creek Plaza, South Addition, but has been the tapic of many a �e��ghborhooci discussion, due to anticipated �oise and �raffic problems. The resideAts o� th� n�ighborhood have approached the City Council, in an ef£ort to bloc�C the Co�s�xuCtior�� Mr, Christenson has offered to sell the property for $3S,OOp,QO, and �.� a.lso opo� �or o£fers on trading property. Tho two area� which were mentioned waxe the West end o� �or�ka Park and Jay Park. Mr. Blair asked if Jay Park could be sold o,r i� it�was�donated? Mr. Brown will investi�at�. ' � , .. Minutes o£ F'arks � kecx•��ation Gommissior� Me�ti.n�, June 11, 7973. Pags 3 RSDLEY BUS SERYICE �CON�T): � Mr, Stimmler felt that $35,000.00 was wanted to know the acreage. htr. Brown i� presently zonea Conunercial. SALE OF PARK PROPERTY, too much to ask for these parcels. Mr, Wagar will also inquire about thi�. The property The Com�riisS�on asked f4r an updating of the proposed sale of park propexty. Mr. Brow�3 �ta�ed that the lot on the North end of Chases Island could nat be sQld because it had bapq dedicated to the City. Tho lo� whiGh has been proposed for sale at Flanery Park is still stages, Mr, Brown stated thafi there are presently no forseeable �ngles are being investigated by the Assessing pepartment, R�.�I' : _. ► / _: ► in t�he pr�liminary probl�ms, but all Mr. 8rawn informed the Commission thax the Planning Department was presently �.n the pi'pCes� of updating the Parks and Reereation Comprehen�ive Plan, He advisad that the Commis�ianers ke�p a close eye on the agenda and make every e�fort to bq present at as many af tha meetinKs as possible. 197� sun�Er, Mx. F3x'owtl tuxned the �ommissioners attention to the agenda for the 1974 Budget• He n pointed out that the completed Budget requests were due in the City Manager's ofFico, ito later than Wsdnesday, July 18, 1973. The Budget will be submitted �o tho Gity - COU�Cl�1 t�� llugust 27, 1973, with finalization scheduled �or Octaber 1St. ' � MT�� G�ldWe�� asked i,f monies were being included to man Moore I,aka BeaCh, prC and post SO��ori opening? Mr. Brown said that this and other similar ideas �h4uld all b� dotailod for th� City Council's approval. Mr. Brown said tha� the Polic� and tha Paxk and Sahaol. Rangex had been called to the Beach on many occaS�ons to attampt to jceap the sw�mm�xa oux of tha water until the Beach officially opena and there are �iP� guaxda on duty. Aa soon as they left, the swimmers were back in the water. Mrs. Caldwell said that she definitely £elt the beach should be manned befoxs it o�ficiaily opens� for �afety reasons. . � Y. � �• :� r Th9re t� ma�ey in the 1973 Budget to install a fence around the lighted Foqtball ��.91d locatod at Commons Park, Quotations have beet� sent ou�. and installation 1s to ba compi��ed th1�s Fall, Mr. Blair suggested that the fence be in�talled with the bleachera a�i on the West side and on the outside of the fence. It was recommended that the fencc be four feet in heighth and ten feet fxom the playing £ield, It w�! auggosted that members of the Fridley Youth Football Association (F.Y.F•A,) bo �!►Yited to attend a meeting to ask for their suggestions and approval of the pxopo�od plans� The Commission Secretary will invite Mr. Berney Hartman� Pre�ident p!' F,Y.F�A, to be prosent at a Special Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commissi�on pA MoAday� aune 18th� and ta tell him that the item wi11 appear on tha agenda axounc� s,ao p,m, � � ' Minuta$ of th� ParkS � Recreatlon Commi.ssion Meetin�, Jur�e ll, 1973, Page 4 FRIDLEY BUS SERVICE RELOCATION� n Mx, Blair �sk�d that th� Commission request an easement from Roger Christenson and Fxi.dley Bus Service, along Rice Creek. MO7I4N b 8�a.i�t Seconded b Ca.Edwe.?.e, �o ne ue�� an eaeemen,t a.ean R.i,ce C�.eeFt Qh enbc�n an e eJz.utice a;� Z wc na e�c.t ac.u.te a.i a e , c2 xe.e. za, Sou,t ti an, e o an cahh.c.e. . LOCATION OF AN ARMQRY IN FRII�Y� On March ?, 19T3, the Planning Commission received its first presentation on a propoaed Armory. They would require approximately five acres £or the develapm�nt, with approximately 25o ta 3po of the total cost to come from the City of Fridley. W� would b9 able to mak� recommendations as ta the design of the facility, Mx� Brown explaiii�d that this would be one of five to ba constructed in the area and that one haa been xec�ntly completed in Fairmont, Minnesota which cost tha resident� $6�Q00.00 a year for 25 years, The bullding would be 7000 square feet with a concrete floor and wauld ine�ude a i.'ul l b�skethal ], courx . Mr� Blaix �tated that as far as he was concerned, the 25o to 3Q$ aver 25 yeara wouid nat bo much of a problem, but his primsry concern wa� whethex ar not we nood thi�s tYpe o� a facil�ty, Mrs. Caldwell felt we should be mak�.ng bettax use of the schaol �seilitios we al.ready have. Mr. Brown agreed, but also said that we should,xeally n �iv� the Armory £ull consideration, .� . - MOTIOM by S#.Lnm�en, �o adjoc.vcn .the mee.ti.ng a.t 9:35 p.m, The rioxt me►qting will be a Special Meeting, schedulad fox Monday, June 18, 1973, at 7t00 p�m,� 1� the Community Roam of Pridley Civic Center, The t�ext saguJ.ar meeting will be held an Monday, July 23, 1973, at 7:3Q p.m,, in the Communl.ty� Room of Fridl�y �ivic Center, Re�pectfully submltted, � � / ' Q.t,�z� _.�" _�� , � - � ::� r, �. CATHI� STORDAHL� Se�retary to the Commission �