PR 06/18/1973�� � � � � s . {.� i
Meeting was called to order at 7;25 p,m,, by Chairman �lair,
MEMBERS PR�SENT: B1air, Stimmler, Caldwell, Wagar,
M�MB�RS EXCUS�A: P�terson.
QTHFRS PR�S�NT; Jahn Maci,ent�an, Vice Presi�dent, Eugene A, Hickok B, Associates,
545 Mound, Wayzata, 55391, Moor� i.ake Study.
Narm Wenck, Pxoject Manager, Eugene A. Hickpl� $ Associates, S4S
Indian Mound, Wayxata, 55391, Moore Lake Study.
Brvther Tom Sullivan, 1350 Gardena Avenue NE, 7$8-�3557, Iyoc�ra
� I�ake Study and Environmental Quality Control Commis�ion.
Ro�ar Kaye, S85 Rice Creek Terrace, 55432, Moare I.ake Study and
�nvironmental Quality Control Commission,
i.�e Ann Sporre, 301 Irontan Street N�, 55432, Moore I�ake Study and
�nviranmental Quality Control Gammiasion.
Shirley Kennedy, 6857 7th Street NE, 554�2, 56p-4018a Moara
Study and 6nviranmental Quality Control Commiss�,an,
Jim Langen£eld, 79 - 63� Way N.E., 55432, 560-1969, Maore i.aka
Study and Chairman of the Enviranmental Quality CantrQl Commission,
�dward �raddock, 4201 prew Avenue South, SS41Q, Proi�ssional �ngineer
and Park Consultant.
Aick Gombard, 6321 Monroe Stre�t N.E., 55432, S6Q-2261, F.Y.F.A.
aernie Hartman, 5860 Sth Stzeet N,E,, 55432, 564-1091, Pr�s. F�Y.F.A.
Ray Stewart, 547 Mill Street N.�., 55421, 788-0170,�F,Y,F.A.
Ga�ry Q'Dell, I542 Tempa Terrace N.E., 786-1585, F.Y,F.A,
, Pau1 Brown, llirector of Parks and Recreatiort.
Gathie Stordahl, Secretary to the �ommission.
n John Ma�ci,snnan, Vice President of �ugene A. Hickok � Associates, and Norm WenGk,
� Froject Managor for Eugene A, Hickok $ Associates, were present to �nform the Parks
and Rocreatlan Comm�ssion and the Environmental qualzty Contxol, o�' th�ir
f3�ndir►gs during theix preliminary study of Moore Lake, Ed BraddQCk, Park Cansultant,
wa� also ir�vited to attend, to serve as an advisor to the Commis�i.ons.
Mx'. MaeI,enr�an opened his presentation by giving some backround on their GQatpany and
somo of the projects which�they have completed, �ugene A, Hi.ckok and Associates
pxapared a atudy an water mar�agement for Como Zoo, the ovexal� p�an for M�,anehaha
Cxoek, some work on aattle Creek, a praject for tha Metropolitan Airport Commissioa�
and at Sprin� Lake, near Hastings, Minnesota.
Mx� MacLennan exglained that from his prellminary study of Maore Lake, it waa Pound
ta contain phosphate lead and chlorite. Through a more int�nsa study, they could
detormiae just how many different types of drainage materials are ontering Moore La}ce
in a perio�d af one y�ar.
Mx, MacLennan made ref�rence to the studies and effoxts made at i,ake Minaetonka to
prosarve it in its presont state� and the ones done at Crooked Lake in Coo� Rapids
and Coon Cxeok which runs parallel to the Lako, bux about four blocka away, The plart
in Coan R�pids is to raisa tha Creek water to it dxains intp the Lake, thua cloaxln�
the water. This problem would be similar to the one at Moora Laka� Phosphorous is
harmPui to the oxistance of tha Lake.
Dur��r►g tha ��rvoy� �aanpies would be taken fxom foux lqc�tions, both ci4�e to �td fa�
� aM�y lxo�t the atorrn �ewex drait�s. According to j�lr. M�cL@nnan, rai� watex ha� �q
- pho��hoacou9 e��tex it hit9 the grQund aad �uns fox �, �pw feet, but its tho 9torm sew�r
watsx which empties into the I,ake, that containa thq �i�p�pho�ous, 'Whe� p�oap�orous
entera a lake, it becomes th� b�ce��,�� ��cpund fur things we don't want,
,.:.a. , �.•� ,,, :,.'
` .�a t , . X � �.�. ,�,. .
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. �.
Minutes o� Parks � Recreation Commission Meetin Jwie 18, 1973. Pa�� 2
r►oo� � s�r cr,ow'T) � .
A� a p�,r� of tha study and corxecti�ng tha problems at Moore Lak�, they wauld ba
coatroxiag tha ato nn sewer water to benefit the Lake,
At tt►i� poir�t, Mr. MacLennan turned the presentation over to Norm W�nck, Pxojoct
Er�$lAOOx'� Mx. W�nck began by reviewing some of thc painta �r� their proposal. First
�und foxemost, wo need to decido on our future plans €or Moor� Lake, whether it be
a swimming beach, t'ishing lake, etc., $nd set watex quality standards. Aft�x thia
haa boen determined, w� would have to see if diyersi0n of half pf ths storm sewer
wat�r would take care af the pra6lem. The cost and schedula woul�i be canaidered
ett this time and the pos�ibilitits with :�t�taining grantg for fundin�, should also
be pursued.
The actual testing and study would begin with a record search of other su�'v�ys whiCh
hav� been condu�ted, to avoid possibla duplication of effprts, Bottpm borings wQU�d
det�rmine whst type af sediment there is. The diversion ldea wou�d 1�avo tha major�ty
oi' tha storm s�wer drainage emptying into the West slde of the I.ake, J,eaving tha
hl�her quality water in the East side. The quality of water required for ducks is
much 14w�r than that needed for a public beach facility. �
Mx. 81air �skad if an aireation system could possibly take car� o� oux problent, by
adding aix and thus reviving plant life, etc.? Mr. Wenck explained th�t t�hia method
had beBn tried racently in Lake Harriet. The object was to pump oxy�er� into ths water,
ellminating the b1ueR$r�en algaa, and thus bringing green algae back into tho wate�.
Green algae is no problem, Thi� would only stabilize the problem, xather thar�
coxxecting �t. It wauld be the plan of Hlckok and �lssociates, to g4 back and find
the souxG� of ch� problem and do their best to correct it. Mr. Wenck a�reed that an
airaatian sy�tem Gould possibly work,
Mrs. Sporx@ mentioned the fact that the Summer season was already well und�rway, and
a�kod if �there was sti1� enough time to do a sufficient job? Mr, Wenck stated tha�
ho would prefer to have a£ull year to da the study, Many times thia can ba
axpe�di�ted, by previous surveys.
Mr. Wagar asl�ed how long Moore Lake could be ma�ntained as a swimming beaGh? Mr, Wenck
�tated that thi.s cauld only be determined by making a study and praceeding accordingly.
Mr, Langenfoldt wondered if we would be spending $3,800.00 to study a"cruddy" lak�,
to £irid out that it's "cruddy".
Mr, �lair thanked Mr, MacLennan and Mr, Wenck for the�r pxesentatlon and said that
the two Gommi.ssions wauld further review the proposals and make their recommendation
to xhe City Council. .
Mx. Blair a�kad that the Moora i.ake study be tabled for further discusslon, latar in
tho mao�ing.
B�rnie Hartmaa, 8resldent of the Fridley Youth Football Associ�.tion �F.X.F�A.), and
threa ather mambers of the Association, were present to discu�s t�e proposed
n in�t�al�a.t�,4t� o€ a chain-� ink fenco around the football fxeld at Camn�;oas �ark.
Mr� SI.+�ix �tated that the Commis�ion waa xecammandin� a four foat foace+ xathex tha�
the proposod �ix foot fence, and to place the bleachers on tha oµta�da, with ��ayexa
on one aid9 e�nd spectators on thQ oti�e�r si,�te t
M�nu��s of Perks $ R�creation Commission Meeting, �une 18, 1973. Pa�e 3
�t.� t.coN�T);
� �lr� �l�ix w�nt an ta explain that it was the feeling of the Commission, that i� the
bleach�x�s w�re a�l pn the West side, it would keep the parents and spectators �n the
bloschexs wh�re they �hould be, rather than walking the sldelines and, 1n some casos,
,getting i.n th� way ai tho action.
Nx. Stimmiex asked the F,Y.F.A. members to define the reasoning behind wanting a fenc�
�n the fi.xst place, Thay respanded that it was pximarily to keep tho paople out and
thoy didtt't £e@1 a four foot fence wauld take care af this.
Mx�, Caidw�ll� asked if there was a problem with damage? They said that i� was ntinpr,
but it wa� sti�1 there.
Aft�r a��neral discussion, it was decided that all bloachers should ba on �he West
side and players benches on the East side, with a s�x foot fence, xath�r than th�
foux #'oo� oi�o xecommended by the Commission.
MOTTQN b�f S,t�lmmk¢�t, S�.conded b y iyugcvc, xo c�ilcec,t Pau�. Bn.own ,ta p�cac.ea.d �i.�h .the,
pun.�ha,be and �.n.a�z.� a� a �oo.t Sence anound .ihe Cammon4 Foazba.� �.e,ed,
NW�f.�h a m�.n�imw►i�ance� a� xen �ee.t � �h.e, ��.e,ed a� pQa.N, an.d pQac.l�ng ��c
�k.eaehe� an �he. Gleax a�.de and a.P.�. p�aye� 6enehe.a an #he �a�.t �a.Lde. The Ma�l.on
Mr� �lair asked £or further discussion on the Hickok presentation to•study Moar� I.ak�.
� Mx. I.�ngenfeldt asked if the beach shoul.d be closed? All present fel,t it should be
maintairt�d as a swimming beach.
Mr, BxaddQCk stated that lawn fertilizers and treatments are harm£u� to lakas. Rarely
do �hey have tc+ close lakes and when they do, it wouldn't be fox mox'e than ona day�
xt was rccommended that w� spend a reasonable amount af money to maintain Mooxe Lake
as a swimmin� be$ch. Mr. Bxown pointed ou� that 19 storm sewers feed Moor� I,ak�.
Mr. Blair askod for voiunteers from the Environmenta], Quality Control Gommission arld
tho Parks and Rocreation Commission, to collect infoxmation whlch haa been compi.lod
�'xom otha7r studie9, and prese�t their findings to Ed Braddock for recommendatian.
Voi� for the Committea ware Shirley Caldwell, LeeAnn Sporxe, Ed Braddock a�
sa Advisor, and a xe�ident, Hazel 0'Brian, who in the gast, �as shown a big int�rest
i�n Moaro Lake,
ax o,t #he Panh,a � Ree�cea.ti.on, Seeanded by Langen�e�,d� v� �h.e
enea.ze a
an e co
#o .Lne, .tha.t no aati.on 6¢ .taken on .the
,�h¢. Mo�tLvn aanv�.Ce.d 6y 6o#h Comm.Lee.Lane.
_ .....� ,.. ... , .
� Mr� 81aix a���ed �hat a pral�mi.nary repo�ct ba p�epared �ox tho Ju�y 23xd maeti�� of
the Par�Ca ��� Roc�eati,on Commiision. Mra, Spaxre askod that tha craatlon ot tha
Commatt�ae be pub],ic�xes� in tj�� �r��l�q� �unt ��+�C��� ��l �A�aras�ed per�ons to carttac�
e�th�r Mra� Caldweli ar herseif. Mr. arorv� st�xp�, t���t ��, ��Q��A �nd Mxa. Caidwej�i
�hould ask ior a s ec�.al not�cp, ta be plac'�d'on""the front pp���!"° """ "`
�.�w�.�,��.,.M,�.,.�,,;. . �... ...
. . ,. ..
Minutos af Park� � Recreation Commission Meetin , June 18 1973, pa e�
n Mr. Brown a�kod that.the Committee be set up, tentatively, on a two month time �ablo�
The Committeo will report back to the Commission.
�tnr �,osP�;r� P�nr; �
Mr. 8rown called the Comr��ssioners attention to fiv� or �ix tax foxpeit lata wh�ch
axe lo�atad naax Unity Hospital. It's about an acre of land and Unity Has�pita� wou,ld
like the Gity to purchasa these lots and trade them for soma land which �.s pr�s�ntiy
ormed by tha Hosg�tal.
Mra, Ca1dw��J, aaked i.f we could purchase the tax forfeit lota and then txadc them fpr
somathing wo want or need? Mr. Brown stated that this type pf negp�iations $ra rtat
nax7nally done,
MOTION by waga� ,�Secanded bu S�i�nn�.e�c, .ta apKvcave �he pwcch.aae and .t�cade o� �h.� #.c.tx �
�a�c�e.Lt: pn.ope�.t,�;e�a �i,th U►�i.ty Naep.i,t.a.e,: but �t�uz,t no muru.ea �hou.ed be apen.t vn any .typ�
o� eveQo�n�eri,� u►vt,i,e auc<< �cme aa panh .�and .i.a pu�cch.naed and deve.eoped �.n �h.e R.i.�.Q
Gceek Raad a�.ect.
The Motlon was opened for discussion and withdrawn.
ON by wa�an,, Seeanded by S�timm.eeh., �a appnove .the #h.ade a
wuu, .c,� ,c,e za e a va ae o,���Q�'�
^ Mx'�. Caldwoll asked if development is necessary now? Mr, Brown said that devolopmertt
could be delayad, up to iiv� years, �a.i�t S�imm�.e�c, and
►�y, ¢ a n e .
► : : u._ 11�= _ i ■
.<:n �(ava�. a� �he Ma�',1.on and Mx� _ c����,fov�
M4TION by Wa�ac, Secanded by Ca.�dwe.�.e, �o .te�un�.na.te m¢mbenbh,i,p o� ,the fndd.eey pcv�,k.a
and Reenea.t,i.on Comm.i,ea�.on, tn -the Na�i.ona� Rec�cea.�t,i,on and Pcvck A4doe,iati,on. Th�
, Mofi.�on ca�vc.i,ed.
A Spec�al Parks and Recreation Budget meeting was been $et for Mot�day, July 16th, at
8t00 p,m,, in the Community Room af Fridley Civic Center.
r � -;
MorTON by wa.san, Seeanded by BCa.i�c, xo adaaunn �h.e me�t, cLt 9:45 p.m.
Tt�o noxt moet�ng will be a 8pecial Meeting, scheduled �or Monday, July 16, 1973, at
8;00 p.m,, in the Community Raom of Fridley Civic Center�
� 1"i10 riext rCgu�ar m�qting, which was se� for Mooday, July 23, 1973, haa bFen CancellAd+
�dt3p ta th� speC�ai meetings whzch have been called� Ther� are no items requlr�n.g
�totioa befoxo tha August meeting. The August meeti�►g is scheduled for the 27t�, st
7:8� p�m.� ,it� tho Corqmunity Room of Fr�dley Civic ,Ce�tter�
Re,�pectf"�11y submitted, ���,� �CqTHIB STORDAHL� S�c�eta� �� �p�qp�.a�ip�
. .Y
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