PR 12/17/1973/ 1`' � i \_. !'fi"r __.
Meeting.was called to order at 7:38 p.m., by Chairman Blair.
n MEMI3ERS PRESENT: Blair, Caldwell, ti9agar.
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Stimmler, Peterson.
OTIiERS PRESENT: Paul Brown, Director of Parks and Recreation.
� Cathie�Stordahl, Secretary to the Commission.
M07I(7N by wagtuc, Secanded 6y Ca,edw�, �a a��nave �he M�.nu�e�s a� �he Pan.fz�s and
Recn.eazi.�n Camm-i�s�s�,�v� Mee.t.i,ng dated N�vembetc 26, 1973. The �4a�i.on catvc�.ed. '
DISCU5SION: It was recommended that Eienry Peterson of the Fridley V.F.W., be sent
a copy of L-he November meeting minutes, so that he would be fully aware of the
Commission's intentions in respect to lighting the flag poles in Fridley. This will
be taken care of by the Secretary. .
Mr. Brown updated the Commission regarding the possible construction of an equipment
storage building. He stated�that Dan Sullivan had submitted on the amount
of space needed by the tliree groups �aho would be sharing the building, and asked the
Commissioners to refer to the drawing. The plan would be to pile the equipment
approximate�y six feet high, and with this in mind, the Hockey Association would need
an area, 20' X 10', the Football Association would need 20' X 10', and the Babe Ruth
13aseball Association would need 15' X 8'.
It was thought that not all of the equipment would be in storage at one time, with
the exception of the Spring months after the end of the Hockey season, and before the
beginning of Baseball. Mr. Waga.r suggested that a buil�ding 20' X 20' or 24' X 24'
would probably take care of the equi�ment. The building would also have a"crow's
nest" at the corner of the roof, closest to the football field, to house the controls
for the newly donated scoreboard, as well as for the scorer during the football games.
Mrs. Caldwell asked if some of the equipment couldn't be hung, rather than packed in
boxes? Mr. Brown said that they do make such a hanger. Mr. tiVagar said that the
equipment is very well packed. From his own experience, jerseys for an entire team
can be packed in a very small box, but the equipment which cannot be hung up is what
takes most of the room. Mrs. Caldwell asked how many boys part�.cipate in Hockey?
Mr. Wagar said that it was between 500 and 600 this season. He pointed out that the
goalie equipment takes a lot of room, also. ' '
Mr. iyagar asked T9r. }irown about the size of building needed for the "crow's nest"?
Mr. Brown stated that a building the size of the softball scorekeepers building on
field #2, would be adequate. He said that the stairway should come from inside the
building. Open stairirays are dangerous. . .
The was agreed that the equipment should be kept separate, so that each area could be
Mr. Wagar recommended that the lower portion of the building be n�ade of mason-block
^ and the "crow's nest" be constructed of wood, with a shanty roof. Mr. {Vagar will
prepare a rougti est�mate on the cost of tlte block work for such a building.
Mr. Brown �ill prepare a suggested floor-plan. With the space available,. the building
should be approximately 14 feet deep and 28 feet long. �
�iiiutes o£ the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, December 17, 1973. Page 2
Mr. Brown informed the Commission that the new Warming House Supervisor is Mike
Hadtrath, who has worked as an attendant, for a number of years. It was Mr. Hadtrath's
suggestion that on Christmas Day and New Year's Day, there aren't a lot of skaters
using the rink, to warrant all of them being open. It was suggested that four areas
Ue left open for those who wish to skate. The ice at all rinks would be available,
but the warming houses and lights ivould not be functional. The four houses
suggested are Commons Park, Burlington Northern Park, Madsen Park, and Moore Lake
Beach F� Park.
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cuc, Sec�nded by Ca,�dwe,P�, �6ia� av�. bau�r. wcurm�.ng h�u�e�s be a
av� iJecu yecuc �s vay. T e{�aun �,i,te� e, l3un,�avt ah.i e
ac 2� Pcuc z, C�►nmo w, Patc. , ana h1a � e� , f nam 1: 0�a 9: 3
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DISCUSSION: Mr. Brown will take care of publicizing the location of the four open
Mr. Blair asked the Commissioners to r�fer to the situation at Locke Lake Park. Mr.
Brown reported that the ice is now between seven and nine inches thick, and the signs
for Snowmobile Out-of-Bounds, will be installed right away,
Mr. Brown explained the Department's situation with Mr. F, Mrs. Buckley, and what
i, the City is doing to resolve the p.roblems. Mr. Brown also informed the Commissioners
. about other snowmobile problems within the City. He explained that the Police
Depart�uent was assigning a man to snowmobile�patrol from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m., each day,
' and that tickets will be�issued.
The iVahl Corporation is in the process of developing some vacant property located
at 7th and Mississippi Streets. Within this development, there will be a portion
of land set aside for park purposes. The Anoka County Library is tenatively planned
for the northern boundary of the area. The exact location of the proposed park
property, is not known at this time. The one area which was suggested by the
developer, would be completely land-locked by the developer.
Mr. Brown asked T4rs. Caldwell if there had been any additional meetings of the Moore
Lake Study Group? Mrs. Caldwell stated that as f�r as�she knew, the group had
dis-banned, anci there have not been any meetings since Summer. Mr. Browri will
contact hfr. Langenfeldt, regarding the status of the group.
Mr. Brown informecl the Commissioners that this Winter, the �Iockey rinks would find
girls participating in tlieir own League. Kam Metcalf is the Leag�te Coordinator,
i1 and she has about 4U girls registered. The Department is in the process of
finding available ice time for the girls, and Miss Metcalf is drawing a schedule.
The Commissioners expressed their concern for the type of skates the girls would be
wearing. In most cases, girls do not own regular hockey skates, and it would be
extreniely dangerous for anyone, whether they are boys or girls, to play hoakey in
. ��nutes of the Parks � Recreation Commission Meeting, December 17, 1973. Page 3
t� figure skates. The boys are.required to wear hockey skates while participating in
the H.A.F. program. Mr. Brown asked for a Motion which would require the girls to
wear hockey skates. General discussion followed before.the Motion was made.
MOTI�N b B.ea,ur., Secanded b Ca,ed�ve.Q,�, xl�.a� �.n u,�e ftae(zey Leaque�, �st�arus�ned bc� �he
C-c.ty as Fn.c.. ey, ffac ey n ye�us �s e nequ,vc.e �� weaic ac ey �s e�s . e
ax, ca�vu,e .
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Brown asked that the minutes also include that the skates
� have hard toes and the plastic tip blade protector. '
MOTION by Cu.�Ldure.,P.2, Seeanded by (�agan, �a adlautcn �he mee.t,i.v�g cc.t 9:52 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 28, 1974, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Conununity Room of Fridley Civic Center.
Respect£ully subniitted, •
� THIE STORllAHL, Secretary to the Commission