PR 04/22/1974� � � � � - � i���� �, f
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by Chairman Blair.
P�IDERS PRESENT: Blair, Peterson, Caldwell, Harris.
N��ERS F,XCLTSID : Wagar .
O�I�IERS PRESE�VT: Ken Sporre, 301 Ironton Street NE, 55432, 786-4237.
Jim West, Planning Departrnent.
Jerzy Boardntan, Planning Department.
Paul Brawn, Director of Parks & Recreation.
Cathie Stordahl, Secretary to the CaYmission.
Mr. Ken Sporre was again present at the meeting on be.half of Mrs. Florence E. Swan,SOn,
3245 Arthur Street NE, Fridley, who is the owner of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 1, S�ranson
Terrace Addition, located in Fridley on the north end of �ith Circle Park.
There was sane general discussion on the m�norandwm fran Paul Brawn, dated �,pril� 12,
1974, regarding the taxes to be paid in 1974, and the balance of Special Assessnents
awing on the property. It had beP.n previously detennined that the City was only
interested in purchasing lots 4& 5, and not lot 3.
In add,ition to the purchase price for these two lots, there is an estimated $2,700.00
awing in 5pecial Assessnents, after the 1974 taxes are paid. In�cludecl in this atmunt
is a$2,154..68 pending sewer iateral assessnent.
Mr. Harris asked if it wasn't the normal procedure for the seller to pa� the taxes
n for the current year? Mr. Brown stated that this is normally true, unless specia.l
arram��ents are made.
Mr. Harris stated that he would like to see the City purchase these two lots.
0� 6�, 7-
Ad.� e�d►n
Ha�rh.i,a, Seconded
wt �o pwr.c e L�
PeieJcban, �a necammend �hcr,t �he C.c.t Coune�i.Z
� 5, ac 1, rvson Te�c�ca.ce an, .cn
e�wa .�o� , e a e,P.eetr. �a r�au a.P� �ax o�
. ► ne Mo�,c.on
MOTIUN 6y Halvr,i�s, Seeonded by Pe,ieJ�on, �o app�cove �he�ea o� #he Pcucfza and
Ree�ce,a�',i.on Corrnn.i�b�,an Mee.ting, da,ted Mcviceh 25, 19�4. The Mo�', cutvu,ed.
n tin,ia
The Ca�issioners asked for an update on the possible donation of park proper�y wi.thin
the Goodco plat. Mr. Brown said that the easterly portion of the plat has been
approved, but the western portion is still tied up legally. The appraved portion does
not include the culdesac.
J�sn West was present on behalf of the Planning Departrnent, to review the changes which
^ have been made in the Parks and Recreation Cc�rprehensive Plan, as requested by the
One of the revisions requested was to decrease the amount of coverage within the Plan
for the bicycle trails, and to expancl on the areas concerning the population versus
Minutes of the April 22, 1974 Oa�mission Meetirig. Fage 2
acreage an�d voids in recreation. A�cording to Mr. West, with these re�uested
revisions ccanpleted, they didn't include the block by block costs and it seems t�o
be more in with what was discussed at that time. The maps which are
presently included in the Plan, deal primarily with the continuous routes which
incorporates the sidewalks with the proposed bike routes. The trails systgn can
be as canplex or as simple as we want it to be.
New Brighton is doing a trail study at this time, Coon Rapi.ds has already done a
trail study, ar�d Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, & Brooklyn Park have just passed �
their trail studies through their respective Cbuncils. What we would like to do
is connect our syst�n with the other systens in the M�etropol.i:tan area. Coliunbi.a
Hei.ghts is still in the drawing board stages.
Ni�. Harris asked if these trails w�ere on private property, or if they were on
public easgnen� or right of way? Mr. West respor�led that the txails along the
Burli.ngton Northern property would be built on se�aer easenents, but that the ones
along the Mississippi River would have to be built on private lands. Mr. West
went ori to explain that this stage could be delayed, if we have ta involv�e
Mr. Harris asked if there woould be acquisition involved witi� the trails a],ong Rice
Creek? Mr. West said that the trails w�uldn't go on private property here. The
City has obtained easenents where they are needed, but there shouldn't be any
acqui.sition. T'hey wr�uld be the public access to the Creek, ancl w�ul.d have
n access to the culdesac by the church for the crossi�g at University Avenue. Fran
the culdesac, they would go back up to the Sears property, over to Plaza Park, ar�d
on to Ir�cke Lake Park. It is the plan to utilize th�e park lands, as mmattch as passible.
The Carmission asked about the possibility of the installation of a stop light at
69th .Avenue. Mr. West stated that this was not likely because of the State Highway
Depart�nent's objections.
The church is planning to build on an addi�.ion, and is willing to give the City an
Mr. Harris and Mr. Peterson both asked about the possibility of taking the systen
up to 73rd Avenue where bikers could cross at a controlled intersection, rather
than through the culdesac? Jerry Boardman, also fran the Planning Departiinent, sai.d
th,at it was their plan to stay as close to Rice Creek as possible.
Mr. West said that they took park and attempted to loca.te the vegetation and
existing park facilities through the use of the aireal photographs. T'he n�aps shcxa
the existing facilities. They don't sY�ow what is planned within the Canprehensive
Plan, but rather what we already have.
Mr. Blair asked. if the proposed Tree Ordinance will affect the C:�mprehensive Plan?
Mr. West said that there are several interpretations of the proposed Tree Ordinance
arbd just how they will affect the City. Mr. West went on to explain that one of
the areas where it v�uld definitely have a bearing would be within the North
n Innsbruck develognent. There is extensive tree cover arLd develoFxnent of the park
property in North Innsbruck wr�uld be very difficult, if not ing�ossible.
Mr. West stated that within the revised C�canprehensive Plan, they have included the
attendance participation analysis figures for the last 10 years.
Minutes of �he April 22, 1974 Ccarndssion Meeting. Page 3
�u,•: . ► ' '► �►
^ One of the suggested revisions was to incorporate a swimming pool into the Pian,
but this w�uLd cost �re than the Department is nornially included within the
Departrnerr,t Budget for capital improv�nents. Since this is the case, the Plan also
includes a portion which lists just such major improv�nents for future budgets or
possible bor�ding.
Mr. Harris thought the Plan should shaw which neighborhoods need what type of
facilities. Mr. West agreed that this wauld be ideal to have a users survey,
but this was �mpossible due to the lack of time. Where there is a need, within a
certain area has been established through this PTan. More detail could be
incorporated in future.
Mr. West indicated a possibility of getting sane UniVersity of Minnesota stwdents
to can� out arad do a survey of population versus acreage ar�d recreational facilities.
Mr. Peterson felt this was a very good idea.
Mr. Blair said that M�. Braum shpuld research these possibi.lities and report back to
the C�mission.
Mrs. Ca].dwell said that she would like to lmvw why people aren't going ta the pa�ks.
A survey, such as the type w�e could investigate through the University, could give
us this type of information. N�. West said that a pY�ane survey was also possible.
MOT I DN b y P2te�c�s a n, S eca nded b y Ca.Qdwe,P�, �a ca.� a d pec.i.a.0 mee�, #a, di.b euaa �he
��i,on ava,i,Qa.b.�e �on wr.ban eonp ae.v�.vey�s, �an adc�i,ti,onu.E �,nsunma�'.i.ovc �a�. xbce
n Compnehenb�.ve P2an. The Ma�',i.on eu�vu,ed.
Mr. Boa.rdman asked the Cam�issioners to accept the Canprehensive Plan, inccirporating
the bicycle plan in the sidewalk plan to go either to the Planning C�mi.ssion or the
City Council, arbd if necessary, to have a public hearing.
Mr. Harris t,twught that a Canprehensive Plan shauld also iriclude project crosts. Z'he
Ccnmissioners said that they had already decided that aosts should not be involved.
Mr. Srawn stated that without surveys, we can't de�exmine whether or not we are
providing the type of parks and recreational facilities that the residents want.
1�h'. Boarc�n said that we need to establish priorities. Mr. Harris felt the Plan
should be changed to show general monies, rather than specifics.
btiv P
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. •.
. .
, Seeovcded by Pe,tehaon, �a
pne�s ev�,te , w.�.tGe e na e�s
an addendum �a
�he Panh,d and Ree�c.ea,t,i,on Com nehen-
' 'an�s �o .inc,2cc e arr,2 � e �o�a.F.
�.n�(ahmat.��n on duhveu po�b�. � �Q� _
Mr. Brawn asked the Canmissioners to make a recca�mendatiqn to the Department regarding
the procedure he should follow in requesting donations frccn Civic groups. He stated
n that there was money available fran the Fridley V.F.W. ar�d the F�idley Lions Club.
MOTIUM by Pe,telv,on, Seeonded by Hahtc.�,a, �o a.u�ha�c.i.ze Pau.e �cown, a,b �.i�cee,ton o� Ranfi�s
and Reene.a�, �a wn,i�e .��us an 6eha.2� o� �he Camm.i,s.d�.arc, �a �.nv�.te nepne,�ev�ta.#',�ve�s
a� �he �h.i.d.Cey V. �'.UI. and .the F�c.i.d,�ey L.i.ows, �o be nneher�t cr� a a� �he
Camm.i��s�.an, �.n dup�an.t a� pnagnam�s an pa�s�s�,bQe dana,t,i.an6. The Ma�,i.on ca�r�c,i.ed.
Minutes of the April 22, 1974 Catmission Meeting. P�ge 4
j�2EE ORDI f�AN(�E:
n Mr. Blair zeported that copies of the new Tree Ordinance which has been propc�sed
by the City Planning CaYmission, has been forwarded to the originators of the
first proposed Tree 4rdinance. There are no new develog+n�nts to be reported at
this time.
�► � 1 . � :u:►l�
Mr. Blair asked for naninations for the vacant position of Vice C�airnnan. Mr. Harris
naninated Rr�bert Peterson for the position. The nceni.nations were closed.
�tvrroN 6+la�v�,i,a, Secanded b Cc�„edwe?,e �o e,2ec,i Robeh;t Pe�ee�ccaon a�s V�.ce
a� � e�tu 2y Pevc an R2c�cea� Cammti6dtian. T e Mo�' ecvr�u.e .
MO7i0N by Peteh.aan, Secanded 6y Ca.2dwe,�2, �o ad�ocucn xhe mee, c�i 10:45 p.m.
The next meeting wi.11 be held on Nbnday, May 20, 1974, at 7:30 p.m., in the
C7aYmunity Roam of Fridley Givic Center. Please note that the meeting will be hel,d
on the 3rd Mor�ay of the month due to the Nlan�rial Day Holiday. �
Re tfully sulznitted,
• G�
� .
CATHIE STORDAHI,, Secretary to the Camtiission