PR 12/23/1974. . .. . _ .. � . ..... i . . . .. . .. .. � . ._.... .. ..... . ...... .. ......... ...�.. _. .,.._.. _......... �. .,.....,. ,._.,..�....___...'__..._."' � 1�1INUTE5 OF THE REGULAR PARkS AND RECREATIOV C0�lISSION b1EETING, DECEAIBER Z3, 1974 �..,i hieeting was called to order at 7:32 p,m. by Chairman Blair. bfEhiBERS PRESENT: Blair, Caldwel�, Harris, Peterson and �Nagar � OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Brown., Director of Parks and Recreation Department John Cal.dwell, 5847 Hackmann �lve. N.E., Fridley, 788-6973 Visitor . � MOTIQN by {Vagar, seconded by Caldwell to approve the Minutes of the Parks and - Recreation Commission Meeting, dated November 25, 1974. The motion carri�cl. PASSOUTS Director Brown passed out three articles for the attention of the Commissian: 1. Snowmobile Ordinance, 2. Park Map of City. 3. Ski Rlier. These articles were passed out for general in£ormation to the Commission memb�rs. Chairman Blair passed out and iritroduced a Bikeway Coum�ittee Study. .This is a preliminary pla.n for Bikeway system that will involue.Fridley. R4any af the trai:Is would move through our town. The capy is for the Commission�s o�.an personal use and to be updated with additional memo's and material on this suhject. Chai.rman Blair expressed concern over the fact he is looking for more detailed information from the Comr�ittee and hapes that the city does same research into what other surrounding communities axe doing in respect to a Bikeway System. DIRECTOR'S REPORT � Director Broian then reviewed the follocving items that were distributed during the month to the members:� 1. Hockey Association of Fridley practice schedule. This outlines the nt�mber of teams, where they will practice and at what rink and at what time, � 2. Ice Skating Rink Survey. A two page report outlining the existing skating rinks in our suburban area. The Co;nmission members taere also interested in iinding out what communities provide overtime �aork schedules and also if these areas have shift changes with their maintenance s-�affs. 3. Fridley Xauth Football Association. The Commission is reminded of the meeting that the members wi11 have with the F.Y.F.A. in January. At this time the Commission and their Board members will review the football program both boys tack2e and gixls flag sections. � 4. Girls Flag Football Rules. A revised draft copy of the 1975 Girls Fla� Football rules tvere reviewed quickly by the r�embers. It was decided to review these along �,rith tackle rules and regulations at the January meeting with the F.Y.F.A. Board. � S. Flockey �lssociation of Fridley Rules and Regulations for 1974-i375. Chairman �'Blair objected to the section of the rules that had to do with penalty time and who ---�JOUld sexve the penalty time when line changes occur. The Commission members reviewed this carefully with no immediate recommendation. � Njinutes o� the �'arks and Recreation Commission bleetin , December 23, 1974 P�;=e 2 BIKEtJAY biEETIiVG �.�'�� �. Jerry Boardman, Planning, has called a;oint meeting of the Bikeway Committee, Fridley Planning Commission and the Fridley Parks and kecreation Commissian on Tuesday,. January 7, 1975, 7:30 p.m. at the Fridley Civic Center, Community Room. All members are asked to be px�sent. Department secretaxy will ca11 all membexs to remin� them. � KARATE CLASS . Chairman Blair stated that they have not heard from the Karate Teacher. The Commission wishes to meet with ha,m at their next meeting if possible. Director Brot�rn will try ta contact the teacher and get a confirmation. NIEETING CHANGE� . Due tQ conflict, the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting scheduled for Monday, January 27, 1975 will be rescheduled for Monday, January 24, 1975 ?:30 - p.m. at Fridley Civic Center, Community Room. INVITATIONS Chairman Blair requesfied that�Helen Byrnes, Chuck Kasick and:�Tohre Sa.ccamon . be invited to attend the January meeting in order to discuss the Gixl.s Flag Football Rules and Regulations as outlined earlier in the meeting. Department Secretary will write the invitatians. . ,,��,� AI3JOURNMENT . � MOTION �Co adjourn the meetzng at 8:32 p.m. •• .�' F Special Meeting: The next spec�al meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be held on Tuesday,.January 7; 1975, 7:30 p.m. at Fridley Civic Center in the Community Room. , The next regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission will be held on Monday, January 2�, 1975, 7:30 �.m. in the Community Room Qf the Fridley Civic Certter. Respectfully.submitted, GLti� P ROiVN, Secretary to the Cor►r,iission .� . .: �� =-� Y A . � _, a - _ -._ _ _ ..d.� ,r____... _ �� �- - _