Res 1963-47 39 E SOLUTION NO. 4 6-1962 A m nCT LITTON ATE:03TZTNG AT;D DT?T,C T TNG THE SPT ITTING CT CERTAIN SPSC IAI ASSESSMENTS certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subseouently been subdivided, N017, THE TC'CC; PE IT BESOT V=,=), as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described parcel, to-wit: Tot 1 , (Ex. U. 500') , Parcel 400, Auditor 's Subdivision No. 89, may and shall he apportioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel _ Fund Original Amount Lot 1, (.x. '' 5n0 ,), Reg. S.A. Fend 825.65 Parcel /00 "-34 Water ain 2,597.01 Auditor's Subdivision No. 89 Sr-SS-24 Sewer Hain 804.13 T t-34 Pater T at era_l 1 ,426.75 SP-OS-2/; Storm Sewer 1,001 .60 Division of Parcel Approved Tot 1, (Ex. W. 500 ') , Reg. S.A. Fund 532.55 ( ,x. S 320' of S. 452') V-34 Water Main 1,675.07 Parcel 400, Auditor's SF.-SS_°4 Sewer Hain 518.66 Subdivision No. "° S&SS-24 Storm Sewer 646.03 3.322 ' of E./52' of I of 1_ Reg. S.A. Fund 203.10 Pr eel 300, Auditor's 1T-34 water Hain 921.94 Subdivision No. SQ RCSS-24 Sewer a.in 285.47 'J-34 seater Lateral 1,426.75 S SS-24 Storm Sewer 355.57 ADOPT= AND PASS-17,D BY THE CITY C;'UNCIT Of THE CIT7 OF -RIDLEY THIS 18TH DAY OF ; ARCH, 1263. X-2-9"-- MAYOR.-- Willie J. Nee CITY I'ANA BEd - Earl P. {• finer ATTEST: AA CITY C T3TK - :Hrvin C. Prunsell RESOLUTION NO. 47--963 A RIISCT UTION :'-'I ATING TO AND AUTHORIZING FEET IT INARY l ANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES 07 COSTS 07 t ITAT r ST OR STY_? I r1P?oVTHE TS. PE TT R?SOTZ:ED Py the City of Fridley, as follows: SECTION 1 : That it a ,, ears in the interest of the City of Fridley and of the property owners a 'fected that there he constructed certain storm Sewer improvements, to-wit: (a) A stern!' sewer outfall line along Highway ;x`100 to the Mississ- ippi -Liver from State Trunk Highway x`47 and those lands of the City o C Fridley i;a.et of said State Trunk Highway #47 as can be served by such outfall line. (h) A storm sewer line al ong State Trunk Hig way #47 from Highway :100 North along said State Trunk Highway #47 to a point at and rear the intersection of Starlight Blvd. and State Trunk High- way #/7. 40 (c) A storm sewer line alone Si a e Trunk Highway =L}7 from Highway `'l00 to a point near the intersection of Sta e Trunk Highway -'`47 and 53rd Avenue Northeast. (d) ,f, Storm Sewer line along 53rd Avenue N.L. from State Trunk High- way -'/.7 to a point at and near the inte-section of 53rd Avenue N.E. and 7th Street N.E. (e) Storm Sewer improvements in and for those portions of the City of Fridley draining to and from Sullivan Lake. That the itemization and separation of said improvements is for the purpose of identification only and the work encompassed and with which one or more of said improvements as itemized herein is concerned may be considered and jo ine' with the work involved with and in any of the other items noted here- in: and the Engineer as herein named is authorized and directed to exercise tudement and discretion as to how the work may and shall be performel if the same is to he constructed and the areas to be served by the construction as may be performed. SECTION 2: That to the extent that the work involved with one or more of the improvements as n teci hereinabove affects the .Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota or any other municipality contiguous to the City of Fridley, and to the extent that it is desirable that the City of Fridley negotiate and execute an agreement for construction between the City of Fridley end the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota and any other municipality (jointly or separately) the engineers are author- ized and directed to communicate such fact to the Council of the City of Fridley and to eecommend the nature of the agreements if any be made and the persons or parties with whom the agreements are to he executed. SECTI'N 3: That the Consulting Engineers, Comstock and Davis, Inc., are here- by authorized to prepare pre& irninary plans and specifications and to tabulate the results of the estimate of the costs of said improvements and to report the same at the earliest possible time to the Council of the City of Fridley; and further, to the extent that said engineers have commun- icated with the State Department of the State of Minnesota and any other municipality contiguous to the City of. Fridley as ray be affected by the construction being considered, said engineers shall inform the Council with the results of said communication, if any, and make the same a part of the report as provided herein. That to the extent that the work to be performed and the costs of construction of any work performed is or may be concerned with and dependent upon any agreement executed t Tiththe Highway Department or any other municipality, the report of the engineers may state the same, and the engineers are authorized to supplement the report made to the Council thereafter with the results of any such agreement as may be effected. S7CTION !: That upon receipt of such report, the City Clerk shall act to ascertain the name and ad 'ress of the owner of each Parcel of land directly affected or within the area of lands as may be pro,osed to be assessed for said improvements and each of them; and shall calculate t- e estimate of assessments as may be proposed relative thereto. SECTION 5: That the report of the engineers and the estimates of the assess- ments of the Clerk shall be furnished to the Council and made avai 1 a'•l e for inspection to the (w per of any parcel of land as may be affected thereby at any public hearing held thereafter relative thereto, as well as at any prior time reasonable and convenient. S` CT.]:ON 6: That the adoption of ti-is resolution at no time shall be deemed a determination on the part of the Council to proceed with all or any part of the work as noted for construction by this resolution; and the determination for construction of any part of the same is and shall he held in abeyance pending receipt of the report of the engineers and the clerk, the holdings of public hearings on said improve ents as may be pro- posed, the negotiation and execution of agreements between the City of Fridley and the Department of Highways and any other municipality as may be affected and the receipt of construction bids. That the Council shall reserve the right to withhold construction of any work except and unless it is found by the Council that performance of the same is and shall be in the nest interest of the City of Fridley and its inhabitants. This resoluton confirms any authority and direction ' eretofore given to the Engineers with r-spect to such construction work and the nl ans and estimates thereof. ?ASS'? A 1;')077F1 ThIS 18TH DAY AECU, 1063, PI- THE CITY C UNCIL OF THE C IT Y C r' Fi? DI HY. 41 P.„S'T UTION NO. A7-1(--,63 (can't) "KAYOR - William Nee ATTPST: ce7 .144 CITY CIE K Marvin C. Krunsell RESOLUTION TiO. n-1 06 __ TiESOIUTION RECiJ'ISTIN1 EITH)RAWAI FROM THE N.S.S.S.D. rY TITF CITY OF HRIDIEY ,nsEREAS, because of its Geographical location in the N.S.S.S.D. , certain parts of the City of Fridley are going to be so altered by construction that property owners will suffer a decreased value of their property, and 'TI T:;t AS, certain facilities which are now in and are a part of F idley's present sew'r systen and are being paid ''or by its citizens on an assess- ment basis, will have to he abandoned, and .��':,_?�;AS, because a large parcel of Industrial land will be taken from the tax rolls of Fridley, and 'Pfl)R MS, under the present rates proposed, Fridley would not sever its ties with Minneapolis and the program of bond payments as now set forth would not be applicable, and ' N-=LRAS, with the T:.S.S.S.D. planning to delay assessments on larger parcels of lands in the District, Fridley without any large parcels will be the barker for N.S.S.S.D. for the first few years, and ` II ERAS, the City of Fridley does not want any part of paying for any part of an interceptor line that does not stop at city or village bound- aries, hut instead goes into the city or village, and TIIICPEAS, the N.S.S.S.D. has not attempted to give any consideration and in fact has said that consideration will not be given to the losses Fridley will suffer, NOTT, TII'-R FORE, Phi IT R -SOLVDD, by the Council of the City ofF 'idley: 1. a. `_'hat the i .S.S.S.D. not authorize construction of any kind for one year, or if cry nstructicn nst 'elayed, b. -hat the City Council of the City of Fridley petition the N.S.S.S.D. to 'etach the rity of _Fridley 'From the District. That the Council If the City of Fridley join with any other village, town- ship, or city who wishes to w ithdraw from the District, in an attempt to get a change of legislation, if this is the only s:lution for wi thdrawl. PASSED AND ADOPTED py TKF cry CTUNC II OE T'', CITY C7 FFIDLEY THIS 17T DAY OF AP:IIL, l'7)%3. n AYOI? - '.1i1-1 'if J. Nee AT ' ST: CIT _ C�F:. - T?arvin C. Prunsell