Res 1963-49 42 T i (� ',�.?I:i TIOrdO. !0-1063 }?r2 LT.CICT. f"'CTIC , C L �l".-;Z' DT T ' J ., ,� � � �_;� � -�.� 1�:. � _ T�,o ..� _�a � ,,?a�riT! ,r,� �o.,tTI�P�TrNT T'i i TT C ;SCT CCO by the Council of the City of Fridley as follows: T. That it is in the interest of the City to purchase the following itcns or materials for the Fire Department. PTiscelianeous Fire Department Equipment ?. A copy of the .-,l ane and sPecifica-'_i ons for the above desrr. i bed items and r atei'ial s, together with a proposal for the r method of purchase and payment thereof have been nresented to the Council by the City ?tanager and the same are hereby adopted and approved as the clans and specifications, and the method of acquisition and Pazoient to be required by the City with resPect to the acquisition of said stems and materials. P. The ppurchase of said items and - aterial s as described above shall be effected by sealed bids to be received and opened by the City Council at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the First day of April, 1063. The City I"anacer is directed and authorized to advertise for the purchase of said items and materials b-- sealed hid proposals under notice as "rovided by law and the C'hartor of the City of Fridl ey, the notice to be substantially in form as that shown by Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a cart by reference. Said notice shall He euhlishe, at 1 oast fifteen (15) days or through two ( publications i_cations in the official newspaper of t' e City of. Fridley. 7)112,5'D Ar :) 'DOP T,D F'Y TT'r; C?TY C"UhC J G THTC CiTY OF Tim DL7Y T?-TIE 1ST DAY OF APPTT , 1 q62. WA.)1640: - bill '- . J. 'ee .ITT"^m: &-(7 C-TY ^''AC:?.° - Carl P "ao per T; TIOi NC. 49 7_I177 "A" CITY OF FCTDTiY NO -,'L TO FIDO-TS 1-=?T .NT QUIPP• :?NT The City Council of the City of Fridley will accept bids on fire fiMbt- i nn en :inment on let _av of April until 12:00 o 'clock noon or said date. All bids must meet the min irlum reauirerments of th specifications. Failure to cm:ply with this section can result in the disqualification of the bid. -.ach bid shall be accompanied by a certifi o' Check , r bid bond in the amount of not less than s,: of the total bid, which check or hid bond shall be forfeited if the bi-Cder neplecls or fails to enter into a contract or furnish 1001 Ciders ormance bond after his bid ' as been accented. TheCity resrrves the right to accent the bid which it deems in the Pest interests of the City. `L1 o C '-tv reserves the right to reject any and all bi is, and to waive all informalities or irregularities in any bid. The Council reserves the r77'.-t tc consider snc' factors as time of delivery or ^er f)roance, exnerie ce and responsibility of the bidder, past Performance of similar ito' s or mater:al , availability of replacement parts and other factors that nav he deemed as in the best interests of the City. Cori es of the sPeci-fi cations and renera1 conditions may be examined in the office or the City anaeer, or copies may he obtained from his office. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and plainly marked on the outside of the envelo-es that the contents are bids on Fire Derartrient nui_ement. , ACT D. 'AGNDR 1CC: "arch 21 , 2 '. 1063 CTlY CANAGE