Res 1963-53 44 Rips LUTION NO. 52-1963 A P",.SOIT TIOr' AUTNOBIZINS AFT) `)IT _'CTINO r.HE S 1 ITTING 07 SPiECIAT_ ASSTSSYENTS ON NTT OT A, ("APCBI 660) , BEVERLY HILLS A Th T ION. WI-LRTAS, certain s Tecial assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has suhseruently been subdivided, IdOT.', TH].R 7OTh BE IT RESOI Vy D, as follows: That the assessment levied arainst the following described parcel, to-wit: Outlot A, (Parcel 660) Beverly Hills Addition, may and shall be apport i on��' and divided as follows: III Original Pa-col Fund Original Amount Outlot A, Parce' 660, Peg. S. A. Fund " 424.37 Teverly 'Tills A dition DivI sion of Tarcel Approved Plat of Skywood Addition Peg. S. A. Fund 424.37 ADOPTED B'Y THE CITY C UTCII C'i THE CITY 00 r+r I T EY T' IS 1ST DAY OF APP.II , 1963. * ill.g& C al 14-0- AYOR - Wil m J. Nee ATTEST: ('-' ___!Z(.4_,? ___L2,2/6) CITY NANA^LR - Earl . Wagner 1 A CITY T BRK - 'T ervin . _ runsel] R-,,SOI UTION NO. 5.3-1963 A R- SYLUTTON AUTITORIZIEG AND T)IRECTIT'O TI-IF SPLITTING 07 SPECIAL ASSESSNENTS ON LOTS E' /T,D 9 BT OCR_ 2, SPTIG TAKE PARK LAKESIDE ADDITION T TT-';lT' 1 'ITS, _r. +S, certain special assessments have been levied with respect to certain land and said land has subseouently been subdivided, ,TCl,- T:1_ '.,?CR:., BE IT RESO?VT)), as follows: That the assessment levied against the following described parcels, to-wit: Tots P and 9, Block 2, Spring Lake Park lakeside Addition, may and shall Be arPortioned and divided as follows: Original Parcel Fund Original Amount Tot '', Flock '2, Spring Peg. S.A. Fund '. 71.74 Take Park Lakeside W-34 Wat-r ?-rain 247.57 S9-SS-24 Sew-r ; ain 179.33 S?SS-''l, Storm Sei dr 701.13 SW-48 Set?e14'Tateral 1,473.60 SW-48 Hate ' Lateral 416.40 Tot 0, Block 2, Spring Reg. S.A. Fund 71.74 Take Park Takeside "-34 'dater :gain 947.87 S III .SC-7/; Sewer Fain 179.33 SJ- S-24 Storm Sewer 761.13 SW-45 Sewer Iateral 1,473.60 :. -/S 77ater lateral 416.40 Division of Parcel Approved Plat of Andco Terrace Reg. S.A. Fund 113.45 '1-34 ?Tat^r rain 4 '5.74 SP-SS-2/ Sewer ' ain 355.60 S':SS 24 Storm Sewer 1,522.26 STT-40 Sever Lateral 2,°47.20 SZ,-48 -;a er I. teral ,'12,2.80 P:73 LUTION NO. 53-1063 (con't) 45 ADOPT' P BY THE CITY COUTTCIL OF 7MB CITY OF FRIBTEY THIS 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1963. 01: n AYOR - liillia ( . Nee CITY MANAGER - Larl 'Magner 4 0 CITY C - Marvin C. Erunsell RISOLUTION NO. 54-1963 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A BCE BIRYCT'ING RIB SPLITTING OF SPECIAI ASSESSMENTS ON PART UI LOT ? (PARCET 60) AND LOT 3, BLOCK 1, MOOR-F. LAKE MILIS ADDITION n-�,RYAO, certain special asset sments have been levied with respect to certain land end said land has subsequently been subdivided, NOM, THEREFORE PE IT R,I,SOLVED, as follows: That the assessment, levied against the following escribed parcels, to wit: Part of Tot 2 (Parcel 60), and Tot 3, Block 1, Moore Lake Hills Addition, maT and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: Or i--ina1 Parcel Fund Original Amount Part of Tot 2 (Parcel '0) :?en. S.n. Fund 65.93 Block 1 , Moore Take Hills 1959 Street 109.20 Tot 3, Block 1, Moore Lake Reg. S.A. Tund 137.05 Hill s Addition 1959 Street 221..1 3 -]6 967.73 Divi_s 4on of Parcel Approved Flat of B1 acknar Addition Reg. S.A. Fund 202.31 1950 Street 330.33 31.;-16 967.73 ADOPTED RY RIB CITY COUNCIL OF TH-E CITY OF FRDLEY THIS 1ST DAY OF APRIT , 1063. WAIL' ovf. MAYOR - :i,l iar Nee -� AY 7:3T: n-a..- ..rm: . ! CITY MANAGER - Earl P. :ener CITY C. r., ' - Marvin C. ?runsel l RESOLUTION NP. 55-1963 A ? S '�LPU UT 7 HT ^� n T. THE n n' n S- '+ _-- .-C _���-0'' ��It-O-,.�`IJ;'�- �.?:� JI3�',C�LG __._ SPLIT TIN? t:, SPECIAL AS.�_ S;"��: S OTr AT OE' S 7350, 7370, AID 7500, SECTION 14. certain special as. esren i s have been levied with r,snect to certain land and se i_d land has subsequently been subdivided, T;nY, Ts;^ FC'?i,, IT BESCI VT D, as foil o'rs: `''gat the assessment levied against the fol l owinf_ described parcels, to-wit: Parcels 7350, 7370, and 7500, Sect'on 14, may and shall be apportioned and divided as follows: