Res 1963-65 53 (con't) h. Tot A, Block 2, Hayes River Tots - N:' Section 22, T-3o, E-24. c. ?ort-on of Tot 1 C, iluditor's Subdivision r'o. 72 - Parcel 475. d. Tot 13, Auditor's °ubdivision No. 78. STS 'P UPS COST That the area ^rorosed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: For construction item A, Above, All of the land abutting upon said streets named above and all lands adlacent and abutting thereto. Ali of said and to be assessed proportionately according to the benefits received by such improvements. That the Council proposes to proceed with each of said improve- ments as separate improvements, except as hereafter otherwise provided by the Council all under the following authority, to- wit: Minnesota Taws 1953, Chapter 392 and laws amendatory thereof, and in conformity with the City Charter. TNIS 1571. DPY CT APRIl , 1°63, RY ORDER TAT'{' CITY CLULC1I OP THE CLA i '? THY. k.411 AYR - .ill iam . Nee ATT-.ST: ()LyA. t C13/:1141.il? CITY C? n . - +-Tarvin C. Prunsell ';SOT UTION NO. 65V-1963 A `' .SGLU:ION A[T_ ;CiIZI1`vG ?'T PURCHASE OP CERTAIN RO _RT_ T."1 , it has been determined advantaTeous for the City of Fridley to purchase certain property, NO", II-TEr 7CIL , E IT R.ESOTV; D, that the Council of the City of r'ridley here-;_y o°fers to purchase the following property, for the sum to he aQro-ed upon: Tots 2 and 3, Plock r, Carlson's Summit Manor Lots 13 and /4, Block_ 12, Spring Brook Park Dennis Addition, Outlot A (Ex. P. ``3' of ?' 41-7.5 ') (Ex. E 83' of ?51 c ') .'x. `i3 ' of TT 334.5 ') Lx. " 3,/?, of 249') ( _x. 23') Lx. of N. 1'6' ) (7x. Pt to Mengel) ADOPTYD PY ThE CITY C NC I 0 -HI; CITY 0 ■ _PRIDLEI THIS 6TH DAY OF 1 PY, l n63. • I'AYOR - l+ill.i 1 . Nee ATTEST: t.. l_ CI_Y C 7 - Marvin Urunsell 54 ,FSCI,T,TION n • 66-196; A R 'TTTTION u.7 -'T7 INcr ' :_b PR 37 IbA?.X P-_'.POET AND C"II INC A PUPT IC A t- NG ON 77,7 I ,T> I?. n, 77, C_7 a , ION . -I c :RTAIN rl.. OVE`_ErTS: (S '.T C_ ,C TT,'. .T. 7063-1 ) 717,7LAS, the construction of certain improvements is deemed to be in the inter- st of the City of Fridley and t-e property owners af°- ecte' thereby. IT 'l- SOT S,' T), by the City Council of the City of :lridley as "ol I owS: 1 . That the preliminary report submitted '-.v the City Eng- ineer, Calvin C. bro?.rn, 7.E., is hereby received and accepted. . . That this council will meet on the 90th day of --ay, 10(3, at :nn o'clock P. . , at the City Tall in the City of 7ridley for the --•ur-ose of hcl ding a Publ is Th aring on the improvement noted in the otice attached hereto and r ade a ,)art thereof by reference, Exhibit "A". _ . That the an-a nro,-esed to 1-he assessed c'or said improve- -ents cod each of t'-em as noted in said noti ce are a.1.1 the l ands and ar-as as noted in said notice; all of the sar'e to �'e assessed proportionately according to the benefits received. i . 'That the City ' arm--r is authorized an ' directed to give notice of such L'u.1:.1ic Tearing by Buhl ishin:, a notice thereof in the official newrsnaier of' he C.;ty o f' idl ey according to 1 aw, such notice to he substantial lr 'n the `'orm and substance of the notice attached ' oreto as 7'xhihit "A". +„_=_i., - - - d7,:. (I,7 C IT C_I I' 71. CT C,-.7 T Z_I bP, T In O TH DAY OF .X C" 3. III 1//) --b-k- _ i11 ' ',T. hoe C=“2: ,:-.",T,.'r 7 - _arl . .a-rncr ' ' T,T'TIO, ,'0. ":'6 _iTl' _(r' ”A” CITY C i ?C T.131 '..a1. ECTICT C7 7 ".PIHC ON =_'?'TCVI _1.'TS "rY'.r.AS, the City Council f t'-:e City o'' -i_dley, Anoka County, Minnesota, has decried it necessary and expo'lent that the improvements here ina"ter escr;he 1 be rade. 1Y f?T-T' 7CRT ?�' l r'+ G T" AT the. . 'R'"����_;, T'�., C'_, ;� ._.,�-.': 'X �.sr..,- � A, on the 90th day of ay, �� '', at ';:n0 o'clock I'.?'. . the City -ouncil will meet at the C•±y Hall _fin said City, and will at said time and ' lace hear all parties inter-sted in said improvements in Thole or in Dart. `1be general nature of the improvements in the construction (in the sands and streets noted below) of the following improvements, to-wit: CCNST?TTC"TIC N ITT': A. Street Improvements, including grading, stabil. ' zed base, hitur inous surr'acine, concrete curb and cutter and appurtenant facilities, loc- ated as PO"lo',T : 1 . Anna "venue - Charl es to ^°'- 'Tay. 2. rr'ay1 or Street - ''2nd port' to Cul 'e ::ac Van �9uren Street - ''6th to Cs' erne -'oad . Tennison .-rive - lard?:na to Hacknenn Ave. r. AI-,1 e Street - 71rd Avenue to 76th Avenue